North Carolina Culpepper Archives
Albemarle County (Old)

County History and Geography
The Albemarle was chartered to the Lords Proprietors before
the colonies were formed, with the Atlantic Ocean as its eastern boundary
and encompassing much of the original Carolina colony in its domain. The
original Albemarle Region now includes the area surrounding Albemarle
Sound plus the Pamlico-Neuse Region and the Outer Banks region and beyond.
Albemarle County was formed in 1664 and divided into the Carteret,
Berkeley and Shaftesbury Precincts about 1668. In 1681, Carteret Precinct
was divided into Currituck and Pasquotank Precincts, Berkeley Precinct was
renamed Perquimans Precinct, and Shaftesbury Precinct was renamed Chowan
Precinct. In 1739 Albemarle's precincts were declared counties, and
Albemarle County was abolished.
Today, the old Albemarle County encompasses the counties of
Currituck, Camden,
Pasquotank, Perquimans,
Chowan, Gates,
Hertford, Bertie,
Halifax, Edgecombe,
Martin, Washington,
Tyrrell, Dare, Hyde, Beaufort,
Pitt, Pamlico, Craven
and Carteret.

Any names
below in red have not been matched
with a person in the Culpepper family tree. If you can identify any of
please let us know.

Court Records
following is from "Records of Courts Held by The Governor and
Council, from the North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register,
I, (1900), 135 (The original documents are now lost. This source appears
to consist in part of abstracts and to reflect many misreadings of the
(The John Culpeper below in 1670 is the son of Thomas and Katherine
(#8997). All other records for John on this page are assumed to be for
John Culpeper of Albemarle (#105229)
(CCR 179) Att a called Court, held the 15th July, 1670, at ye house of Samuel
Davis, for ye county of Albemarle, in ye Province of Carolina.
Present, the Honorable Peter Carteret, Governor and
Commander-in-Chief. Left, Col. John Jenkins, John Harudy (Harvey),
Major Richard Foster, Capt. Thomas Cullen, council.
Mr. John Culpeper, Gent, attorney for Sir William Berkeley,
Knight, and Capt. General of Virginia, petition to this Court for
letters of administration on ye estate (of) Capt. Sam'l Stephens,
deceased, he putting in security to save ye Court harmless, it is
ordered yt ye said Culpeper have orders of administration granted to
Andrew Woolward was summoned to this Court of Chancery and being
required to give his oath upon injury, of what he knew to be the estate
of Samuel Stephens, Esq., deceased, he wilfully denyed and refused to
give his oath, wherefore ye Court ordered yt he remain a close prisoner
till further orders.
(#8997)√ |
27 Sep 1670. Att
a called Court held at ye house of Sam'l Davis,
for ye county of Albemarle, in ye Province of Carolina. Present,
the Honorable Peter Carteret, Esq., Governor and
Commander-in-Chief. Left, Col. John Jenkins, John Harudy (Harvey),
Mr. Oliver Rithd. Foster, Mr. Francis Godfrey, Mr. John Willoughby,
Capt. Thomas Cullen....
John Culpeper, atto. to Sir Wm. Berkeley, and administrator to ye
estate of Capt. Sam'l Stephens, deceased, commences suit against Herman
Jo. Harudy (Harvey), petition against ye estate of Capt. Samuel Stevens.
Culpeper, atto. to Sir William Berkeley, Knight, and administrator
of Sam'l Stephens, against Andrew Wellwood.....
Culpeper, atto., and administrator est. Sam'l Stephens, deceased,
moved to ye Court that there is a son of Richd. Felton, by name Richard
Felton, attached to said estate of above Wm. Stephens, and since Mr.
Stephens, deceased, placed by Mr. John Hill, yt was no will concerned in
ye estate to Wm. Luerton, wherefore ye Court orders yt ye said Luerton,
deliver ye said Felton, to said atto., he paying yd fees.
(#8997)√ (Samuel Stephens #8998)√
From: W. L. Grant, James Munro and
Almeric W. Fitzroy, eds., Acts of the Privy Council
of England, Colonial Series, Vol. I, 1613-1680 (Hereford: Anthony
Brothers, Ltd.,
1908), available at
records came from
Report dated March 11, 2012 conducted
for Culpepper Connections by
Diane Rapaport, Historical/Genealogical Consultant, Quill Pen Historical
Lexington, MA. For links to all of Diane's Culpeper
research, see
Rapaport Research:)
19 Dec 1679, Whitehall. Order for “strict
search to be made on board all ships” bound to Virginia, or other
plantations, for John Culpeper, accused of rebellion,
assuming title of “Collector of his Majestyes Customes,” and
embezzling tobacco and other goods.
Acts of the Privy Council of England, Colonial Series, Vol. I,
p875 and
p876 |
4 Feb 1680, Whitehall. Reports seizure of
John Culpeper, and his examination and continued custody.
