Mississippi Culpepper Archives
Pearl River County

County History
River County was formed in 1890 from Hancock
and Marion Counties and was named for the Pearl
River which forms its western boundary and separates it from Louisiana.
In 1904, some of its northern territory was detached and transferred to
the new county of Lamar, while in 1908 it
received an accession from Hancock County. The largest city in the
county is Picayune with over 20,000 people. It is the business and
medical center of the county, as well as a certified retirement
community. While Picayune received some damage from Hurricane Katrina,
there was no flood damage because of its inland location. Pearl River
county has become the permanent home for many who relocated from the
Mississippi Gulf Coast and New Orleans seeking a safe home site within
commuting distance to those areas. As of 2000, the county's population
was 48,621, but by 2006, the relocations had pushed it to over 57,000.
Poplarville is the county seat, and other towns include Lumberton and
Mississippi. Adjacent counties are Marion
County (northwest), Lamar County
(north), Forrest County (northeast),
Stone County (east),
Hancock County (south), St. Tammany
Parish, Louisiana (southwest) and
Washington Parish, Louisiana (west).

Any names
below in red have not been matched
with a person in the Culpepper family tree. If you can identify any of
please let us know.

Census Records
No Culpeppers
were found in any Pearl River County censuses prior to 1910.
1910 US Census
ED 111, Sheet 5B, Family
111, Picayune, Pearl River County, MS (#9507)√
George L. Culpepper, Head, M, Wh, 68, Md1-43 yrs, AL/NC/NC,
Farmer-General Farm
Sarah C. Culpepper, Wife, F, Wh, 60, Md1-43 yrs, ch, 13/11,
Austin Culpepper, Son, M, Wh, 18, S, AL/AL/AL, Call
boy-Railroad yard
Katie M. Culpepper, Daughter, F, Wh, 15, S, AL/AL/AL |
ED 111, Sheet 6B, Family
127, Picayune, Pearl River County, MS (#10089)√
Raz Culpepper, Head, M, Wh, 25, Md1-1 yrs, US/US/US, Car
Ethel Culpepper, Wife, F, Wh, 21, Md1-1 yrs, ch 1/1, MS/MS/MS
Wilder Culpepper, Daughter, F, Wh, 5/12, S, MS/US/MS
Letha Hunter, Boarder, F, Wh, 69, Wd, ch 1/1, MS/TN/TN |
Transcribed for Culpepper Connections by
Shannon Leigh O’Connor Christian
1920 US Census
ED 119, Sheet 20A, Family 392, Orvisburg, Pearl River
County, MS (#3442)√
Mrs. Maggie Culpeper, Head, F, Wh, 44, Wd, MS/MS/MS
Willard Culpeper, Son, M, Wh, 23, Wd, MS/MS/MS, Laborer-Saw
Burie Culpeper, Son, M, Wh, 21, S, MS/MS/MS, Laborer-Saw Mill
Robert Culpeper, Son, M, Wh, 18, S, MS/MS/MS, Laborer-Saw
Dan Culpeper, Son, M, Wh, 17, S, MS/MS/MS, Laborer-Saw
Ocon Culpeper, Son, M, Wh, 14, S, MS/MS/MS
Vernon Culpeper, Son, M, Wh, 13, S, MS/MS/MS
Lena Culpeper, Daughter, F, Wh, 12, S, MS/MS/MS
Anna Lee Culpeper, Daughter, F, Wh, 9, S, MS/MS/MS
Hubert Culpeper, Son, M, Wh, 8, S, MS/MS/MS
Virgie Culpeper, Son, M, Wh, 7, S, MS/MS/MS
Essie Culpeper, Daughter, F, Wh, 6, S, MS/MS/MS
