Mary Elizabeth Culpepper
Female, #3391, (9 Dec 1849 - 8 Apr 1922)
Birth* | 9 Dec 1849 | Mary was born at Muscogee Co., Georgia, on 9 Dec 1849. |
1850 Census | 1 Jun 1850 | Mary, Elijah, James, William and Mary listed as a household member living with Elijah Clark Culpepper on the 1850 Census on 1 Jun 1850 at Muscogee Co., Georgia.1 |
Death of Mother | circa 1851 | Her mother Mary Booth died circa 1851 at Muscogee Co., Georgia. |
1860 Census | 1 Jun 1860 | Mary, John, Sophronia, Amanda, David, Lucy, William, James and Elijah listed as a household member living with Elijah Clark Culpepper in the 1860 Census at Clayton, Barbour Co., Alabama.2 |
Married Name | 5 Mar 1870 | As of 5 Mar 1870, her married name was Lowe.3 |
Marriage* | 5 Mar 1870 | She married Milton Seldon Lowe at Pike Co., Alabama, on 5 Mar 1870 at age 20.3 |
Death of Father | 11 Aug 1889 | Her father Elijah Clark Culpepper died on 11 Aug 1889 at Pike Co., Alabama.4 |
Death* | 8 Apr 1922 | She died at Santa Anna, Coleman Co., Texas, on 8 Apr 1922 at age 72. |
Burial* | 10 Apr 1922 | Her body was interred on 10 Apr 1922 at Santa Anna Cemetery, Santa Anna, Coleman Co., Texas.5 |
Biography* | | The following is from an article by Iris Lowe Elmore, of Abilene, TX, in Coleman County [TX] and its People, p. 852: Milton Seldon (Selden) Lowe, April 18, 1842-1928, and his wife, Mary Elizabeth Culpepper, 1849-1922, both buried in Santa Anna, came to Texas from Alabama settling first in Bell County. After raising a crop there they came to the southeast part of Coleman County. Seldon was a brother to Robert Martin Lowe (see Robert Martin Lowe). The children of Seldon and Mary were: (1) Ada Lowe, 1868-1950, buried in Coleman, married Kit Casey (see William Joseph Casey); (2) Travis L. Lowe, 1871-1961, buried in Brownfield, married Daisey Gardner. Their children: Willie Grace, Iris (Mrs. Oran) Elmore who lives in Abilene, Douglas, Morris S. and R. Nevel; (3) Robert L. Lowe, 1873-1942, buried in Santa Anna, married Ada Bailey. Children: Beatrice and Edith; (4) Ryan Delbert Lowe, 1875-1951, buried in Glen Cove, married Ella Mae Harrington (see Douglass-Spruce); (5) Jessie Lowe, 1877-1966, buried at Rockwood, married John McIllvain (McIllvain). Children: Hubert, Minnie, Lucia and John Jr; (6) Emma Lowe, 1879-1963, buried in San Angelo, married Bob Keeling (see John Keeling). Children: Coy and Rex; (7) Mary Lowe, 1881-1913, buried at Rough Creek, married Jack Coker (see Coker). Children: Edna, Milton and Edith; (8) Elder O. Lowe, 1883-1924, buried in Santa Anna, never married; (9) Alma Lowe, 1888-1947, buried in Coleman, married Oscar White. Children: Oran, Era and Bob; (10) Hubert S. Lowe, 1889-1948, buried at Santa Anna, married Annie Glasscock Children: Roland and Jo Anna; (11) Ora Lowe, died at age 19 years and is buried near Colorado City. She was visiting relatives there when she took sick.
The following is from Joy Robinson [] as found on the Culpepper GenForum, June 1999: My g-grandmother was Elizabeth Culpepper Lowe b. in Virginia, m. Seldon Lowe. They had 12 children: Alma Agnes Lowe, b. 1889 in Santa Anna, TX d. 2/24/1947 m. Oscar Melville White. Travis L. Lowe, m. Daisy Elder O. Lowe, b. 3/7/1883 d. 12/12/1924 Ryan Delbert Lowe, m. Ella Harrington Harold Seldon Lowe Hubert Seldon Lowe Ada Lowe Casey b. 3/3/1868 d. 3/3/1950 m. Kit Casey Jessie Lowe McElvain m. John McElvain Emma Lowe Keeling m. Bob Keeling Cora Lowe Girl (? name) m. Coker Lawrence Lowe, m. Ada
From: Charles Wirth [] Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2010 4:56 AM To: Lew Griffin
Lew, My great grandmother,Mary Elizabeth Culpepper, married Milton Selden Lowe. She was also the grandmother of Bobby Layne, the famous football player. You may already know this trivia. Toni Wirth
From: Charles Wirth [] Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2010 1:16 PM To: Lew Griffin Subject: Re: Bobby Layne -- Detroit Quarterback
Lew, Mary Elizabeth Culpepper's son Robert Lowe's oldest daughter Beatrice was the mother of Bobby Layne. There is an incredible biography of Bobby by Bob St. John that was published in 1991.... |
- 1850 Federal Census, United States.
Pages 372B-373A, Harris District, Muscogee Co., GA
E. Clark Culpepper, 38, M, Farmer, Laurens Co., GA
Mary Culpepper, 26, F, Monroe Co., GA
William Culpepper, 8, M, Stewart Co., GA
James Culpepper, 7, M, Stewart Co., GA
Elijah Culpepper, 5, M, Muscogee Co., GA
Elizabeth Culpepper, 2, F, Muscogee Co., GA.
- 1860 Federal Census, United States.
Page 571, Lines 12-21, Beat 10, Clayton P.O., Barbour Co., AL
E. C. Culpepper, 47, M, Farmer, PE=$550, GA
Lucy A. Culpepper, 24, F, GA
William Culpepper, 18, M, GA
James Culpepper, 16, M, GA
Elijah Culpepper, 14, M, GA
Elizabeth Culpepper, 12, M, GA
John Culpepper, 10, M, GA
Sophrona Culpepper, 6, F, AL
Amanda Culpepper, 4, F, AL
David Culpepper, 1, M, AL.
- Pike County Judge of Probate (transcribed by Lew Griffin), compiler, Pike Co., Alabama Marriages, Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1979, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. Films 1033195-1033209.
M. E. Culpepper married (Mr.) M. S. Lowe on 5 Mar 1870 in Pike Co., AL.
- "Pike County, Alabama Tomb Records, Vol. II", Papers of the Pike County Historical and Genealogical Society, Vol. XXXV, Nos. 3 and 4, 1966.
Sandfield Cemetery, Linwood, Pike Co., AL
+ E. C. Culpepper, 12 Sep 1812 - 11 Aug 1889.
- Tombstone.
Santa Anna Cemtery, Santa Anna Coleman Co., TX:
Mary E. Culpepper Lowe, 9 Dec 1849 – 8 Apr 1922.
John M. Culpepper 
Male, #3392, (14 Feb 1850 - 3 Aug 1913)
DNA* | | John has been proven by DNA and genealogical research to be a descendant of Joseph Culpepper of Morgan Co., GA. Joseph is a son of Joseph Culpepper of Edgecombe Co., NC, the son of Robert Culpepper of Lower Norfolk, the son of Henry Culpepper of Lower Norfolk, VA. |
Birth* | 14 Feb 1850 | John was born at Muscogee Co., Georgia, on 14 Feb 1850.1 |
Death of Mother | circa 1851 | His mother Mary Booth died circa 1851 at Muscogee Co., Georgia. |
1860 Census | 1 Jun 1860 | Mary, John, Sophronia, Amanda, David, Lucy, William, James and Elijah listed as a household member living with Elijah Clark Culpepper in the 1860 Census at Clayton, Barbour Co., Alabama.2 |
1870 Census | 1 Jun 1870 | Lucy, Sophronia, John, Amanda, David, Wesly, Henry, Callie and Charles listed as a household member living with Elijah Clark Culpepper on the 1870 Census at Perote, Bullock Co., Alabama.3 |
Marriage* | 9 Dec 1875 | He married Sallie Renfroe at Pike Co., Alabama, on 9 Dec 1875 at age 25.4,5 |
Birth of Son | 7 Feb 1877 | His son James McNeal Culpepper was born on 7 Feb 1877 at Alabama.6 |
Birth of Son | Jan 1880 | His son John Henry C. Culpepper was born in Jan 1880 at Pike Co., Alabama. |
1880 Census* | 1 Jun 1880 | John was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census at Pleasant Hill, Pike Co., Alabama.7 |
Birth of Son | 20 Jun 1889 | His son William Monroe Culpepper was born on 20 Jun 1889 at Pike Co., Alabama.8 |
Death of Father | 11 Aug 1889 | His father Elijah Clark Culpepper died on 11 Aug 1889 at Pike Co., Alabama.9 |
1900 Census* | 1 Jun 1900 | John was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census at Pike Co., Alabama.10 |
1910 Census* | 15 Apr 1910 | John was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census at Oates Crossroads, Pike Co., Alabama.4 |
Death* | 3 Aug 1913 | He died at Pike Co., Alabama, on 3 Aug 1913 at age 63.1,11 |
Burial* | circa 5 Aug 1913 | His body was interred circa 5 Aug 1913 at Ramah Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery, Josie, Pike Co., Alabama.1 |
- Tombstone Photographs, Ramah Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery, Josie, Pike Co., AL; by Sherry Whitmore (e-mail address) and Hillary Avila (e-mail address).
J. M. Culpepper, Feb. 14, 1850 - Aug. 3, 1913.
- 1860 Federal Census, United States.
Page 571, Lines 12-21, Beat 10, Clayton P.O., Barbour Co., AL
E. C. Culpepper, 47, M, Farmer, PE=$550, GA
Lucy A. Culpepper, 24, F, GA
William Culpepper, 18, M, GA
James Culpepper, 16, M, GA
Elijah Culpepper, 14, M, GA
Elizabeth Culpepper, 12, M, GA
John Culpepper, 10, M, GA
Sophrona Culpepper, 6, F, AL
Amanda Culpepper, 4, F, AL
David Culpepper, 1, M, AL.
- 1870 Federal Census, United States.
Page 22, Lines 8-17, Beat 3, Perote, Bullock Co., AL
Clark Culpepper, 58, M, W, Farmer, Re=$400, PE=$200, GA
Lucy Culpepper, 34, F, W, Keeping house, GA
Sophronia Culpepper, 16, F, W, AL
John Culpepper, 19, M, W, Farm Laborer, AL
Amanda Culpepper, 14, F, W, AL
David Culpepper, 13, M, W, AL
Wesley Culpepper, 10, M, W, AL
Henry Culpepper, 10, M, W, AL
Caledonia Culpepper, 6, M, W, AL
Charles Culpepper, 3, M, W, AL.
- 1910 Federal Census, United States.
ED 131, Page 12B, Lines 81-83, Oates Crossroads, Pike Co., AL
John M. Culpepper, Head, M, Wh, 60, md1-34yrs, AL/AL/AL, Farmer
Liddie R. Culpepper, Wife, F, Wh, 56, md1-34yrs, ch 5/5, AL/L/AL
Mittie Culpepper, Dau, F, Wh, 13, sng, AL/AL/AL.
- Pike County Judge of Probate (transcribed by Lew Griffin), compiler, Pike Co., Alabama Marriages, Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1979, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. Films 1033195-1033209.
M. M. Culpepper married Sallie Renfrow on 9 Dec 1875 in Pike Co., AL.
- Tombstone Photographs, Ramah Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery, Josie, Pike Co., AL; by Sherry Whitmore (e-mail address) and Hillary Avila (e-mail address).
James M. Culpepper, Feb. 7, 1877 - Jan. 18, 1934
Annie L. Culpepper, Oct. 15, 1889 - June 15, 1942.
- 1880 Federal Census, United States.
ED 147, Page 120B, Lines 29-32, Pleasant Hill, Pike Co., AL
John Culpepper, Self, M, md, Wh, 26, Farmer, GA/GA/GA
Elizabeth Culpepper, Wife, F, md, Wh, 22, Keeping House, /---/---
James M. Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 4, ---, AL/GA/AL
John H. Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 4/12 (Feb 1880), ---, AL/GA/AL.
- "Pike County, Alabama Tomb Records, Vol. II", Papers of the Pike County Historical and Genealogical Society, Vol. XXXV, Nos. 3 and 4, 1966.
Sandfield Cemetery, Linwood, Pike Co., AL
+ W. M. Culpepper, 20 Jun 1889 - 9 May 1959 (h/o Ada Pearl and Rosie)
+ Josie Culpepper, 11 Sep 1888 - 12 May 1909 (w/o W. M. Culpepper).
- "Pike County, Alabama Tomb Records, Vol. II", Papers of the Pike County Historical and Genealogical Society, Vol. XXXV, Nos. 3 and 4, 1966.
Sandfield Cemetery, Linwood, Pike Co., AL
+ E. C. Culpepper, 12 Sep 1812 - 11 Aug 1889.