Acts of the Privy Council of England, Colonial Series, Vol. I,
p881 and
p882 |
11 Feb 1680, Whitehall. Report “that John
Culpeper is guilty of Treason in abetting and encouraging a
Rebellion in Carolina,” and 12 Feb 1680 warrant for his commitment
to Newgate.
Acts of the Privy Council of England, Colonial Series, Vol. I,
p883 |
7 Apr 1680, Whitehall. Order to pay “witnesses
against one Culpeper who is to be tried for high treason.”
Acts of the Privy Council of England, Colonial Series, Vol. I,
p887 |
The North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, I, (1900),
(Margaret was the wife of John Culpeper of Albemarle)
20 Mar
1680. Att
a Generall court, held for the County of Albemarle. Present, The Hon. John Jenkins, Governor, Anthony Slocum,
Capt. Wm. Crawford, Maj. Robert Holden, Esq., Capt. James Blount, Capt.
John Varnham, Deputies Assistants.... (PC
550.1) Mrs.
Margaret Culpeper, plaintiff, against Wm. Therrill, defendant, in an
action of debt, and being put to a jury, the jurors find for the
plaintiff 8426 lbs. tobacco, and costs.
(#10535)√ |
The North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, I, (1900),
29, 1680, at a Court of Grand Council held about the Orphans....
that Mrs. Culpeper's inventory of the estate of Valentine Bird,
be appraised, appoints Wm. Nowell, Samuel Davis, and Jno. Dye
of administration granted Margaret Culpepper, upon ye estate of
Edmund Chancey.
(#10535)√ |
by order of Court -- Received January the 8th 1690 of Mr. Jno. Culpeper
the summ of twelve shillings in full of all accounts betwixt us from the
Begining of the World to this day I Say Received by Francis Hartley
(#10529)√ |
(CCR 101) Albemarle 1694 -- To the Generall Court to be holden for the
County at the House of Mrs. Diana Forster the last Munday Being the 24
day of September Anno Domini 1694....
12. June the 6th William Duckenfeild of the said
County of Albemarle esqr. enters his action against Patrick Henley of
the same County in a plea of the Case. For and that John Culpeper
late of the said County <11> gentleman deceased did in his life time by
a writing under his hand bearing date the 25 day of April 1683 oblige
himselfe to pas good sufficient bille of exchange whensoever thereto
required to be paid at the porte or cytty of london unto Henry Gawler
his order or assignee in consideration of the sume of five pounds
seven shillings which said sum being unpaid Sarah Culpeper Widow
and Relect of the said John Culpeper did after the decease
of the said John Culpeper assume in her own person to pay unto the said
William Duckenfeild assignee of the said Henry Gawler after which
assumption the said Sarah was Maried unto the aforsaid Patrick
Henley the said summ being yett unpaid Wherefore the Provost Marshall is
required to arrest the said Patrick Henley to appear at this Court to
answer the premises and to make his returne. And it is returned
(CCR 148) The Deposition of Elizabeth Mowbery Aged 56
yeares or there about being Deposed Sayeth: That Some Time in the
Last of February or Beginning of March in the yeare 1690 I the Deponent
came into the House of Thomas Slater where Mr. Pope now liveth and Mr.
Tho. Slater asked Wm. Burnsby if it were a Bargane or no Bargane and
asked the said Burnsby if the Cattle were his and the said Burnsby
Replyed Cousin Slaughter all the Cattle I have is yours and in January
in the yeare 1692 mrs. Slater told mee she Wondered what was the
occation of the difference betwene Wm. Jones and Francis Williamson the
said Wm. Jones Being then Security for Matthew Williamsons estate he
being gon out of the Country; and Mrs. Slater told mee that she went to
Mrs. Culpeper and Sould her Cattle and received Some Cloths ready
made and some unmade and went home and made up what was unmad and putt
them Into her Chiest and none could take away her redy Made Clothes; and
on Whitson Munday 1693 between back River and York River in Virgenia
William Bornsby told mee that he had heard of his vessell and that there
was a Man would help him to his vessell and being in firther discourse I
told him he had Sold the Cattle and what have you to help your Selfe and
he answered that although he had sold them he Never was paid for them
and he would take them againe. And These are the Cattle now in
dispute between Wm. Burnsby and Mr. Henly This the deponent Saith and
firther saith not. 7br 28, Sworne in Generall Court, Elizabeth
Mowbery -- her Marke (Endorsed:) Mowberys deposition
(#10528)√ |
101) 1694 Entrys to February Court first Day....
December the tenth the Marshall is required to arrest Patrick Henley and
Sarah his Wife Executrix of the last Will and testament of John
Culpeper to answer the plaint of Rich. Plater Attorney of Colonel
Samuel Shrimpton of Boston in New England in a plea of debt.
