Unknown 1st wife (?)
Female, #5761, (circa 1754 - say 1796)
Birth* | circa 1754 | Unknown was born circa 1754. |
Marriage* | circa 1781 | She married Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC circa 1781. At one time, Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield's frst wife was thought to be Mary Mason and this was recorded as such in NSDAR records. However, it has subsequently been proven that Benjamin Culpepper of Attala (the son of Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield), was the husband of Mary Mason. The first wife of Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield has not been identified, and as of 20 Dec 2010, Mary Mason is no longer shown in NSDAR records as his wife.1 |
Married Name | circa 1781 | As of circa 1781, her married name was Culpepper.1 |
Birth of Son | 1782 | Her son Joel Culpepper of Cherokee Co. AL was born in 1782 at Orangeburg District, South Carolina. |
Birth of Son | circa 1788 | Her son Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL was born circa 1788 at Orangeburg District, South Carolina. |
Birth of Son | circa 1790 | Her son Benjamin Culpepper of Attala Co. MS was born circa 1790 at Orangeburg District, South Carolina. |
Death* | say 1796 | She died at Orangeburg District, South Carolina, say 1796. |
Biography* | 7 Jan 2019 | “The name of Benjamin Culpepper's first wife is unknown. As for the first wife of Benjamin being Esther, this idea came to me originally from David Hansen Robertson, of Stone Mountain, GA, who first mentioned this to me back in the late 1970's, based on his own correspondence or research. I have never been able to verify this name from my own extensive research, so I consider it to be at best, hearsay evidence at this point. But it is clear that Benjamin of SC did have a wife prior to Joyce Powell Shephard, and this first wife was the mother of his sons. At this point I'm not sure what the origin of the name Esther as the first wife of Benjamin might have been.”.2 |
Family | Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC | |
Marriage* | circa 1781 | She married Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC circa 1781. At one time, Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield's frst wife was thought to be Mary Mason and this was recorded as such in NSDAR records. However, it has subsequently been proven that Benjamin Culpepper of Attala (the son of Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield), was the husband of Mary Mason. The first wife of Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield has not been identified, and as of 20 Dec 2010, Mary Mason is no longer shown in NSDAR records as his wife.1 |
Children |
Last Edited | 7 Jan 2019 |
- Thanks to Gennie Harris for clarifying to Culpepper Connections and to the NSDAR the husband of Mary Mason.
- Lewis W. Griffin Jr. (#47), Phoenix, AZ.
Joyce Powell Sheppard1
Female, #5762, (29 Dec 1770 - 24 Feb 1841)
Father* | James Sheppard |
Mother* | Janette Riddell |
Birth* | 29 Dec 1770 | Joyce was born at Newberry District, South Carolina, on 29 Dec 1770.2 |
Marriage* | She married (?) Adair. | |
Married Name | Her married name was Adair. | |
Marriage* | circa 1787 | She married William Augustus Strother circa 1787. |
Married Name | circa 1787 | As of circa 1787, her married name was Strother. |
Birth of Son | 16 Jan 1788 | Her son John Sheppard Strother was born on 16 Jan 1788 at South Carolina.2 |
Birth of Son | 13 Apr 1791 | Her son George James Strother was born on 13 Apr 1791 at South Carolina.2 |
Death of Father | 17 Sep 1791 | Her father James Sheppard died on 17 Sep 1791 at Newberry District, South Carolina. |
Death of Spouse | 18 Aug 1794 | Her husband William Augustus Strother died on 18 Aug 1794 at Edgefield District, South Carolina.2,3 |
Marriage* | circa 1795 | She married Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC at Edgefield District, South Carolina, circa 1795. |
Married Name | circa 1795 | As of circa 1795, her married name was Joicy Culpepper. |
1800 Census | 4 Aug 1800 | Joicy was probably a free white female, age 26 and under 45, in Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC's household on the 1800 Census at Edgefield District, South Carolina. Unaccounted for are 3 females 0-10..4 |
1810 Census | 6 Aug 1810 | Joyce was probably a free white female, age 45 or over, in Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC's household on the 1810 Census at Edgefield District, South Carolina. Unaccounted for is 1 male 26-45.5 |
Deed | 18 Dec 1811 | She was granted a deed by Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC on 18 Dec 1811 at Edgefield District, South Carolina, This indenture made this 18th Day of December in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight hundred and eleven and of the American Independence the thirty sixths. Between Benjamin Culpeper of the one part and George Strother of the other part of the same District and State aforesaid. WHEREAS the said Benjamin Culpeper is desirous of making some fixed and permanent arrangement as to his property and estate, and thereby to make provision for his wife Joyce Culpeper, his daughter Joyce Culpeper and the aforementioned George Strother, and that no event accident or occurrences may frustrate and defeat the mind, will and intention of the said Benjamin Culpeper in all and singular or any part and parcell of the provisions in this Deed contemplated, he hath resolved, and determined to divest himself of all the property interest and estate herein after mentioned, and to vest the whole and every part thereof in the said George Strother for the uses, intents and purposes herein after mentioned. NOW this INDENTURE WITNESSETH That in pursuance of the fixed purpose and intention of the said Benjamin Culpeper, and also for and in consideration of one Dollar and Twenty five Cents to the said Benjamin Culpeper by the said George well and truly paid at and before the sealing and delivery of their presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and for divers other causes and considerations specially moving the said Benjamin thereto, hath granted, bargained and sold and by their presents doth grant bargain and sell unto the said George Strother the following Negros, namely Jacob, Dublin, Nammy, Lydia, Peter and Morrice and all and every of their issues and _____, and also four of my best and most valuable Horses, my Waggon and gear, and all of my Household and kitchen furniture & all my my Plantation Tolls, the one half of my Stock of Cattle, Sheep and Hogs to have and to hold all and singular the Negros and other property aforementioned to the said George Strother his Heirs and ______to and for and upon the several uses trusts and purposes and subject to the several limitations and agreements hereinafter mentioned, limited, expressed and declared of and concerning the same. The said Benjamin Culpeper excuses and reserves to himself the right and privilege (if he shall wish to claim and exercise the same) to keep in his own custody forever and posession during his natural life, all and singular the aforementioned Negros and other property, and to use employ and control the same, to enjoy and have during his natural life the profits and advantages of the same; but not to sell or dispose of the same or any part thereof without the consent of the said George Strother. And the said Benjamin Culpeper further stipulates and provides that if his wife Joyce Culpeper shall outlive him the said Benjamin _____and in that case the said Joyce shall be permitted to choose the four Horses from my stock of horses then on hand - that the one full half or share of my Cattle, Hogs, Sheep all of my Household and kitchen furniture, and Plantation Tools shall be ascertained by the judment and decision of three disinterested persons one to be chosen by my wife, one by the said George Strother and one by the children which I had by my former wife - And that the division shall have been fully ascertained in manner aforementioned then immediately shall the said George make and execute to the said Joyce my wife a Deed for all the aforementioned Negros and their issue and the said four horses and the waggon and gear, and the said one half or share of all my stock of Hogs, Cattle Sheep, and all of my household and kitchen furniture., and Plantation Tools to her and her Heirs forever to dispose of the same as she thinks prudent and proper. -- And it is further provided that during the lifetime of the