Joseph Culpepper of Abbeville District, SC 
Male, #13518, (say 1746 - after 7 Aug 1820)
Father* | Benjamin Culpepper son of Joseph |
Mother* | Lydia (?) |
Extinct Surname?* | The family branch headed by Joseph Culpepper of Abbeville District, SC is believed to have no living male descendants with the Culpepper surname. If you know otherwise, please contact Lew Griffin using the link at the bottom of this page. | |
Birth* | say 1746 | Joseph was born at Edgecombe Co., North Carolina, say 1746. |
American Revolution* | between 1775 and 1783 | He provided service in the American Revolutionary War between 1775 and 1783 (DAR Listing: Joseph Culpepper, born circa 1738 in North Carolina, died after 1810 in South Carolina, married Ann Sheiller (sic) First Lieutenant, Patriotic Service, South Carolina ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ At the beginning of the American Revolution in 1776, Joseph served as a private in Colonel William Thomson's Third South Carolina Regiment. By 1781 was a first lieutenant in Alexander's Troop, Wade Hampton's Regiment and was wounded Sep 1781 at the Battle of Eutaw Springs. After that, from 1781 through 1783, he furnished mutton and corn for the American troops. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From the Winter 2010 issue of The Orangeburg German-Swiss Newsletter. This falls under the heading: revolutionary War Audited Accounts of Orangeburg District by Margaret G. Waters No. 396 Culpepper, Mr. Joseph 6 lira and 6 shilling and 0 pence for 9 sheep for state Troops and militia use Article says: Keep in mind that there were other Orangeburgh District claims filed in addition to the ones on this list.1 ) |
Birth of Son | between 1784 and 1794 | His son (?) Culpepper was born between 1784 and 1794 at Orangeburg District, South Carolina. |
Birth of Son | between 1784 and 1794 | His son (?) Culpepper was born between 1784 and 1794 at Orangeburg District, South Carolina. |
Marriage* | before 1785 | He married Ann Theiler at Orangeburg District, South Carolina, before 1785. |
1790 Census* | 2 Aug 1790 | Joseph was listed as the head of a family on the 1790 Census on 2 Aug 1790 at Orangeburg District, South Carolina. (Unaccounted for are 2 males 16+ and 2 females).2 |
Birth of Son | circa 1795 | His son Joseph Richard Culpepper was born circa 1795 at Orangeburg District, South Carolina. |
Deed* | 1 Jun 1797 | He granted a deed on 1 Jun 1797 at Edgefield District, South Carolina, Sheriff Joseph Culpeper to Richard Boland, merchant of Columbia, Richland County, Camden District. Sheriffs Titles, 24 February 1797, Jacob Richman in his lifetime of Orangeburgh District seized of land containing by original survey 100 acres on Flat Spring branch of Clouds Creek, originally granted to James Cummings and by him conveyed to John McCartey; from him to Jacob Richman. Jacob Richman in his lifetime being indebted to Llewellen Threewitts in sum of £22.18, sd Llewellen Threewitts for recovery of sd sum commenced action against Richard Bolan admr of sd Jacob Richman in which action Llewellen Threewitts in November Term 1791 at Orangeburg recovered against sd Richard Bolan admr the sum and damages sustained by reason of nonperformance. Judgment at Orangeburgh 13 May 1791 directed Sheriffs to sell goods chattels and real estate of sd Richard Bolan admr of sd Jacob Richman. Sheriff Joseph Culpeper sold sd 100 acres 1 January 1792 unto Richard Bolan for £4.10 sterling. Wit Charles Williamson, William Smart. /s/ Joseph Culpeper Late Sheriff. Proven Camden District, Richland County, 5 December 1798 by Charles Williamson, J Goodwyn JRC. Recorded 8 Jan 1799.3 |
1800 Census* | 4 Aug 1800 | Joseph was listed as the head of a family on the 1800 Census at Lexington District, South Carolina. Unaccounted for are 1 male 0-10, 1 male 16-26, 1 male 26-45, and 1 female 0-10..4 |
1810 Census* | 6 Aug 1810 | Joseph was listed as the head of a family on the 1810 Census at Abbeville District, South Carolina. Unaccounted for are 2 males 16-26..5 |
Deed* | 25 May 1818 | He granted a deed to Joseph Richard Culpepper and Sarah Ann Culpepper on 25 May 1818 at Abbeville District, South Carolina, State of South Carolina Abbeville District This indenture made this twenty fifth day of May one thousand eight hundred and eighteen Between Joseph Culpepper and Ann Culpepper (formerly Geiger) of the District and State aforesaid of the one part and Joseph Richard Culpepper of the same place of the other part Witnesseth, That the said Joseph and Ann for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which they have and bear towards the aforesaid Joseph Richard Culpepper the son of said Joseph and also for the further consideration of Ten dollars to them paid by the said Joseph Richard Culpepper; have given granted aliened and transferd and by these presents do give grant alien and transfer to the said Joseph Richard Culpepper all and Singular the Lands Tenements negroes goods and chattels now owned by and in the possession of said Joseph and Ann his wife, to wit, a Tract of Land lying in Abbeville District aforesaid whereon the said Joseph now lives containing three hundred and eighty acres more or less; also sundry Negroe Slaves of different ages and Sexes; also, all the Stock of every kind , Household furniture and plantation tools; and also, the future increase of those Negroes aforementioned which are now computed to the number of twenty two or three all of which negroes goods and Chattels are particularly specified in a schedule thereof hereto annexd, as part of this deed; as also, whatever Lands goods and Chattels and negroes the Said Joseph may hereafter acquire and die possessed of agreeably to the provisoes and reservations herein after expressed. To have and to hold all and singular the Lands negroes goods and chattels abovementioned, with all the rights members and appurtenances to the Said Joseph Richard Culpepper his heirs and assigns forever -- Preserving Nevertheless to the Said Joseph Culpepper and Ann his wife during their lives or the life of the survivor of them the free and undisturbed possession use and enjoyment of all and Singular the Lands negroes goods and chattels abovementioned also reserving the right of Discharging all liens debts and demands which the said Joseph may now be liable to. It is also further agreed on and understood, between the parties to these presents that a certain little negro girl by the name of Cynthia of the number of the above mentioned negroes is now to be hereby given by the said Joseph and Ann his wife, and received and held, by the said Joseph Richard Culpepper in Trust for and for the use of his little daughter Sarah Ann Culpepper and to her heirs forever and in case the said Sarah Ann should die under the age of twenty one years and without issue of her body then and in that case the said Girl Cynthia is to be held in the same manner for the said Joseph Richard's next oldest daughter. In Testimony of the foregoing we the Said Joseph and Ann have jointly and severally put our hands and affixed our Seals the day and date above-mentioned. Joseph Culpepper (seal) Ann (her mark) Culpepper (seal) Witnesses: Jefferson L. Edwards [sic], William Y. Glover South Carolina Abbeville District -- Personally appeared Jefferson L. Edmonds [sic] who on his oath saith that he saw Joseph Culpepper and Ann his wife sign and execute the within Instrument of writing for the purposes therein mentioned and that William Y. Glover together with himself signed his name as a witness to the proper execution thereof. Sworn to the 22nd Sept 1818 before Charles Callayson, J. P. Schedule of all and Singular the Lands negroes goods and chattels within and contained in the deed to which this is annexed; To Wit, Old Ben & wife Silvia, Cyrus, Joe, Nat, Ben (the younger); Tressy, Doncilla, Agga, Dilea, Anson, Nathan, Tallerand, Nalso, Tom, Will, Betty, Cynthia, & Mary. Horses, cows, hogs, sheep, articles of Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting of Beds, Tables, etc etc.6 |
