(?) Camp
Male, #20881, (say 1913 - )
Birth* | say 1913 | (?) was born say 1913. |
Marriage* | He married Pauline Elliott. |
Last Edited | 4 Oct 2000 |
John Culpepper 
Male, #20882, (say 1748 - after 1772)
Father* | Benjamin Culpepper son of Joseph |
Mother* | Lydia (?) |
DNA* | John has been proven by DNA and genealogical research to be a descendant of Joseph Culpepper of Edgecombe Co., NC, who is a son of Robert Culpepper of Lower Norfolk, the son of Henry Culpepper of Lower Norfolk, VA. | |
Name-Psbly | He was possibly named John William Culpepper. | |
Birth* | say 1748 | John was born say 1748. |
Marriage* | before 1772 | He married Sarah Oglethorpe before 1772. |
Birth of Son | 1 Oct 1772 | His son John Culpepper of Randolph Co., AL was born on 1 Oct 1772 at Camden District, South Carolina. |
Death* | after 1772 | He died after 1772. |
Biography* | Joseph R. Culpepper wrote to his cousin, Rev. George B. Culpepper, circa 1910-1915: I wrote to Father [Lewis Peek Culpepper] asking him to give me all the information he could relative to his father, grandfather, etc. He knows nothing farther back than his grandfather who was John.... He says there were three brothers, John, Ben and Joseph. John was my great grandfather as was Joseph, also, on my mother's side.... John William was my father's father and your father's grandfather.... What I have stated is absolutely correct as far back as my two great grandfathers." Since it seems possible that the designation of the younger John Culpepper as "John William Culpepper" might have come from a family history whose facts have not been substantiated. John Culpepper, the subject of this book will be designated as John Culpepper [1772-1855]. Although there are records of Joseph and Ben Culpepper in South Carolina, no record has ever been found of a brother namd John Culpepper. Lee R. Gandee, a Lexington, SC genealogist, in a 23 May 1974 letter to Billy W. Dunn, a Culpepper descendant, wrote that the Lexington Culpepers were "an early and now extinct family here. Little is known, as our records were almost all lost in the Civil War, both here and in the parent District, Orangeburg, when Yankees burned the courthouses.... No church records remain, either...." Joseph Culpepper, a presumed brother of the elder John Culpepper, was living on Thom's Creek in what is now Richland County, SC at least as early as 1767. Sometime prior to 1785 Joseph moved across the Congaree River to the eastern part of Orangeburg District, SC, where he owned land on Sandy Run Creek and south of the creek on Bull Swamp, which flows into the Edisto River. The area became Lexington District, SC in 1804 and is near the present town of Sandy Run in Calhoun County. Revolutionary War records place Benjamin Culpepper, the other presumed brother of the elder John Culpepper, in South Carolina at least by 1778. In the 1850 census of Randolph Co., AL (p. 386, family 189) John Culpepper [1772-1855], the presumed son of the elder John Culpepper, listed his own place of birth as South Carolina. This would place the elder John Culpepper and his wife in South Carolina by 1772. In the 1880 census, which was the first to ask about the place of birth of the parents of the person listed, two of the oldest living children of John Culpepper [1772-1855], John Jefferson Culpepper and Sarah O. Culpepper Elliott, also listed John's place of birth as South Carolina but a middle son, Francis G. Culpepper, listed his father's place of birth as North Carolina as if he might have remembered hearing of a family connection to North Carolina. Joseph R. Culpepper in his letter to the Rev. George B. Culpepper noted that John Culpepper [1772-1855] came to South Carolina from Virginia. Again, this was probably a reference to information from a Culpepper family history which was in circulation at the time that he wrote the letter, indicating that the family came from Culpeper Co., VA. But no records of Culpeppers have been found in Culpeper Co., VA except for Lord Culpeper whose heir was a daughter who married Lord Fairfax. Since no records of the elder John Culpepper have been found in South Carolina, there can only be speculation about him based on circumstantial evidence. Both Joseph and Benjamin, the elder John's presumed brothers, were on the 1790 census in Orangeburg District, SC. John Culpepper [1772-1855], the elder John