said Benjamin and before the execution of the said Deed from the said George Strother to the said Joyce Culpeper she the said Joyce has full power and right to sell will or otherwise dispose of all or any of the aforementioned property subject however to life estate of the said Benjamin Culpeper. AND lastly it is provided that if the said Joyce Culpeper should die intestate without having made any disposition of the aforementioned property then it is expressly understood and provided that the same and all and every part thereof be equally divided between my Daughter Joyce Culpeper and the said George Strother the Trustee named in this case them and their Heirs forever. IN WITNESS whereof we have mutually hereunto set our hands and affixed our Seals the day and year above written. Benjamin Culpeper (signed by one that deed) in presence of James Spann, David Richardson, George S Strother SOUTH CAROLINA, Edgefield District - Before me personally appeared David Richardson and made oath on the holy Evangist of Almighty God that he was present and saw the within named Benjamin Culpeper and George S Strother sign the within instrument of writing for the purposes therein mentioned and saw James Spann sign with himself as witness thereunto. David Richardson. Sworn before me 30th March 1812, John Blocker, S. Q., Clerks Office, Edgefield District Recorded in my office in Book H H page 69 and examined this 30th Mary 1812. S. Butler, Reg. E. D.6 |
Deed | Mar 1812 | She granted a deed to George James Strother in Mar 1812 at Edgefield District, South Carolina, Benjamin Culpepper to George J. Strother for $300, land in Lexington District on Halland’s Sheds Creek on waters of the Broad River, 183 acres bordering George Strother, Jacob Bookman. Signed: Benjamin & Joyce Culpepper. Witnesses: David Richardson, James Spann (Edgefield Deed Bk 39, p. 356) Joyce & Benjamin Culpepper to George J. Strother for $150, a tract in Lexington District, 56 acres on the waters of the Saluda River, bordering Clemmons, etc. Witnesses: David Richardson, James Spann (Edgefield Deed Bk 39, p. 357) Joyce & Benjamin Culpepper to George J. Strother for $600, a tract on Hollands Shed Creek, 261 acres bounded on all sides by vacant land. Witnesses: David Richardson, James Spann (Edgefield Deed Bk 39, p. 359) Benjamin & Joyce Culpepper to George J. Strother for $100 (not sure of amount), a tract in Lexington District on a road from Drehrs Mill, on branch waters of the Saluda River, 20 acres, bordering Clemmons. Witnesses: David Richardson, James Spann (Edgefield Deed Bk 39, p. 360.)7 |
Deed | 21 Jul 1817 | She granted a deed on 21 Jul 1817 State of S. Carolina, Edgefield District. Know all men by these presents that I Benjamin Culpeper of the district and State aforesaid in consideration of twelve hundred dollars to me paid by Jonathan Weaver of the state and district aforesaid have granted bargained & sold and released and by these presents do grant bargain sell and release unto the said Jonathan Weaver three certain tracts of land containing five hundred acres more or less, one hundred and fifty acres granted to Robert Lang January the 26th 1773 two tracts granted to Daniel Ravenal Junr. One of one hundred and fifty acres and the other two hundred acres lying in the district and state aforesaid on waters of Mine Creek waters of Little Saluda bounded North East by lands of William Herrinbow. N. W. by lands of Reuben Kirkland and William Mastin S. W. by lands of Benjamin Loveless S. E. by lands of Ogetell Cocksoff and Andrew Gomillon and by these presents do grant bargain sell and release unto the said Jonathan Weaver Together with all deeds singular the rights members, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise incident or appertaining to have and to hold all and singular the premises above mentioned with the said Jonathan Weaver his heirs and as signs against myself and my heirs and against every person or persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. As witness my hand and seal this 21 day of July in the year 1817 and the forty first and second year of American Independency - Benj. Suddath, Lewis Suddath. Benjamin Culpeper State of So. Carolina, Edgefield District . I Thomas Dozier justice of Quoruin do hereby certify with whom it may concern that Joice Culpeper the wife of the written named Benjamin Culpeper did this day appear before me and upon being privately and separately examined by me did declare that she does freely voluntarily and without any compulsion dread or fear of any person or persons whom so ever renounce release and forever relinquish unto the written named Jonathan Weaver his heirs and assigns all her in trest and estate and also all her right and claim of dower of in or to all and singular the premises within mentioned and released. Given under my hand & seal this 21 day of July 1817. Thomas Dozier J.Q. Joice (x) Culpeper Personally appeared before me, Thomas Dozier, Benjamin Sudduth who being duly sworn made solemn oath that he was present and did see Benjamin Culpeper sign seal and as his act and Deed deliver the written instrument of writing to and for the ? written mentioned ? ? also see Lewis Suddath with himself ? scribe(?) his name as a witness thereto. Sworn to before me this 21st day July 1817. Thomas Dozier J. Q., Benjamin Suddath. Recorded 22 July 1817.8 |
Deed | 21 Jul 1817 | She was a previous land owner in a deed granted by Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL, Lettis Culpepper, Preston Sheppard Gilder, Mary Gilder, James Sheppard and Joyce Powell Sheppard on 21 Jul 1817 at Edgefield Co., South Carolina, On 21 July 1817, Drury Culpeper and wife, Lettice, Preston Gilder and wife, Polly, together with James Shepherd and wife, Joice, bonded in favor of deed made by (their father) Benjamin Culpepper and his (second) wife Joice, to Jonathan Weaver of Edgefield County, South Carolina, the same date. |
Death of Son | 18 Oct 1817 | Her son George James Strother died on 18 Oct 1817 at Edgefield District, South Carolina.2,3 |
1820 Census* | 7 Aug 1820 | Joyce was listed as the head of a family on the 1820 Census at Edgefield District, South Carolina. Unaccounted for is 1 female 16-26..9 |
Deed* | Apr 1823 | She was granted a deed in Apr 1823 at Edgefield District, South Carolina, William Foy to Joyce Culpepper for $125, 62.5 acres on an unnamed creek & waters of Little Saluda River, part of 500 acres granted to Daniel Brown bordering Joyce Culpepper, Hugh Neely.10 |
Death of Mother | circa 1825 | Her mother Janette Riddell died circa 1825 at Newberry District, South Carolina. |
Death of Spouse | 10 Jan 1829 | Her husband Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC died on 10 Jan 1829 at Edgefield District, South Carolina.11,3 |
1830 Census* | 1 Jun 1830 | Joyce was listed as the head of a family on the 1830 Census at Edgefield District, South Carolina. Unaccounted for are 1 M20-30 and 1 F20-30..12 |
Deed | Mar 1834 | She was granted a deed, witnessed by David R. Strother in Mar 1834 at Edgefield District, South Carolina, Jesse Jay Sr. to Joicy Culpepper, 375 acres which belonged to David Pitts dec’d, bounded by Joyce Culpepper, Caty Foy, lands granted to John Spann Sr., Denny’s, formerly Ward’s & S. W. Bowie. Witnesses: Samuel W. Bowie, David Strother. Mary Jay gives consent.13 |
Deed | May 1836 | She was granted a deed in May 1836 at Edgefield District, South Carolina, Samuel W. Bowie to Joyce Culpepper for $12 (deed nearly illegible on microfilm) Witnesses: John Wooten, Bethena Dozier.14 |