- 1900 Federal Census, United States.
ED 136, Page 2A, Lines 5-11, Josie, Pike Co., AL
John Culpepper, Head, Wh, M, Feb 1850, 50, md-24yrs, AL/GA/GA, Farmer
Elizabeth Culpepper, Wife, Wh, F, Oct 1855, 44, md-24yrs, ch 5/5, AL/GA/AL
Henry Culpepper, Son, Wh, M, Jan 1880, 20, sng, AL/AL/AL, Farm Laborer
William M. Culpepper, Son, Wh, M, Jun 1889, 10, sng, AL/AL/AL
Mary E. Culpepper, Dau, Wh, F, Jan 1892, 8, sng, AL/AL/AL
Mittie M. Culpepper, Dau, Wh, F, Apr 1897, 3, sng, AL/AL/AL
Tom Bigham, Servant, Black, M, Unk, 18, sng, AL/UN/UN, Farm Laborer.
- State of Alabama Center for Health Statistics / Record Services Division, compiler, Alabama Deaths and Burials Index, 1881-1974, Online database at, 2011.
John Culpepper died 4 Aug 1913 in Pike Co., Alabama.
Sophronia Culpepper
Female, #3393, (Jun 1854 - )
Name Variation | | She was also known as Frony.1 |
Birth* | Jun 1854 | Sophronia was born at Barbour Co., Alabama, in Jun 1854.2,3 |
1860 Census | 1 Jun 1860 | Mary, John, Sophronia, Amanda, David, Lucy, William, James and Elijah listed as a household member living with Elijah Clark Culpepper in the 1860 Census at Clayton, Barbour Co., Alabama.2 |
1870 Census | 1 Jun 1870 | Lucy, Sophronia, John, Amanda, David, Wesly, Henry, Callie and Charles listed as a household member living with Elijah Clark Culpepper on the 1870 Census at Perote, Bullock Co., Alabama.4 |
Married Name | 28 Nov 1874 | As of 28 Nov 1874, her married name was Williamson.1 |
Marriage* | 28 Nov 1874 | She married W. Riley Williamson at Pike Co., Alabama, on 28 Nov 1874 at age 20.1 |
- Pike County Judge of Probate (transcribed by Lew Griffin), compiler, Pike Co., Alabama Marriages, Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1979, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. Films 1033195-1033209.
Frony Culpepper married W. R. (Riley) Williamson on 28 Nov 1874 in Pike Co., AL.
- 1860 Federal Census, United States.
Page 571, Lines 12-21, Beat 10, Clayton P.O., Barbour Co., AL
E. C. Culpepper, 47, M, Farmer, PE=$550, GA
Lucy A. Culpepper, 24, F, GA
William Culpepper, 18, M, GA
James Culpepper, 16, M, GA
Elijah Culpepper, 14, M, GA
Elizabeth Culpepper, 12, M, GA
John Culpepper, 10, M, GA
Sophrona Culpepper, 6, F, AL
Amanda Culpepper, 4, F, AL
David Culpepper, 1, M, AL.
- 1900 Federal Census, United States.
Perote, Bullock Co., AL.
- 1870 Federal Census, United States.
Page 22, Lines 8-17, Beat 3, Perote, Bullock Co., AL
Clark Culpepper, 58, M, W, Farmer, Re=$400, PE=$200, GA
Lucy Culpepper, 34, F, W, Keeping house, GA
Sophronia Culpepper, 16, F, W, AL
John Culpepper, 19, M, W, Farm Laborer, AL
Amanda Culpepper, 14, F, W, AL
David Culpepper, 13, M, W, AL
Wesley Culpepper, 10, M, W, AL
Henry Culpepper, 10, M, W, AL
Caledonia Culpepper, 6, M, W, AL
Charles Culpepper, 3, M, W, AL.
Amanda Culpepper
Female, #3394, (circa 1855 - )
Birth* | circa 1855 | Amanda was born at Barbour Co., Alabama, circa 1855.1 |
1860 Census | 1 Jun 1860 | Mary, John, Sophronia, Amanda, David, Lucy, William, James and Elijah listed as a household member living with Elijah Clark Culpepper in the 1860 Census at Clayton, Barbour Co., Alabama.1 |
1870 Census | 1 Jun 1870 | Lucy, Sophronia, John, Amanda, David, Wesly, Henry, Callie and Charles listed as a household member living with Elijah Clark Culpepper on the 1870 Census at Perote, Bullock Co., Alabama.2 |
- 1860 Federal Census, United States.
Page 571, Lines 12-21, Beat 10, Clayton P.O., Barbour Co., AL
E. C. Culpepper, 47, M, Farmer, PE=$550, GA
Lucy A. Culpepper, 24, F, GA
William Culpepper, 18, M, GA
James Culpepper, 16, M, GA
Elijah Culpepper, 14, M, GA
Elizabeth Culpepper, 12, M, GA
John Culpepper, 10, M, GA
Sophrona Culpepper, 6, F, AL
Amanda Culpepper, 4, F, AL
David Culpepper, 1, M, AL.
- 1870 Federal Census, United States.
Page 22, Lines 8-17, Beat 3, Perote, Bullock Co., AL
Clark Culpepper, 58, M, W, Farmer, Re=$400, PE=$200, GA
Lucy Culpepper, 34, F, W, Keeping house, GA
Sophronia Culpepper, 16, F, W, AL
John Culpepper, 19, M, W, Farm Laborer, AL
Amanda Culpepper, 14, F, W, AL
David Culpepper, 13, M, W, AL
Wesley Culpepper, 10, M, W, AL
Henry Culpepper, 10, M, W, AL
Caledonia Culpepper, 6, M, W, AL
Charles Culpepper, 3, M, W, AL.
David D. Culpepper
Male, #3395, (circa 1858 - Jul 1924)
Name Variation | | He was also known as David W.1 |
Birth* | circa 1858 | David was born at Barbour Co., Alabama, circa 1858.2,3 |
1860 Census | 1 Jun 1860 | Mary, John, Sophronia, Amanda, David, Lucy, William, James and Elijah listed as a household member living with Elijah Clark Culpepper in the 1860 Census at Clayton, Barbour Co., Alabama.3 |
1870 Census | 1 Jun 1870 | Lucy, Sophronia, John, Amanda, David, Wesly, Henry, Callie and Charles listed as a household member living with Elijah Clark Culpepper on the 1870 Census at Perote, Bullock Co., Alabama.2 |
Death of Father | 11 Aug 1889 | His father Elijah Clark Culpepper died on 11 Aug 1889 at Pike Co., Alabama.4 |
1900 Census* | 1 Jun 1900 | David was listed as a lodger on the 1900 Census at Geneva, Geneva Co., Alabama.1 |
1920 Census | 1 Jan 1920 | George and David was listed as a brother in Andrew Harrison Culpepper's household on the 1920 Census at Geneva, Geneva Co., Alabama.5 |
Death* | Jul 1924 | He died at Geneva Co., Alabama, in Jul 1924.6 |
- 1900 Federal Census, United States.
ED 77, Page 4B, Line 98, Geneva, Geneva Co., AL
HH of Howard H. Grant
David W. Culpepper, Boarder, W, M, Mar 1860, 40, Sng, AL/AL/AL, Bartender.
- 1870 Federal Census, United States.
Page 22, Lines 8-17, Beat 3, Perote, Bullock Co., AL
Clark Culpepper, 58, M, W, Farmer, Re=$400, PE=$200, GA
Lucy Culpepper, 34, F, W, Keeping house, GA
Sophronia Culpepper, 16, F, W, AL
John Culpepper, 19, M, W, Farm Laborer, AL
Amanda Culpepper, 14, F, W, AL
David Culpepper, 13, M, W, AL
Wesley Culpepper, 10, M, W, AL
Henry Culpepper, 10, M, W, AL
Caledonia Culpepper, 6, M, W, AL
Charles Culpepper, 3, M, W, AL.
- 1860 Federal Census, United States.
Page 571, Lines 12-21, Beat 10, Clayton P.O., Barbour Co., AL
E. C. Culpepper, 47, M, Farmer, PE=$550, GA
Lucy A. Culpepper, 24, F, GA
William Culpepper, 18, M, GA
James Culpepper, 16, M, GA
Elijah Culpepper, 14, M, GA
Elizabeth Culpepper, 12, M, GA
John Culpepper, 10, M, GA
Sophrona Culpepper, 6, F, AL
Amanda Culpepper, 4, F, AL
David Culpepper, 1, M, AL.
- "Pike County, Alabama Tomb Records, Vol. II", Papers of the Pike County Historical and Genealogical Society, Vol. XXXV, Nos. 3 and 4, 1966.
Sandfield Cemetery, Linwood, Pike Co., AL
+ E. C. Culpepper, 12 Sep 1812 - 11 Aug 1889.
- 1920 Federal Census, United States.
ED 116, Page 9B, Lines 57-60, Geneva, Geneva Co., AL
Harris Culpepper, Head, F, W, 46, sng, AL/GA/GA, Farmer
George Culpepper, Brother, M, W, 49, sng, AL/GA/GA, Farm laborer
David Culpepper, Brother, M, W, 59, sng, AL/GA/GA
Callie Culpepper, Sister, F, W, 54, sng, AL/GA/GA.
- State of Alabama Center for Health Statistics / Record Services Division, compiler, Alabama Deaths and Burials Index, 1881-1974, Online database at, 2011.
David Culpepper died Jul 1924 in Geneva Co., Alabama.
Henry Culpepper 
Male, #3396, (circa 1860 - )
Multiple Birth* | | Henry was born a twin. |
Birth* | circa 1860 | Henry was born at Clayton, Barbour Co., Alabama, circa 1860.1 |
1870 Census | 1 Jun 1870 | Lucy, Sophronia, John, Amanda, David, Wesly, Henry, Callie and Charles listed as a household member living with Elijah Clark Culpepper on the 1870 Census at Perote, Bullock Co., Alabama.1 |
1880 Census | 1 Jun 1880 | Charles, George, Moses, Andrew and Henry was listed as a son in Elijah Clark Culpepper's household on the 1880 Census at Tanyard, Pike Co., Alabama.2 |
- 1870 Federal Census, United States.
Page 22, Lines 8-17, Beat 3, Perote, Bullock Co., AL
Clark Culpepper, 58, M, W, Farmer, Re=$400, PE=$200, GA
Lucy Culpepper, 34, F, W, Keeping house, GA
Sophronia Culpepper, 16, F, W, AL
John Culpepper, 19, M, W, Farm Laborer, AL
Amanda Culpepper, 14, F, W, AL
David Culpepper, 13, M, W, AL
Wesley Culpepper, 10, M, W, AL
Henry Culpepper, 10, M, W, AL
Caledonia Culpepper, 6, M, W, AL
Charles Culpepper, 3, M, W, AL.
- 1880 Federal Census, United States.
ED 147, Page 112A, Lines 17-25, Tanyard, Pike Co., AL
E. C. Culpepper, Self, M, md, Wh, 68, Farmer, GA/GA/SC
L. H. Culpepper, Wife, F, md, Wh, 43, Keeping House, GA/GA/GA
Henry Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 19, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Callie Culpepper, Dau, F, sng, Wh, 16, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Charlie Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 13, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
George Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 10, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Moses Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 7, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Nancy Culpepper, Dau, F, sng, Wh, 5, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Harrison Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 3, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA.
Callie Culpepper
Female, #3397, (circa 1864 - Jan 1927)
Birth* | circa 1864 | Callie was born at Clayton, Barbour Co., Alabama, circa 1864.1 |
1870 Census | 1 Jun 1870 | Lucy, Sophronia, John, Amanda, David, Wesly, Henry, Callie and Charles listed as a household member living with Elijah Clark Culpepper on the 1870 Census at Perote, Bullock Co., Alabama.1 |
1880 Census | 1 Jun 1880 | Callie and Nancy was listed as a daughter in Elijah Clark Culpepper's household on the 1880 Census at Tanyard, Pike Co., Alabama.2 |
Death of Father | 11 Aug 1889 | Her father Elijah Clark Culpepper died on 11 Aug 1889 at Pike Co., Alabama.3 |
1900 Census* | 1 Jun 1900 | Callie was listed as a sister in George Culpepper's household on the 1900 Census at Noblins, Geneva Co., Alabama.4 |
1910 Census | 15 Apr 1910 | Callie was listed as a sister in Charles Columbus Culpepper's household on the 1910 Census at Fleming, Santa Rosa Co., Florida.5 |
1920 Census | 1 Jan 1920 | Callie was listed as a sister in Andrew Harrison Culpepper's household on the 1920 Census at Geneva, Geneva Co., Alabama.6 |
Death* | Jan 1927 | She died at Geneva Co., Alabama, in Jan 1927.7 |
- 1870 Federal Census, United States.