Margaret Culpeper, Daughter, F, Wh, 1 2/12, S, MS/MS/MS |
ED 120,
page 7A, Lines 9-16, Hillendale Rd., Pearl River County, MS (12 Jan 1920)
Cincinatti Culpepper, Head, M, Wh, 48, md, MS/MS/MS salesman,
dry goods store Pearlie Culpepper, Wife, F, Wh, 43, md, MS/MS/MS
? (Balzora) Culpepper, Dau, F, Wh, 24, sng, MS/MS/MS teacher, common
school ? (Hilton) Culpepper, Son, M, Wh, 21, sng, MS/MS/MS John Culpepper, Son, M, Wh, 18, sng, MS/MS/MS
? (Oscar) Culpepper, Son, M, Wh, 16, sng, MS/MS/MS Sarah L. Culpepper, Dau, F, Wh, 8, sng, MS/MS/MS
John Laird, servant, M, Bl, 16, sng, MS/GA/GA house servant |
Transcribed for Culpepper Connections by
Linda Jones Cushing
1930 US Census
55-1, Page 1B, Highway 11, Poplarville, Pearl River Co., MS (#2345)√
Rent Home, $35.00, Radio=N
Cincinatti C Culpepper; Head, M, Wh, 55, md@20,
MS/GA/MS, Clerk, Grocery Store, Vet=N
Pearlie Culpepper, Wife, F, Wh, 54, md@19, MS/MS/MS,
Boarding House Keeper, at home
Winston Culpepper, Son, M, Wh, 22, sng, MS/MS/MS
Sarah Lou Culpepper, Daughter, F, Wh, 17, sng,
(Seven Boarders-did not list names) |
55-1, Page 11B, Highway 11, Poplarville, Pearl River Co., MS (#2344)√
Own Home, $3,000, Radio=Y
James C (sic) Culpepper, Head, M, Wh, 61, md@26, MS/MS/MS,
Teacher, Junior College, Vet=N
Rosa Culpepper, Wife, F, Wh, 46, md@16, MS/MS/MS
Claude Culpepper, Son, M, Wh, 16, sng, MS/MS/MS
Catharine Culpepper, Daughter, F, Wh, 16, sng,
55-4, Page 23B, Beat 3, Pearl River Co., MS
Own Farm, Radio=N
Griffin O Stewart, Head, M, Wh, 51, md@20, MS/MS/MS, Farmer, Farm,
Sarah A Stewart, Wife, F, Wh, 47, md@16, MS/MS/MS
Carl E Stewart, Son, M, Wh, 29, sng, MS/MS/MS, Rural Delivery, U S
Mail, Vet=N
Ellis C Stewart, Son, M, Wh, 26, sng, MS/MS/MS, Booker, Saw Mill,
Mary L Stewart, Daughter, F, Wh, 18, sng, MS/MS/MS
Frank W Stewart, Son, M, Wh, 13, sng, MS/MS/MS
Hiram G Stewart, Son, M, Wh, 19, sng, MS/MS/MS
Hubert Culpepper, Boarder, M, Wh, 19, sng, MS/MS/MS,
Farmer, Farm (#3514)√ |
55-4, Page 27A, Beat 3, Banyie Road, Pearl River Co., MS (#3494)√
Rent Home, $5.00, Radio=N
Dan C Culpepper, Head, M, Wh, 27, md@22, MS/MS/MS,
Farmer, Farm, Vet=N
Minnie R Culpepper, Wife, F, Wh, 24, md@19, MS/MS/MS
Myrtis L Culpepper, Daughter, F, Wh, 3 6/12, sng,
Nettie G Culpepper, Daughter, F, Wh, 1 10/12, sng,
55-6, Page 7A, Goodyear Subdivision, Picayune, Pearl River Co., MS
Rent Home, $6.00, Radio=N
J Culpepper, Head, M, Wh, 31, md@21, MS/MS/MS,
Laborer, Lumber Mill, Vet=N
Maude Culpepper, Wife, F, Wh, 25, md@15, MS/AL/AL
Oneta Culpepper, Daughter, F, Wh, 7, sng, MS/MS/MS
Miran Culpepper, Daughter, F, Wh, 5, sng, MS/MS/MS
Winfred Culpepper, Son, M, Wh, 2, sng, MS/MS/MS |
55-7, Page 3B, Harryh Avenue, Picayune, Pearl River Co., MS (#9513)√
Own Home, $1,000, Radio=N
Sarah Culpepper, Head, F, Wh, 82, Wid, md@16,
AL/MASS/AL, No Occupation, Vet=N
Ann Megehee, Daughter, F, Wh, 32, Wid, md@17, AL/AL/AL, No
Occupation |
Transcribed for Culpepper Connections by
Malcolm Wicks Culpepper