1820 Census* | 7 Aug 1820 | Joseph was listed as the head of a family on the 1820 Census at Abbeville District, South Carolina. Unaccounted for is 1 male 26-45 and 1 female 26-45..7 |
Death* | after 7 Aug 1820 | He died at Abbeville District, South Carolina, after 7 Aug 1820. |
Biography* | An entry from the Biographical Directory of the Senate of the State of South Carolina‚ 1776-1964, 8 notes that Joseph was "possibly the son of Joseph and Liddy Culpeper." A source or reason for the speculation was not given. Liddy has been identified in land grant records, 9 but it seems likely that the Joseph noted in the same records was her son and not her husband. Liddy and a possible husband will be covered in the next generation. Lacking any record of Joseph's birth and lacking proof of his parentage, it is necessary to look for clues in extant records and to compile circumstantial evidence. A 1767 deed 10 shows "Joseph Culpeper of Craven County planter" acquiring 100 acres of land from Joseph Jackson, "situate in the fork of Santee & Wateree Rivers, William Thomson, J. P." This record would seem to indicate that Joseph was at least 21 years old by 1767 which would mean that he was probably born before 1746. On April 3, 1772, Joseph received a royal grant 11 of 400 acres "situate in Craven County on Tom's Creek in the fork between Santee River & the Wateree." In 1769, this portion of Craven County was designated as part of the Camden District and a 1773 map of South Carolina shows, as do today's maps. that Tom's Creek is in the fork of the Congaree and Wateree Rivers which join to form the Santee River. But the land grant was in the same area as the land that Joseph had acquired in 1767 and was very close to the land granted to Liddy Culpeper in 1771. Joseph was probably in his mid 20's by this time and, although it is not unreasonable to assume that he was or had been married, no record of a wife or children has been found. If, as seems likely, Joseph was the oldest son with a widowed mother and there were younger brothers to look after, he might have put off marriage until the family seemed more settled. Joseph probably would have been in his early 30's when the Revolutionary War began and, according to a record copied from the list of the Continental Service of South Carolina, "Joseph Culpeper" served as a private in "the 3d South Carolina Regt Commanded by Col. Wm. Thomson" from August 20, 1776. 12 By September of 1781, when he was wounded at the Battle of Eutaw Springs, 13 Joseph was serving as a first lieutenant in Alexander's Troop, 14 Wade Hampton's Regiment, Sumpter's Brigade and on October 1, 1784 he was authorized to receive 141 pounds sterling as "pay and bounty" for his service after April 1, 1782. 15 From 1781 through 1783, Joseph also furnished sheep, and, according to a note by Lt. Col. W. Hampton, Joseph "had a waggon & team in the service of the Brigade of State Troops from 18th June to 25th Nov. 1782 inclusive." 16 Although the Revolutionary War effectively ended when General Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown on October 19, 1781, British troops continued to hold Savannah until July of 1782 and Charleston until December of 1782 and the Treaty of Paris was not signed until September 3, 1783. Sometime prior to 1782, Joseph acquired 270 acres on Sandy Run Creek near the "Saxagotha Township" in the Orangeburg District across the Congaree River from the Camden District. The land was near what is now the town of Sandy Run in Calhoun County in an area that was designated Lexington District in the 1800 census and which formally became Lexington District in 1804. In 1782, Joseph represented Saxa Gotha in the Fourth General Assembly of South Carolina. But Joseph still had ties and probably still owned land in Camden District, SC. On October 17, 1783, he was noted, along with Richard Perdue and Morris Moore, in Camden District, SC records witnessing the will of William Goodwyn, Sr.17 Sometime prior to 1785, Joseph married Ann Theiler, the widow of William Geiger. will probated 1 Jul 1781. 18 The marriage to Joseph Culpeper was her third since she had been married previously to Jacob Geiger who died in 1772 by whom she had a son, John. 19 In addition to his continuing service in the South Carolina Assembly, Joseph was also active locally, serving as justice of the peace for Lexington County in 1786 and as tax inquirer for Saxe Gotha from 1786 through 1787. 13 In 1788, as a delegate from Saxe Gotha to the state convention which was held to consider the adoption of the Federal Constitution, Joseph Culpeper voted against ratification. 13 Joseph was elected sheriff of Orangeburg District, SC January 24, 1789 whereupon he resigned his seat in the General Assembly. 13 On 16 Mar 1789, Sheriff Culpepper sold 150 acres on the waters of the Saluda to Rignall Williams. 20 In 1790, Joseph was recorded in the first census of the United States and three males 16 years of age or older and three females were noted in the household. Subtracting out Joseph, his wife, Ann, and her son, John, that leaves one male and two females unidentified. They could have been relatives of Ann or, because of the close ties to Joseph and his family, the third male could have been John Culpepper and one of the two additional females could have been Liddy Culpeper, if she was still living. The other female might even have been John Culpepper's mother but this is only speculation and cannot been proven. Benjamin, Joseph's brother, was also noted in the 1790 Orangeburg District, SC census. No other Culpeper was listed as a head of household in the 1790 South Carolina census. Joseph Culpeper represented Saxa Gotha at the State Constitutional Convention in 1790. 13 September 6, 1790, the State of South Carolina granted "Joseph Culpeper Esqr" 200 acres of land "in the District of Orangeburgh on the third Branch of Bull Swamp Waters of Edisto River" for his service in the Revolutionary War.21 In 1791, Joseph served as a member of a commission to open and improve navigation on the Congaree River and he also served as road commissioner in 1788 and 1792. 