Culpepper's presumed son, and Joseph, the elder John Culpepper's presumed brother, are listed with their families living near each other (p. 560 & p. 561) in the 1800 census of Lexington, SC. This suggests that Joseph was indeed related to Ben and John [1772-1855]. Since the elder John Culpepper does not show up in the 1790 census of South Carolina, there is a possibility is that he died between 1772, the year John Culpepper [1772-1855] was born, and the 1790 census. Since no mention has been found of brothers and sisters for John Culpepper [1772-1855], it is possible that his parents, or at least his father, died young and since John Culpepper [1772-1855] emerges in the 1800 census as a neighbor of Joseph, it is possible that John [1772-1855] was raised by his presumed uncle, Joseph Culpepper. In the 1790 census, Joseph had three males over age 16 in his household. Joseph is only known to have had one son, Joseph Richard Culpepper, who is believed to have been born circa 1794. A letter in Joseph's Revolutionary War Pension file (#R 2565) states that Joseph's son, Joseph R. Culpepper, was "the only legatee" of Joseph Culpepper. This leaves the possibility that John Culpepper [1772-1855] was one of the three males listed in the Joseph Culpepper household in 1790 as over 16. John Culpepper [1772-1855] would have been 18. Also in 1807, Joseph Culpepper secured a bond for John Culpepper [1772-1855] when John was named administrator of the estate of Daniel Peek. This suggests close family ties between the two. |
Family | Sarah Oglethorpe | |
Marriage* | before 1772 | He married Sarah Oglethorpe before 1772. |
Child |
Benjamin Culpepper son of Joseph 
Male, #20883, (say 1724 - before 1771)
Father* | Joseph Culpepper of Edgecombe Co., NC |
Mother* | Martha (?) |
DNA* | Benjamin has been proven by DNA and genealogical research to be a descendant of Joseph Culpepper of Edgecombe Co., NC, who is a son of Robert Culpepper of Lower Norfolk, the son of Henry Culpepper of Lower Norfolk, VA. | |
Birth* | say 1724 | Benjamin was born say 1724. |
Marriage* | say 1745 | He married Lydia (?) say 1745. |
Birth of Son | say 1746 | His son Joseph Culpepper of Abbeville District, SC was born say 1746 at Edgecombe Co., North Carolina. |
Birth of Son | say 1748 | His son John Culpepper was born say 1748. |
Deed* | 14 Mar 1752 | He granted a deed to Benjamin Culpepper the Ferryman on 14 Mar 1752 at Edgecombe Co., North Carolina, Edgecombe County NC Deed Book 4, p. 265 – North Carolina – To all to whom these presents shall come – I BENJAMIN CULPEPPER Junr. of Edgecombe County in the said province planter, send greeting. Know you that I the said BENJAMIN CULPEPPER Junr. for and in consideration of the sum of sixty pounds current money of Virginia to me in hand paid by BENJAMIN CULPEPPER Senr. Ferryman of the said County the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and myself fully satisfied contented and paid. Have given granted bargained sold conveyed and confirmed and do by these presents fully freely and also lately give grant bargain sell convey and confirm unto the said BENJAMIN CULPEPPER Senr. A plantation and tract of land containing by estimation one hundred and sixty acres be the same more or less situate in the county of Edgecombe on the south side of Fishing Creek beginning at a Beech thence to a White Oak thence to a White Oak thence to a Red Oak, thence to a Pine, thence along the patent line west 160 poles to a Pine, thence north 110 poles to a Red Oak on the said Creek, thence down the water course thereof to the first station, being part of a patent granted to John Edwards for 320 acres dated the 4th day of August 1720. Together with all woods under woods waters profit commodities and appurtenances to the said land belonging or in any wise appertaining with the reversions and remainders thereof and every part and parcel thereof; to have and to hold the said one hundred and sixty acres of land and premises hereby granted unto the said BENJAMIN CULPEPPER Senr. To the only proper use benefit and behoof of him the said BENJAMIN CULPEPPER Senr. his heirs and assigns forever, and I the said BENJAMIN CULPEPPER Junr. for myself my heirs Executors and Administrators do covenant and agree to and with the said BENJAMIN CULPEPPER Senr. his heirs and assigns that he the said BENJAMIN CULPEPPER Senr. his heirs and