Page 22, Lines 8-17, Beat 3, Perote, Bullock Co., AL
Clark Culpepper, 58, M, W, Farmer, Re=$400, PE=$200, GA
Lucy Culpepper, 34, F, W, Keeping house, GA
Sophronia Culpepper, 16, F, W, AL
John Culpepper, 19, M, W, Farm Laborer, AL
Amanda Culpepper, 14, F, W, AL
David Culpepper, 13, M, W, AL
Wesley Culpepper, 10, M, W, AL
Henry Culpepper, 10, M, W, AL
Caledonia Culpepper, 6, M, W, AL
Charles Culpepper, 3, M, W, AL.
- 1880 Federal Census, United States.
ED 147, Page 112A, Lines 17-25, Tanyard, Pike Co., AL
E. C. Culpepper, Self, M, md, Wh, 68, Farmer, GA/GA/SC
L. H. Culpepper, Wife, F, md, Wh, 43, Keeping House, GA/GA/GA
Henry Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 19, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Callie Culpepper, Dau, F, sng, Wh, 16, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Charlie Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 13, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
George Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 10, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Moses Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 7, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Nancy Culpepper, Dau, F, sng, Wh, 5, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Harrison Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 3, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA.
- "Pike County, Alabama Tomb Records, Vol. II", Papers of the Pike County Historical and Genealogical Society, Vol. XXXV, Nos. 3 and 4, 1966.
Sandfield Cemetery, Linwood, Pike Co., AL
+ E. C. Culpepper, 12 Sep 1812 - 11 Aug 1889.
- 1900 Federal Census, United States.
ED 75, Page 17B, Lines 95-96, Noblins, Geneva Co., AL
George Culpepper, Head, W, M, Dec 1870, 29, Sng, AL/GA/FL, Farm Laborer
Callie Culpepper, Sister, W, F, Feb 1872, 28, Sng, AL/GA/GA.
- 1910 Federal Census, United States.
ED 100, Sheet 15B, Lines 57-63, Fleming, Santa Rosa Co., FL
Charley Culpeper, Head, M, W, 43, md1-9 yrs, AL/GA/GA, Farmer
Emily Culpepper, Wife, F, M, 39, md1-9 yrs, ch 4/2, FL/AL/FL
Minda Culpepper, Dau, F, W, 8, Sng, FL/AL/FL
Clark Culpepper, Son, M, W, 6, Sng, FL/AL/FL
George Culpepper, Brother, M, W, 36, Sng, AL/GA/GA, Farm Laborer
Harris Culpepper, Brother, M, W, 31, Sng, AL/GA/GA, Farm Laborer
Callie Culpepper, Sister, W, 45, Sng, AL/GA/GA.
- 1920 Federal Census, United States.
ED 116, Page 9B, Lines 57-60, Geneva, Geneva Co., AL
Harris Culpepper, Head, F, W, 46, sng, AL/GA/GA, Farmer
George Culpepper, Brother, M, W, 49, sng, AL/GA/GA, Farm laborer
David Culpepper, Brother, M, W, 59, sng, AL/GA/GA
Callie Culpepper, Sister, F, W, 54, sng, AL/GA/GA.
- State of Alabama Center for Health Statistics / Record Services Division, compiler, Alabama Deaths and Burials Index, 1881-1974, Online database at, 2011.
Callie Culpepper died Jan 1927 in Geneva Co., Alabama.
Charles Columbus Culpepper
Male, #3398, (12 Apr 1867 - 30 Dec 1940)
Name Variation | | He was also known as Charlie C.2 |
Birth* | 12 Apr 1867 | Charles was born at Perote, Bullock Co., Alabama, on 12 Apr 1867.3 |
1870 Census | 1 Jun 1870 | Lucy, Sophronia, John, Amanda, David, Wesly, Henry, Callie and Charles listed as a household member living with Elijah Clark Culpepper on the 1870 Census at Perote, Bullock Co., Alabama.1 |
1880 Census | 1 Jun 1880 | Charles, George, Moses, Andrew and Henry was listed as a son in Elijah Clark Culpepper's household on the 1880 Census at Tanyard, Pike Co., Alabama.4 |
Death of Father | 11 Aug 1889 | His father Elijah Clark Culpepper died on 11 Aug 1889 at Pike Co., Alabama.5 |
Relocation* | 1900 | He relocated in 1900 at Santa Rosa Co., Florida,6 |
1900 Census | 1 Jun 1900 | Charles was listed as a lodger living with Thomas Ates's household on the 1900 Census at Santa Rosa Co., Florida.7 |
Marriage* | 21 Dec 1900 | He married Emily Ates at Santa Rosa Co., Florida, on 21 Dec 1900 at age 33.8 |
Birth of Son | 14 Oct 1903 | His son Elijah Clark Culpepper was born on 14 Oct 1903 at Santa Rosa Co., Florida.9,10 |
1910 Census* | 15 Apr 1910 | Charles was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census at Fleming, Santa Rosa Co., Florida.11 |
1920 Census* | 1 Jan 1920 | Charles was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census at Fleming, Santa Rosa Co., Florida.12 |
1930 Census* | 1 Apr 1930 | Charles was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Fleming, Santa Rosa Co., Florida.13 |
Death* | 30 Dec 1940 | He died at Santa Rosa Co., Florida, on 30 Dec 1940 at age 73.3,2 |
Burial* | after 30 Dec 1940 | His body was interred after 30 Dec 1940 at Crain Cemetery, Milton, Santa Rosa Co., Florida.3 |
Biography* | | "The Culpepper family established its roots in Santa Rosa County around the turn of the 20th century. Charlie Columbus Culpepper was hired by an Alabama doctor to drive his heard of cattle to the Florida panhandle. There he met and married Emily Ates. Charlie and Emily, nicknamed Sugar or Sugedy, homesteaded 160 acres in the Springhill community toward Munson, Florida. Elijah Clark, born October 14, 1904, was one of four children born to the couple."6 |
- 1870 Federal Census, United States.
Page 22, Lines 8-17, Beat 3, Perote, Bullock Co., AL
Clark Culpepper, 58, M, W, Farmer, Re=$400, PE=$200, GA
Lucy Culpepper, 34, F, W, Keeping house, GA
Sophronia Culpepper, 16, F, W, AL
John Culpepper, 19, M, W, Farm Laborer, AL
Amanda Culpepper, 14, F, W, AL
David Culpepper, 13, M, W, AL
Wesley Culpepper, 10, M, W, AL
Henry Culpepper, 10, M, W, AL
Caledonia Culpepper, 6, M, W, AL
Charles Culpepper, 3, M, W, AL.
- State of Florida Health Department / Office of Vital Records, compiler, Florida Death Index, 1936-1998, Online database at, 2004.
Charlie C. Culpepper, Santa Rosa Co., FL, Male, White, Vol 925, Cert 24018, died 1940.
- Richard Earl Jernigan, Santa Rosa Co., FL Cemeteries, West FL Genealogical Society, Pensacola, 1987.
Crain Cemetery, Section 6, page 204.
- 1880 Federal Census, United States.
ED 147, Page 112A, Lines 17-25, Tanyard, Pike Co., AL
E. C. Culpepper, Self, M, md, Wh, 68, Farmer, GA/GA/SC
L. H. Culpepper, Wife, F, md, Wh, 43, Keeping House, GA/GA/GA
Henry Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 19, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Callie Culpepper, Dau, F, sng, Wh, 16, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Charlie Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 13, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
George Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 10, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Moses Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 7, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Nancy Culpepper, Dau, F, sng, Wh, 5, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Harrison Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 3, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA.
- "Pike County, Alabama Tomb Records, Vol. II", Papers of the Pike County Historical and Genealogical Society, Vol. XXXV, Nos. 3 and 4, 1966.
Sandfield Cemetery, Linwood, Pike Co., AL
+ E. C. Culpepper, 12 Sep 1812 - 11 Aug 1889.
- The Santa Rosa Co. FL Heritage Book Committee, The Heritage of Santa Rosa County, Florida, Clanton, AL: Heritage Publishing, 2003.
Pages 242-3, "Clark and Carry Culpepper Family", by Lisa Culpepper Turner.
- 1900 Federal Census, United States.
Page 171B, Family 290, Precinct 14, Fleming, Santa Rosa Co., FL
Thomas C. Ates, Head, M, Mar 1829, 71, md 42 yrs, AL/AL/AL, Farmer
Seneh Ates, Wife, F. Dec 1840, 59, md 42, ch 3/3, FL/FL/FL
Emily Ates, Daughter, F, Mar 1870, 30, S, FL/AL/FL
Seneh Ates, Daughter, F, Feb 1872, 28, S, FL/AL/FL
Delunia? Ates, Daughter, F, Feb 1874, 26, S, FL/AL/FL
Charles C. Culpepper, Boarder, M, Apr 1867, 33, S, AL/AL/AL, Day laborer.
- Santa Rosa Co., FL Marriage Records, Rootsweb: USGenWeb Archives.
C. C. Culpepper and Emily Ates, 15 Jun 1881.
- U.S. Social Security Administration, compiler, Social Security Death Index (SSDI), Online database at
- State of Florida Health Department / Office of Vital Records, compiler, Florida Death Index, 1936-1998, Online database at, 2004.
Clark Culpepper, Escambia Co., FL, White, 14 Oct 1903 - 05 Apr 1978.
- 1910 Federal Census, United States.
ED 100, Sheet 15B, Lines 57-63, Fleming, Santa Rosa Co., FL
Charley Culpeper, Head, M, W, 43, md1-9 yrs, AL/GA/GA, Farmer
Emily Culpepper, Wife, F, M, 39, md1-9 yrs, ch 4/2, FL/AL/FL
Minda Culpepper, Dau, F, W, 8, Sng, FL/AL/FL
Clark Culpepper, Son, M, W, 6, Sng, FL/AL/FL
George Culpepper, Brother, M, W, 36, Sng, AL/GA/GA, Farm Laborer
Harris Culpepper, Brother, M, W, 31, Sng, AL/GA/GA, Farm Laborer
Callie Culpepper, Sister, W, 45, Sng, AL/GA/GA.
- 1920 Federal Census, United States.
Page: 5A, ED: 137, Image: 253 (3 Feb 1920), Fleming, Santa Rosa Co., FL
Charlie C. Culpeper, HH, M, W, 52, M, AL/GA/GA, Farming
Emily Culpepper, Wife, F, M, 49, M, FL/AL/FL
Minnie Culpepper, Dau, F, W, 18, S, FL/AL/FL
Hart Culpepper, Son, M, W, 18, S, FL/AL/FL.
- 1930 Federal Census, United States.
ED 57-16, Sheet 2B, Lines 97-101, Fleming, Santa Rosa Co., FL
Charlie C. Culpeper, Head, M, 62, md@30, AL/AL/AL, General Farmer (ID: 3398)v
Emily Culpepper, Wife, F, 60, md@28, FL/AL/FL
Clark Culpepper, Son, M, 27, md@26, FL/AL/FL, Laborer/General Farm
Carrie Culpepper, Dau-in-Law, F, 28, md@27, FL/AL/FL
Earl C. Culpepper, Grandson, M, 2/12, Sng, FL/FL/FL
Boyce Ates, Nephew, M, 11, Sng, FL/FL/FL.
- Richard Earl Jernigan, Santa Rosa Co., FL Cemeteries, West FL Genealogical Society, Pensacola, 1987.
Bass Cemetery, page 63.
George Culpepper
Male, #3399, (Dec 1870 - )
Extinct Surname?* | | The family branch headed by George Culpepper is believed to have no living male descendants with the Culpepper surname. If you know otherwise, please contact Lew Griffin using the link at the bottom of this page. |
Birth* | Dec 1870 | George was born at Perote, Bullock Co., Alabama, in Dec 1870.1,2 |
1880 Census | 1 Jun 1880 | Charles, George, Moses, Andrew and Henry was listed as a son in Elijah Clark Culpepper's household on the 1880 Census at Tanyard, Pike Co., Alabama.1 |
1900 Census* | 1 Jun 1900 | George was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census at Noblins, Geneva Co., Alabama.2 |
1910 Census | 15 Apr 1910 | George and Andrew was listed as a brother in Charles Columbus Culpepper's household on the 1910 Census at Fleming, Santa Rosa Co., Florida.3 |
1920 Census | 1 Jan 1920 | George and David was listed as a brother in Andrew Harrison Culpepper's household on the 1920 Census at Geneva, Geneva Co., Alabama.4 |
1930 Census* | 1 Apr 1930 | George was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Hacoda, Geneva Co., Alabama.5 |
- 1880 Federal Census, United States.
ED 147, Page 112A, Lines 17-25, Tanyard, Pike Co., AL
E. C. Culpepper, Self, M, md, Wh, 68, Farmer, GA/GA/SC
L. H. Culpepper, Wife, F, md, Wh, 43, Keeping House, GA/GA/GA
Henry Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 19, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Callie Culpepper, Dau, F, sng, Wh, 16, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Charlie Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 13, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
George Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 10, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Moses Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 7, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Nancy Culpepper, Dau, F, sng, Wh, 5, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Harrison Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 3, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA.