Will* | 16 Aug 1837 | She made a will at Edgefield District, South Carolina, on 16 Aug 1837. In the Name of God Amen. I Joicy Culpepper of the District of Edgefield in the State aforesaid (South Carolina) being of sound mind and disposing for which I am thankful to Almighty God and knowing that it is appointed for all men to die, and desirous of disposing of what property it has pleased God to bless me with here on Earth, do make this my last will and testament revoking all other will by me heretofore made. After my decease I wish my executors to have my body buried in a Christian like manner. ITEM 1. I wish all my just debts paid. ITEM 2. I give and bequeath to my grandson William A. Strother, one negro man Peter and a negro boy Alfred to him and his heirs forever. ITEM 3. I give and bequeath to my grandson David R. Strother, one negro man Morris and a negro boy named Warren, to him and his heirs and forever. ITEM 4. I give and bequeath to my grandson George J. Strother, our negro woman name of Mariah and one Girl named Mary and our negro Girl named Amanda and our feather bed and furniture, to him and his heirs forever. [Grandsons are children of Joicy's son George James Strother & Charlotte Richardson Ardagh Strother] ITEM 5. I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Frances C. Devore, one negro woman by the name of Creacy and a negro boy by the name of Harper, to her and her heirs forever. [Frances C. Devore, daugh. of Joyce P. Culpepper & James Sheppard] ITEM 6. I give and bequeath to my grandson George J. Sheppard, one negro woman by the name of Charlotte and a negro boy by the name of Simon and a feather bed and furniture, to him and his heirs forever. [George J. Sheppard, son of Joyce Powell Culpepper & James Sheppard] ITEM 7. I give to my daughter-in-law Mrs. Charlotte Peterson fifty dollars to be paied to her by my executors. ITEM 8. I give to Letty Culpepper, wife of Drury Culpepper, fifty dollars to be paid to her by my Executors. [Letty Harris Culpepper is daug. of Joice's sister, Sally Sheppard Harris,Drury, son of Benjamin III] ITEM 9. I give to Nancy Lockhart, wife of John Lockhart, fifty dollars to be paid to her by my Executors. [Daug. of Joice's sister Frances Sheppard Gilder Edwards] ITEM 10. I give to Parthenia Dodgin fifty dollars to be paid to her by my Executors. . [also kin: Joice's sister Frances & 1st husband Preston Gilder had daug. Sally who married James Dodgen. Frances & 2nd husband Edwards had daugh. Jane who married Eli Dodgen. Jane & Nancy Edwards Lockhart were sisters. All this is in Newberry Co. SC Historical & Gen. Annals by Summer] ITEM 11. I give to my son-in-law James Sheppard five dollars to be paid to him by my Executors. [husband of deceased Joyce Powell Culpepper] ITEM 12. I wish my negro name Dublin sold and the proceeds of the same be equally divided among Joel Culpepper, Drury Culpepper, Benjamine Culpepper, and Mary Gilder and Frances Jumphard [probably Jumper, originally Schombert], to them and their heirs forever. [children of Benjamin & first wife. Drury mar. niece of Joice's; Mary m. nephew Preston Gilder, son of Frances Sheppard Gilder Edwards] ITEM 13. I give and bequeath to my three grandsons William A. Strother, David R. Strother and George T. Strother the tract of land where I now live containing seven Hundred acres more or less and all the interest I have in a tract of land lying in the District of Lexington of which tract one half now belongs to them and their heirs forever. ITEM 14. I wish after my decease the negro I have given to my five grand children above mentioned to be appraised by three or more disinterested persons; and should any of them fall short in the worth of their negroes then I wish their lot of negroes to be made as valuable as the other children in money out of the property that will be sold. ITEM 15. I wish my negro man Jacob, Stock of all kinds , waggon and household and kitchen furniture be sold on the terms as my executors may think advisible and after paying off the legacies I have make should there be a ballance remaining then I wish it to be equally divided among all my grand children to wit. William A. Strother, David R. Strother, George J. Strother, Frances C. Devore, and George J. Sheppard, share and share alike. ITEM 16. I appoint my two grandsons William A. Strother and David R. Strother Executors to this my last will and Testament this Sixteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirty seven and in the Sixty second year of the Soveringty and Independance of the United States of America. Signed, Sealed and published at the request of the Testatorix in her presence and in the presence of each other. Wit: H. Boulware [or Bowlware], Theos. Hill, Wm. Humphreys. /s/ Joicy (x) Culpepper Probated: 23 Mar 1841, Oliver Towles 0.E.D. Recorded: 10 Apr 1841, Will Book D, pages 126-127. .15 |
1840 Census* | 1 Jun 1840 | Joyce was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census on 1 Jun 1840 at Edgefield District, South Carolina. (Unaccounted for are 1 male 20-30 and 1 female 20-30.)16 |
Death* | 24 Feb 1841 | She died at Edgefield District, South Carolina, on 24 Feb 1841 at age 70.17,3 |
Death | 25 Feb 1841 | She died at Saluda, Edgefield District, South Carolina, on 25 Feb 1841 at age 70.18 |
Burial | say 27 Feb 1841 | Her body was interred say 27 Feb 1841 at Strother-Sheppard Cemetery, Edgefield District, South Carolina. Sacred to the memory of Joyce Culpepper who died Feb. 24, 1844. Ages 70 years, 1 mo. 27 days. The cemetery is at Saluda, S.C. on Van Forrest property..2,19 |
Probate* | 23 Mar 1841 | Probate action was taken on Joyce's estate on 23 Mar 1841 at Edgefield District, South Carolina. |
Family 1 | (?) Adair | |
Marriage* | She married (?) Adair. |
Family 2 | William Augustus Strother | |
Marriage* | circa 1787 | She married William Augustus Strother circa 1787. |
Children |
Family 3 | Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC | |
Marriage* | circa 1795 | She married Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC at Edgefield District, South Carolina, circa 1795. |
Child |
Last Edited | 7 Jan 2019 |
- Emma Benton records, Emma Benton, Andalusia, AL, to Lew Griffin, 1989.
- Letter of 9 Sep 1985 from M. G. Shepherd (4909 Seaver Lane, Apt 102, Richmond, VA 23228) to Mrs. Mavie H. Williams, and found in the Culpepper family file at the Tomkins Library of the Old Edgefield District Genealogical Society, Edgefield, SC.
- E-mail written 2004 - 2008 to Lew Griffin from Carole Watson Burton (#50015), 109 Chadwick Drive, Charleston, SC 29407-7425, e-mail address.
According to SaludaCemetery Vol.1,pg.16 the Culpepper cemetery inventory
Joyce Culpepper Age 70 yrs.1month & 27 days, 24 Fwb.1841
George J.Strother age 26yrs.6mo.& 5days, 08 Oct 1817
William Strother age 28yrs.6mo.& 2days, 18Aug.1794
James Sheppard ESQ. age 23yrs.11mo.& 30 days.10Feb.1824
Benjamin Culpepper supposed to be 60 yrs.of age 10 Jan.1829
This inventory was done 28Nov1987. - 1800 Federal Census, United States.
Unknown Townships, Edgefield District, SC
Benjamin Culpepper, page 133, 2 M10-16, 1 M16-26, 1 M26-45, 4 F0-10, 1 F10-16, 1 F16-26, 1 F26-45, 8 slaves. - 1810 Federal Census, United States.
Unknown Township, Edgefield District, SC
Benjamin Culpepper, page 70, 1 M26-45, 1 M45+, 1 F0-10, 1 F45+, 8 slaves. - E-mail written 1983-2011 to Lew Griffin from Mary Genevieve Taylor Harris (#48715), Dallas, TX, e-mail address.
Edgefield Deed Bk 31, page 69. - Edgefield Co. SC Deeds abstracted by Lew Griffin , Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. 975.737 R2.
- E-mail written 1983-2011 to Lew Griffin from Mary Genevieve Taylor Harris (#48715), Dallas, TX, e-mail address.
Edgefield County Clerk of Court, Deed Book 34, pp. 145-147. - Unknown Townships, Edgefield District, SC
Daniel Culpepper, page 127, 1 M16-26, 1 F0-10, 1 F16-26, 0 slaves
Drury Culpepper, page 120, 2 M0-10, 1 M10-16, 1 M26-45, 2 F0-10, 1 F10-16, 1 F26-45, 1 slave
Joicy Culpepper, page 83, 1 M45+, 1F16-26, 1 F45+, 7 slaves. - Edgefield Co. SC Deeds abstracted by Lew Griffin , Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. 975.737 R2.
Edgefield Deed Bk 40, p. 294. - This date of death is from his tombstone. However, Benjamin's wife Joyce was a Head of Household in the 1820 census, but since there was a Male 45+ also noted, this was probably Benjamin. There is no record of Benjamin in Edgefield County deeds, as far as this writer knows, after 1817.
- 1830 Federal Census, United States.
Unknown Townships, Edgefield District, SC
Drewry Culpepper, page 164, 1 M0-5, 1 M5-10, 2 M15-20, 1 M40-50, 1 F0-5, 2 F5-10, 1 F15-20, 1 F20-30, 1 F40-50, 0 slaves
Joisey Culpepper, page 165, 1 M20-30, 1 F20-30, 1 F50-60, 8 slaves. - Edgefield Co. SC Deeds abstracted by Lew Griffin , Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. 975.737 R2.
Edgefield Deed Bk 46, p. 438. - Edgefield Co. SC Deeds abstracted by Lew Griffin , Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. 975.737 R2.
Edgefield Deed Bk 47, p. 533. - Transcription of original will found in will book (name not recorded) at Tomkins Library, Edgefield, SC.
- 1840 Federal Census, United States.
Unknown Townships, Edgefield District, SC
Joisey Culpepper, page 61, 1 M20-30, 1 F20-30, 1 F60-70, 11 slaves. - From her tombstone.
- Old Edgefield Genealogical Society, quarterly publication: "The Quill," Vol. 31, No. 1, page 8, "Deaths at Red Bank Baptist Church," General Location: Town of Saluda, Joicy Culpepper, 2-25-1841.