assigns shall and may at all times forever hereafter peaceably and quietly have hold use occupy possess and enjoy the said one hundred and sixty acres of land with all the appurtenances thereto belonging freely and clearly acquitted and discharged from all former and other gifts grants bargains sales leases mortgages and all other encumbrances whatsoever and the same will warrant and forever defend unto the said BENJAMIN CULPEPPER Senr. his heirs and assigns against the clams and demands of all persons whomsoever. In witness whereof I the said BENJAMIN CULPEPPER Junr. have hereunto put my hand and seal the fourteenth day of March One Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty two; BENJAMIN CULPEPPER Junr. (“B” his mark) (seal) In presence of William West, Nathan Powell (“N” his mark) – Edgecombe County May Court 1752 – the within deed of sale was in open Court duly proved by the oath of William West, an evidence thereto and on motion was ordered to be registered. Benjamin Wynns, Clerk Court. |
Birth of Son | between 1755 and 1765 | His son Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC was born between 1755 and 1765 at Edgecombe Co., North Carolina.1 |
Death* | before 1771 | He died before 1771. |
Biography* | Benjamin Culpepper's life history has not yet been accurately or fully pieced together. Based on DNA evidence, this Benjamin was the son of Joseph Culpepper. This conclusion is also supported by naming conventions used this Benjamin and his family. See also the discussion of the Fishing Creek deeds in the Theories Section of this web site, for further details. It would appear that Benjamin was born either in Norfolk County, VA, or in early Bertie Precinct, NC, in the early 1720's. He moved with his family to Edgecombe County, NC, in the late 1730's. He married his wife, Lydia, there, in the early 1740's. When his father Joseph died intestate in 1745, he inherited one, and possibly two tracts of land as Joseph's eldest son, by right of primogeniture. He may have lived on one tract, on Swift / Sandy Creek. And his mother Martha lived on the other Fishing Creek tract until she remarried around 1751, to Benjamin Dumas, and moved with Dumas to Anson County, NC. After his mother's re-marriage, Benjamin then sold the Fishing Creek tract to his first cousin, Benjamin Culpepper (ferryman), in 1752. And by 1754, he had decided to move on, and so sold the tract on which he then lived on Sandy Creek to Thomas Davis. Here the record on Benjamin becomes murky for about 13 years, until 1767, when his eldest son Joseph Culpepper first appears in records in South Carolina. So it seems likely that Benjamin moved to South Carolina around 1754, probably with one or more of his wife's relatives. Where he settled has not been discovered. And he must have died there prior to 1771, when his widow Lydia received a grant as "the widow Culpepper." That this Benjamin was the son of Joseph is based in part on the interpretation of two deeds involving Joseph's Fishing Creek property. In 1741, Joseph sold one-half of his Fishing Creek property to Benjamin Culpepper. This was probably Benjamin his brother. Joseph also had a son named Benjamin, but analysis shows that he did not sell the land to his own son. By 1746 both brothers were deceased, and their two sons, both named Benjamin, were each in possession of one half of Joseph's original 320 farm on Fishing Creek. Although it is impossible to tell, due to the poor wording of the 1741 deed, the current analysis presumes that Joseph's son Ben inherited the WEST half of the property by right of primogeniture, and Benjamin's son Ben owned the EAST half by right of primogeniture. In 1752, Benjamin (son of Joseph) sold the WEST half to his older cousin, Benjamin, ferryman, son of Benjamin. See the footnote for a detailed look at these land transactions. Since after 1746, there were only two Benjamin Culpeppers in early Edgecombe, it would be useful if we could distinguish them, by the way they signed deeds. