North Carolina Culpepper Archives
Edgecombe County

County History and Geography
In the Inner Coastal Plain of eastern North Carolina, Edgecombe County was formed in
from Bertie County. Tarboro, its county seat, is on
US-64, about 70 miles east of
Raleigh. Edgecombe is bordered by the counties of Halifax,
Martin, Pitt, Wilson and

Any names
below in red have not been matched
with a person in the Culpepper family tree. If you can identify any of
please let us know.

Census Records
No Culpeppers have
been found in any Edgecombe County censuses prior to 1870.
1870 US Census
Page 237A, Lines 3-11, Upper Town
Creek Twp, Edgecombe Co., NC (16 Jul 1870)
Jethro Culpepper, 28, M, Wh, Farmer, NC (#1643)√
Lucretia Culpepper, 30, F, Wh, Keeping house, NC
William C. Culpepper, 3, M, Wh, At home, NC
Manda A. Culpepper, 1, F, Wh, At home, NC
Mary A. Joyner, 9, F, Wh, At home, NC
Martha D. Joyner, 8, F, Wh, At home, NC
Matilda Joyner, 30, F, Wh, At home, NC
Tempe A. Joyner, 9, F, Wh, At home, NC
Mary Adams, 66, F, Wh, At home, NC |
1880 - 1900 US Censuses
Culpeppers found. |
1910 US Census
ED 26, Page 16A, Lines 36-45, Ward 3,
Rocky Mount, Edgecombe Co., NC (7 May 1900)
In HH of Dr. George L and Mary B. Wimberly
Mary A. Culpeper, Servant, F, Black, 31, sng,
NC/NC/NC, Cook (#41607)√ |
1920 US Census
ED 18, Page 35A, Lines 26-28, Rocky Mount, Edgecombe Co.,
NC (6 Feb 1920)
Rents Home
Ivory Culpepper, Head, M, Black, 20, md, NC/NC/NC,
Deliah Culpepper, Wife, F, Black, 22, md, NC/NC/NC
Deliah Lee Culpepper, Dau, F, Black, 1 6/12, sng, NC/NC/NC
1930 US Census
ED 27, Page 4B, Rocky Mount, Edgecombe Co., NC
In the HH of Patra and Fannie Mercer:
Alace Culpeper¸ Roomer, F, Black, 57, sng, NC/NC/NC,
Cook/Private Home (#43808)√ |
ED 27, Page 8A, 611 Virginia St, Rocky Mount, Edgecombe Co.,
NC (8 Apr 1930)
Home=$1100, Radio=N, Farm=N
Lee Culpepper, Head, M, Black, 29, md@20, NC/NC/NC, Tinner/Tin
Shop (#43813)√
Myrtle Culpepper, Wife, F, Black, 29, md@20, NC/NC/NC
Margaret Culpepper, Dau, F, Black, 9 5/12, sng, NC/NC/NC
Annie Culpepper, Dau, F, Black, 8 3/12, sng, NC/NC/NC |

Birth Records
North Carolina Birth Index,
North Carolina Birth Index,
1800-2000 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc.,
2005. Original data: Register of Deeds. North Carolina Birth Indexes.
Raleigh, North Carolina: North Carolina State Archives. Microfilm.
A Culpepper
is the father of Myrtle B Culpepper, born 11 Dec 1921
in Edgecombe Co., NC (#43813)√ |
Aaron Culpepper
is the father of an otherwise unidentified Culpepper, born 30
Apr 1927, and Dorothy Lee Culpepper, born 7 Aug
1930, both in Edgecombe Co., NC (#43813)√ |
Avory Culpepper
is the father of Myrtle Culpepper, born 11 May 1926 in
Edgecombe Co., NC (#43813)√ |
Harvey Andrews Culpepper
is the father of an otherwise unidentified Culpepper,
born 2 Oct 1940, and Jeanette Culpepper, born __ 1942, both in Edgecombe Co., NC (#2082)√ |
I?? L Culpepper
is the father of Lelia Culpepper, born 16 Aug 1920 in
Edgecombe Co., NC (#43811)√ |
James Culpepper
is the father of an otherwise unidentified Culpepper, born 16
Jul 1927 in Edgecombe Co., NC |
Margaret Culpepper
and Melvin O’Neal
are the parents
of Wilbert O’Neal Culpepper, born 12 Jan 1940 in Edgecombe Co.,
NC (#57109)√ |
Susie Culpepper
and James Henry Rowland are the parents of Mae Mercer
Rowland, Female, born 13 Sep 1902 in Edgecombe Co., NC |