- E-mail written Jul 2009 to Genevieve Harris from Mary Ruth Hastie, e-mail address.
photo from Mary Ruth Hastie courtesy of Genevieve Harris.
James Sheppard1 
Male, #5763, (4 Mar 1737 - 17 Sep 1791)
Birth* | 4 Mar 1737 | James was born on 4 Mar 1737. |
Marriage* | circa 1755 | He married Janette Riddell at Orange Co., Virginia, circa 1755. |
Birth of Son | say 1758 | His son Lewis Sheppard was born say 1758 at Orange Co., Virginia. |
Birth of Son | circa 1760 | His son James Sheppard Jr. was born circa 1760 at Orange Co., Virginia. |
Birth of Son | circa 1760 | His son William Sheppard was born circa 1760 at Orange Co., Virginia. |
Relocation* | between 1767 and 1772 | He accompanied by family member(s) Janette Sheppard, Rosannah Sheppard, Frances Sheppard, Lewis Sheppard, James Sheppard Jr. and William Sheppard relocated between 1767 and 1772 at Newberry District, South Carolina.2 |
Birth of Son | say 1771 | His son George Sheppard was born say 1771 at Newberry District, South Carolina. |
Birth of Son | circa 1774 | His son Thomas S. Sheppard was born circa 1774 at Newberry District, South Carolina. |
American Revolution* | between 1775 and 1783 | He provided service in the American Revolutionary War between 1775 and 1783 (DAR Listing: James Shepard, Sr., born 1737 in Virginia, died 1791 in South Carolina, married Jannett Riddle, Private, South Carolina ----------------------------------------- DAR#86939, Jasper Chapter, Newberry SC. File of Mrs. R. D. Wright. In Georgia Roster of Revolutionary War Soldiers p. 222, reference to Rev. Lands to "Wm. Moss given 1150 acres situated in Franklin Co, GA. bounded by lands of James Sheppard on te west, other sides vacant lands" Sept 15, 1785 Lecouts list of Grants, p. 386 Sec. of State Office, Atlanta Ga. James Sheppard Sr. and his son James Sheppard Jr. served with Capt. Philemon Waters Co. of SC Troops. Ref # 255910 and 265382. Sterling "Stub Entries to Indents" No. 2647 Claims May 3, 1786 against SC growing out of the Revolution - Edited by A.S. Salley, Jr. Sec. of Historical Commission of SC.)3,4 |
Birth of Son | say 1779 | His son Honorius Sheppard was born say 1779 at Newberry District, South Carolina. |
Death* | 17 Sep 1791 | He died at Newberry District, South Carolina, on 17 Sep 1791 at age 54. |
Biography* | James Sheppard first grant of land in SC was 300 acres in Berkeley Co, 1767 (see Vol. 19, p. 429 Records Secretary of State Office, Columbia, SC.)3 | |
Research note* | 29 Jul 2006 | From Pat Reel Davis, 29 Jul 2006: James Sheppard's parents were Samuel Sheppard, b. 1695 Gloucester Co. VA and Mary Kavanaugh b. 1705 France. The Sheppard family was from Tenterden, Kent. Mary Kavanaugh was the daughter of Michael Kavanaugh, born in Spain to Irish exile James Kavanaugh.5 |
Family | Janette Riddell | |
Marriage* | circa 1755 | He married Janette Riddell at Orange Co., Virginia, circa 1755. |
Children |
Last Edited | 30 Apr 2012 |
- Emma Benton records, Emma Benton, Andalusia, AL, to Lew Griffin, 1989.
- Letter of 9 Sep 1985 from M. G. Shepherd (4909 Seaver Lane, Apt 102, Richmond, VA 23228) to Mrs. Mavie H. Williams, and found in the Culpepper family file at the Tomkins Library of the Old Edgefield District Genealogical Society, Edgefield, SC.
- E-mail written Jan 2002 to Saluda Co. SC List at Rootsweb (e-mail address) from Billie Jones, e-mail address.
- DAR Patriot Index, Washington, DC: National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, 2003.
- E-mail written 29 Jul 2006 to Warren L. Culpepper from Pat Reel Davis, Larkspur, Colorado, e-mail address.
Janette Riddell1
Female, #5764, (1742 - circa 1825)
Father* | William Riddell |
Mother* | Joyce Powell |
Birth* | 1742 | Janette was born in 1742. |
Marriage* | circa 1755 | She married James Sheppard at Orange Co., Virginia, circa 1755. |
Married Name | circa 1755 | As of circa 1755, her married name was Sheppard. |
Birth of Son | say 1758 | Her son Lewis Sheppard was born say 1758 at Orange Co., Virginia. |
Birth of Son | circa 1760 | Her son James Sheppard Jr. was born circa 1760 at Orange Co., Virginia. |
Birth of Son | circa 1760 | Her son William Sheppard was born circa 1760 at Orange Co., Virginia. |
Relocation | between 1767 and 1772 | She, as a family member, accompanied James Sheppard in relocating between 1767 and 1772 at Newberry District, South Carolina,2 |
Birth of Son | say 1771 | Her son George Sheppard was born say 1771 at Newberry District, South Carolina. |
Birth of Son | circa 1774 | Her son Thomas S. Sheppard was born circa 1774 at Newberry District, South Carolina. |
Death of Father | 20 Dec 1776 | Her father William Riddell died on 20 Dec 1776 at Orange Co., Virginia. |
Birth of Son | say 1779 | Her son Honorius Sheppard was born say 1779 at Newberry District, South Carolina. |
Death of Spouse | 17 Sep 1791 | Her husband James Sheppard died on 17 Sep 1791 at Newberry District, South Carolina. |
Death* | circa 1825 | She died at Newberry District, South Carolina, circa 1825. |
Family | James Sheppard | |
Marriage* | circa 1755 | She married James Sheppard at Orange Co., Virginia, circa 1755. |
Children |
Last Edited | 25 Feb 2007 |
- Emma Benton records, Emma Benton, Andalusia, AL, to Lew Griffin, 1989.
- Letter of 9 Sep 1985 from M. G. Shepherd (4909 Seaver Lane, Apt 102, Richmond, VA 23228) to Mrs. Mavie H. Williams, and found in the Culpepper family file at the Tomkins Library of the Old Edgefield District Genealogical Society, Edgefield, SC.
Mary Culpepper
Female, #5765, (circa 1783 - )
Father* | Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC |
Mother* | Unknown 1st wife (?) |
Birth* | circa 1783 | Mary was born at Orangeburg District, South Carolina, circa 1783. |
1790 Census | 2 Aug 1790 | Mary and Frances was probably a free white female in Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC's household on the 1790 Census on 2 Aug 1790 at Orangeburg District, South Carolina.1 |
Marriage* | 4 Jan 1801 | She married Preston Sheppard Gilder at Edgefield District, South Carolina, on 4 Jan 1801.2,3 |
Married Name | 4 Jan 1801 | As of 4 Jan 1801, her married name was Gilder. |
Death* | She died at Pushmataha, Choctaw Co., Alabama. | |
Deed | 21 Jul 1817 | She granted a deed, with Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC and Joyce Powell Sheppard as a previous landowner on 21 Jul 1817 at Edgefield Co., South Carolina, On 21 July 1817, Drury Culpeper and wife, Lettice, Preston Gilder and wife, Polly, together with James Shepherd and wife, Joice, bonded in favor of deed made by (their father) Benjamin Culpepper and his (second) wife Joice, to Jonathan Weaver of Edgefield County, South Carolina, the same date. |
Deed | 29 May 1819 | She granted a deed on 29 May 1819 at Edgefield District, South Carolina, Know all men by these presents that we Drury Culpeper and Lettice his wife, Preston Gilder and Polly his Wife, together with James Shepperd and Joice his wife, do jointly hold Ourselves indebted to Jonathan Weaver His Heirs and assigns the sum of five thousand dollars which sum we bind ourselves our heirs and assigns just and truly to make unto the said Jonathan Weaver his heirs and assigns Witness ourselves & heirs this 21st day of July 1817 Another condition of the above obligation is such that if either of the above bound persons their Heirs or assigns ever interfere or meddle with the said Jonathan Weaver his Heirs or assigns in the purchase of a certain Tract or parcel of land conveyed by Drury Culpeper to the said Jonathan Weaver his Heirs or assigns the above Obligation, to remain in full force & value(?) or otherwise to be void and no affect Witness our hands and Seals this day & date(?) Formerly Written. Drury Culpeper (seal), Lettice Culpeper (seal), Preston Gilder (seal), Polly Gilder (seal), J Shephard (seal), Joyce P Shephard (seal). Attest: Benjamin Suddoth, Lewis Suddoth South Carolina Edgefield District. Personally Came Lewis Suddoth before me & made oath as the law directs that the above named persons did in his presence assign seal and deliver the within Obligation to Jonathan Weaver for the uses within mentioned & that Benjamin Suddoth dec'd. at the same time and in his presence with himself assign the same and witness. Sworn to before me this 29th May 1819, James Bell J.P., Lewis Suddoth. Recorded 7th June 1819.4 |
Will | 16 Aug 1837 | Lettis, Joel, Andrew, Benjamin, James, Mary, Frances, William, David, George, George, Charlotte, Nancy and Parthenia named as heir(s) in the will of Joyce Powell Sheppard at Edgefield District, South Carolina, on 16 Aug 1837.5 |
Family | Preston Sheppard Gilder | |
Marriage* | 4 Jan 1801 | She married Preston Sheppard Gilder at Edgefield District, South Carolina, on 4 Jan 1801.2,3 |
Charts | Benjamin (son of Joseph) Culpepper of Edgecombe Co., NC: Descendant Chart |
Last Edited | 5 Dec 2004 |
- 1790 Federal Census, United States.