Military Records
World War I Draft
Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Source: National Archives and Records
World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-18
(database online) Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2002. National Archives and
Records Administration. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration
Cards, 1917-1918. M1509, 4,277 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and
Records Administration
D. Culpepper,
Orvisburg, Pearl River Co., MS, Age 19, Born 27 Nov 1899, White, Sawmill
laborer for Cecil Lumber Co. at Orvisburg, Pearl River Co., MS. Nearest
relative: Mrs. Maggie Culpepper, Orvisburg, Pearl River Co., MS, signed
(x), Short height, Slender build, Light blue eyes, Light brown hair, No
disabilities. Registered 12 Sep 1918 in Pearl River Co., MS
(#3445)√ |
Erastus Alonzo Culpepper,
Picayune, Pearl River Co., MS, Age 33, Born 3 Nov 1885, White, Engineer
for NO&NE RR at Picayune, Pearl River Co., MS. Nearest relative: Mrs.
Ethel Culpepper, Picayune, Pearl River Co., MS, /s/ Erastus Alonzo
Culpepper, Tall height, Medium build, Brown eyes, Black hair, No
disabilities. Registered 12 Sep 1918 in Pearl River Co., MS
(#10089)√ |
J. P. Culpepper,
Age 21, Poplarville, Pearl River Co., MS. Born 2 Aug 1897 in Gloster,
Amite Co., MS. Father Born in Mississippi. Teacher at Derby, Pearl River
Co., MS. Nearest relative: Rev. J. P. Culpepper Jr., Poplarville, Pearl
River Co., MS. White. /s/ J. P. Culpepper, Jr., Medium height,
Medium build, Blue eyes, Brown hair, No disabilities. 24 Aug 1918 in
Pearl River Co., MS
(#2761)√ |
U.S. World
War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
National Archives and Records
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 (database online).
Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Original data: Electronic Army Serial
Number Merged File, 1938-1946 (Archival Database); World War II Army Enlistment
Records; Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, Record
Group 64; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.
Byron D Culpepper,
born 1905 in MS,
White, Single, Education: 4 yrs College, Height/Wt: 71/204; Resided in:
Pearl River Co., MS; Enlisted 28 May 1942 at Camp Shelby, MS in Regular
Army (#2763)√ |
Claude A Culpepper,
born 1914 in MS,
White, Single, Education: 4 yrs College, Height/Wt: 68/160; Resided in:
Pearl River Co., MS; Enlisted 10 Feb 1941 at Jackson, MS in Army Air
Corps (Captain, Bombardier on B-24, per Stars and Stripes, Europe
Edition, 20 Mar 1943)
(#2764)√ |
William E Culpepper,
born 1926 in MS,
White, Married, Education: Grammar School, Height/Wt: Unk; Resided in:
Pearl River Co., MS; Enlisted 15 Nov 1945 at N/A, N/A in Regular Army as
PFC (#41335)√ |

Mississippi Marriages,
Hunting For Bears, comp..
Mississippi Marriages, 1776-1935 (database on-line). Provo, UT,
USA: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2004. Original data: Mississippi marriage
information taken from county courthouse records. Many of these records
were extracted from copies of the original records in microfilm,
microfiche, or book format, located at the Family History Library.
Culpeppers found |