Military Records
World War I Draft
Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Source: National Archives and Records
World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-18
[database online] Provo, UT:, 2002. National Archives and
Records Administration. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration
Cards, 1917-1918. M1509, 4,277 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and
Records Administration
Ivory Culpepper, Age 22, of 105 Howard St, Rocky
Mount, NC, born 16 Feb 1894 in Rocky Mount, Edgecombe Co., NC, Employed
by ACL Railroad of Rocky Mount, NC. Married, African-American, tall
hieght, slender build, brown eyes, black hair, not bald, no
disabilities, registered 5 Jun 1917 in Rocky Mount, Edgecombe Co., NC
(#43811)√ |
U.S. World
War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
National Archives and Records
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 [database online].
Provo, Utah:, Inc., 2005. Original data: Electronic Army Serial
Number Merged File, 1938-1946 [Archival Database]; World War II Army Enlistment
Records; Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, Record
Group 64; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.
Culpeppers found |

North Carolina
Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868
North Carolina
Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The
Generations Network, Inc., 2000. Original data: State of North Carolina. An
Index to Marriage Bonds Filed in the North Carolina State Archives. Raleigh,
NC, USA: North Carolina Division of Archives and History, 1977.
to marry Thomas Whitehead, Bond Date: 04 Jun 1768 in Edgecombe Co., NC,
Record No. 02208, Bondsman: Erasmus (X) Cul, Witness: James Hall, Bond
No. 000045608 (#9908)√ |
to marry Chloe Whitehead, Bond Date: 17 Aug 1765 in Edgecombe Co., NC,
Record No. 01043, Bondsman: Thomas Whitehead, Witness: J. Hall, Bond No.
000043250 (#9458)√ |
Robert A
to marry Milly Braswell, Bond Date: 08 Jan 1855 in Edgecombe Co., NC,
Record No. 01043, Bondsman: Francis M B Cur, Witness: W S Pitt, Bond No.
000043255 (#1429)√ |
Carolina Marriage Collection, 1741-2000
North Carolina Marriage Collection, 1741-2000 [database on-line].
Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005. Original data: (1) Dodd,
Jordan, Liahona Research, comp. (P.O. Box 740, Orem, Utah 84059) from county
marriage records on microfilm located at the Family History Library in Salt Lake
City, Utah, in published books cataloged by the Library of Congress, or county
records in possession of the individual county clerks or courthouses. (2) North
Carolina State Archives. North Carolina County Marriage Indexes. North
Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, North Carolina.
Elizabeth Culpepper,
Female, married Thomas Whitehead on 4 Jun 1768 in Edgecombe Co., NC
(#9908)√ |
Erasmus Culpepper,
Male, married Chloe Whitehead on 17 Aug 1765 in Edgecombe Co., NC
(#9458)√ |