Year: 1790; Census Place: Orangeburg, South Carolina; Series: M637; Roll: 11; Page: 386; Image: 235; Family History Library Film: 0568151
Name: Benjamin Culpeper
Home in 1790 (City, County, State): Orangeburg, South Carolina
Free White Persons - Males - Under 16: 3
Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over: 1
Free White Persons - Females: 3
Number of Slaves : 4
Number of Household Members: 11. - Carlee T. McClendon, compiler, Edgefield Marriage Records, Edgefield SC, Columbia, SC: RL Bryan Co., 1970, Repository: Tomkins Library in Edgefield SC, Call No. F277.E2 C7M2 M4.
Page 60: ""Preston Gilder and Mary Culpepper, 4 Jan 1801 (Family Record)." - Barbara R. Langdon, compiler, Edgefield Co., SC Marriages, 1769-1880: Implied in Edgefiled Probate RecordsLangdon, 1990, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. US/CAN Book 975.737 V2L.
Mary Culpepper and ___ Gilder, Lived 1837 (Box 34, Pack 1279, Frames 382, 383). - E-mail written 1983-2011 to Lew Griffin from Mary Genevieve Taylor Harris (#48715), Dallas, TX, e-mail address.
South Carolina, Edgefield Dist. Deed book 36, p. 106-107 (This document proved Drury Culpepper's relationship to father Benjamin Culpepper to DAR for Joan Berry). - Transcription of original will found in will book (name not recorded) at Tomkins Library, Edgefield, SC.
Joel Culpepper of Cherokee Co. AL1

Male, #5766, (1782 - between 1855 and 1860)
Father* | Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC |
Mother* | Unknown 1st wife (?) |
DNA* | Joel has been proven by DNA and genealogical research to be a descendant of Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC, who is a grandson of Joseph Culpepper and 2-great-grandson of Henry Culpepper of Lower Norfolk, VA. | |
Birth* | 1782 | Joel was born at Orangeburg District, South Carolina, in 1782. |
1790 Census | 2 Aug 1790 | Joel, Andrew and Benjamin was probably a free white male, under 16 years old, in Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC's household on the 1790 Census on 2 Aug 1790 at Orangeburg District, South Carolina.2 |
1800 Census | 4 Aug 1800 | Joel was probably a free white male, age 16 and under 26, in Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC's household on the 1800 Census at Edgefield District, South Carolina. Unaccounted for are 3 females 0-10..3 |
Land Lottery* | 1805 | Joel participated in but did not win the land lottery in 1805 at Washington Co., Georgia.4 |
Land Lottery | 1807 | He had a fortunate draw in the land lottery in 1807 at Washington Co., Georgia, Lot 213-10 in Wilkinson Co., GA.5 |
Marriage* | 8 Mar 1807 | He married Ann Elizabeth Tyler at Abbeville District, South Carolina, on 8 Mar 1807. |
Birth of Son | circa 1807 | His son Burrell Smith Culpepper of Polk Co., TN was born circa 1807 at Abbeville District, South Carolina. |
Birth of Son | 1810 | His son John Tyler Culpepper of Cherokee Co., AL was born in 1810 at Abbeville District, South Carolina. |
1810 Census* | 6 Aug 1810 | Joel was listed as the head of a family on the 1810 Census at Abbeville District, South Carolina. Unaccounted for are 1 male 0-10 and 1 female 26-45..6 |
Birth of Son | circa 1812 | His son Joel Culpepper Jr. was born circa 1812 at Abbeville District, South Carolina. |
War of 1812* | between 1813 and 1814 | He served in the War of 1812 between 1813 and 1814 (2nd Sergeant in the company commanded by Capt. Zachariah Merriwether in the regiment of South Carolina Militia commanded by Col. McClure. The following account of his service is found in his petition for bounty land: The State of Alabama __Cherokee County__ On this third day of November A. D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty one, Personally appeared Joel Culpepper before me William J. (or P.) Kennedy an acting Justice of the peace within and for said County, aged Sixty nine years, a resident of County and state aforesaid who being duly sworn according to law, declares, that he is the identical Joel Culpepper who was a Sergeant in the Company commanded by Captain Zachariah Meriwether in the South Carolina regiment of infantry or malitia commanded Col M:Clure (first name forgotton) in the war with Great Britain declared by the United States on the 18th day of June A. D. 1812. That he volunteered in Abbeville District in the State of South Carolina on or about the month of February A. D. 1815 for the term of Six months and continued in actual service xxxxxxx in said war for the term of Six weeks and was honorably discharged at the Two Sister ferry across Savannah River (By order of the Col.) and received no written discharge. He was discharged some time about the Month of April A. D. 1815 He makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the Bounty land to which he may be entitled under the "act granting bounty land to certain officers and soldiers who have been engaged in the military service of the United States pased September 28th 1850 (signed) Joel Culpepper senr Sworn to and subscribed before me the day and year above written. And I hereby certify that I believe the said Joel Culpepper to be the identical man who served as aforesaid and that he is of the age above stated. /s/ William J.Kennedy (seal) Justice of the peace The State of Alabama I W. E. McDaniel - Judge of Probate of __Cherokee County__ Said County Do hereby Certify that William J. Kennedy whose Genuine Signature appears appears to the above and foregoing Certificate as Justice of The Peace is and was at the time of making Said Certificate duely and legally a Justice of the Peace Duely Commisioned and Qualified as Such Justice Given under my hand and official Seal this 10th Day of November A. D. 1851 /s/ W.E. McDaniel, Judge of Probate CC, Seal of Court.)1 |
Birth of Son | 14 Sep 1818 | His son Jacob Joseph Culpepper was born on 14 Sep 1818 at South Carolina.7 |
Birth of Son | circa 1820 | His son George Washington Culpepper was born circa 1820 at Pendleton District, South Carolina.8 |
1820 Census* | 7 Aug 1820 | Joel was listed as the head of a family on the 1820 Census at Pendleton District, South Carolina.9 |
Birth of Son | 11 Jul 1825 | His son Benjamin Jackson Culpepper of Illinois & Iowa was born on 11 Jul 1825 at McMinn Co., Tennessee. |
1830 Census* | 1 Jun 1830 | Joel was listed as the head of a family on the 1830 Census at McMinn Co., Tennessee.10 |
Will | 16 Aug 1837 | Lettis, Joel, Andrew, Benjamin, James, Mary, Frances, William, David, George, George, Charlotte, Nancy and Parthenia named as heir(s) in the will of Joyce Powell Sheppard at Edgefield District, South Carolina, on 16 Aug 1837.11 |
1840 Census* | 1 Jun 1840 | Joel was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census on 1 Jun 1840 at Cherokee Co., Alabama. (Enumerated in the census but otherwise not identified is 1 F0-5.)12 |