- 1900 Federal Census, United States.
ED 75, Page 17B, Lines 95-96, Noblins, Geneva Co., AL
George Culpepper, Head, W, M, Dec 1870, 29, Sng, AL/GA/FL, Farm Laborer
Callie Culpepper, Sister, W, F, Feb 1872, 28, Sng, AL/GA/GA.
- 1910 Federal Census, United States.
ED 100, Sheet 15B, Lines 57-63, Fleming, Santa Rosa Co., FL
Charley Culpeper, Head, M, W, 43, md1-9 yrs, AL/GA/GA, Farmer
Emily Culpepper, Wife, F, M, 39, md1-9 yrs, ch 4/2, FL/AL/FL
Minda Culpepper, Dau, F, W, 8, Sng, FL/AL/FL
Clark Culpepper, Son, M, W, 6, Sng, FL/AL/FL
George Culpepper, Brother, M, W, 36, Sng, AL/GA/GA, Farm Laborer
Harris Culpepper, Brother, M, W, 31, Sng, AL/GA/GA, Farm Laborer
Callie Culpepper, Sister, W, 45, Sng, AL/GA/GA.
- 1920 Federal Census, United States.
ED 116, Page 9B, Lines 57-60, Geneva, Geneva Co., AL
Harris Culpepper, Head, F, W, 46, sng, AL/GA/GA, Farmer
George Culpepper, Brother, M, W, 49, sng, AL/GA/GA, Farm laborer
David Culpepper, Brother, M, W, 59, sng, AL/GA/GA
Callie Culpepper, Sister, F, W, 54, sng, AL/GA/GA.
- 1930 Federal Census, United States.
ED 23, Page 302B, Line 92, Hacoda, Geneva Co., AL
Home=$200, Radio=N, Farm=N, Vet=N
George Culpepper, Head, M, W, 59, sng, AL/GA/GA, Retail Merchant/Groceries.
Nancy Culpepper
Female, #3400, (circa 1874 - )
- 1880 Federal Census, United States.
ED 147, Page 112A, Lines 17-25, Tanyard, Pike Co., AL
E. C. Culpepper, Self, M, md, Wh, 68, Farmer, GA/GA/SC
L. H. Culpepper, Wife, F, md, Wh, 43, Keeping House, GA/GA/GA
Henry Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 19, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Callie Culpepper, Dau, F, sng, Wh, 16, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Charlie Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 13, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
George Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 10, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Moses Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 7, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Nancy Culpepper, Dau, F, sng, Wh, 5, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Harrison Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 3, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA.
Andrew Harrison Culpepper1
Male, #3401, (25 Jan 1877 - May 1932)
Extinct Surname?* | | The family branch headed by Andrew Harrison Culpepper is believed to have no living male descendants with the Culpepper surname. If you know otherwise, please contact Lew Griffin using the link at the bottom of this page. |
Birth* | 25 Jan 1877 | Andrew was born at Alabama on 25 Jan 1877.2,3 |
1880 Census | 1 Jun 1880 | Charles, George, Moses, Andrew and Henry was listed as a son in Elijah Clark Culpepper's household on the 1880 Census at Tanyard, Pike Co., Alabama.2 |
Death of Father | 11 Aug 1889 | His father Elijah Clark Culpepper died on 11 Aug 1889 at Pike Co., Alabama.4 |
1910 Census | 15 Apr 1910 | George and Andrew was listed as a brother in Charles Columbus Culpepper's household on the 1910 Census at Fleming, Santa Rosa Co., Florida.5 |
WWI Draft Reg* | 12 Sep 1918 | He registered for the WW-I draft on 12 Sep 1918 at Hacoda, Geneva Co., Alabama.3 |
1920 Census* | 1 Jan 1920 | Andrew was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census at Geneva, Geneva Co., Alabama.6 |
Marriage* | circa 1924 | He married Amanda Frances Eason circa 1924. |
1930 Census* | 1 Apr 1930 | Andrew was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at McRae, Covington Co., Alabama.7 |
Death* | May 1932 | He died at Geneva Co., Alabama, in May 1932 at age 55.8 |
- Covington Co. Heritage Book Committee, editor, The Heritage of Covington County, Alabama, Clanton, AL: Heritage Publishing Consultants, 2003.
Page 221: "Amanda Frances [Eason], 1885-1942, married Andrew Harris Culpepper. They lived near Hacoda [at Covington/Geneva Co. border]. They had two daughters, Annie Lou and Georgia Lenna.
Page 219: ...Uncle Rice, Uncle John and Aunt Nannie [all children of William Robert Heflin Eason and his wife Annie Geohagan Eason]... raised their nieces, Annie Lou and Georgia Culpepper [implying that Andrew Harris and Amanda Frances Eason Culpepper died while their daughters were still young].
- 1880 Federal Census, United States.
ED 147, Page 112A, Lines 17-25, Tanyard, Pike Co., AL
E. C. Culpepper, Self, M, md, Wh, 68, Farmer, GA/GA/SC
L. H. Culpepper, Wife, F, md, Wh, 43, Keeping House, GA/GA/GA
Henry Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 19, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Callie Culpepper, Dau, F, sng, Wh, 16, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Charlie Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 13, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
George Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 10, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Moses Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 7, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Nancy Culpepper, Dau, F, sng, Wh, 5, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA
Harrison Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 3, Farm Laborer, AL/GA/GA.
- National Archives and Records Administration, compiler, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, Online database at, 2005.
Andrew Harrison Culpepper, Hacoda, Geneva Co., AL, Age 41, born 25 Jan 1877, White, Farmer, Nearest relative: Callie Culpepper of Hacoda, Medium Height, Stout Build, Gray Eyes, Dark Hair, Registered 12 Sep 1918 at Geneva, AL.
- "Pike County, Alabama Tomb Records, Vol. II", Papers of the Pike County Historical and Genealogical Society, Vol. XXXV, Nos. 3 and 4, 1966.
Sandfield Cemetery, Linwood, Pike Co., AL
+ E. C. Culpepper, 12 Sep 1812 - 11 Aug 1889.
- 1910 Federal Census, United States.
ED 100, Sheet 15B, Lines 57-63, Fleming, Santa Rosa Co., FL
Charley Culpeper, Head, M, W, 43, md1-9 yrs, AL/GA/GA, Farmer
Emily Culpepper, Wife, F, M, 39, md1-9 yrs, ch 4/2, FL/AL/FL
Minda Culpepper, Dau, F, W, 8, Sng, FL/AL/FL
Clark Culpepper, Son, M, W, 6, Sng, FL/AL/FL
George Culpepper, Brother, M, W, 36, Sng, AL/GA/GA, Farm Laborer
Harris Culpepper, Brother, M, W, 31, Sng, AL/GA/GA, Farm Laborer
Callie Culpepper, Sister, W, 45, Sng, AL/GA/GA.
- 1920 Federal Census, United States.
ED 116, Page 9B, Lines 57-60, Geneva, Geneva Co., AL
Harris Culpepper, Head, F, W, 46, sng, AL/GA/GA, Farmer
George Culpepper, Brother, M, W, 49, sng, AL/GA/GA, Farm laborer
David Culpepper, Brother, M, W, 59, sng, AL/GA/GA
Callie Culpepper, Sister, F, W, 54, sng, AL/GA/GA.
- 1930 Federal Census, United States.
ED 34, Page 5B, Lines 85-89, Hacoda-McRae Road, McRae, Covington Co., AL
Rents Home, Radio=N, Farm=Y
Harrison Culpepper, Head, M, Wh, 53, md@47, AL/GA/GA, Farmer, Vet=N
Mandy Culpepper, Wife, F, Wh, 44, md@38, AL/AL/AL
Annie L. Culpepper, Daughter, F, Wh, 5, sng, AL/AL/AL
Georgia L. Culpepper, Daughter, F, Wh, 3 2/12, sng, AL/AL/AL.
- State of Alabama Center for Health Statistics / Record Services Division, compiler, Alabama Deaths and Burials Index, 1881-1974, Online database at, 2011.
Harris Culpepper died May 1932 in Geneva Co., Alabama.
Agnes Culpepper1
Female, #3402, (16 Oct 1815 - )
Birth* | 16 Oct 1815 | Agnes was born at Georgia on 16 Oct 1815. |
1820 Census | 7 Aug 1820 | Agnes and Silence was probably a free white female, under the age of 10, in David Culpepper of Laurens Co. GA's household, on the 1820 Census at Laurens Co., Georgia. 1 Female 10-16 unaccounted for..2 |
Guardian | Sep 1832 | The court declared Agnes Culpepper to be orphaned after the death of David Culpepper of Laurens Co. GA and Chadwell Culpepper of Dooly Co., GA was appointed as guardian in Sep 1832 at Laurens Co., Georgia,
$10,000 bond with Russel Kellum and William Bohannon as securities.3 |
Marriage* | 22 Aug 1833 | She married Philemon Bohannon at Laurens Co., Georgia, on 22 Aug 1833 at age 17.4 |
Married Name | 22 Aug 1833 | As of 22 Aug 1833, her married name was Bohannon. |
- David Sneads Culpepper Family Bible, in the possession (2000) of Perry Melton Culpepper,
- 1820 Federal Census, United States.
Page 014, Laurens Co., GA
David Culpepper, 1 M0-10, 1 M16-26, 1 M45+, 2 F0-10, 3 F10-16, 1 F45+.
- Laurens County Inferior Court Minutes for Ordinary Purposes, 1822-1833. Page 255.
-, compiler, Georgia Marriages to 1850, Online database at, 1997.
Agnes Culpepper and Philemon Bohannen on 22 Aug 1833 in Laurens Co., GA.
Philemon Bohannon
Male, #3403, (circa 1810 - )
Birth* | circa 1810 | Philemon was born circa 1810. |
Marriage* | 22 Aug 1833 | He married Agnes Culpepper at Laurens Co., Georgia, on 22 Aug 1833.1 |
Deed* | 23 Jan 1838 | He was granted a deed by Joel W. Culpepper of Dooly Co., GA, witnessed by David Sneads Culpepper of Dooly Co., GA and Chadwell Culpepper of Dooly Co., GA on 23 Jan 1838 at Dooly Co., Georgia,
Joel Culpepper of Dooly Co., GA to Philemon Bohannon for $650: Lot 10 in District 10. Wit: David T. Culpepper, Chadwell Culpepper, J.P.2 |
Deed | 25 Oct 1847 | He witnessed a deed grant by Joel W. Culpepper of Dooly Co., GA to James B. Culpepper on 25 Oct 1847 at Dooly Co., Georgia,
Joel Culpepper of Dooly Co., GA to James B. Culpepper, for $5, Lot 137 in District 10 = 202.5 acres. Wit: Philemon Bohanon. Recorded 16 Nov 1847.3 |
Deed | 25 Oct 1847 | He witnessed a deed grant by Joel W. Culpepper of Dooly Co., GA to David C. Culpepper on 25 Oct 1847
Joel Culpepper of Dooly Co., GA to “my son David C. Culpepper” of Dooly Co., GA, deed of gift, Lot 120 in District 10 = 202.5 acres. Wit: Philemon Bohanon, Andrew G. Hodges. Recorded 16 Nov 1847.4 |
Deed* | 31 Dec 1849 | He was granted a deed on 31 Dec 1849 at Dooly Co., Georgia,
David S. Culpepper of Dooly Co., GA to Philimon Bohannon of Dooly Co., GA, for $320: 202.5 acres, Lot 40 in District 10. Recorded 2 Nov 1852.5 |
Administration | 1 Nov 1852 | He posted security for David Sneads Culpepper of Dooly Co., GA to be the administrator of the estate of Chadwell Culpepper of Dooly Co., GA, deceased on 1 Nov 1852 at Dooly Co., Georgia,
David S. Culpepper, West E. Moore and Philemon Bohannon bond $2,500 to Alexander Meriwether, Ordinary of Dooly Co., GA in connection with David S. Culpepper being granted Letters of Administration in connection with the estate of Chadwell Culpepper, deceased.6 |
-, compiler, Georgia Marriages to 1850, Online database at, 1997.
Agnes Culpepper and Philemon Bohannen on 22 Aug 1833 in Laurens Co., GA.
- Dooly County Court of the Ordinary, Dooly Co GA Deed Books A-F, Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah , 1964, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. Film 366,674 et. al..
Book B-66.
- Dooly County Court of the Ordinary, Dooly Co GA Deed Books A-F, Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah , 1964, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. Film 366,674 et. al..
Book A-73.
- Dooly County Court of the Ordinary, Dooly Co GA Deed Books A-F, Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah , 1964, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. Film 366,674 et. al..
Book A-68 & 69.
- Dooly County Court of the Ordinary, Dooly Co GA Deed Books A-F, Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah , 1964, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. Film 366,674 et. al..
Book B-243 & 244.
- Dooly Co. Court of the Ordinary, Dooly Co GA Letters of Administration and Guardianship, Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah , 1964, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. Film # 367,144 - 367,145.