Records relating to Joseph Culpepper’s land on Fishing Creek (the
original John Edward’s Tract)
For a discussion of these documents and their significance, see Deeds
Relating to the Culpepper Tract on Fishing Creek in Edgecombe County.
1738 Deed. Joseph Culpepper purchases 320 acres on Fishing
Creek in 1738.
Edgecombe Precinct NC, Deed Book 1, page 291 – John Edwards to
) – This indenture made the fifth day of December in
the year of our Lord God 1738. By
and between John Edwards of Bertie Precinct Esq. of the one part and
JOSEPH CULPEPPER of the said precinct planter of the other part.
Witnesseth that the said John Edwards for and in consideration of
the sum of sixteen pounds current money of Virginia to him in hand paid
by the said JOSEPH CULPEPPER his heirs Executors and Administrators, by
these presents doth bargain grant assign sell and confirm unto the said
JOSEPH CULPEPPER his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract of land
containing about 320 acres whether more or less situate lying and being
in Edgecombe Precinct on the South side Moratock River in Fishing Creek beginning
at a Beech on the west side of the creek, Emanuel Rogers corner thence
his line of 160 poles to his corner Pine then west 320 poles to a Pine
then north 110 poles to a Red Oak on said creek then down the water
course to the first station. To have and to hold the said messuage or tract of land with
all and singular the other premises therein before mentioned and
intended to be herein granted with their and every of there
appurtenances unto the said JOSEPH CULPEPPER his heirs and assigns
forever to his and their only benefit and _____ forever more and the
said John Edwards for himself and his heirs the said messuage and tract
of land and all and singular the appurtenances unto the said JOSEPH
CULPEPPER his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of any person
or persons whatsoever will warrant and forever defend by the presents.
In witness whereof he the said John Edwards hath hereunto set his
hand and seal the day and year above written John Edwards (seal).
Signed sealed __ in presence of Archibald Thompson, Andres Janson,
November Court 1739. The
above deed was acknowledged in open court in due form of law and on
motion was ordered to be registered.
Test: J. Edwards, C. Ct. |
1741 Deed. In 1741, Joseph sold half of his 320 acres on
Fishing Creek to his brother Benjamin Culpepper.
Unfortunately, the description of the land in this deed is vague
and apparently not correct, and does not match earlier or later
descriptions of this land, except for the description of the north/south
dividing line down the center of the two halves of the tract.
Edgecombe County NC, Deed Book 1, page 379 –
This Indenture made the 19th day of May in the year of
our Lord 1741 and in the 16th year of the reign of our
sovereign Lord George the 2nd by the grace of God of Great
Britain, Scotland, and Ireland King defender of the faith and between
JOSEPH CULPEPPER (#3209√ ) of Edgecombe County in the province aforesaid of the
one part and BENJAMIN CULPEPPER (#3211√
) of the County aforesaid of the other
part. Witnesseth that the
said JOSEPH CULPEPPER for and in consideration of the sum of eight
pounds to him in hand paid, hath given granted, bargained, released, and
transferred unto BENJAMIN CULPEPPER his heirs and assigns forever a
certain tract and parcel of land lying and being on the west side of
Fishing Creek. Beginning
at a Beech thence to a White Oak thence to a White Oak to a Red Oak then
to a Pine then to a Black Oak then to a Pine for the compliment
containing by estimation one hundred and sixty acres of land be the same
more or less. Together
with all houses orchards whatsoever any manner of ways, woods, under
woods, water courses rights hereditaments and appurtenances to the said
land belonging or appertaining. To
have and to hold the said 160 acres of land to the said BENJAMIN
CULPEPPER his heirs and assigns forever in as full and ample manner to
all intents and purposes as the same is granted to the said JOSEPH
CULPEPPER by the patent aforesaid.
And the said deed the said JOSEPH CULPEPPER hereby obliges
himself his heirs Executors, Administrators to warrant forever defend to
the said BENJAMIN CULPEPPER his heir assigns forever.
In Witness whereof the said JOSEPH CULPEPPER hath hereunto set
his hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Signed JOSEPH CULPEPPER (seal) in presence of Hopkins Wilder
George Yate. May Court 1741
– The above Deed of Sale was in open Court acknowledged in due form of
law and on motion ordered to be registered.
Test: Robert Forster, C. Ct. |
1752 Deed. In 1745, Joseph Culpepper died, and his eldest
son, Benjamin apparently inherited the Joseph’s remaining half of his
320 acre tract, by right of primogeniture.
In 1746, Benjamin Culpepper died, and his son Benjamin inherited
Benjamin’s half of the original tract.
The deed of 1752 is thought to represent a transfer of land
between these two first cousins.
one was only slightly older than the other, the designations “Jr.”
and “Sr.” were not deemed adequate, and the elder of the two was
also referred to as “Ferryman.”
In this deed, note that the land description begins in the center
of the original John Edwards tract, and first describes a line going
south, beginning at a Beech thence to a White Oak thence to a
White Oak thence to a Red Oak, thence to a Pine,
which forms the dividing line between the east and west halves of
the original tract. The
line then turns west, so this deed is describing the WEST half of
the original property. |
In the
document, the
same description of the dividing line appears, but the subsequent
trees mentioned do not match a correct description of either the
east or the west half of the property, as described in both the
original grant, and in a later deed, which follows.
Edgecombe County NC Deed Book 4, p. 265 – North Carolina – To all
to whom these presents shall come – I BENJAMIN CULPEPPER Junr.
(#20883√) of
Edgecombe County in the said province planter, send greeting. Know you
that I the said BENJAMIN CULPEPPER Junr. for and in consideration of the
sum of sixty pounds current money of Virginia to me in hand paid by
BENJAMIN CULPEPPER Senr. Ferryman (#9905√)
of the said County the receipt whereof
I do hereby acknowledge and myself fully satisfied contented and paid.
Have given granted bargained sold conveyed and confirmed and do
by these presents fully freely and also lately give grant bargain sell
convey and confirm unto the said BENJAMIN CULPEPPER Senr. A plantation
and tract of land containing by estimation one hundred and sixty acres
be the same more or less situate in the county of Edgecombe on the south
side of Fishing Creek beginning at a Beech thence to a White Oak
thence to a White Oak thence to a Red Oak, thence to a Pine, thence
along the patent line west 160 poles to a Pine, thence north 110 poles
to a Red Oak on the said Creek, thence down the water course thereof to
the first station, being part of a patent granted to John Edwards for
320 acres dated the 4th day of August 1720.
Together with all woods under woods waters profit commodities and
appurtenances to the said land belonging or in any wise appertaining
with the reversions and remainders thereof and every part and parcel
thereof; to have and to hold the said one hundred and sixty acres of
land and premises hereby granted unto the said BENJAMIN CULPEPPER Senr.
To the only proper use benefit and behoof of him the said
BENJAMIN CULPEPPER Senr. his heirs and assigns forever, and I the said
BENJAMIN CULPEPPER Junr. for myself my heirs Executors and
Administrators do covenant and agree to and with the said BENJAMIN
CULPEPPER Senr. his heirs and assigns that he the said BENJAMIN
CULPEPPER Senr. his heirs and assigns shall and may at all times forever
hereafter peaceably and quietly have hold use occupy possess and enjoy
the said one hundred and sixty acres of land with all the appurtenances
thereto belonging freely and clearly acquitted and discharged from all
former and other gifts grants bargains sales leases mortgages and all
other encumbrances whatsoever and the same will warrant and forever
defend unto the said BENJAMIN CULPEPPER Senr. his heirs and assigns
against the clams and demands of all persons whomsoever.
In witness whereof I the said BENJAMIN CULPEPPER Junr. have
hereunto put my hand and seal the fourteenth day of March One Thousand
Seven Hundred and fifty two; BENJAMIN
CULPEPPER Junr. (“B” his mark) (seal) In presence of William West,
Nathan Powell (“N” his mark) – Edgecombe County May Court 1752 –
the within deed of sale was in open Court duly proved by the oath of
William West, an evidence thereto and on motion was ordered to be
registered. Benjamin Wynns,
Clerk Court |
Also see related records in the
Culpepper Connection Nash
County Archives.
Other Edgecombe County Deeds
Book 2, page 29, deed date
24 Oct 1772, recorded Nov Ct 1772
Erasmus Culpepper (#9458√), Edgecombe Co., to
Henry Whitehead (#10238√),
for love and affection for my nephew, the said Henry Whitehead and me
hereunto moving, a tract of 312 acres on Mochason Creek granted by
Granville on 3 July 1760 beginning at a sassafras below his plantation
then north 160 poles to two pines then west 312 poles to a white oak
then south 160 poles to a gum then the various courses of the creek east
312 poles to the first station, signed Erasmus Culpepper, wit. Thomas
Whitehead (#9911√), Esabel Whitehead
(#10234√) (X) (her mark). Abstracted 5-23-05, NCA film C.037.40005, CTC. |
Book 33,
Page 1. Date of deed: 8 Jul 1870. Recorded 17 May 1871.
Henry H. Culpepper
(#1426√) and Catherine Culpepper
to John H. Braswell
for $63.25, all my interest viz a fee simple in a tract of land
adjoining the lands of land known as the John Braswell land said to
contain 87 acres joining the lands of Jerry Batts, James O'neal and
Signed Catherine Culpepper (X), Henry H. Culpepper, wit. Dunkin B.
Braswell, proved by D. B. Braswell in Nash Co. on 25 Feb 1871. |