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The surviving deed books in early Edgecombe are later copies of the original deeds, so the original marks from the original deeds have not survived. In all cases in which a Benjamin sold land or witnessed a deed, the "B" mark was apparently used, and except for Benjamin's will in 1767, the original mark itself has not survived. By 1752, and perhaps as early as 1743 Benjamin Culpepper (son of Joseph) was living on a 300 acre farm on Sandy Creek, in Granville Co., NC. This was about nine or ten miles northeast of his first cousin Benjamin's land on Peach Tree Creek, considerably closer to his cousin Benjamin, and to Peach Tree Creek, than was his old Fishing Creek land. This writer speculates that this may have been the same 300 acres on Swift Creek, which Benjamin's father Joseph may been granted as early as 1743. Land Grants, Vol. 1, page 59, NC Archives, Raleigh, 27 February 1743, Joseph Culpepper enters 300 acres in Edgecombe County, on the north side of Swift Creek....and RUNS ACROSS THE CREEK; includes his improvements; made out; paid: rights returned. The entry has survived, but not the actual grant. In 1754, Benjamin Culpepper, sold the 300 acres on Sandy Creek in Granville Co., NC "where I now live" to Thomas Davis. (Granville Co. Deed Bk. B, p. 391-2) Witnesses were Lewis Davis, Moses Harris, and Samuel Chaivis. Benjamin signed this deed with a 'C.' This land was described as "beginning on the north side of the said [Sandy]Creek at a Road Oak running thence along a line to a corner tree a Road Oak thence along a line CROSSING THE CREEK to a White Oak a corner tree of the south side of said creek thence along a line to a corner tree a White Oak thence along a line CROSSING THE CREEK to the first station it being the plantation whereon I now live." That Benjamin's 300 acres on Sandy Creek was the same land as Joseph's 1743 land entry on Swift Creek is speculation. But note that Sandy Creek becomes Swift Creek at Hilliardston community in present day Nash County (according to "The North Carolina Gazeteer" by Wm. S. Powell). And this could have been about the point where this land was situated. And this was also near the boundary between what was then Edgecombe and Granville Counties. So the land entry might have mentioned Edgecombe, and the later sale, Granville, as the location. Also, note that both the land entry, and the later sale, mention that the land was on both sides of the creek. So this unusual feature of the property is found in both documents. Further, assuming the land entry became a grant to Joseph, there is no further mention of the sale of the land by his estate. Likewise, there is no other mention of Benjamin buying his Sandy Creek land. So by assuming that these two records refer to the same property, one has a complete history of its purchase and later sale. And if this is correct, then it strengthens the idea that this Benjamin was the son of Joseph, as he would have inherited this land from Joseph by right of primogeniture, just as he apparently inherited the west half of the Fishing Creek property. An anomaly, which remains to be explained, is that this Benjamin apparently signed his sale of land in Edgecombe with a 'B' and yet signed this sale of land in Granville with a 'C'. Was the 'B' in the Edgecombe sale an error by the copyist? Since the surviving deeds in Edgecombe are copies, not originals, it would be hard to speculate. There is no further record of this Benjamin. He seems to have moved in the direction of, if not to, Richland or Camden District, SC, where records have been lost. No surviving records on Benjamin in South Carolina have been found. Research on his wife and her family might eventually provide additional clues. Since Benjamin did not follow the migration path of his siblings, chances are, he was migrating with his wife's family, and not with his own. Perhaps she was related to the John Griffin, who was an adjacent land owner to Joseph Culpepper in early Northampton County, and who may have been the same John Griffin who lived next to Benjamin's widow Lydia in early South Carolina.2 |
Family | Lydia (?) | |
Marriage* | say 1745 | He married Lydia (?) say 1745. |
Children |
- D. A. R. application 169581 gives birth date as 10 Jan 1750. The 1800 census places his birth between 1755 and 1774, and the 1810 census places it before 1765. If both are correct, then he must have been born between 1755 and 1765. And based on his Rev. War service, probably towards the earlier end of that range. His tombstone says that he was "suppossed to be 60 years of age" at his death on 10 Jan 1829. That would place his birth in 1768.
- Lewis W. Griffin Jr. (#47), Phoenix, AZ.