Book A, page 155.
Mary Culpepper1
Female, #3404, (20 Apr 1809 - 16 Dec 1869)
- David Sneads Culpepper Family Bible, in the possession (2000) of Perry Melton Culpepper,
- 1820 Federal Census, United States.
Page 014, Laurens Co., GA
David Culpepper, 1 M0-10, 1 M16-26, 1 M45+, 2 F0-10, 3 F10-16, 1 F45+.
-, compiler, Georgia Marriages to 1850, Online database at, 1997.
Mary Culpepper and Seth F. Kellum on 16 Mar 1828 in Laurens Co., GA, Bk D-53.
- E-mail written 2003-2009 to Culpepper Connections from Morris Pate Culpepper III (#60878), e-mail address (Jul 2012).
- Dooly County Court of the Ordinary, Dooly Co GA Deed Books A-F, Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah , 1964, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. Film 366,674 et. al..
Bk A, p 47.
Seth F. Kellam
Male, #3405, (circa 1805 - )
Birth* | circa 1805 | Seth was born circa 1805. |
Marriage* | 16 Mar 1828 | He married Mary Culpepper at Laurens Co., Georgia, on 16 Mar 1828.1 |
Census* | 1830 | He was listed as a resident in the census report at Laurens Co., Georgia, in 1830. |
1840 Census* | | Seth was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census at Dooly Co., Georgia.2 |
1850 Census* | | Seth was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census at Dooly Co., Georgia.3 |
Biography* | | REPRINT of OFFICIAL REGISTER of LAND LOTTERY OF GEORGIA 1827 17th DAY'S DRAWING-March 26. LAURENS. page 50 Fortunate Drawers: Seth Kellum, Captains District: do. Number: 261 District: 14 County: Lee County. |
Silence Culpepper1
Female, #3406, (27 Jun 1812 - )
- David Sneads Culpepper Family Bible, in the possession (2000) of Perry Melton Culpepper,
- 1820 Federal Census, United States.
Page 014, Laurens Co., GA
David Culpepper, 1 M0-10, 1 M16-26, 1 M45+, 2 F0-10, 3 F10-16, 1 F45+.
-, compiler, Georgia Marriages to 1850, Online database at, 1997.
Silance Culpepper and Elbert Hodges on 24 Dec 1828 in Laurens Co., GA, Bk D-56.
Elbert Hodges
Male, #3407, (circa 1804 - before 18 Jan 1865)
Birth* | circa 1804 | Elbert was born circa 1804. |
Marriage* | 24 Dec 1828 | He married Silence Culpepper at Laurens Co., Georgia, on 24 Dec 1828.1 |
Census | 1830 | He was listed as a resident in the census report at Washington Co., Georgia, in 1830. |
Deed | 8 Feb 1842 | He witnessed a deed grant by Chadwell Culpepper of Dooly Co., GA on 8 Feb 1842 at Dooly Co., Georgia,
Chadwell Culpepper to Alexander Herrington for $600: Lots 33 & 41 in District 10, each 202.5 acres. Wit: James Lewis, Elbert Hodges, R. C. Gibson.2 |
Guardian | 20 Jul 1844 | He witnessed a guardianship transaction of Joel W. Culpepper of Dooly Co., GA; Joel Culpepper received as guardian of America, Susan, Mary, Irwin, Walton & Wyatt Hall, minor heirs of William Hall, deceased, of Henry H. Ross administrator, on the estate of the said William Hall, the sum of $685.12 in full payment of all and each share of that the above minors are entitled to as heirs at law of said estate. Witness Elbert Hodges. /s/ Joel Culpepper. Recorded 30 Aug 1849.3 |
Census* | 1850 | He was listed as a resident in the census report at Dooly Co., Georgia, in 1850. |
Death* | before 18 Jan 1865 | He died at Dooly Co., Georgia, before 18 Jan 1865.4,5 |
Administration* | 6 Feb 1865 | After Elbert's death, David Sneads Culpepper of Dooly Co., GA was appointed administrator of the estate. On 6 Feb 1865 at Dooly Co., Georgia,
David S. Culpepper granted Letters of Administration on the estate of Elbert Hodges.6 |
-, compiler, Georgia Marriages to 1850, Online database at, 1997.
Silance Culpepper and Elbert Hodges on 24 Dec 1828 in Laurens Co., GA, Bk D-56.
- Dooly County Court of the Ordinary, Dooly Co GA Deed Books A-F, Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah , 1964, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. Film 366,674 et. al..
Book B-136.
- Dooly County Court of the Ordinary, Dooly Co GA Deed Books A-F, Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah , 1964, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. Film 366,674 et. al..
Book A-558.
- Dooly Co. Court of the Ordinary, Dooly Co GA Letters of Administration and Guardianship, Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah , 1964, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. Film # 367,144 - 367,145.
Bk A, p 104, David S. Culpepper, Adm.
- Tad Evans, compiler, Macon, Georgia, Newspaper Clippings (Messenger) Volume VII 1855-1858, Savannah, GA: Tad Evans, July 1999.
p. 307.
- Dooly Co. Court of the Ordinary, Dooly Co GA Letters of Administration and Guardianship, Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah , 1964, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. Film # 367,144 - 367,145.
Administration Letters 1856-1873, page 33.
Sarah Culpepper1
Female, #3408, (21 Jan 1821 - )
Birth* | 21 Jan 1821 | Sarah was born at Laurens Co., Georgia, on 21 Jan 1821. |
1830 Census | 1 Jun 1830 | Sarah was probably a free white female, age 5 and under 10, in David Culpepper of Laurens Co. GA's household, on the 1830 Census at Laurens Co., Georgia. Unidentified is 1 male 0-5, one male 20-30, one female 20-30..2 |
Guardian | Sep 1832 | The court declared Sarah Culpepper to be orphaned after the death of David Culpepper of Laurens Co. GA and Chadwell Culpepper of Dooly Co., GA was appointed as guardian in Sep 1832 at Laurens Co., Georgia,
$10,000 bond with Russel Kellum and William Bohannon as securities.3 |
Marriage* | 17 Dec 1835 | She married William M. Livingston at Laurens Co., Georgia, on 17 Dec 1835 at age 14.4 |
Married Name | 17 Dec 1835 | As of 17 Dec 1835, her married name was Livingston. |
- David Sneads Culpepper Family Bible, in the possession (2000) of Perry Melton Culpepper,
- 1830 Federal Census, United States.
Page 012, Unk Twp, Laurens Co., GA
David Culpepper, 1 M5-10, 1 M20-30, 1 M60-70, 1 F5-10, 1 F20-30, 1 F50-60.
- Laurens County Inferior Court Minutes for Ordinary Purposes, 1822-1833. Page 255.
-, compiler, Georgia Marriages to 1850, Online database at, 1997.
Sarah Culpepper and William M. Livingston on 17 Dec 1835 in Laurens Co., GA.
William M. Livingston
Male, #3409, (circa 1810 - )
Birth* | circa 1810 | William was born circa 1810. |
Marriage* | 17 Dec 1835 | He married Sarah Culpepper at Laurens Co., Georgia, on 17 Dec 1835.1 |
Deed* | 8 Mar 1848 | He was granted a deed, witnessed by David Sneads Culpepper of Dooly Co., GA and Chadwell Culpepper of Dooly Co., GA on 8 Mar 1848 at Dooly Co., Georgia,
Benjamin P. Livingston to Wm. M. Livingston for $25: Lot 61 in District 10 = 202.5 acres. Wit: S. T. Young, David Culpepper, Chadwell Culpepper, J.P.2 |
Administration | 30 Sep 1852 | He posted security for David Sneads Culpepper of Dooly Co., GA to be the administrator of the estate of Chadwell Culpepper of Dooly Co., GA, deceased on 30 Sep 1852 at Dooly Co., Georgia,
David S. Culpepper and William Livingston bond $3,000 to Alexander Meriwether, Ordinary of Dooly Co., GA in connection with David S. Culpepper being granted Letters of Administration in connection with the estate of Chadwell Culpepper, deceased.3 |
Probate | 3 Dec 1852 | He bought from Chadwell Culpepper of Dooly Co., GA's estate on 3 Dec 1852 at Dooly Co., Georgia.4 |
-, compiler, Georgia Marriages to 1850, Online database at, 1997.
Sarah Culpepper and William M. Livingston on 17 Dec 1835 in Laurens Co., GA.
- Dooly County Court of the Ordinary, Dooly Co GA Deed Books A-F, Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah , 1964, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. Film 366,674 et. al..
Book B-137.
- Dooly Co. Court of the Ordinary, Dooly Co GA Letters of Administration and Guardianship, Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah , 1964, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. Film # 367,144 - 367,145.
Book A, page 153.
- Dooly County Court of the Ordinary, Dooly Co GA Appraisements and Inventories, 1838-1863, Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah , 1964, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. Film # 366,149 - 366,150.
Inventories & Appraisements 1847-1863, pages 331-336.
Sparkman Godwin1
Male, #3410, (circa 1832 - 1864)
Birth* | circa 1832 | Sparkman was born circa 1832. |
Marriage* | 28 Dec 1851 | He married Sarah Frances Culpepper at Dooly Co., Georgia, on 28 Dec 1851.2 |
Death* | 1864 | He died at Virginia in 1864. |
Biography* | | Sparkman enlisted in the Civil War first with Sumter's Artillery from Georgia. He developed pneumonia, and was discharged, but enlisted again with the 64th GA Infantry. He was killed in 1864 while carrying colors during the Battle of Crater, VA. |
Richard H. Conner1 
Male, #3411, (27 Dec 1825 - 24 Oct 1906)
Birth* | 27 Dec 1825 | Richard was born on 27 Dec 1825. |
Marriage* | 6 Mar 1853 | He married Martha Jane Culpepper at Dooly Co., Georgia, on 6 Mar 1853 at age 27.2 |
Death of Spouse | 23 Aug 1857 | His wife Martha Jane Culpepper died on 23 Aug 1857 at Dooly Co., Georgia. |
Marriage | 1 Aug 1858 | He married Susan E. Monroe at Columbia, Houston Co., Alabama, on 1 Aug 1858 at age 32.3 |
1860 Census* | 9 Jul 1860 | Richard was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census at Decatur Co., Georgia. |
Civil War* | between 1862 and 1865 | He served in the War Between the States between 1862 and 1865
Carpenter in Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment.4 |
Death* | 24 Oct 1906 | He died at Conecuh Co., Alabama, on 24 Oct 1906 at age 80.4 |
Burial* | circa 25 Oct 1906 | His body was interred circa 25 Oct 1906 at Cedar Creek Baptist Church Cemetery, Cedar Creek, Conecuh Co., Alabama. |
Biography* | | CONNER, Richard H., Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment 8th day of February 1907 Susan E. Conner filed a Widow's Pension Application where she states that Richard H. Conner died October 24, 1906 in Conecuh County Alabama. It also stated that Richard was a member of Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment and was listed as a Carpenter on the Confederate Rolls. His Confederate Unit constructed structures, as needed for the Confederate Army. It stated Susan E. Conner also made the statement that he had fallen from a Tower he was building for the Confederate Army and was left with a limp and a serious "Hip Injury." Later on in years he could not walk at times due to this injury. It states, Susan E. Conner was formerly on the 3rd Class Pension Roll of Conecuh County, Ala. Pension Roll #28841 on November of 1913. She was removed from the Pension Rolls by the Alabama State Board of Pension Examiners due to the board not being able to locate the Confederate Records of her husband Richard H. Conner. Pension Application filed by Susan E. Conner, in Conecuh County, Alabama on July 6 1915 for the Reinstatement of her Pension, as a Widow of her husband Richard H. Conner. Her "Request for Reinstatement" was given on the 6th of 1915 and has credible persons of witness, who state what Confederate Unit Richard H. Conner served in. M. C. Kirkland, a Confederate Veteran states that Richard H. Conner served as a Private in Company B 6th Alabama Regiment. There are also two other credible persons who witness and sign the Application. I believe M. C. Kirkland was a Pastor of Cedar Creek Baptist Church. Susan E. Monroe also states she was born on the 2nd day of April 1829. On the 6th of July 1915 she was "Reinstated" by the Board of Pension Examiners and given 3rd class pay of 97.60 per month as a Confederate Widow. Julia Ledyard, e-mail address.4 |
- E-mail written 1999 and 2000 to Lew Griffin from Julia G. Leyard.
- Dooly County Court of the Ordinary, Dooly Co. GA Marriages, 1846-1901, Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah , 1964, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. Film # 366,650 & 366,651.
Jane Culpepper and Richard H. Conner on 6 Mar 1853 in Dooly Co., GA.
- By John Parker, witnessed by A. J. Armstrong and Harriet E. Monroe.