Will of Benjamin Culpepper
Died around 1772 in
Edgecombe Co., NC (#9905)√
In the Name of God Amen. I Benjamin Culpepper of Edgecombe County
being in Perfect Health Praised be God [Imp... unreadable] Constitute
and order this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following.
Item: I give and Bequeath to my I lend to my Loving Wife
Elizabeth (#9906√) during of her Widowhood two Negroes, Toney and Sib, one Feather Bed and
Furniture and five Cows and Calves and one mare.
I give and bequeath to my loving Daughter
Rahab Whitehead (#9907√) one Negro
named Robbin, three Hundred and twelve Acres of Land lying on the North
side of Mochsin [Moccasin] Creek in Edgecombe County to her and her
heirs for ever.
Item: I give and Bequeath to my Loving Daughter
Martha Manning (#9909√) one
Negro named Dinah to her and her heirs forever and two hundred Acres of
Land lying on the South Side of Peachtree Creek to her and her heirs
Item: I give and bequeath to my loving Daughter
Elizabeth Culpepper (#9908√)
one Negro Boy called Jessy and Feather Bed and Furniture and two hundred
Acres of land lying on the North Side of Peachtree [Creek] with a
Plantation belonging there to her and her heirs forever.
Item: I Give and bequeath to my loving Son
Erasmus Culpepper (#9458√)
hundred and twenty acres of land lying on the South Side of Fishing
Creek with two Plantations belonging to its [sic] to him and his heirs
lawfully begotten of his [unreadable, right margin clipped from my copy
of the will] and one Negro named Will, Negro Called Mowl? [probably
'Moll' or 'Molly'], Negro Boy called Peter, Negro girls called [Dalls,
Nag...?], Negro Boy called Tom and also two negros named Toney and Sib,
after the Old woman's [wife Elizabeth's] death or widowhood [willed to
her above] and as for my cattle, hog and horses, them to be sold and the
money equally divided amongst them [presumably meaning "the above
mentioned children"].
And lastly I do hereby Constitute and ordain
Erasmus Culpepper (#9458√)
sole ... executor of this my last will and testament in witness whereof
I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 15 day of April and in the
Year of our Lord 1767.
Wit: Thomas Whitehead
(#9911√), Nathan Whitehead
Edgecombe County, August Court, 1772, will proved by the oath of
Thomas Whitehead (#9911√).