13 In 1792, Joseph was elected to represent Saxa Gotha in the South Carolina Senate, an office which he held until 1796. 22 Joseph appears to have been re-elected as Sheriff since he is noted as Sheriff of Orangeburg in a February 1797 Edgefield District, SC deed 23 deeding land to Richard Bolan. Joseph is next noted in the 1800 census in Lexington District, SC. John Culpepper and his young family were living nearby. Joseph's brother, Benjamin, was noted with his family in Edgefield District, SC. Subtracting out Joseph, his wife and young son, Joseph Richard‚ from the 1800 census record leaves a number of people residing with Joseph unaccounted for: one 0-10 year old male, one 16-26 year old male‚ one 26-45 year old male‚ one 0-10 year old female, and one 10-16 year old female. Joseph's step-son, John Geiger, might have been one of the older males. Though the other's might have been related, their identity is unknown. Joseph was noted as being from Orangeburg District, SC in 1807, when he signed a $20,000 administration bond dated December 14, 1807 regarding the estate of Daniel Peak/Peake/Peek. Joseph Culpeper co-signed the bond with John Culpepper who was named one of the administrators of the estate. Joseph would probably have been at least in his early 60's. Joseph's death is a mystery not just because no will or estate records have been found but also because his own son does not appear to have known even the year of his death. The only notice that has been found of Joseph's death is from an 1856 letter in Joseph's Revolutionary War Pension file 24 from Barnabas Strickland, who was acting as an agent for Joseph's son, Joseph Richard Culpepper. The letter states that Joseph Culpeper died between 1807 and 1810. Joseph's family was listed in Abbeville District, SC in the 1810 census. The oldest male (Joseph) is shown as 45+, and there is an entry for a male 10-16, who would be Joseph Richard. There are also two males listed as 16-26 and they are otherwise unaccounted for. In 1813, Jospeh filed suit against Esais Taylor in Lexington District, SC (Case #10, Mfilm # LX 6, Lexington District Papers, 1806-1870) On 2 Apr 1816, Joseph, along with Wm. Cochran and W. Bradley Lewis, made an inventory of the estate in Abbeville District of John Stokes, Sr. 25 A deed of gift dated May 24, 1818, was found in the SC Archives by Sarah Hodnett Murphy (granddaughter of Louise Culpepper Murphy) in Book D, page 57, miscellaneous records. She writes: "In this deed Joseph gave all of his land, property, slaves, etc. (I think from my notes that he reserved a life estate, which may explain why there are no probate records for his estate after his death) to his son, Joseph Richard Culpepper. He further provided that one slave girl, Cynthia, be given to Joseph Richard's daughter, Sarah Ann Culpepper, in trust, or to the next oldest daughter if Sarah died. I made a notation that Joseph's wife, Ann, could not write her name." Joseph appears to be on the 1820 census in Abbeville District, with his wife Ann still living, and perhaps his son Joseph Richard and his family living in the household as well. After a review of the record, it seems probable that Joseph was born in colonial America since he was so active during the Revolution serving as a soldier and provisioning the troops. He was a man of enough substance that he was able to purchase land when he initially came to South Carolina. He was respected enough by his neighbors to be elected to the South Carolina Legislature several times. The names Joseph, John and Benjamin seem to tie in with those of descendants of Robert Culpeper of Norfolk Co., VA, whose father was probably the original immigrant to Virginia. Circumstantial evidence based on the proximity of land suggests that Lydia or "Liddy" Culpeper was possibly the widowed mother of Joseph, John and Benjamin. Joseph married Ann Theiler, daughter of Hans Jacob Theiler and Magdalena Belon, circa 1783, in Orangeburg District, SC. Born: circa 1742 (?), in Saxe Gotha, SC. |
Family | Ann Theiler | |
Marriage* | before 1785 | He married Ann Theiler at Orangeburg District, South Carolina, before 1785. |
Children |
- DAR Patriot Index, Washington, DC: National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, 2003.
- 1790 Federal Census, United States.
Unknown Township, North part, Orangeburg District, SC
Benjamin Culpeper, page 94, 1 Male 16+, 3 Males 0-16, 3 Females, 4 Slaves
Joseph Culpeper, page 94, 3 Males 16+, 3 Females, 22 Slaves. - Carol Wells, Edgefield County, South Cazrolina Deed Books, Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1997, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. 975.737 R2.
Edgefield Deed Bk 16, p. 193-198. - 1800 Federal Census, United States.
Unknown Township, Lexington District, SC
Joseph Culpepper, page 560, 2 M0-10, 1 M16-26, 1 M26-45, 1 M45+, 1 F0-10, 1 F10-16, 1 F45+
John Culpepper, page 561, 3 M0-10, 1 M16-26, 1 F0-10, 1 F16-26. - 1810 Federal Census, United States.
Unknown Township, Abbeville District, SC
Joel Culpepper, page 55, 3 M0-10, 1 M26-45, 1 F16-26, 1 F26-45, 0 slaves
Joseph Culpepper, page 55, 1 M10-16, 2 M16-26, 1 M45+, 1 F45+, 23 slaves. - SC Miscellaneous Records, Columbia Series; (n.p.:, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. Film 22,668.
Volume D, p. 57-58. - 1820 Federal Census, United States.
Unknown Townships, Abbeville District, SC
Joseph Culpepper, page 3, 1 M16-26, 1 M26-45, 1 M45+, 2 F0-10, 1 F16-26, 1 F26-45, 1 F45+, 24 slaves. - compiled by Emily Bellinger Reynolds and John Renolds Faunt, (Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press) p. 201
- "Liddy Cullpeper" received a grant of land on Griffin's Creek 22 Aug 1771 near Joseph's grant on Tom's Creek.
- Charleston Deed Book Y-3, 20 & 21 Jan. 1767, pp. 159-162
- Colonial Plats, Vol. 14, p. 279 and Royal Plats, Vol. 25, p. 218
- Joseph Culpeper's Revolutionary War Pension Record R. 2565
- N. Louise Bailey and Elizabeth Ivey Cooper, Biographical Directory of the South Carolina House of Representatives (Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina), vol. III (1775-1790)
- A "Cavalry Company" according to his son, Joseph Richard Culpepper, in a record in Joseph Culpeper's Revolutionary War Pension File R. 2565
- South Carolina Archives Stub Entries to Indents, Book M No. 165
- South Carolina Archives Stub Entries to Indents Book I No. 396, Book B No. 47 and Book Q No. 334
- Brent H. Holcomb, G.R.S. and Elmer O. Parker, Camden District, S.C. Wills and Administrations 1781-1787 (1770-1796), 1978, p. 29
- Mrs Ann Culpeper, "late Mrs. Ann Geiger" qualified as administrator of William Geiger's estate Jan 1785
- The Geigers of South Carolina, compiled by Percy L. Geiger, published by his sisters, Miss Louisa Geiger and Miss Anna Esther Geiger and Harold C. Geiger, brother, after 1945, p. 29
- Brent H. Holcomb GRS, compiler, Memorialized Records of Lexington Dist, SC, 1814-1825, Easley, SC: Southern Historical Press, 1978, Repository: SC Archives and History Center in Columbia.