Land Records
Mississippi Land Records
Source: United States, Bureau of Land Management.
Mississippi Land Records (database on-line). Provo, UT, USA:
MyFamily.com, Inc., 1997. Original data: United States, Bureau of Land
Management. Mississippi Pre-1908 Patents: Homesteads, Cash Entry,
Choctaw Indian Scrip and Chickasaw Cession Lands. General Land
Office Automated Records Project, 1997
Pascal G Culpepper,
issued 28 Nov 1900, St. Stephens Meridian, Pearl River Co., MS, Twp 2-S,
Rng 14-W, Sec 2 (#2444)√ |
Sebron C Culpepper,
issued 28 Nov 1900, St. Stephens Meridian, Pearl River Co., MS, Twp 2-S,
Rng 14-W, Sec 4 (#2341)√ |

Security Death Index
Source: Social Security
Social Security Death Index
(database on-line). Provo,
Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2007. All records of deaths on or before 31 Dec 2007 in which
the final benefit was paid or final residence was in this county.
Bal Culpepper, 13 Nov 1893 - Sep 1972, Last Residence:
Poplarville, Pearl River Co., MS 39470, SSN 428-24-9822 issued in
Mississippi in 1936-1950 (#2689)√ |
Dan Culpepper, 17 Apr 1903 - Aug 1966, Last Residence:
Poplarville, Pearl River Co., MS 39470, SSN 427-20-1851 issued in
Mississippi in 1936-1950 (#3494)√ |
Eddie Culpepper, 30 Jun 1908 - Dec 1981, Last Residence:
Poplarville, Pearl River Co., MS 39470, SSN 587-02-4363 issued in
Mississippi in 1973 (#41342)√ |
J. C. Culpepper, 9 May 1938 - 19 Aug 2002, Last Residence:
Poplarville, Pearl River Co., MS 39470, SSN 428-66-3956 issued in
Mississippi in 1953 (#41339)√ |
Kizzie B. Culpepper, 7 Oct 1907 - 26 Aug 1996, Last Residence:
Poplarville, Pearl River Co., MS 39470, SSN 428-60-9683 issued in
Mississippi in 1936-1950 (#8161)√ |
Maude G. Culpepper, 30 Dec 1904 - 7 Mar 2005, Last Residence:
Picayune, Pearl River Co., MS 39466, SSN 425-36-1942 issued in
Mississippi in 1936-1950 (#58086)√ |
Minnie Culpepper, 19 Jul 1905 - Apr 1985, Last Residence:
Poplarville, Pearl River Co., MS 39470, SSN 428-86-7188 issued in
Mississippi in 1960 (#58097)√ |
Norman Culpepper, 11 Aug 1934 - Jan 1978, Last Residence:
Picayune, Pearl River Co., MS 39466, SSN 461-52-4853 issued in Texas in
1951 (#10091)√ |
O. C. Culpepper, 1 May 1936 - 28 May 2002, Last Residence:
Poplarville, Pearl River Co., MS 39470, SSN 428-62-2765 issued in
Mississippi in 1951 (#41338)√ |
Ocon Culpepper, 4 Aug 1904 - Dec 1980, Last Residence:
Poplarville, Pearl River Co., MS 39470, SSN 428-30-5719 issued in
Mississippi in 1936-1950 (#3495)√ |

Oak Hill Cemetery
Poplarville, Pearl River Co., MS 39470
Joe E Culpepper,
PFC US ARMY KOREA, 1 Sep 1929 - 26 Jun 1998 (#41336)√ |

Culpepper Street, Picayune, Pearl River
Co., MS
Royce Culpepper says: "From 49 take the first Picayune Exit (hwy. 43) and go west
to end of road where it T's with Highway 11. Turn right. Culpepper St is on the right
before downtown Picayune. It runs between Highway 11 and S. Haight, 3 blocks long. The
street is pretty run down." |
Paul Culpepper Road,
Poplarville, Pearl River Co., MS.
Named for Paul Culpepper (#58102), son of
Dan Clemon Culpepper |

Last Revised:
02 Jan 2015