- 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment, Company B Roster
Elizabeth B. Culpepper
Female, #3412, (circa 1825 - after 1870)
Birth* | circa 1825 | Elizabeth was born at Laurens Co., Georgia, circa 1825. |
1830 Census | 1 Jun 1830 | Elizabeth and Martha was probably a free white female, under age 5, in John Cowan Culpepper's household, on the 1830 Census at Laurens Co., Georgia.1 |
1840 Census | 1 Jun 1840 | Elizabeth and Martha was probably a free white female, age 10 and under 15, in Nancy Caroline Culpepper's household, on the 1840 Census on 1 Jun 1840 at Laurens Co., Georgia.2 |
1850 Census | 1 Jun 1850 | Santilla, Elizabeth and John listed as a household member living with Nancy Caroline Culpepper on the 1850 Census on 1 Jun 1850 at Laurens Co., Georgia.3 |
Marriage* | 23 Jun 1852 | She married M. Uriah Watson at Laurens Co., Georgia, on 23 Jun 1852.4 |
Married Name | 23 Jun 1852 | As of 23 Jun 1852, her married name was Watson. |
Marriage* | 18 Nov 1862 | She married Peter A. Gibson at Laurens Co., Georgia, on 18 Nov 1862. |
Married Name | 18 Nov 1862 | As of 18 Nov 1862, her married name was Gibson. |
Death* | after 1870 | She died after 1870. |
- 1830 Federal Census, United States.
Page 008, Unk Twp, Laurens Co., GA
John C. Culpepper, 1 M20-30, 2 F0-5, 1 F5-10, 1F 20-30.
- 1840 Federal Census, United States.
Page 169 (Image 39), Captain Parker's District, Laurens Co., GA
N. C. Culpepper, 1 M5-10, 2 F10-15, 1F 20-30, 1 F30-40.
- 1850 Federal Census, United States.
Page 246B, District 49, Laurens Co., GA
Nancy Culpepper, 49, F, SC, Pauper
Satilla Culpepper, 27, F, GA
Elizabeth Culpepper, 25, F, GA
Sampson Culpepper, 8 (sic), M, GA.
- Laurens County Court of the Ordinary, Laurens Co., GA Marriages, 1851-1935, Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah , 1965, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. Film 410,104 - 410,113.
Elizabeth B. Culpepper and M. Uriah Watson on 23 Jun 1852 in Laurens Co., GA, Bk G-56.
M. Uriah Watson
Male, #3413, (circa 1823 - )
- Laurens County Court of the Ordinary, Laurens Co., GA Marriages, 1851-1935, Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah , 1965, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. Film 410,104 - 410,113.
Elizabeth B. Culpepper and M. Uriah Watson on 23 Jun 1852 in Laurens Co., GA, Bk G-56.
John Abb Culpepper1 
Male, #3414, (circa 1825 - 12 Apr 1863)
DNA* | | John has been proven by DNA and genealogical research to be a descendant of John Culpepper of Marion Co., MS. The male ancestry of John of Marion is unknown and he is not related to the other Culpeppers. |
Birth* | circa 1825 | John was born at Hancock Co., Mississippi, circa 1825.2 |
Relocation | circa 1830 | He, as a family member, accompanied John Culpepper of Marion Co., MS in relocating circa 1830 at Marion Co., Mississippi; Around 1830, the part of Hancock County where the Culpeppers lived became part of an expanded Marion Co., Mississippi. In 1890, this area became part of Pearl River Co. |
1830 Census | 1 Jun 1830 | John and James was probably a free white male, age 5 and under 10, in Keziah Taylor's household, on the 1830 Census at Marion Co., Mississippi.3 |
Death of Father | circa 1840 | His father John Culpepper of Marion Co., MS died circa 1840. |
1840 Census | 1 Jun 1840 | John and James was probably a free white male, age 10 and under 15, in Keziah Taylor's household, on the 1840 Census on 1 Jun 1840 at Covington Co., Mississippi. (Enumerated in the census but otherwise not identified are 1 F5-10, 1 F10-15.)4 |
Census | 1841 | John, William, James, Hiram and Andrew was probably a free male in Keziah Taylor's household on the census taken in 1841 at Covington Co., Mississippi. (5 males, 2 females).5 |
Marriage* | 15 Aug 1842 | He married Dorcas Ann Hood at Lawrence Co., Mississippi, on 15 Aug 1842. |
Birth of Son | circa 1846 | His son John Culpepper was born circa 1846 at Marion Co., Mississippi. |
Birth of Son | circa 1848 | His son William T. Culpepper was born circa 1848 at Marion Co., Mississippi. |
1850 Census* | 1 Jun 1850 | John was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census on 1 Jun 1850 at Marion Co., Mississippi.6 |
Birth of Son | May 1852 | His son James Irwin Culpepper was born in May 1852 at Marion Co., Mississippi. |
Birth of Son | Dec 1853 | His son Moses Culpepper was born in Dec 1853 at Marion Co., Mississippi. |
Land Grant/Patent* | 2 May 1859 | Land was granted to John Abb Culpepper on 2 May 1859 at Lawrence Co., Mississippi.7 |
Birth of Son | 12 Feb 1860 | His son Edward Brown Culpepper was born on 12 Feb 1860 at Marion Co., Mississippi.8 |
1860 Census* | 1 Jun 1860 | John was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census at Marion Co., Mississippi.8 |
Civil War* | between 1861 and 1863 | He served in the War Between the States between 1861 and 1863. |
Death* | 12 Apr 1863 | He died at Vicksburg, Warren Co., Mississippi, on 12 Apr 1863. |
- James C. Brandow, compiler, Genealogies of Barbados families: From Caribbeana and The Journal of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society, Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1983, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. 972.981 D29g.
- John Abb's place of birth is from his military record. The 1850 census indicates he was born in Alabama.
- 1830 Federal Census, United States.
Page 115, images 9-10, Unknown Township, Marion Co., MS
Keziah Culpepper, 2 M0-5, 1 M5-10, 1 F5-10, 1 F30-40, 0 slaves.
- 1840 Federal Census, United States.
Page 44, images 31-32, Unknown Township, Carroll Co., MS
Joseph Culpepper, 1 M0-5, 1 M15-20, 1 M20-30, 1 M40-50, 1 F20-30, 0 slaves.
- Ron V Jackson (Advanced Indexing Systems), compiler, Mississippi State Census Indices, 1805-90, Generations Network - Provo, UT, 1999.
Keziah Culpepper, Covington Co., MS, 1841, 5 males, 2 females.
- 1850 Federal Census, United States.
Page 5, Family 33, Lines 16-19, Marion Co., MS
John Culpepper, 26, M, Farming, AL
D. Culpepper, 25, F, MS
J. Culpepper, 4, M, MS
Wm. F. Culpepper, 2, M, MS
1850 Agricultural census, p. 97, No. 4, John Culpepper with five acres of improved land, cash value of farm $25. On page 99 were Charles Taylor, John Ford, James Ford, Solomon R. Ford, Ebr. Ford and John W. Ford.
- General Land Office Records, compiler, Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records, Online, Bureau of Land Management.
John Culpeper, issued 2 May 1859, St. Stephens Meridian, Jefferson Davis Co., MS (Lawrence Co. at the time of issuance), Twp 6-N, Rng 19-W, Sec 7.
- 1860 Federal Census, United States.
Page 43, Family 291, Lines 24-32, Not Stated, Marion Co., MS
John Culpepper, 36, M, Farmer, RE= $150, PE=$400, MS
Dorcas Culpepper, 35, M, MS
John Culpepper, 14, M, MS
William Culpepper, 12, M, MS
James Culpepper, 8, M, MS
Moses Culpepper, 6, M, MS
Sarah Culpepper, 4, F, MS
Jane Culpepper, 2, F, MS
Edmund Culpepper, 4/12, M, MS.
Dorcas Ann Hood
Female, #3415, (circa 1825 - circa 1890)
Birth* | circa 1825 | Dorcas was born at Mississippi circa 1825. |
Marriage* | 15 Aug 1842 | She married John Abb Culpepper at Lawrence Co., Mississippi, on 15 Aug 1842. |
Married Name | 15 Aug 1842 | As of 15 Aug 1842, her married name was Culpepper. |
Birth of Son | circa 1846 | Her son John Culpepper was born circa 1846 at Marion Co., Mississippi. |
Birth of Son | circa 1848 | Her son William T. Culpepper was born circa 1848 at Marion Co., Mississippi. |
1850 Census | 1 Jun 1850 | Dorcas, John and William listed as a household member living with John Abb Culpepper on the 1850 Census on 1 Jun 1850 at Marion Co., Mississippi.1 |
Birth of Son | May 1852 | Her son James Irwin Culpepper was born in May 1852 at Marion Co., Mississippi. |
Birth of Son | Dec 1853 | Her son Moses Culpepper was born in Dec 1853 at Marion Co., Mississippi. |
Birth of Son | 12 Feb 1860 | Her son Edward Brown Culpepper was born on 12 Feb 1860 at Marion Co., Mississippi.2 |
1860 Census | 1 Jun 1860 | Dorcas, John, William, James, Moses, Sarah, Mary and Edward listed as a household member living with John Abb Culpepper in the 1860 Census at Marion Co., Mississippi.2 |
Death of Spouse | 12 Apr 1863 | Her husband John Abb Culpepper died on 12 Apr 1863 at Vicksburg, Warren Co., Mississippi. |
1870 Census* | 1 Jun 1870 | Dorcas was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census at Jones Co., Mississippi.3 |
1880 Census | 1 Jun 1880 | Dorcas was listed as a mother in James Irwin Culpepper's household on the 1880 Census at Covington Co., Mississippi.4 |
Death* | circa 1890 | She died circa 1890. |
- 1850 Federal Census, United States.
Page 5, Family 33, Lines 16-19, Marion Co., MS
John Culpepper, 26, M, Farming, AL
D. Culpepper, 25, F, MS
J. Culpepper, 4, M, MS
Wm. F. Culpepper, 2, M, MS
1850 Agricultural census, p. 97, No. 4, John Culpepper with five acres of improved land, cash value of farm $25. On page 99 were Charles Taylor, John Ford, James Ford, Solomon R. Ford, Ebr. Ford and John W. Ford.
- 1860 Federal Census, United States.
Page 43, Family 291, Lines 24-32, Not Stated, Marion Co., MS
John Culpepper, 36, M, Farmer, RE= $150, PE=$400, MS
Dorcas Culpepper, 35, M, MS
John Culpepper, 14, M, MS
William Culpepper, 12, M, MS
James Culpepper, 8, M, MS
Moses Culpepper, 6, M, MS
Sarah Culpepper, 4, F, MS
Jane Culpepper, 2, F, MS
Edmund Culpepper, 4/12, M, MS.
- 1870 Federal Census, United States.
Page 14, Family 90, Lines 35-40, Township 6, Jones, MS
Dorcas Culpepper, 47, F, Wh, Keeping house, RE=$0, PE=$290, MS
James J. Culpepper, 19, M, Wh, Farm laborer, MS
Moses Culpepper, 18, M, Wh, Farm laborer, MS
Sarah E. Culpepper, 14, F, Wh, without occupation, MS
Mary J. Culpepper, 12, F, Wh, without occupation, MS
Edmond Culpepper, 9, M, Wh, at home, MS.
- 1880 Federal Census, United States.
FHL Film 1254646, National Archives Film T9-0646, Page 305C, District 2, Covington Co., MS
Irven Culpepper, Self, M, Md, Wh, 20, Planter, MS/MS/MS (#3418)
Margarette Culpepper, Wife, F, Md, Wh, 25, Keeping House, MS/MS/MS
Joseph Culpepper, Son, M, Sng, Wh, 7, N/A, MS/MS/MS
Mary A. Culpepper, Dau, F, Sng, Wh, 5, N/A, MS/MS/MS
Ida Culpepper, Dau, F, Sng, Wh, 2, N/A, MS/MS/MS
Isaac J. Culpepper, Son, M, Sng, Wh, 6M, N/A, MS/MS/MS
Ann Culpepper, Mother, F, Wid, Wh, 58, N/A, MS/SC/AL.
John Culpepper
Male, #3416, (circa 1846 - say 1882)
Biography* | | That this John Culpepper was the father of Eleanor and Robert Columbus Culpepper, and the husband of Elizabeth Landrum, is currently a matter of discussion and research. |
Researcher* | 1 Jan 300 | More information is needed on this John in Jones and / or nearby counties in MS during 1860-1880. Any help will be appreciated. Christopher Clark is researching this line (2006) and will appreciate any help you might provide. See Footnote for e-mail address.1 |
Birth* | circa 1846 | John was born at Marion Co., Mississippi, circa 1846. |
1850 Census | 1 Jun 1850 | Dorcas, John and William listed as a household member living with John Abb Culpepper on the 1850 Census on 1 Jun 1850 at Marion Co., Mississippi.2 |
1860 Census | 1 Jun 1860 | Dorcas, John, William, James, Moses, Sarah, Mary and Edward listed as a household member living with John Abb Culpepper in the 1860 Census at Marion Co., Mississippi.3 |
Death of Father | 12 Apr 1863 | His father John Abb Culpepper died on 12 Apr 1863 at Vicksburg, Warren Co., Mississippi. |
Marriage* | say 1874 | He married Elizabeth Landrum at Jones Co., Mississippi, say 1874. |
Birth of Son | 24 Jun 1875 | His son Robert Columbus Culpepper was born on 24 Jun 1875 at Jones Co., Mississippi.4 |
Death* | say 1882 | He died at Jones Co., Mississippi, say 1882. |
- E-mail written 7 Mar 2006 to Lew Griffin from Christopher Clark, e-mail address.