- South Carolina Revolutionary War Bounty Grants Book O, Vol. 2, p. 11
- Emily Bellinger Reynolds and John Renolds Faunt, Biographical Directory of the Senate of the State of South Carolina, 1776-1964 (Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press) p. 201
- Deed Book 16-193
- R. 2565
- Willie Pauline Young, Abstracts of Old Ninety-Six and Abbeville District Wills and Bonds, as on file in the Abbeville, SC Courthouse, Vidalia, GA: Georgia Genealogical Reprints, 1969.
Francis Gillespie1 
Male, #13519, (Dec 1745 - Apr 1780)
Father* | James Gillespie |
Mother* | Mary Young |
Birth* | Dec 1745 | Francis was born at South Carolina in Dec 1745. |
Death of Father | Jun 1755 | His father James Gillespie died in Jun 1755 at Craven Co., South Carolina. |
Death of Mother | circa 1766 | His mother Mary Young died circa 1766 at Craven Co., South Carolina. |
Marriage* | circa 1775 | He married Elizabeth Peek circa 1775. |
American Revolution* | circa 1776 | He provided service in the American Revolutionary War circa 1776 (DAR Listing: Francis Gillespie, as of May 2004, has been accepted as a D. A. R. ancestor, thanks to cousin Sallie Cox. Others wishing to join the DAR on Francis Gillespie can write the DAR and ask for a record copy of her successful application, for $10 (as of 2004).) |
Death* | Apr 1780 | He died at South Carolina in Apr 1780 at age 34. |
Biography* | On 3 January 1767, Francis Gillespie, planter, (son of James Gillespie and Mary, one of the daughters of Francis Young), and Elizabeth his wife, sold to Samuel Butler, gentleman, both of Craven Co., SC, for 350 pds. SC money, their undivided fourth part of 1100 acres (see pages 363-376 for details regarding the 1100 acres formerly belonging to Francis Young, grandfather of the said Francis Gillespie). Francis Gillespie being entitled to the said fourth part of 1100 acres through his mother, Mary, deceased, sells his share to Samuel Butler. Witnesses: John Thompson, William Pegues. Before Claudius Pegues, J. P. Recorded 23 January 1770 by Henry Rugeley, Deputy Register. In 1769 Francis Gillespie was listed as one of the voters for St. David's Parish near Long Bluff. On May 22, 1772, a Memorial was exhibited by Samuel Butler to be registered in the Auditor's office and persuant to an act of Assembly in that case made & provided of a plantation or tract of land containing 275 acres Situate in Craven County on the Peedee River and is part of two tracts of Land of 700 acres granted the 24th of May 1745 to Francis Young grandfather to Francis Gillespie butting and bounding NE on the Pee Dee river, NW on the Land of John Thompson Junr Dec'd, partly on the said Thompson and partly on the said Young's land, and SE on Mary Evan's Land and on all other sides uninhabited lands and 500 acres originally granted 18 November 1747 to Andrew Johnson, lying on the SW of the Pee Dee River, bounding NE & on all three sides on Francis Young's land & conveyed by him [Andrew Johnson] to Francis Young, which 275 acres of Land is part of the two tracts of Land above mentioned which became vested in Francis Gillespie by Intermarriage with Elizabeth his wife who conveyed the same by Lease and Release and bearing the date respectively the 12(?) day of Jany 1767 to Samuel Butler the Memorialist Quit Rent of 3/Stg or 4/proclamation money per 100 acres. Also another plantation or tract of Land containing 275 acres Situate as above (and is part of the two tracts of 700 acres of Land) aforementioned which became vested in John Flower by Intermarriage with Obedience his wife, one of the four female heirs and partners who Sold & Conveyed the Same by Lease and release bearing the date respectively the 1 and 2 days of Octr 1765 to Samuel Butler the Memorialist Quit Rent 3/Stg or 4/pro money per 100 acres. In witness Whereof he hath hereunto Set his hand this 22 May 1772. Francis was one of a group of men "from every part of the state who met in Charleston on July 6, 1774 to consider lans to support Boston. By account published by Comm. appt. by Boston to receive donations... July 18, 1778, it appears that those of South Carolina exceeded both in money & supplies, any other, not excepting Mass. itself" (South Carolinians in the Revolution, by Ervin). On 3 January 1775, Alexander Gordon and his wife Mary and son Robert Gordon of St. David's Parish, Craven Co, SC, sold to Thomas Lide of the same place, planter, for 3500 pds. SC money, 546.5 acres: one tract of land containing 300 acres on the northeast side of the Peedee adj. lands now possessed by John Husbands on a creek commonly known by the name of Hainer's or Husband's Creek and also, that plantation on which I now live on the northeast side of the Peedee River, 246.5 acres 100 acres of which is adjacent to land now belonging to Francis Gillespie, willed to Elizabeth Gordon and conveyed to me by Robert Gordon, 50 acres formerly granted to John Ellerbe conveyed to me by Edward Ellerbe adjacent to the lands mentioned, a tract of 96.5 acres conveyed to me by William Black. Alexander Gordon (LS), Mary Gordon (/) (LS), Robert Gordon (LS), Wit: Calvin Spencer, Sarah Foster (+). Proved in Cheraw Dist. Before Charles Augustus Steward, J.P., by the oath of Calvin Spencer, 4 January 1775. Recorded 3 April 1775 (SC Deeds, Bk. Q-4, p. 264-267) In 1776 Francis was elected a church officer of St. David's. Francis Gillespie was one of the original benefactors of St. Davids Society, which was established January 31, 1778 to promote public education in St. David's Parish. The society was founded "purposely for the establishing and founding a Public School in the said Parish for educating youth of all Christian denominations being protestants in the Latin and Greek Languages, writing, mathematics, arithmetic, and other useful branches of Literature...." (Darlingtoniana: A History of Darlington County, Eliza C. Ervin and Horace F. Rudisill, eds.) In 1779 Francis is named on a Jury List for Cheraws District, which is attached to Manuscript Act #1127, a new list to replace the one made up in 1778 (South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research, Vol. V, No. 1, Winter 1977, p.13) According to a Bible in the possession of Miss Olivia Moore, of Kollock, Marlboro Co, SC, Francis Gillespie was born in December (torn, but probably 1744-1746). And from the same source, he died in April 1780 (South Carolina Historical & Genealogical Magazine, Vol. 33, p. 177). On November 25, 1783, John Husbands of St. David's Parish, SC, bought 90 acres, part of 200 acres granted to John Bury on Oct 6, 1748, for 700 Spanish milled dollars, adjacent to property of the heirs of Francis Gillespie (Marlborough Co SC Deed Bk. A, p.7). On May 25, 1786, Thomas Lide of Marlborough Co. Sold 246 acres on the NE side of the PeeDee adjacent to the river and the estate of Francis Gillespie dec'd. Recorded June 8,1786 (Marlborough Co Deed Bk. A, p.22). On January 10, 1787, John Brown of Marlborough Co. sold to Morgan Brown 200 acres originally granted to John Berry on October 6, 1748, land adjacent to Husband's Creek and James Gillespie, and the estate of Francis Gillespie. Recorded June 5, 1787 (Marlborough Co. Deeds, Bk A, p.136.) | |
Biography | The Gillespie family Bible can be found at: |
Family | Elizabeth Peek | |
Marriage* | circa 1775 | He married Elizabeth Peek circa 1775. |
Children |
Charts | LWG / Clarissa Eugenia Culpepper Griffin (Lew Griffin's gtgm): Ancestral Chart |
Last Edited | 30 Apr 2012 |
- South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine.