Letter/Message Text* | 13 May 1849 | Joel & Ann Elizabeth Culpepper’s letter to their daughter, Eliza Ann & William Jackson Ash, Written May 13th, 1849 On the outside was written: “Ringgold Ala May 19th 10 William Jackson Ash Illinois Addams County Quincy Also on outside: “Received the 8th of June 1849” State of Allabma Cherokee County Dear son and Daughter I embrace this opportunity to Inform you that we are all in tollerable good health at This time by the great Mercies of God and hoping these lines will find you enjoying the same blesing of God John T. Culpeper and family is all well except Melvinia she is poorly Rufus M. Baker and family is well Ambrose K. Langford and Mary Ann was well two weeks ago they Were here Mr. Clayton and family is well we Receiv’d two letters from you one since you got home which was a great satisfaction to here you was well thare has been a cold bad spring here on the 16th of April there was frost that killed Corn Cotton and wheat here and all through the state which will make corn deare and high Arminda and myself went to Tallerga [?] to Mr. Wm Jenkinis I brought a small Negro girl with us for Arminda and we were treated very kindly by Mr. Jenkins and his Wife I Commec’d teaching scholl the 7th day of May which was the first Monday in May and I expect to try to go on with it for five months ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬summer we want you write to us as often as you can we have not heard any thing from Tennessee since you left here so no more at present but remains your Loving Parents Brother and Scistors till death May 13th 1849 Joel Culpeper Senr. Ann Elizabeth Culpeper [He did not use a period in the entire letter. You will also notice in this letter and the other letter he wrote that he always addressed or spoke of the male first even though it was a son-in-law, and didn’t even say the daughters name.].1 |
Letter/Message Text | 2 Jun 1850 | Letter of June the 2nd 1850 On the outside of the folded letter: Ringgold Ala 10 June 7th~50 William J. Ash Illinois Hancock County Worsaw P. O. 1850 State of Allabama Cherokee County Dear Son and Daughter, I Take this oppor- tunity of informing you that we are enjoying tollerable good health at this time through the great mercies of God and all the Connections as fair as we know and hope thes lines may find you enjoying the same bless -ing of God We receiv’d yours Friday last which gave us great Satisfaction to here you was well and doing well and that you Eliza was Satisfied with your lot in life as for mine it has always been hard and no appear =ance of being any better Benjamin has bought 40 Acres of Land of Athen Cannon of the same lot that Miss Slougn(?) lives on We have built a Cabben on it and is living in it and has clear’d ten Acres on it and has just planted it the land that was Clear’d we sow’d Oats we have not heard from the Boys in Tennessee lately the last we heard they were all well I wrote to you last February we receiv’d a letter from you when your Mother was lying very low with a Bowel complaint at that time lasted eight days though She has got tollerable harty again A.K. Langford and Mary Ann was here at that time and Mary had a fine harty Daughter with her about one year old now nam’d Sarah Elizabeth Collins Lang =ford and family with several other familys started to Texas last Winter and Benjamin Ash with them Mr. Petigrews family is well as fair as we know you wanted to know about your Scistor I cannot inform you nothing only she has a fine Child Mr. Clayton and Family is well and all with them yet Hardy Kernant is living whare we Liv’d and Manervy has a fine Son it has been a warm wet Winter here and a wet backward spring that crops is late wheat is only tollerable a complent of Rust on the Wheat Oats looks very well Cotton is very indifferent in consiguence of wet and cold corn is worth from 40 to fifty Cents pr Bushel Mr. Newman and Fami =ly is well and all at home yet it is generly healthy here There was a very heavy Storm about here some few Weeks ago and blow’d almost all the trees down at the Methodist Camp ground Arminda Prather has got to be the largest of any of our Family and her Negroe girl Caroline is a pert livly little girl about Eleven years old Landon Drake and Hannah was Married a few weeks ago it is rather dry at this time [handwriting changes at this point] I think Jane must put in a letter Eliza I was glad you yet remember me and I have taken your advice to not take any sort Eliza ___? the girls has got to smart to marry since you left thear is such a out come them all and I am doing the best I can I want to know if you intend to come to see us or not I am going to see my brothers in a short time how long I will be gone I cannot tell I want you to write me one letter as soon you get this write all know and more two and how you are sadisfide with your lot in life I want to know what sart of work you follow in that Country Maria Jane Culpep [edge of paper] [handwriting changes back to Joel’s] N. B. We wish to see you but that we never expect to see you in this life for we are wearing away as fast as time can move and Agreeable to the course of nature we cannot live much longer so let us here from you as often as you can remember us to Mr. Jones the Elder and all enquireing friends if any so no more at pre- -sent but we all join in love to you as Parents Brothers and Scistors till deat. Joel Culpeper Senr. June the 2nd 1850 Ann Elizbeth Culpeper.1 |
1850 Census* | 1850 | Joel was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census in 1850 at Cherokee Co., Alabama.13 |
Death* | between 1855 and 1860 | He died between 1855 and 1860. |
Charts | Henry Culpeper of Lower Norfolk: DNA Status Chart (Male only, 8 generations) Benjamin (son of Joseph) Culpepper of Edgecombe Co., NC: Descendant Chart |
Last Edited | 29 Jul 2011 |
- E-mail written 1983-2011 to Lew Griffin from Mary Genevieve Taylor Harris (#48715), Dallas, TX, e-mail address.
- 1790 Federal Census, United States.
Year: 1790; Census Place: Orangeburg, South Carolina; Series: M637; Roll: 11; Page: 386; Image: 235; Family History Library Film: 0568151
Name: Benjamin Culpeper
Home in 1790 (City, County, State): Orangeburg, South Carolina
Free White Persons - Males - Under 16: 3
Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over: 1
Free White Persons - Females: 3
Number of Slaves : 4
Number of Household Members: 11. - 1800 Federal Census, United States.
Unknown Townships, Edgefield District, SC
Benjamin Culpepper, page 133, 2 M10-16, 1 M16-26, 1 M26-45, 4 F0-10, 1 F10-16, 1 F16-26, 1 F26-45, 8 slaves. - Virginia S. and Ralph V. Wood, 1805 Georgia Land Lottery, Greenwood Press, Cambridge, 1964, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. 975.8 R2WY 1805.
- The Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas Jr., compiler, The Second or 1807 Land Lottery of GeorgiaGeorgia Genealogical Reprints.
- 1810 Federal Census, United States.
Unknown Township, Abbeville District, SC
Joel Culpepper, page 55, 3 M0-10, 1 M26-45, 1 F16-26, 1 F26-45, 0 slaves
Joseph Culpepper, page 55, 1 M10-16, 2 M16-26, 1 M45+, 1 F45+, 23 slaves. - From tombstone.
- 1860 Federal Census, United States.
Sheet/Pg 201, Pg 514, (16 Aug 1860), Beat 8, Rusk PO, Cherokee Co., TX (Anc.com img# 29)
G. W. Culpepper, 39, M, SC, Mechanic
Sarah Culpepper, 34, F, TN. - 1820 Federal Census, United States.
Page 193, Unknown Townships, Pendleton District, SC
Joel Culpepper, 1 M0-10, 1 M10-26, 1 M26-45, 1M45+, 1 F0-10, 1 F26-45, 0 slaves. - 1830 Federal Census, United States.
Page 168, Ancestry.com image 70, Unknown Township, McMinn Co., TN
Joel Culpepper, 1 M0-5, 2 M5-10, 1 M15-20, 2 M20-30, 1 M40-50, 3 F0-5, 1 F5-10, 1 F15-20, 1 F30-40, 0 slaves. - Transcription of original will found in will book (name not recorded) at Tomkins Library, Edgefield, SC.
- 1840 Federal Census, United States.
Page 113, Ancestry.com images 5-6, Unknown Township, Cherokee Co., AL
Joel Culpepper, 1 M10-15, 1 M50-60, 1 F0-5, 1 F5-10, 2 F10-15, 1 F40-50. - P. 57, family 773.
- E-mail written Apr 2009 -- Feb 2011 to Lew Griffin from Virginia Rottman, e-mail address.