Feb 2d the Marshall is required to summons Patrick Henley and Sarah his
Wife Executrix of the last will and testament of John Culpeper
deceased to answer the Complaint of Wm. Duckenfeild esqr.
(#10528)√ (Patrick Henley #10530)√
1694 Entrys to the Generall Court the first of March.
(Sarah #10528)√ (Patrick Henley
Feb. the 2d (1694) the Marshall is required to arrest Patrick Henley and
Sarah his Wife Executrix of the last Will and testament of Jno.
Culpeper of the County of Albemarle to answer the Plaint of William
Duckenfeild Esqr. and Susanah his Wife Executrix of the last Will and
testament of Colonel Francis Heartley deceased in a plea of the Case.
Feb. the 6th (1694) The Marshall is required to arrest Patrick Henley of
the Precinct of Pascotanck to answer the Plaint of William Duckenfeild
and Susanah his Wife Executrix of the last Will and testament of Colonel
Francis Heartley late of the County of Albemarle deceased in a plea of
the Case. |
Feb the 9 (1694) The Marshall is required to arrest Patrick Henley and
Sarah his Wife Executrix of the last will and testament of Mr. Jno.
Culpeper late of the County of Albemarle deceased to anser the sute
of Capt. Jno. Hunt Attorney of Anthoney Brockhos of the Cyty of New
yorke in a plea of the Case and to summons Conrnel. Jones Charles Jones
Richard Pope and Edw. Mayo for plaintif. |
the 26th (1694) The Court Meet Present The Honorable Thomas Harvey Esqr. Deputy Governor the Honorable Danl. Akehurst Esqr. Benj. Lakar
Esqr. Francis Tomes Esqr. Major Saml. Swann. Colonel Tho. Pollock.
Lords Deputys: Capt. Anthony Dawson. Assistant.
Henley and Sarah his Wife Executrix of the last Will and testament of Jno.
Culpeper deceased arested to answer Mr. Rich. Plater attorney of
Colonel Saml. Shrimpton of New England in a plea of debt And the said
Rich. Plater came and saith that the defendants are justly Indebted to
the Plaintif qualifyed as is aforesaid the summ of seventy three pounds
fifteen shillings and three pence by Bill and the said Pa. Henley came
and defends the sute and Craves Oyer of the said Bill which being read
specifying the said summ haveing a seal annexed and signed with the name
of Jno. Culpeper Dated the 24th day of September Anno Domini 1678
the said Patr. Henly pleads Non est factum and casteth himselfe upon the
Country and the said Plater Also Wherefore the Marshall is Commanded to
cause to come twelve true and lawfull men of the vincinage and who to
Neither of the Partys are related Who Impannelled and sworne viz. Mr.
Tho. Miller Foreman, Jno. Lilly, Tho. Nicols, Arthure Carleton,
Christopher Butler, Jacob Overman, Francis Hendricks, William Bray,
Thurloe Fee, William Collings, John Dan, Jno. Wilson Say upon their Oath
We of the Jury finde noe Cause of Action. Ordered that the sute be
dismissed and that the said Richard Plater pay Costs of sute alias
Execution. |
the First (1694). The Court Meet. Present The Honorable Tho.
Harvey Esqr. Deputy Governor The Honorable Danl. Akehurst Benj. Lakar
Francis Tomes Major Saml. Swann Colonel Tho. Pollock Esqrs. Lords
Deputys Capt. Anthony Dawson Mr. William Duckenfeild Assistants.
Mr. Duckenfield riseth> Patrick Henley and Sarah his Wife Executrix
of the last Will and testament of Mr. John Culpeper deceased
Arrested to answer the sute of Wm. Duckenfeild and Susana his wife
Executrix of the last Will and testament of Colonel Francis Heartley And
the said William Duckenfeild cometh by Hanaball Haskins his Attorney and
saith that the said Patrick Henley and Sarah his Wife is indebted to the
Plaintif by account contracted by the said Jno. Culpeper in his
lifetime with the said Francis Heartley in his lifetime the summ of
Eleven pounds seventeen shillings five penc halfe peny and the said
Patrick Henley craves Oyer of the said account which being Read bearing
date Anno 1689/90 (the date on the account is 1688/9 January) the said
Henley saith that after the date of the said account viz Anno 1690/91
the said Jno. Culpeper had frome the said Francis Heartley a full
discharge from all former accounts which by the said discharge produced
in Court he maketh Appear. Ordered that the sute be dismissed and
that the said William Duckenfeild and Susana his Wife pay Costs alias
Execution. And the said Patrick Henley prayeth his said discharge
from the said Francis Heartley to be recorded.
Henley and Sarah his Wife Executrix of the last will and testament of Jno.