Vol 33, p 175-179.
Elizabeth Peek
Female, #13520, (circa 1755 - )
Father* | Lewis Peek ? |
Mother* | (?) (?) |
Birth* | circa 1755 | Elizabeth was born circa 1755. |
Marriage* | circa 1775 | She married Francis Gillespie circa 1775. |
Married Name | circa 1775 | As of circa 1775, her married name was Gillespie. |
Biography* | Elizabeth Peek was probably born circa 1755, location unknown. Nothing is known of her early life or whereabouts. Around 1775, she married Francis Gillespie of Cheraws District, SC. One would assume either that the Peek and Gillespie families lived near one another, or that Francis met his bride while traveling on business, or visiting relatives. Since he was a member of the Committees of Correspondence prior to the Revolution, it is conceivable that he might have visited Boston, and met his bride there. But it seems more likely that she was related to other Peeks in the general area, who seem to have come from Virginia. She and her daughters, and their husbands, are found in records with Daniel Peek, who appears to have been Elizabeth's brother. Daniel Peek died in Richland District, SC, in 1807, and Elizabeth's sons-in-law, John Culpepper and John Slappey, were administrators of his estate. In 1790, he was noted in Lancaster County SC deed records with Robert Down and William Tate, witnessing a deed of gift of four lots in the town of Camden from John Chesnut of Camden to Chesnut's daughter, Mary McRae ,the wife of Duncan McRae. John Chesnut was one of the leading merchants in Kershaw Co. SC. Daniel Peek apparently lived in or near Camden in Kershaw Co., SC since he was mentioned several times in the Minutes of the Kershaw County Court. On March 5, 1792 Daniel was appointed as overseer of a road which ran south/southwest out of Camden across Town Creek. An 1825 map of the county from the Mills' Atlas of the State of South Carolina shows that Chestnut's and McRae's were still living along the river near this road. In August of 1794 Daniel Peek served on a Grand Jury, indicating that he was someone of means in the county, since Grand Jurors were selected from those who paid the highest taxes. Based on the Minutes of the Kershaw County Court, Daniel continued to serve as an overseer of roads at least until 1797. Sometime after 1800 he moved to Richland District SC, where his estate was probated in 1807. Daniel Peek's personal estate included 15 slaves, nine horses, 34 head of cattle and nearly 50 hogs. He had various farm implements and household items, plus a canoe and a safe. John Culpepper and John Slappey, the husbands of Elizabeth (Peek) Gillespie's daughters, Nancy and Betsey, were named administrators of the estate which required a $20,000 administration bond. Buyers at the estate included John Culpepper, who bought a shotgun and a pickle tub, John Slappey, who bought a horse and horseman's sword, and Elizabeth (Peek) Gillespie, who bought horses and farm implements. Elizabeth had moved to Richland District from Cheraws District after her husband Francis' death. Daniel O'Guin, Thomas Watts, and William Gupphill, the three appraisers of the estate, were also buyers. Although it is tempting to think that Daniel was Mrs. Francis (Elizabeth Peek) Gillespie's father, the fact that he was active at least until the late 1790's suggests a younger man. Elizabeth's father would probably have been in his late 70's or mid-80's by that time. Daniel was probably Elizabeth's brother. A Lewis Peak was noted as a witness of the will of Enoch Linerieux of Craven Co., SC who died April 24, 1778. His relation to Daniel and Elizabeth is not known but he is noted since John and Nancy (Gillespie) Culpepper named one of their sons Lewis Peek Culpepper. Elizabeth and Daniel may have been related to Abel Peek, born 1765 in Virginia. Among Abel's children were Louis Peek, Elizabeth Peek, and Daniel Peek. Abel moved to Franklin County, GA, but may have been in SC in the 1790's. Nancy (Gillespie) Culpepper's mother, "Elizabeth Gillespie of the District of Richland" was also noted in a Marlborough District deed in 1806 selling 133+ acres of land to William Wright who had apparently been renting the land since the deed notes that he was purchasing land where he "now lives." The land was on the northeast side of the Pee Dee River and was bounded on the southeast by John Wilson's land and on all other sides by James Gillespie's land. Elizabeth (Peek) Gillespie died in Richland District sometime after the February 1808 estate sale, but no record of her death has been found. Francis and Elizabeth (Peek) Gillespie's daughter, Nancy, was apparently able to read and write. No doubt both Nancy and her sister, "Betsey," had attended the school funded by the St. David's Society which their father had supported. |
Family | Francis Gillespie | |
Children |
Charts | LWG / Clarissa Eugenia Culpepper Griffin (Lew Griffin's gtgm): Ancestral Chart |
Last Edited | 5 Jan 2003 |
James Gillespie
Male, #13522, (circa 1715 - Jun 1755)
Birth* | circa 1715 | James was born at Northern Ireland circa 1715. |
Marriage* | circa 1742 | He married Mary Young circa 1742.1 |
Birth of Son | Dec 1745 | His son Francis Gillespie was born in Dec 1745 at South Carolina. |
Birth of Son | 2 Dec 1754 | His son General James Gillespie was born on 2 Dec 1754 at South Carolina. |
Death* | Jun 1755 | He died at Craven Co., South Carolina, in Jun 1755. |