Frances Culpepper
Female, #5767, (circa 1786 - )
Father* | Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC |
Mother* | Unknown 1st wife (?) |
Birth* | circa 1786 | Frances was born at Orangeburg District, South Carolina, circa 1786. |
1790 Census | 2 Aug 1790 | Mary and Frances was probably a free white female in Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC's household on the 1790 Census on 2 Aug 1790 at Orangeburg District, South Carolina.1 |
1800 Census | 4 Aug 1800 | Frances was probably a free white female, age 10 and under 16, in Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC's household on the 1800 Census at Edgefield District, South Carolina. Unaccounted for are 3 females 0-10..2 |
Married Name | circa 1806 | As of circa 1806, her married name was Jumper. |
Marriage* | circa 1806 | She married (?) Jumper circa 1806. |
Married Name | circa 1806 | As of circa 1806, her married name was Jumphard. |
Biography | The following should correctly be a reference to Joyce Powell Culpepper, who married James Sheppard, and not to her sister Frances Culpepper, who married a Jumper. James and Joyce (Culpepper) Sheppard had a daughter Frances, and that may account for the apparent confusion in the following article about the parents of the deceased: EDGEFIELD COUNTY, SC, FAMILY CEMETERIES & DEATH NOTICES FROM THE SC BAPTIST NEWSPAPER Published by: Old Edgefield District Genealogical Society 1st Printing July 2003 O.E.D.G.S. P. O. Box 546 Edgefield, S. C. 29824-0546 On page 171 Item 170 SHEPPARD, G. J. resolution on his death by Bethany Baptist Church, dated 22 May 1892 [Issue of Jun 1892. George James Sheppard, s/o James & Frances Culpepper Sheppard, husband of Emeline Mobley.].3,4 |
Family | (?) Jumper | |
Marriage* | circa 1806 | She married (?) Jumper circa 1806. |
Charts | Benjamin (son of Joseph) Culpepper of Edgecombe Co., NC: Descendant Chart |
Last Edited | 17 Dec 2006 |
- 1790 Federal Census, United States.
Year: 1790; Census Place: Orangeburg, South Carolina; Series: M637; Roll: 11; Page: 386; Image: 235; Family History Library Film: 0568151
Name: Benjamin Culpeper
Home in 1790 (City, County, State): Orangeburg, South Carolina
Free White Persons - Males - Under 16: 3
Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over: 1
Free White Persons - Females: 3
Number of Slaves : 4
Number of Household Members: 11. - 1800 Federal Census, United States.
Unknown Townships, Edgefield District, SC
Benjamin Culpepper, page 133, 2 M10-16, 1 M16-26, 1 M26-45, 4 F0-10, 1 F10-16, 1 F16-26, 1 F26-45, 8 slaves. - Lewis W. Griffin Jr. (#47), Phoenix, AZ.
- E-mail written 1983-2011 to Lew Griffin from Mary Genevieve Taylor Harris (#48715), Dallas, TX, e-mail address.
Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL 
Male, #5768, (circa 1788 - before 14 Mar 1857)
Father* | Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC |
Mother* | Unknown 1st wife (?) |
DNA* | Andrew has been proven by DNA and genealogical research to be a descendant of Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC, who is a grandson of Joseph Culpepper and 2-great-grandson of Henry Culpepper of Lower Norfolk, VA. | |
Name Variation | He was also known as Drury. | |
Birth* | circa 1788 | Andrew was born at Orangeburg District, South Carolina, circa 1788. |
1790 Census | 2 Aug 1790 | Joel, Andrew and Benjamin was probably a free white male, under 16 years old, in Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC's household on the 1790 Census on 2 Aug 1790 at Orangeburg District, South Carolina.1 |
1800 Census | 4 Aug 1800 | Andrew and Benjamin was probably a free white male, under 10 years old, in Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC's houseshold on the 1800 Census at Edgefield District, South Carolina. Unaccounted for are 3 females 0-10..2 |
Miscellaneous* | 1806 | Drury Purchased items in Geo Mayson's inventory. |
Marriage* | circa 1808 | He married Lettis Harris circa 1808. |
Birth of Son | 11 Apr 1811 | His son Joseph Marion Culpepper was born on 11 Apr 1811 at Edgefield District, South Carolina. |
Birth of Son | circa 1813 | His son Micajah Culpepper was born circa 1813 at Edgefield District, South Carolina. |
Deed | 21 Jul 1817 | He granted a deed, with Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC and Joyce Powell Sheppard as a previous landowner on 21 Jul 1817 at Edgefield Co., South Carolina, On 21 July 1817, Drury Culpeper and wife, Lettice, Preston Gilder and wife, Polly, together with James Shepherd and wife, Joice, bonded in favor of deed made by (their father) Benjamin Culpepper and his (second) wife Joice, to Jonathan Weaver of Edgefield County, South Carolina, the same date. |
Deed* | 29 May 1819 | He granted a deed on 29 May 1819 at Edgefield District, South Carolina, Know all men by these presents that we Drury Culpeper and Lettice his wife, Preston Gilder and Polly his Wife, together with James Shepperd and Joice his wife, do jointly hold Ourselves indebted to Jonathan Weaver His Heirs and assigns the sum of five thousand dollars which sum we bind ourselves our heirs and assigns just and truly to make unto the said Jonathan Weaver his heirs and assigns Witness ourselves & heirs this 21st day of July 1817 Another condition of the above obligation is such that if either of the above bound persons their Heirs or assigns ever interfere or meddle with the said Jonathan Weaver his Heirs or assigns in the purchase of a certain Tract or parcel of land conveyed by Drury Culpeper to the said Jonathan Weaver his Heirs or assigns the above Obligation, to remain in full force & value(?) or otherwise to be void and no affect Witness our hands and Seals this day & date(?) Formerly Written. Drury Culpeper (seal), Lettice Culpeper (seal), Preston Gilder (seal), Polly Gilder (seal), J Shephard (seal), Joyce P Shephard (seal). Attest: Benjamin Suddoth, Lewis Suddoth South Carolina Edgefield District. Personally Came Lewis Suddoth before me & made oath as the law directs that the above named persons did in his presence assign seal and deliver the within Obligation to Jonathan Weaver for the uses within mentioned & that Benjamin Suddoth dec'd. at the same time and in his presence with himself assign the same and witness. Sworn to before me this 29th May 1819, James Bell J.P., Lewis Suddoth. Recorded 7th June 1819.3 |
1820 Census* | 7 Aug 1820 | Andrew was listed as the head of a family on the 1820 Census at Edgefield District, South Carolina. Unaccounted for is 1 male 10-16..4 |
Birth of Son | 22 Nov 1822 | His son James Henry Culpepper was born on 22 Nov 1822 at Edgefield District, South Carolina. |
Deed* | Jan 1824 | He was granted a deed in Jan 1824 at Edgefield District, South Carolina, A suit of fieri facias: land of William Coursey to Drury Culpepper, 200 acres bordering Thomas Dozier, Thompsons, Wards & Jacob Tomlins – Benjamin Joiner sold land to Coursey in 1806 for $56. Witnesses: Tutt & White.5 |
Birth of Son | circa 1828 | His son John S. Culpepper was born circa 1828 at Edgefield District, South Carolina. |
Deed | 1 Feb 1830 | He granted a deed on 1 Feb 1830 at Edgefield District, South Carolina, Drury Culpepper to Henry C. Turner for $200, 270 acres on the waters of Mill Creek, Herrens Creek & Savannah River, formerly owned by William Coursey, bordering John Ward, Thomas Dozier, esquire, Larkin Baker, and Wilson Kemp. Witnesses: Samuel Harling, Vincent Corley.6 |
1830 Census* | 1 Jun 1830 | Andrew was listed as the head of a family on the 1830 Census at Edgefield District, South Carolina.7 |
Land Grant/Patent* | 15 Mar 1837 | Land was granted to Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL on 15 Mar 1837 at Henry Co., Alabama.8 |
Land Grant/Patent | 15 Aug 1837 | Land was granted to Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL on 15 Aug 1837 at Henry Co., Alabama.9 |
Will | 16 Aug 1837 | Lettis, Joel, Andrew, Benjamin, James, Mary, Frances, William, David, George, George, Charlotte, Nancy and Parthenia named as heir(s) in the will of Joyce Powell Sheppard at Edgefield District, South Carolina, on 16 Aug 1837.10 |
1840 Census* | 1 Jun 1840 | Andrew was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census on 1 Jun 1840 at Henry Co., Alabama.11 |