- 1850 Federal Census, United States.
Page 5, Family 33, Lines 16-19, Marion Co., MS
John Culpepper, 26, M, Farming, AL
D. Culpepper, 25, F, MS
J. Culpepper, 4, M, MS
Wm. F. Culpepper, 2, M, MS
1850 Agricultural census, p. 97, No. 4, John Culpepper with five acres of improved land, cash value of farm $25. On page 99 were Charles Taylor, John Ford, James Ford, Solomon R. Ford, Ebr. Ford and John W. Ford.
- 1860 Federal Census, United States.
Page 43, Family 291, Lines 24-32, Not Stated, Marion Co., MS
John Culpepper, 36, M, Farmer, RE= $150, PE=$400, MS
Dorcas Culpepper, 35, M, MS
John Culpepper, 14, M, MS
William Culpepper, 12, M, MS
James Culpepper, 8, M, MS
Moses Culpepper, 6, M, MS
Sarah Culpepper, 4, F, MS
Jane Culpepper, 2, F, MS
Edmund Culpepper, 4/12, M, MS.
- National Archives and Records Administration, compiler, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, Online database at, 2005.
Robert Columbus Culpepper, RFD#5, Laurel, Jones Co., MS, Age 43, Born 24 Jun 1875, White, Farming for self at RFD#5, Laurel, Jones Co., MS. Nearest relative: Vance Culpepper, Wife, RFD#5, Laurel, Jones Co., MS, signed (x), Tall height, Medium build, Blue eyes, Light hair, Disabilities: None. Registered 12 Sep 1918 in Wayne Co., MS.
William T. Culpepper1,2,3
Male, #3417, (circa 1848 - after 1884)
Name Variation | | He was also known as William F. |
Name Variation | | He was also known as William L. |
Birth* | circa 1848 | William was born at Marion Co., Mississippi, circa 1848. |
1850 Census | 1 Jun 1850 | Dorcas, John and William listed as a household member living with John Abb Culpepper on the 1850 Census on 1 Jun 1850 at Marion Co., Mississippi.4 |
1860 Census | 1 Jun 1860 | Dorcas, John, William, James, Moses, Sarah, Mary and Edward listed as a household member living with John Abb Culpepper in the 1860 Census at Marion Co., Mississippi.5 |
Marriage* | circa 1870 | He married Sarah A. (?) at Jones Co., Mississippi, circa 1870. |
1870 Census* | 1 Jun 1870 | William was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census at Jones Co., Mississippi.1 |
Birth of Son | 19 May 1877 | His son Matthew Martin Culpepper was born on 19 May 1877 at Jones Co., Mississippi.6 |
Birth of Son | circa 1879 | His son William W. Culpepper was born circa 1879 at Jones Co., Mississippi. |
1880 Census* | 1 Jun 1880 | William was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census at Jones Co., Mississippi.2 |
Birth of Son | Mar 1881 | His son Oliver Clarence Culpepper was born in Mar 1881 at Mississippi.7,8 |
Land Grant/Patent* | 30 Dec 1884 | Land was granted to William T. Culpepper on 30 Dec 1884 at Jones Co., Mississippi.3 |
Death* | after 1884 | He died after 1884. |
- 1870 Federal Census, United States.
Page 11, Family 66, Lines 11-12, Township 6, Jones, MS
William T. Culpepper, 22, M, Wh, Farm Laborer, RE=$0, PE=$0
Sarah A. Culpepper, 16, F, Wh, Keeping House.
- 1880 Federal Census, United States.
Southwest, Page 345D, Jones Co., MS
Wm. T. Culpepper, Self, M, Md, Wh, 33, Farmer, MS/LA/MS
Sarah A. Culpepper, Wife, F, Md, Wh, 26, House Keeper, MS/MS/MS
Martha A. Culpepper, Dau, F, Sng, Wh, 7, At Home, MS/MS/MS
Laura M. Culpepper, Dau, F, Sng, Wh, 5, At Home, MS/MS/MS
Mathew S. Culpepper, Son, M, Sng, Wh, 3, At Home, MS/MS/MS
William W. Culpepper, Son, M, Sng, Wh, 7M, At Home, MS/MS/MS.
- General Land Office Records, compiler, Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records, Online, Bureau of Land Management.
William T Culpepper, issued 30 Dec 1884, St. Stephens Meridian, Jones Co., MS, Twp 6-N, Rng 14-W, Sec 12.
- 1850 Federal Census, United States.
Page 5, Family 33, Lines 16-19, Marion Co., MS
John Culpepper, 26, M, Farming, AL
D. Culpepper, 25, F, MS
J. Culpepper, 4, M, MS
Wm. F. Culpepper, 2, M, MS
1850 Agricultural census, p. 97, No. 4, John Culpepper with five acres of improved land, cash value of farm $25. On page 99 were Charles Taylor, John Ford, James Ford, Solomon R. Ford, Ebr. Ford and John W. Ford.
- 1860 Federal Census, United States.
Page 43, Family 291, Lines 24-32, Not Stated, Marion Co., MS
John Culpepper, 36, M, Farmer, RE= $150, PE=$400, MS
Dorcas Culpepper, 35, M, MS
John Culpepper, 14, M, MS
William Culpepper, 12, M, MS
James Culpepper, 8, M, MS
Moses Culpepper, 6, M, MS
Sarah Culpepper, 4, F, MS
Jane Culpepper, 2, F, MS
Edmund Culpepper, 4/12, M, MS.
- National Archives and Records Administration, compiler, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, Online database at, 2005.
Mathew Martin Culpepper, 25 RFD#1, Mount Olive, Covington Co., MS, age 41, born 19 May 1877, White, Farming for self at 25 RFD#1, Mount Olive, Covington Co., MS. Nearest relative: Mary Culpepper (Wife), 25 RFD#1, Mount Olive, Covington Co., MS, /s/ Mathew Martin Culpepper, Medium height, Medium build, Gray eyes, ? hair, No disabilities. Registered 12 Sep 1918 in Collins, Columbus Co., MS.
- 1920 Federal Census, United States.
ED 93, Sheet 11A, Jones Co., MS.
- National Archives and Records Administration, compiler, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, Online database at, 2005.
Oliver Clarence Culpepper, Eastabuchie, Jones Co., MS, age 36, born March 1881, White, Laborer for self at Eastabuchie, Jones Co., MS. Nearest relative: Maggie Culpepper, Eastabuchie, Jones Co., MS, /s/ Oliver Clarence Culpepper, Medium height, Medium build, Blue eyes, Dark hair, No disabilities. Registered 12 Sep 1918 in Laurel, Jones Co., MS.
- The parents of Oliver C. Culpepper are not proven and have been assumed based upon the fact that there were no other Culpepper families known to have be in Jones Co., MS at the time of Oliver's birth.
James Irwin Culpepper
Male, #3418, (May 1852 - after 1900)
Birth* | May 1852 | James was born at Marion Co., Mississippi, in May 1852. |
1860 Census | 1 Jun 1860 | Dorcas, John, William, James, Moses, Sarah, Mary and Edward listed as a household member living with John Abb Culpepper in the 1860 Census at Marion Co., Mississippi.1 |
Marriage* | circa 1869 | He married Margaret Ann Ingram at Mississippi circa 1869. |
1870 Census | 1 Jun 1870 | James, Moses, Sarah, Mary and Edward listed as a household member living with Dorcas Ann Culpepper on the 1870 Census at Jones Co., Mississippi.2 |
Birth of Son | 29 Dec 1870 | His son Joseph Washington Culpepper was born on 29 Dec 1870 at Covington Co., Mississippi.3 |
Birth of Son | 31 Mar 1880 | His son Isaac Jefferson Culpepper was born on 31 Mar 1880 at Covington Co., Mississippi.4 |
1880 Census* | 1 Jun 1880 | James was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census at Covington Co., Mississippi.5 |
Birth of Son | 4 Oct 1889 | His son James William Culpepper was born on 4 Oct 1889 at Covington Co., Mississippi.6 |
Birth of Son | Nov 1894 | His son James B. Culpepper was born in Nov 1894 at Covington Co., Mississippi.7 |
Birth of Son | 4 Apr 1895 | His son Millard Mimms Culpepper was born on 4 Apr 1895 at Covington Co., Mississippi.8 |
Land Grant/Patent* | 7 May 1897 | Land was granted to James Irwin Culpepper on 7 May 1897 at Covington Co., Mississippi.9 |
1900 Census* | 1 Jun 1900 | James was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census at Covington Co., Mississippi.7 |
Death* | after 1900 | He died at Covington Co., Mississippi, after 1900. |
Burial* | | His body was interred at Ingraham Cemetery, Covington Co., Mississippi. |
- 1860 Federal Census, United States.
Page 43, Family 291, Lines 24-32, Not Stated, Marion Co., MS
John Culpepper, 36, M, Farmer, RE= $150, PE=$400, MS
Dorcas Culpepper, 35, M, MS
John Culpepper, 14, M, MS
William Culpepper, 12, M, MS
James Culpepper, 8, M, MS
Moses Culpepper, 6, M, MS
Sarah Culpepper, 4, F, MS
Jane Culpepper, 2, F, MS
Edmund Culpepper, 4/12, M, MS.
- 1870 Federal Census, United States.
Page 14, Family 90, Lines 35-40, Township 6, Jones, MS
Dorcas Culpepper, 47, F, Wh, Keeping house, RE=$0, PE=$290, MS
James J. Culpepper, 19, M, Wh, Farm laborer, MS
Moses Culpepper, 18, M, Wh, Farm laborer, MS
Sarah E. Culpepper, 14, F, Wh, without occupation, MS
Mary J. Culpepper, 12, F, Wh, without occupation, MS
Edmond Culpepper, 9, M, Wh, at home, MS.
- Correspondence from Billie Wyvonne Culpepper New (#7412) (some records appear to be originally frm Betty Elizabeth Culpepper Cooper #58094), Jacksonville, AR, to Lew Griffin, 1994.
- National Archives and Records Administration, compiler, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, Online database at, 2005.
Isaac Jefferson Culpepper, Maxie, Forrest Co., MS, age 38, born 31 Mar 1880, White, Section Foreman for G&SI RR Co. at Maxie, Forrest Co., MS. Nearest relative: Mary E. Culpepper, Maxie, Forrest Co., MS, /s/ Isaac Jefferson Culpepper, Tall height, Slender build, Blue eyes, Dark brown hair, No disabilities. Registered 12 Sep 1918 in Hattiesburg, Forrest Co., MS.
- 1880 Federal Census, United States.
FHL Film 1254646, National Archives Film T9-0646, Page 305C, District 2, Covington Co., MS
Irven Culpepper, Self, M, Md, Wh, 20, Planter, MS/MS/MS (#3418)
Margarette Culpepper, Wife, F, Md, Wh, 25, Keeping House, MS/MS/MS
Joseph Culpepper, Son, M, Sng, Wh, 7, N/A, MS/MS/MS
Mary A. Culpepper, Dau, F, Sng, Wh, 5, N/A, MS/MS/MS
Ida Culpepper, Dau, F, Sng, Wh, 2, N/A, MS/MS/MS
Isaac J. Culpepper, Son, M, Sng, Wh, 6M, N/A, MS/MS/MS
Ann Culpepper, Mother, F, Wid, Wh, 58, N/A, MS/SC/AL.
- U.S. Social Security Administration, compiler, Social Security Death Index (SSDI), Online database at
- 1900 Federal Census, United States.
ED 13, Page 12A, Family 233, Watts, Covington County, MS
Irving Culpepper, Head, Wh, M, May 1852, 48, M, Md-20 yrs, MS/MS/MS, Farmer
Margarett Culpepper, Wife, Wh, F, Apr 1863, 37, Md-20 yrs, ch 8/8, MS/MS/MS
Ida O. Culpepper, Daughter, Wh, F, May 1879, 21, S, MS/MS/MS
Pheony Culpepper Daughter, Wh, F, Jun 1882, 18, S, MS/MS/MS
Anna Culpepper, Daughter, Wh, F, Feb 1884, 16, S, MS/MS/MS
Willie Culpepper, Son, Wh, M, Oct. 1887, 12, S, MS/MS/MS
Katie Culpepper Daughter, Wh, F, May 1890, 10, S, MS/MS/MS
May Culpepper Daughter, Wh, F, Oct 1892, 8, S, MS/MS/MS
Jim Culpepper, Son, Wh, M, Nov. 1894, 6, S, MS/MS/MS
Millard Culpepper, Son, Wh, M, Jan 1896, 4, S, MS/MS/MS
Carrie Culpepper, Daughter, Wh, F, Feb 1898, 2, S, MS/MS/MS.