Biography* | The "History of the Old Cheraws" by Gregg states that the father of Francis Gillespie was "James Galespy." The following are notes about James from pp. 62-63: . James Galespy came to South Carolina in 1743 from Northern Ireland. In the South Carolina Council Journal for November 9, 1743, "was read the petition of James Galespy, shewing that the Petitioner, having six persons in his family, for whom, as yet, he has not had any lands assigned him, humbly prays that a warrant of survey for 300 acres be granted him in the Welch Tract. But, not appearing to swear to his family right, his petition was ordered to lie on the table." James Galespy was a man of energy and enterprise. In connection with General Christopher Gadsden, of Charleston, he was engaged in boating on the Pedee many years before the Revolution, and is believed to have been the first person who ever brought a boat to Cheraw.... He entered on a successful career as a trader.... James Galespy died before the Revolution. . A James Galespie was in South Carolina as early as June 1736, when he witnessed a deed from Richard Purcell, planter, to John Wilson, planter, both of Colleton Co. (SC Deeds, Bk. P, p.49) . In July 1757, Charles Lowndes P. M. To Christopher Gadsden, merchant of Charleston, at public auction for 890 pds. currency, 1280 acres on Thompson Creek and Peedee River. Whereas James Gillespie of Craven County owned 1280 acres and whereas on 16 March 1743 he gave bond to Ebenezer Simmons, Benjamin Smith and James Crokatt, in penal sum of 5782 pds. for payment of #2890:13:10.5 currency, with interest, on 2 January 1744; and whereas Gillespie died without having paid the debt and Mary Gillespie was appointed administratrix of his goods, etc., and whereas Simmons, Smith and Corkatt obtained a judgement against her and a writ of fieri facias was issued (Peter Leigh, C.J., Commanding the P.M. to levy this amount against Gillespie's estate; now the P.M. sells the above tract to Gadsden. Witnesses Thomas Slamm, Joshua Ward. Before William Burrows, J.P., Willaim Hopton Register. Plat given. (SC Deeds, Bk. T-T, p. 85) . James Gillespie may have had a brother, "John Galaspee of Savanna Town" in South Carolina before 1730. Abstracts of the Wills of the State of South Carolina, 1670-1740, gives the following information from Will Book 1729-1731, p.150: . "John Galaspee, his mark, Indian Trader. Brother: James Galaspee; Sister: Jane Galaspee. Mentions said brother and sister of Colufornia, Ireland; James Macabney of Charles Town, Samuel Eveleigh Jr; Andrew Allen. Exors: Andrew Allen, James Macabney, William Tennant. Wit: John Parker, George Ducat, Thomas Ellery. Died November 26, 1730. Probated January 25, 1730/31. . John left a horse, some furniture and a Negro boy named Stepney to his friend James Macabney of Charles Town. He left a white horse named Jolly Boy to Samuel Eveleigh, Jr. The rest of his estate he left to Andrew Allen and James Macabney, executors, to be disposed of "to the most advantage and the proceeds paid to my brother, James Galespee and my sister Jane Galespee of Colufornia, Ireland, two-thirds to my brother and the other thrid to my sister." . John Galaspie's estate totaled "Three Thousand two hundred and Fifty pounds Six Shillings & One penny half penny." It included his personal items of clothing and household goods, livestock, and a large stock of merchandise "at the Store at Savanna Town," including 100 brass kettles, pots and pans, silk, calico, buttons, thread, hats, guns, deerskins, blankets, and many other items of merchandise; also his "dwelling house Kitchen and other immprovements," seven slaves, and an Indian named Caesar. |
Family | Mary Young | |
Children |
Charts | LWG / Clarissa Eugenia Culpepper Griffin (Lew Griffin's gtgm): Ancestral Chart |
Last Edited | 9 Jul 1999 |
- C. A. Langley, South Carolina Deed Abstracts, .
Bk O-3, p 436-50.
Mary Young1
Female, #13523, (circa 1720 - circa 1766)
Father* | Francis Young |
Mother* | Obedience (?) |
Birth* | circa 1720 | Mary was born circa 1720. |
Marriage* | circa 1742 | She married James Gillespie circa 1742.2 |
Married Name | circa 1742 | As of circa 1742, her married name was Gillespie. |
Birth of Son | Dec 1745 | Her son Francis Gillespie was born in Dec 1745 at South Carolina. |
Birth of Son | 2 Dec 1754 | Her son General James Gillespie was born on 2 Dec 1754 at South Carolina. |
Death of Spouse | Jun 1755 | Her husband James Gillespie died in Jun 1755 at Craven Co., South Carolina. |
Death of Father | circa 1755 | Her father Francis Young died circa 1755 at Craven Co., South Carolina. |
Death* | circa 1766 | She died at Craven Co., South Carolina, circa 1766. |
Biography* | The following deed establishes the relationship between Mary (Young) Gillespie, her son Francis Gillespie, and her father Francis Young. "Francis Gillespie, planter, (son of James Gillespie and Mary, one of the daughters of Francis Young), & Elizabeth his wife, to Samuel Butler, gentleman, both of Craven Co., SC, for 350 pounds SC money, their undivided fourth part of 1100 acres. Francis Gillespie being entitled to said fourth part of 1100 acres through his mother, Mary, deceased, sells his share to Samuel Butler. Witnesses: John Thompson, William Pegues. Before Claudius Pegues, J.P., on 3 Jan 1767. Recorded 23 Jan 1770 by Henry Rugeley, Deputy Register." |
Family | James Gillespie | |
Marriage* | circa 1742 | She married James Gillespie circa 1742.2 |
Children |
Charts | LWG / Clarissa Eugenia Culpepper Griffin (Lew Griffin's gtgm): Ancestral Chart |
Last Edited | 23 Jun 2002 |
- C. A. Langley, South Carolina Deed Abstracts, .
Book O-3: pp. 363-376; pp. 436-450. - C. A. Langley, South Carolina Deed Abstracts, .
Bk O-3, p 436-50.