Carolina Death Collection, 1908-1996
Source: North Carolina Death Collection, 1908-1996 [database
on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005. Original data:
(1) North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. North Carolina
Death Records, 1968-1996. North Carolina Vital Records, Raleigh, North
Carolina. (2) North Carolina Archives and Records Section. North Carolina
County Records, 1908-1967. North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, North
Aaron Culpepper,
Male, Black, Married, born 12 Sep 1899, died 3 Dec 1977 in
Nash Co., NC, resided in Rocky Mount, Edgecombe Co., NC (#43813)√ |
Bessie Culpepper,
Female, Black, Married, born 1 Aug 1936, died 20 May 1982 in
Nash Co., NC, resided in Rocky Mount, Edgecombe Co., NC (#57139)√ |
Louise Culpepper, born 1908-1909, died 16 May 1928 in Edgecombe Co., NC |
Myrtle Manning Culpepper,
Female, Black, Widowed, born 6 Feb 1902 in NC, died 21
Sep 1989 in Rocky Mount, Nash Co., NC, SSN: 243-01-4510, resided in Rocky
Mount, Edgecombe Co., NC (#57086)√ |
Paul L Culpepper, died 20 Jun 1928 in Edgecombe Co., NC |
Security Death Index
Source: Social Security
Social Security Death Index
[database on-line]. Provo,
Utah:, Inc., 2006. All records of deaths on or before 31
Dec 2006 in which
the final benefit was paid or final residence was in this county.
Aaron Culpepper, born 12 Sep 1899, SSN 240-09-2439 issued in
North Carolina before 1951, died Dec 1977; Last Residence: Rocky Mount,
Edgecombe Co., NC 27801 (#43813)√ |
Annie Culpepper, born 20 Jun 1890, SSN 243-01-5092 issued in
North Carolina before 1951, died Jan 1967; Last Residence: Rocky Mount,
Edgecombe Co., NC 27801 |
Ella Culpepper, born 2 Mar 1885, SSN 237-62-6410 issued in
North Carolina in 1957, died Mar 1974; Last Residence: Rocky Mount,
Edgecombe Co., NC 27801 (#2078)√ |
Myrtle Culpepper,
born 6 Feb 1901, SSN 243-01-4510 issued in North Carolina before 1951,
died 21 Sep 1989; Last Residence: Rocky Mount, Edgecombe Co., NC 27801
(#57086)√ |

U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006
Source: National Cemetery
Administration. U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006 [database
on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original data:
National Cemetery Administration. Nationwide Gravesite
Culpeppers found |

Last Revised:
02 Jan 2015