- National Archives and Records Administration, compiler, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, Online database at, 2005.
Millard Mims Culpepper, Age 22, Meadville, Franklin Co., MS. Born 4 Apr 1895 in Covington Co., MS. Occupation: Farmer for H. K. Guice at Meadville, Franklin Co., MS. Dependents: Wife. Married. White. Prior military service: None. Claims No exemption from draft. /s/ Millard Mims Culpepper. Tall height, Slender build, Blue eyes, Light hair, Not bald, No disabilities. 5 Jun 1917, Antioch, Franklin Co., MS.
- General Land Office Records, compiler, Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records, Online, Bureau of Land Management.
Irvin C Culpepper, issued 7 May 1897, St. Stephens Meridian, Covington Co., MS, Twp 7-N, Rng 14-W, Sec 31.
Moses Culpepper
Male, #3419, (Dec 1853 - say 1915)
Birth* | Dec 1853 | Moses was born at Marion Co., Mississippi, in Dec 1853. |
1860 Census | 1 Jun 1860 | Dorcas, John, William, James, Moses, Sarah, Mary and Edward listed as a household member living with John Abb Culpepper in the 1860 Census at Marion Co., Mississippi.1 |
Death of Father | 12 Apr 1863 | His father John Abb Culpepper died on 12 Apr 1863 at Vicksburg, Warren Co., Mississippi. |
1870 Census | 1 Jun 1870 | James, Moses, Sarah, Mary and Edward listed as a household member living with Dorcas Ann Culpepper on the 1870 Census at Jones Co., Mississippi.2 |
Marriage* | circa 1871 | He married Amanda Ingram at Mississippi circa 1871.3 |
Birth of Son | 5 Mar 1876 | His son John Tilman Culpepper was born on 5 Mar 1876.4 |
Birth of Son | circa 1878 | His son Andrew E. Culpepper was born circa 1878 at Covington Co., Mississippi. |
1880 Census* | 1 Jun 1880 | Moses was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census at Covington Co., Mississippi.5 |
Birth of Son | 19 Oct 1882 | His son William Dennis Culpepper was born on 19 Oct 1882 at Covington Co., Mississippi.6,7 |
Marriage* | circa 1886 | He married Ella Campbell at Covington Co., Mississippi, circa 1886. |
Birth of Son | Dec 1889 | His son Willie Daniel Culpepper was born in Dec 1889 at Covington Co., Mississippi. |
Death of Mother | circa 1890 | His mother Dorcas Ann Hood died circa 1890. |
Birth of Son | 16 Jun 1893 | His son Abner B. Culpepper was born on 16 Jun 1893 at Covington Co., Mississippi.8 |
Birth of Son | Jan 1894 | His son Warren Culpepper was born in Jan 1894 at Covington Co., Mississippi. |
1900 Census* | 1 Jun 1900 | Moses was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census at Watts, Covington Co., Mississippi.9 |
Birth of Son | 5 Jun 1900 | His son Eugene Edmond Culpepper was born on 5 Jun 1900 at Covington Co., Mississippi.10 |
Land Grant/Patent* | 12 Aug 1901 | Land was granted to Moses Culpepper on 12 Aug 1901 at Covington Co., Mississippi.11 |
Birth of Son | circa 1905 | His son Vardaman Culpepper was born circa 1905 at Covington Co., Mississippi. |
Birth of Son | circa 1906 | His son Leroy Culpepper was born circa 1906 at Covington Co., Mississippi. |
1910 Census* | 15 Apr 1910 | Moses was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census at Covington Co., Mississippi.3 |
Burial* | say 1915 | His body was interred say 1915 at Ingraham Cemetery, Covington Co., Mississippi. |
Death* | say 1915 | He died at Covington Co., Mississippi, say 1915 His wife Ella appeared as a widow in the 1920 census.12 |
- 1860 Federal Census, United States.
Page 43, Family 291, Lines 24-32, Not Stated, Marion Co., MS
John Culpepper, 36, M, Farmer, RE= $150, PE=$400, MS
Dorcas Culpepper, 35, M, MS
John Culpepper, 14, M, MS
William Culpepper, 12, M, MS
James Culpepper, 8, M, MS
Moses Culpepper, 6, M, MS
Sarah Culpepper, 4, F, MS
Jane Culpepper, 2, F, MS
Edmund Culpepper, 4/12, M, MS.
- 1870 Federal Census, United States.
Page 14, Family 90, Lines 35-40, Township 6, Jones, MS
Dorcas Culpepper, 47, F, Wh, Keeping house, RE=$0, PE=$290, MS
James J. Culpepper, 19, M, Wh, Farm laborer, MS
Moses Culpepper, 18, M, Wh, Farm laborer, MS
Sarah E. Culpepper, 14, F, Wh, without occupation, MS
Mary J. Culpepper, 12, F, Wh, without occupation, MS
Edmond Culpepper, 9, M, Wh, at home, MS.
- 1910 Federal Census, United States.
ED 1, Sheet 15A, Family 265, Beat 1, Covington County, MS
Moses Culpepper, Head, Wh, M, 55, Md2-19 yrs, MS/MS/MS, Farm, General farm
Ella Culpepper, Wife, Wh, F, 38, Md1-19 yrs, ch 8/8, MS/MS/MS
Abner Culpepper, Son, Wh, M, 17, S, MS/MS/MS, Farm, General farm
Mattie Culpepper, Daughter, Wh, F, 15, S, MS/MS/MS
Collie Culpepper, Daughter, Wh, F, 13, S, MS/MS/MS
Eugene Culpepper, Son, Wh, M, 10, S, MS/MS/MS
Isabell Culpepper, Daughter, Wh, F, 7, S, MS/MS/MS
Vardawan Culpepper, Son, Wh, M, 5, MS/MS/MS
Roy Culpepper, Son, Wh, M, 4, S, MS/MS/MS
Leana Culpepper, Daughter, Wh, F, 4, S, MS/MS/MS.
- National Archives and Records Administration, compiler, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, Online database at, 2005.
John Tilman Culpepper, RFD#1, Seminary, Covington Co., MS, age 42, born 5 Mar 1876, White, Farmer and saw filer for John Lott at Seminary, Covington Co., MS. Nearest relative: Azzie Culpepper (Wife), RFD#1, Seminary, Covington Co., MS, /s/ John Culpepper, Tall height, Slender build, Blue eyes, Blond hair, No disabilities. Registered 12 Sep 1918 in Collins, Columbus Co., MS.
- 1880 Federal Census, United States.
Page 305D, District 2, Covington Co., MS
Moses Culpepper, Self, M, Md, Wh, 26, Planter, MS/MS/MS
Amanda M. Culpepper, Wife, F, Md, Wh, 18, Keeping House, MS/MS/MS
Maggie E. Culpepper, Dau, F, Sng, Wh, 7, N/A, MS/MS/MS
John T. Culpepper, Son, M, Sng, Wh, 5, N/A, MS/MS/MS
Andrew E. Culpepper, Dau, F, Sng, Wh, 2, N/A, MS/MS/MS.
- National Archives and Records Administration, compiler, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, Online database at, 2005.
William Dennis Culpepper, Sanford, Covington Co., MS, age 36, born 19 Oct 1882, White, Farming for Bof. Geiger at RFD#2, Seminary, Covington Co., MS. Nearest relative: Margie Culpepper, Sanford, Covington Co., MS, /s/ William Dennis Culpepper, Medium height, Medium build, Blue eyes, Dark hair, No disabilities. Registered 12 Sep 1918 in Collins, Covington Co., MS.
- 1920 Federal Census, United States.
ED 3, page 13A, Lines 6-9, Richmond, Covington, MS (17 Jan 1920)
Dennis Cullpeper, Head, M, Wh, 37, md, MS/MS/MS farmer
Maggie Cullpeper, Wife, F, Wh, 38, md, MS/MS/MS
Mamie Cullpeper, Dau, F, Wh, 17, sng, MS/MS/MS
Virginia Cullpeper, Dau, F,Wh, 19, sng, MS/MS/MS.
- National Archives and Records Administration, compiler, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, Online database at, 2005.
Ab Culpepper, Age 23, Seminary, Covington Co., MS. Born 16 Jun 1893 in Covington Co., MS. Occupation: Farming for Luther Napier, 3 miles east of Seminary, Covington Co., MS. Dependents: Wife. Married. White. Prior military service: 3 years in State Militia. Claims exemption from draft due need to support dependant. /s/ A. B. Culpepper. Medium height, Medium build, Blue eyes, Light hair, Not bald, No disabilities. 5 Jun 1917, Seminary, Covington Co., MS.
- 1900 Federal Census, United States.
ED 13, Page 7A, Family 129, Watts, Covington County, MS
Moses Culpepper, Head, Wh, M, Dec 1856, 43, Md-12 yrs, MS/MS/MS
Ella Culpepper, Wife, Wh, F, Oct 1871, 28, Md-12 yrs, ch 6/6, MS/MS/MS
Ellen Culpepper, Daughter, Wh, F, Sep 1887, 12, S, MS/MS/MS, at school
Daniel Culpepper, Son, Wh, M, Dec 1889, 10, S, MS/MS/MS, at school
Warren Culpepper, Son, Wh, M, Jun 1894, 6, S, MS/MS/MS, at school
Mary Culpepper, Daughter, Wh, F, Aug 1897, 3, S, MS/MS/MS
Anna Culpepper, Daughter, Wh, F, Nov 1898, 1, S, MS/MS/MS.
- USGenWeb Archives.
Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery, near Seminary, MS
+ Eugene Edmond Culpepper, 5 Jun 1900 - 19 Aug 1957
+ Sarah Edna Culpepper, 10 Jun 1902 - 7 Apr 1983.
- General Land Office Records, compiler, Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records, Online, Bureau of Land Management.
Moses T Culpepper, issued 12 Aug 1901, St. Stephens Meridian, Covington Co., MS, Twp 7-N, Rng 14-W, Sec 30.
- 1920 Federal Census, United States.
ED 1, Sheet 149, Page 14A, Lines 34-38, Seminary, Covington Co., MS (22 Jan 1920)
Ella Culpepper, Head, F, Wh, 46, wid, MS/MS/MS Farmer
Isabell Culpepper, Dau, F, Wh, 18, sng, MS/MS/MS
Vardeman Culpepper, Son, M, Wh, 16, sng, MS/MS/MS
Leana Culpepper, Dau, F, Wh, 13, sng, MS/MS/MS
Leroy Culpepper, Son, M, Wh, 13, sng, MS/MS/MS.
Sarah E. Culpepper
Female, #3420, (circa 1856 - )
Birth* | circa 1856 | Sarah was born at Marion Co., Mississippi, circa 1856. |
1860 Census | 1 Jun 1860 | Dorcas, John, William, James, Moses, Sarah, Mary and Edward listed as a household member living with John Abb Culpepper in the 1860 Census at Marion Co., Mississippi.1 |
1870 Census | 1 Jun 1870 | James, Moses, Sarah, Mary and Edward listed as a household member living with Dorcas Ann Culpepper on the 1870 Census at Jones Co., Mississippi.2 |
Married Name | 23 Sep 1875 | As of 23 Sep 1875, her married name was Daughdrill.3 |
Marriage* | 23 Sep 1875 | She married Felix Daughdrill at Harrison Co., Mississippi, on 23 Sep 1875.3 |
- 1860 Federal Census, United States.
Page 43, Family 291, Lines 24-32, Not Stated, Marion Co., MS
John Culpepper, 36, M, Farmer, RE= $150, PE=$400, MS
Dorcas Culpepper, 35, M, MS
John Culpepper, 14, M, MS
William Culpepper, 12, M, MS
James Culpepper, 8, M, MS
Moses Culpepper, 6, M, MS
Sarah Culpepper, 4, F, MS
Jane Culpepper, 2, F, MS
Edmund Culpepper, 4/12, M, MS.
- 1870 Federal Census, United States.
Page 14, Family 90, Lines 35-40, Township 6, Jones, MS
Dorcas Culpepper, 47, F, Wh, Keeping house, RE=$0, PE=$290, MS
James J. Culpepper, 19, M, Wh, Farm laborer, MS
Moses Culpepper, 18, M, Wh, Farm laborer, MS
Sarah E. Culpepper, 14, F, Wh, without occupation, MS
Mary J. Culpepper, 12, F, Wh, without occupation, MS
Edmond Culpepper, 9, M, Wh, at home, MS.
- Hunting For Bears, compiler, Mississippi Marriages, 1776-1935, Online database at, 2004.
Sarah E. Culpepper married Felix Daughdrill on 23 Sep 1875 in Harrison Co., MS.