Francis Young
Male, #13526, (circa 1698 - circa 1755)
Father* | John Young |
Birth* | circa 1698 | Francis was born circa 1698. |
Marriage* | He married Obedience (?). | |
Birth of Son | circa 1732 | His son Isham Young was born circa 1732. |
Death* | circa 1755 | He died at Craven Co., South Carolina, circa 1755. |
Biography* | Francis Young may have come to North Carolina from James City County, VA. The Ellerby family was also from James City County, and the two families may have been related prior to moving to NC. See The Ellerbe Family History, by Ronald William Ellerbe. In November 1728, Edward Young & wife Sarah sold 150 acres to Francis Young for five pds., on the south side of the Morattuck River, adjacent to Robert Hill on Beaverdam. It was part of 570 acres granted to Thomas Whitmell on April 6, 1722, and by him conveyed to Edward Young. Witnesses were William Gray, and James Jones (Bertie Co. Deed Bk. C, p. 55) In February 1736, Francis Young of Edgecombe Precinct sold the same 150 acres on the south side of the Morattuck River to Edward Young, for 30 pds. It adjoined Robert Hill and the river. Witnesses were Joseph John Alston, and Thomas Kearney (Edgecombe Deed Bk 1, p. 185). Note that Thomas Kearney was married to Sarah Alston, sister of Joseph John Alston. This might suggest that either Francis or Edward Young was also an Alston relative, but that has not been proven. Joseph John and Sarah Alston were children of John Alston and Mary Clark, of County Bedford, England. The Alston line can be traced back to Edward Alston, born circa 1507 in County Suffolk, England (Ancestry World Tree, at The relationship between Edward and Francis Young has not yet been determined. In February 1737, Francis Young sold 436 acres on Hubquarter Creek to Edward Jones, for 100 pds. Witnesses were Joseph John Alston, Edward Young (E his mark) and Thomas Kearney (Edgecombe Deed Bk. 1, p. 216). This was a grant to Francis Young dated 30 June 1738, so he seems to have sold the land before the grant was officially recorded (Patent Book 3, p. 401). Hubquarter Creek is in present day Warren County, NC. 20 Apr 1737 -- John Thompkins of Edgecombe Pct. to Thomas Lynch, 25 pounds current money for 100 acres, a tract and plantation on the south side of the Morratock river, joining the Beaverdm creek, Thomas Elleby [Ellerby], the river and FRANCIS YOUNG. All houses, orchards, gardens, etc., part of a patent for 570 acres granted to Thomas Whitmel on 6 Apr 1722, and by him conveyed to EDWARD YOUNG, and by the said Young conveyed to Robert Hill, and by the said Hill conveyed to the said Thompkins, 28 Mar 1730. Witnesses: William Person, EDWARD YOUNG, Thomas Elerbe. Reg. Edgecombe Pct., August Court 1737. Thomas Kearney, D. C. Ct. 1 Also in June 1738, Francis Young was granted 192 acres in Edgecombe Precinct on the west side of Buffalo Branch, joining the branch (Patent Book 3, p. 401). In November 1738, Francis Young was granted 244 acres in Edgecombe on the northwest side of Buffalo Branch (Patent Book 3, p. 408). 10 Feb 1738/9 -- Thomas Lynch to EDWARD YOUNG, both of Edgecombe Pct., 20 pounds current money of Virginia for 100 acres more or less, on the south side of the Moratock river, joining Beaverdam creek, Thomas Ellerbe, FRANCIS YOUNG and the river. all houses, buildings, etc. Witnesses: William Person, John Macon, John Ellerbe, Reg: J. Edwards, C. Ct. 2 23 March 1742, Francis Young, of South Carolina, sold 400 acres on both sides of Hubquarter Creek to Sugar Jones, for 70 pds. Witnesses were John Bergeron and Edward Jones (Edgecombe Deed Bk. 5, p. 52). 23 March 1742, Francis Young, of South Carolina, sold 200 acres on the north side of Fishing Creek, in the fork of Hubquarter, to Thomas Person for 15 pds. The land joined the creek, and was a patent to Francis Young dated 17 Oct 1735. Witnesses were Edward Jones and John Bergeron (Edgecombe Deed Bk. 5, p. 73). 23 March 1742, Francis Young of South Carolina sold 244 acres on the north side of Buffalo branch to John Ledbeter for 24 pds. The land joined Doe Hill and the branch. Witnesses were Edward Jones (x his mark) and John Bergeron (Edgecombe Deed Bk. 5, p. 75). This was the grant from November 1738. In the Council Journal, 9th November, 1743, is this entry: "Francis Young petitioned for 150 acres of land in the Welch Tract on the south side of the river, bounding between John Thomas's line and one Vaughn's land; and the Petitioner at the same time produced a certificate of his having lived here before the settlement of the Welch, signed by two Justices of the Peace, in that place. He appeared in person, and his petition was granted." 3 From the same source (Gregg), page 61: "The exclusive privileges of the Welch in the large tract appropriated to them led, in some instances, to difficulties either with those who came before them, thus acquiring the right of prior occupancy of the soil, though not having secured a legal title, or with others, who afterwards were allowed to settle among them, but subsequently [were] objected to as neighbors by the Welch. The latter were doubtless clannish in their feelings, and unwiling to encourage strangers to come among them. Of the first class mentioned, was Francis Young, one of the earlliest settlers within the limits of the upper portion of the Welch Tract of whom any record remains. He is suppossed to have immigrated from Ireland." 2 August 1744, Francis Young of South Carolina sold 192 acres on Buffalo Branch to William Bobbitt, Sr., of North Carolina, for seven pds. Witnesses were Richard Benett and Charles Tomson (x his mark) (Edgecombe Deed Bk. 5, p. 339). This was the land Francis had been granted in 1738. In 1745, Francis Young received two grants of land in what is now Marlboro County, and was then Craven County. He had a son-in-law, Edward Young, living in Bertie County, NC. The relationship between Edward and Francis Young is not known. In May 1748, Francis Young bought 500 additional acres in Craven County, adjacent to his 1745 land grants, for 100 pounds SC money. The land was on the SW side of the Pee Dee River, Andrew Johnson was the grantor. The witnesses to the deed were Benjamin Coachman and Peter Secore. James Gillespie was the Justice of the Peace, and William Hopton the Register (SC Deeds Bk F-F, p. 229). In April 1755, Francis Young's son Isam Young gave 150 acres in Craven County to his brother-in-law Edward Holmes. The land bounded NE on the Pee Dee River, north on Evan Vaughn, south on Francis Young, and SE on John Thompson, Jr. Isam also gave Edward Holmes 100 acres "adjoining the old field belonging to another tract." The witnesses were William Rhodes, John Wade, and John Lide. John Cranford was the J. P., and William Hopton, the Register (SC Deed Bk P-P, p. 494). In Oct 1755, Sarah Young leased 400 acres to Bedience Young, Sr. for 20 years (Agreement & Assignment). This lease included 200 acres lying outside the lake, with the plantation & houses where Bedience now lives. And another 200 acres adjoining the river & John Lide's land, and the lower line of the land on which Sarah now lives. Witnesses were William Rhodes, Edward Homes, & Francis Williamson. Alexander MackIntosh was the J. P. In Dec 1763, William Rhodes, executor of the will of Bedience Young, assigns said Articles of Agreement to Richard Farr. Witnesses were John Milton, Thomas Gamble, and William Farr. Thomas Wade was the J. P. and Fenwicke Bull the Register (SC Deeds Bk F-3, p. 11). 