Sarah Oglethorpe
Female, #20884, (circa 1750 - after 1 Oct 1772)
Father* | John Newman Oglethorpe |
Mother* | Eleanor Middleton |
Birth* | circa 1750 | Sarah was born at South Carolina circa 1750. |
Marriage* | before 1772 | She married John Culpepper before 1772. |
Married Name | before 1772 | As of before 1772, her married name was Culpepper. |
Birth of Son | 1 Oct 1772 | Her son John Culpepper of Randolph Co., AL was born on 1 Oct 1772 at Camden District, South Carolina. |
Death* | after 1 Oct 1772 | She died at Camden District, South Carolina, after 1 Oct 1772. |
Biography* | May 2018 | In a biographical sketch of Francis Gillespie Culpepper which appeared in the Lavaca Co., TX Shiner Gazette on 2 Feb 1898, it was stated that the grandmother of Francis G. Culpepper and therefore the mother of John Culpepper [1772-1855] and the wife of the elder John Culpepper "was a sister to General Oglethorpe." Lewis Peek Culpepper, another grandson, read this article and in a 19 Mar 1898 letter to B. F. Burke, wrote that with the exception of the year of birth of his brother, "it was a tolerable correct historical account." Nothing has been found to support the Oglethorpe connection except that John Culpepper [1772-1855] had a daughter, Sarah O., and two grandsons with a middle name of Oglethorpe. William L. Carlisle wrote 29 Aug 1978: In all our research we have been unable to find any clue which might lead us to the conclusion that any member of his family, except himself [General James Edward Oglethorpe], ever came to America. Within six months of his death, two nephews in France, most likely a son of Eleanor [a sister] and a son of Fanny [a sister], indicated their intention to file a claim for any property he may still have had in Georgia. It occurs to us, as it must surely to you, that if any relatives were known to be living in the Colony, particularly a sister, the nephews would not have presumed to assume the role of "heirs." There is no record of the French kin coming to America at the time.... In the 29 Aug 1978 letter, William L. Carlisle included the following from James Edward Oglethorpe - Imperial Idealist by Amos Aschbach Ettinger which was published at Oxford by the Clarendon Press in 1936: Theophilus Oglethorpe of West Riding, Yorkshire, and Eleanor (Ellen) Wall were married in 1680. To this union nine children were born as follows: Lewis b Feb. 1681 d 8 Sept. 8, 1704 The Hague Theophilus, Jr. b 1682 d 1737 In France Anne Henrietta b 1683 d Sept. 5, 1756 at her home, Strand-on-the-Green, England. She was created Countess of Oglethorpe in 1722 and afterward made her home with her brother James for a period. We find no record of her ever having married. Eleanor b 1684 We do not know the date of her death. In 1707 she was married to Eugene-Marie de Bethisy, Marquis de Mezieres. She probably died in France. James b June 1, 1689 bur June 15, 1690 Louisa Mary (Molly) and Sutton (twins) b Sept. 1693. Sutton lived seven weeks. In 1733 Molly married Marquis de Bensonpiere. The Marquis died within a year and the Marquise closed her career in a minor post in the court of Spain. We did not find the date of her death. Frances Charlotte (Fanny) b Feb. 1696. In December 1719 she married Jean Francois de Bellegarde, Marquis de Marches of Peidmont. She must have also died in France on an unknown date. James Edward b Dec. 22, 1696 d 1785 in England. The founder of the Colony of Georgia. He came to America first in January 1734 and stayed until late in the year 1743. He made two prolonged trips back to England in the interim in connection with the administration and military affairs of the Colony but when he sailed from Charles Town for London in 1743, he never saw his beloved Georgia again. On Sept. 15, 1744, in King Henry VII Chapel in Westminster Abbey, he was married to Elizabeth Wright the only daughter of Sir Nathan Wright, Baronet. There were no children. The problem with the idea that the elder John Culpepper married one of the descendents of General Oglethorpe is that the sisters are a generation too early for such a marriage and the husbands of General Oglethorpe's sisters are known. An Oglethorpe researcher, Kenneth H. Thomas, Jr., wrote (16 Jun 1985) that neither General Oglethorpe "nor his brothers, left any children at all, male or female. There are many descendants of his sisters, though, but all remained in Europe (at least during the 1700s) and married noble Catholic families." Perhaps the wife of the elder John Culpepper was an Oglethorpe or a descendant of an Oglethorpe, but not a sister of the General. The Oglethorpe name is rare in the United States, it was not represented at all in the 1790 census of the United States. However, there were Oglethorpes living in Camden District, SC in the 1760's and 1770's. Hannah, Thomas, and John Newman Oglethorpe all witnessed a deed for land on the south side of the Wateree River in 1765 (SC Deeds Book E-3, p. 192). John Newman Oglethorpe is mentioned in Robert W. Ramsey's Carolina Cradle as being a resident of Camden, SC, during 1765-1768. For search purposes, the name Sarah Oglethorpe has been tentatively suggested as the name of the wife of the elder John Culpepper since John and Nancy (Gillespie) Culpepper named other children for presumed relatives, e.g., Francis Gillespie Culpepper and Daniel Peek Culpepper, and so possibly their daughter, Sarah O. Culpepper, was named for her grandmother. |
Family | John Culpepper | |
Child |
Charts | LWG / Clarissa Eugenia Culpepper Griffin (Lew Griffin's gtgm): Ancestral Chart |
Last Edited | 7 Sep 2018 |
John Shinkman Dorman
Male, #20885, (19 Aug 1915 - 10 May 1995)
Birth* | 19 Aug 1915 | John was born at Grand Rapids, Kent Co., Michigan, on 19 Aug 1915. |
Marriage* | 8 Jul 1944 | He married Marilyn Miller Culpepper at Fort McPherson, Fulton Co., Georgia, on 8 Jul 1944 at age 28. |
Death* | 10 May 1995 | He died at Grand Rapids, Kent Co., Michigan, on 10 May 1995 at age 79. |
Family | Marilyn Miller Culpepper | |
Children |
Last Edited | 9 Jul 1999 |
Diane Elaine Gernazian1
Female, #20899, (24 Sep 1942 - 22 Jun 2011)
Name Variation | She was also known as Deena.1 | |
Birth* | 24 Sep 1942 | Diane was born on 24 Sep 1942.1 |
Marriage* | say 1970 | She married Emmet Koran Culpepper III say 1970. |
Married Name | say 1970 | As of say 1970, her married name was Culpepper. |
Divorce* | after 1973 | She and Emmet Koran Culpepper III were divorced after 1973. After their divorce (date unknown), neither Deena nor Emmet ever remarried..1 |
Death* | 22 Jun 2011 | She died on 22 Jun 2011 at age 68.1 |
Burial* | circa 25 Jun 2011 | Her body was interred circa 25 Jun 2011 at Arlington Memorial Park, Sandy Springs, Fulton Co., Georgia.1 |
Family | Emmet Koran Culpepper III | |
Marriage* | say 1970 | She married Emmet Koran Culpepper III say 1970. |
Divorce* | after 1973 | She and Emmet Koran Culpepper III were divorced after 1973. After their divorce (date unknown), neither Deena nor Emmet ever remarried..1 |
Child |
Last Edited | 22 Aug 2011 |
- E-mail written 17 Aug 2011 to Warren L. Culpepper from Lou Manos (sister of #20899), Canton, GA, e-mail address.
Jennifer Alyce Culpepper1
Female, #20900, (10 Jun 1973 - 24 Oct 1973)
Father* | Emmet Koran Culpepper III |
Mother* | Diane Elaine Gernazian |
Birth* | 10 Jun 1973 | Jennifer was born on 10 Jun 1973.1 |
Death* | 24 Oct 1973 | She died at DeKalb Co., Georgia, on 24 Oct 1973.2,1 |
Burial* | circa 25 Oct 1973 | Her body was interred circa 25 Oct 1973 at Allen-Lee Cemetery, Lone Oak, Meriwether Co., Georgia.1 |
Biography* | According to Mrs. William L. Martin, Jr. the name on the tombstone reads "Jennifer Alyce Culpepper." Mrs. Thelma Culpepper Jackson, in a 27 Apr 1993 letter, gave Jennifer's middle name as "Alyse." |
Charts | John Culpepper of Randolph Co, AL: Descendant Chart |
Last Edited | 22 Aug 2011 |
- Priscilla Turner, compiler, Meriwether Co., GA Cemeteries, Spartanburg, SC: , 1993, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. US/CAN Book: 975.8455 V39.
Allen-Lee Memorial United Methodist Church Cemetery, near Lone Oak, Meriwether Co., GA
+ Jennifer Alyce Culpepper, 10 Jun 1973 – 24 Oct 1973. - Georgia Health Department / Office of Vital Records, compiler, Georgia Deaths, 1919-1998, Online database at Ancestry.com, 1998.
Jennifer A. Culpepper, d. 24 Oct 1973 at 4 months in DeKalb Co., GA; Res. in DeKalb Co., GA.