Culpeper deceased arrested to answer the sute of Capt. Jno. Hunt
attorney of Anthony Brockhos of New Yorke in a plea of the Case And the
said Jno. Hunt saith that the said Jno. Culpeper hath received by
Order of Thomas Clancy upone the account of the said Anthony Brockhos
and James Larkin certain Goods to the value of forty five pounds
Eighteen shillings and six pence And the said Patrick Henley saith
that the Goods he hath received as is aleged And his reasonable
account therof he is ready to render but the said Jno. Hunt haveing noe
authority from the said James Larkin to whom parte of the said Good did
belong. He cannot answer the said sute. Ordered that the
sute Fall and that the said Jno. Hunt pay Costs of sute. |
At the Court of Chancery holden at the house of Thomas White the 28th of
February Present the Honorable Thomas Harvey Esqr. The Honorable
Danl. Akehurst Esqr. Benj. Lakar Francis Tomes Major Saml. Swann
Colonel Thomas Pollock Lords Deputys Capt. Anthony Dawson Mr. William
Duckenfeild Assistants
Patrick Henley sumoned to answer the plaint of William Burnsby and the
said William Burnsby sheweth that Wheras the said Patrick Henley had
Recovered at Common law against the Complainant the Summ of ten pounds
with Cost on the account of some Cattle of the said Patrick Henleys
aleged to be detained by the said Wm. Bournsby the said Wm. Bournsby
saith that the said Cattle was indeed had by the said Henley and by him
disposed of and craves that herof the said Patrick Henley may be
examined upon his Oath concerning the premises And the said
Patrick Henley upon his Oath saith that he hath not killed or any wayes
disposed of the three kowes for which he brought his Action at Comon law
against the said Wm. Bournsby and upon which the recovery of the said
ten pounds was had. Decreed that the said William Bournsby pay
unto the said Patrick Henley the summ of ten pounds recovered at Common
law with all Costs of sute.
Henley and Sarah his Wife Executrix of the last Will and testament of Jno.
Culpeper deceased sumoned to answer the sute of William Duckenfeild
Esqr. and the said William Duckenfeild saith that there is due to him
from the defendants the summ of five pounds seven shillings for soe much
money paid by the said William Duckenfeild unto Henry Gawler in Virginia
on the account of the said Jno. Culpeper in his lifetime for which the
said Jno. Culpeper assumed payment of the said summ unto the said
William Duckenfeild. And the said Patrick Henley cometh and
confesseth the same to be due as is aleged and assumeth payment of the
same in Wheat at the next insueing Crop: and the said William
Duckenfeild is content to receive the said summe in that
specie. Decreed that the said Patrick Henley and Sarah his wife
pay unto the said Wm. Duckenfeild the summ of five pounds and seven
shillings in Wheat alias Execution. |

John Culpeper & Mrs. Sarah Mayo were Mariade _e 23rd. of Augst 1688

Source: Compiled by Caroline B. Whitley, North Carolina Headrights: A List of
Names, 1663-1744, Raleigh, North Carolina: Division of Archives and
History, NC Dept. of Cultural Resources, c2001
Ralph Fletcher, 400 a., for transportation of Nine persons, 30
March 1680. Thomas Cullen, Sarah his wife Jno. and Rich, his Sons,
Sarah Anne, Mary, Christian, and Martha his Daughters being
transportation Rights and becomes due to Fletcher as being assigned by
Tho. Cullen (torn) Sir Wm. Berkley and from Berkley by his (torn) Jno.
Culpeper to governor Carteret, and by Carteret's attorney Capt.
Craford Esqr., to Ralph Coates, and by Coates to Fletcher. (#10529)√
Patrick Henley, 1100a., 3 Mar 1693. the persons viz. Jno.
Culpeper, Jno. Robison, Jacko, Grace, 2 Negroes Valentine
Bird, betty, bes, Mingo, and Tom Negros, Andrew, Jumpo, Maria, Jane, An
Farmer, Pa. Henley, Elizabeth Duff, betty negro, Sarah Henley Margrett
Byrd Sarah Byrd, 22 Survey for Stephen Scott, assignee of Patrick
Henley, 247 a., 12 June 1696 (#10529)√
Henley proved 22 rights, Pasquotank: Jno. Culpepper, Jno.
Robison, Yacko and Grace 2 negroes, Valentine Byrd, Sarah Byrde, Betty,
Bes, Mingo, and Tom, 4 Negroes, Andrew, Yampo, Marea and (torn) negroes,
Anne Farmer, Patrick Henley, Mary Henley, his wife, Mary Henley, (torn),
Betty a negroe, my wife Sarah Henley, Margret Byrde. Certified 7
(torn) 1693/4. A warrant given. (#10529)√

Last Revised:
02 Jan 2015