4 Sep 1758, Daniel Pegram was granted 733 acres in Granville County in the parish of St. John on both sides of Hubquarter Creek, joining Thomas Bell, FRANCIS YOUNG, and Harriss line. OR: /s/ Daniel Pegram. Wits: Jas. Paine, Geo. Disbrowe. Entered 6 Nov 1755, surveyed 6 Jun 1756. SCC: Thomas Harthon, Elexr. Anderson, Sher. Haywood, D. Sur. In June 1760, Edward Holmes, planter, and Rebecca his wife (daughter of Francis Young), sold 150 acres to Michael Alderage for 300 pounds SC money. The land was in Craven County, SC, bounding NE on the Pee Dee River, NW on Evan Vaughn, SW on Francis Young, and SE on John Thompson, Jr. Witnesses were William James, Jr., and William Rhodes. The deed was recorded in Aug 1767 before George Hicks, Fenwicke Bull, Register (SC Deed Bk G-3, p. 603). Also in June 1760, Edward Homes & Rebecca his wife (daughter of Francis Young) sold 100 acres to James Pitman for 200 pounds currency. This land was part of a tract granted to Francis Young, on which Homes now lives. It was given to Edward Homes by Isam Young. Witnesses were Edward Young & Ethelred Pitman. William Lord was the J. P. and Fenwicke Bull the Register (SC Deed Bk F-3, p. 13). In June 1765, Edward Young, and Esther his wife (daughter of Francis Young) of Bertie County, NC, sold 270 acres to Rebecca Lide of Craven County, SC for 50 pounds sterling. The land was in the Welch Tract, and was about one-fourth of the 1100 acres granted to Francis Young and Andrew Johnston in Nov 1747. The witnesses were Thomas Young and William Rhodes. Alexander Mackintosh was the J. P., and Fenwicke Bull the Register (SC Deeds Bk E-3, p. 533). In July 1765, James Pitman, planter, of Anson County, NC, sold 100 acres to Jonathan Williams, planter, of Craven County, SC, for 300 pounds SC money. This land was part of a tract granted to Francis Young, on which Jonathan Williams now lives. Witnesses were Samuel Pitman and James Smith. Thomas Wade was J. P., and Fenwicke Bull was Register (SC Deed Bk F-3, p. 15). In August 1765, Jonathan Williams and his wife Mary sold this land to Richard Farr (SC Deed Bk F-3, p. 17). In Oct 1765, John Flower, yeoman, of Anson County, NC, and Obedience his wife (daughter of Francis Young), sold their one-fourth undivided part of 1100 acres in Craven County, SC to Samuel Butler, for 300 pounds SC money. This land was the residue of two tracts, as follows: 1) 700 acres granted to Francis Young in 1745, bounding NE on the Pee Dee River, NW on John Thompson, Jr., deceased, NE on said Thompson and said Young, SE on Mary Evans, other sides on vacant land; 2) 500 acres granted to Andrew Johnson on the SW side of the Pee Dee River, bounding on all other sides on Francis Young. Johnson sold this land to Francis Young in 1748. Young sold 100 acres in the NW part of the first tract to Edward Holmes. Francis Young then died intestate, leaving one son and four daughters; Isam (the son), Mary (who married James Gillespie), Rebecca (who married Edward Holmes), Esther (who married Edward Young), and Obedience (who married John Flower). The 1100 acres descended to Isam Young, only son & heir. Isam died intestate. Soon after his death, Isam's wife Sarah bore a son who died a short time afterwards. So the 1100 acres descended to Mary, Rebecca, Esther, and Obedience. Now Obedience and her husband sell their share of the 1100 acres to Samuel Butler, free from all claims except the right of dower by Isam's widow, who afterwards married William Hicks. Witnesses were Samuel Crawford & Francis Gillespie. Thomas Wade was the J. P., & Rowland Rugeley was Register (SC Deed Bk O-3, p. 363-376). In Dec 1766, Thomas Sims, planter, and Rebecca his wife, sold 150 acres in Craven County to Thomas Lide for 450 pounds currency. The land was on the SW side of the Pee Dee River, bounding NW on Evan Vaughn, SW on Francis Young, and SE on John Thompson. This land was granted to Francis Young in May 1745, suggesting that Rebecca Sims may have been Rebecca Young, daughter of Francis Young. Witnesses were Rebecca Lide and John Heustess. Thomas Wade was the J. P., and Fenwicke Bull the Register (SC Deed Bk G-3, p.595). |
Family | Obedience (?) | |
Children |
Charts | LWG / Clarissa Eugenia Culpepper Griffin (Lew Griffin's gtgm): Ancestral Chart |
Last Edited | 23 Jun 2002 |
- Edgecombe Pct. Deeds, Book 1, page 218. William Person was a member of the NC provincial congress, and was the builder of Stone House in 1746, which is still standing. The house gave its name to Stonehouse Creek in Warren County, NC.
- Edgecombe Pct. Deed Book 1, page 324
- History of the Old Cheraws, by Gregg
Daniel Peek
Male, #13527, (circa 1760 - 1807)
Father* | Lewis Peek ? |
Mother* | (?) (?) |
Birth* | circa 1760 | Daniel was born circa 1760. |
Death* | 1807 | He died at Richland District, South Carolina, in 1807. |
Biography* | Nothing is known of Daniel Peek's ancestry or early life. He appears in Lancaster County, SC Deeds by 1790, when he witnessed a deed of gift of John Chesnut of Camden to his daughter Mary McRae, wife of Duncan McRae. The deed was for four lots in the town of Camden and was witnessed by Robert Down, William Tate, and Daniel Peek. (Lancaster Co. Deed Bk. B-155-7) John Chesnut was one of the leading merchants in Kershaw County (See Charles Woodmason's The Carolina Backcountry on the Eve of the Revolution). Daniel Peek apparently lived in or near Camden, which is in Kershaw County. He is mentioned several times in Kershaw Co., SC, Minutes of the County Court 1791-1799 by Brent Holcombe: "5 Mar 1792, Ordered that the different persons be appointed overseers of the different roads mentioned herein: from Camden to Town Creek inclusive, Daniel Peek." An 1820 map in Mill's Atlas shows Town Creek about four miles south of Camden, and a road running S/SW out of Camden, crossing Town Creek and going on to Sumter District. The 1820 map shows Chesnuts and McRaes still living in this area. Another entry reads: "21 May 1793, The court then proceeded to the appointment of overseers of the roads when the following persons were appointed: Thomas English in the room of Daniel Peek." In August 1794 Daniel Peek served on a Grand Jury, indicating that he was someone of means in the county, as Grand Jurors were selected from among those who paid the highest taxes. He continued to serve as an overseer of roads at least until 1797. He does not appear in the Minutes for 1798 or 1799, suggesting he may have moved to Richland District, where his estate was probated in 1807. His personal estate included 15 slaves, nine horses, 34 head of cattle, nearly 50 hogs. He had various farm implements and household items, plus a canoe and a safe. Buyers at the estate included John Culpepper, who bought a shotgun and a pickle tub, John Slappey, who bought a horse and horseman's sword, and Elizabeth Gillespie, who bought horses and farm implements. Daniel O'Guin, Thomas Watts, and Wm. Gupphill, the three appraisers, were also buyers. |
Last Edited | 23 Aug 2006 |