Death* | before 14 Mar 1857 | He died at Henry Co., Alabama, before 14 Mar 1857. |
Probate* | 19 May 1857 | Probate action was taken on Andrew's estate, with James Henry Culpepper, Ramson Reason Ward, Mary Ellen J. Ward, Louisa Elizabeth Galloway, Lucinda Cockcroft, Sarah C. Carter, Nancy Blanton, Nancy Ann Blanton, James Pickens Culpepper, Amanda Jane Culpepper, Sarah E. Culpepper and Joseph H. Culpepper as heir(s), with Joseph Marion Culpepper as administrator on 19 May 1857 at Henry Co., Alabama, Henry Co., AL, OR Book H. Pages 625/7 State of Alabama, Henry County, Court of Probate, Special Term 19th May 1857 On the 14th day of March A.D. 1857, Joseph Culpeper Administrator of the Estate of Andrew Culpeper decd presented his account and vouchers to said court for a final settlement of Said Estate which was reported for settlement before said court at a special term thereof on the 23rd day of April, 1857 at which time the same was continued to the present time when the heir at law all being present either in person, by Attorney, or by Guardian. Notice of Said Settlement having been given by advertisement in the Abbeville Advertiser, a newspaper published in Abbeville, Ala. for the time required by Law. Notice was also served on the adult heirs of Said Estate or also upon John Matthews, Guardian ad litem of the minor heirs of Said Estate for over three weeks previous to Said 23rd day of April, 1857. And now at this term came said Administrator and prayed that his account so presented & reported might be allowed, filed and recorded as stated on the 11th of April last. Reason Ward, one of the heirs at law, in right of his wife filed objections to Voucher 2 in Said Account and to the serveral items therein contained on the grounds of being illegal, unjust, and not authorized bylaw. Said Reason also filed objection to Adm. Account on the ground that he had failed to charge himself for rent of land and various other charges against himself in favor of Said Estate, which Said Adm'r should have named in his said account as properly chargeable to himself Said Adm'r withdraws the first three items in his said account against decd contained in Voucher 2 for twelve 10/100 Dollars being for Taxes paid by him on Land in 1847-47&48. From the evidence given in by a number of witnesses examined on Said Settlement, the remaining items in Said Account named in Voucher 2, the Court is satisifed, should be rejected, not being supported by proof except in one item in Said Account of two 25/100 Dollars for ___ which is ___amed by one witness who evidently knew but little about. The evidence also needs to show that Said Adm 'r has had the use occupation & rent of land during the time that he claimed to have taken care of his Father and that the rest of said land was worth from Seventy five to a hundred dollars per annum & that since the death of his Father, he, as administrator, had sold said land as the property of said estate. The Court is therefore satisfied that the 5th objection to said account should also be sustained. The Court therefore proceeded to restate said account so filed for final settlement, from which account & Estate now of file & marked account Estated by the Court. It appearing that Said Administrator has in his hands assets belonging to Said estate accounting to Three thousand one hundred and fourteen & 78/100 Dollars (besides advance which had been made by intestate in his life time to Said Adm's and to Reason Ward for thirty dollars each) and is entitled to credit for nine hundred and eighty-one & 22/100 dollars for money paid out & expended for the use of Said Estate leaving a balance in the hands of Said Amd'r of Two thousand and one hundred and ninety-three & 76/200 dollars subject to distribution among the heirs at law. It is therefore adjudged, ordered and decreed that Said so restated, be allowed, filed & recorded and that Said Adm 'r pay to the several heirs at Law the several amounts as follows. 1--That said Adm/r Joseph Culpeper retain for his distributive share of said estate Two hundred & thirteen 75/100 Dollars. 2--To James H. Culpeper for his distributive share Two hundred and forty three 75/100 Dollars for which let execution issue. It appearing to the court by proof made to the Court that John S. Culpeper had sold & assigned his interest in Said estate to Reason Ward therefore. 3--To Reason Ward, assignee of John S. Culpeper for his distributive share of said estate Two hundred and forty-three 75/100 dollars for which let execution issue 4--To Mary E. J. Ward, wife of Reason Ward, for her distributive share of said estate Two hundred & thirteen 75/100 dollars for which let execution issue 5--To Eliza Galloway for his distributive share of said estate Two hundred and forty three 75/100 for which let execution issue 6--To Lucinda Coekeroff, wife of James M Cockeroff for her distributive share of said estate Two hundred and forty-three 75/100 dollars for which let execution issue 7--To Sarah C. Carter for her distributive share of said estate Two hundred & forty three 75/100 Dollars for which let execution issue 8--To Nancy Blanton, wife of John W. Blanton for her distributive share of said estate Two hundred and forty three 75/100 Dollars for which let execution issue 9--To Nancy C. Blanton, wife of Jasper Blanton & Daughter of Micajah Culpeper, dec'd for her distributive share of said estate Forty eight 75/100 dollars for which let execution issue 10-James P. Culpeper, son of M Culpeper of M. Culpeper decd for his distributive share of said estate Forty eight 75/100 Dollars of which let execution issue 11-To Amanda J Culpeper, Daughter of M Culpeper for her distributive share of said estate Forty eight 75/100 Dollars of which let execution issue 12-To Sarah Culpeper, Daughter of M. Culpeper decd for his distributive share of said estate Forty eight 75/100 Dollars of which let execution issue 13-To Joseph Culpeper, Son of M. Culpeper decd for his distributive share of said estate Forty eight 75/100 Dollars of which let execution issue 14-The Said Joseph Culpeper, Adm'r as aforesaid, having failed to pay the court cost for this settlement which is Eight-five 15/100 Dollars. It is further ordered and decreed that he pay to the Officer of the Court Eight-five 15/100 Dollars for cost unpaid for which let execution issue. George W Williams Judge of Probate.12 |
Family | Lettis Harris | |
Marriage* | circa 1808 | He married Lettis Harris circa 1808. |
Children |
Charts | Henry Culpeper of Lower Norfolk: DNA Status Chart (Male only, 8 generations) Benjamin (son of Joseph) Culpepper of Edgecombe Co., NC: Descendant Chart |
Last Edited | 18 Apr 2008 |
- 1790 Federal Census, United States.
Year: 1790; Census Place: Orangeburg, South Carolina; Series: M637; Roll: 11; Page: 386; Image: 235; Family History Library Film: 0568151
Name: Benjamin Culpeper
Home in 1790 (City, County, State): Orangeburg, South Carolina
Free White Persons - Males - Under 16: 3
Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over: 1
Free White Persons - Females: 3
Number of Slaves : 4
Number of Household Members: 11. - 1800 Federal Census, United States.
Unknown Townships, Edgefield District, SC
Benjamin Culpepper, page 133, 2 M10-16, 1 M16-26, 1 M26-45, 4 F0-10, 1 F10-16, 1 F16-26, 1 F26-45, 8 slaves. - E-mail written 1983-2011 to Lew Griffin from Mary Genevieve Taylor Harris (#48715), Dallas, TX, e-mail address.
South Carolina, Edgefield Dist. Deed book 36, p. 106-107 (This document proved Drury Culpepper's relationship to father Benjamin Culpepper to DAR for Joan Berry). - Unknown Townships, Edgefield District, SC
Daniel Culpepper, page 127, 1 M16-26, 1 F0-10, 1 F16-26, 0 slaves
Drury Culpepper, page 120, 2 M0-10, 1 M10-16, 1 M26-45, 2 F0-10, 1 F10-16, 1 F26-45, 1 slave
Joicy Culpepper, page 83, 1 M45+, 1F16-26, 1 F45+, 7 slaves. - Edgefield Co. SC Deeds abstracted by Lew Griffin , Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. 975.737 R2.
Edgefield Deed Bk 40, p. 250. - Edgefield Co. SC Deeds abstracted by Lew Griffin , Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. 975.737 R2.
Edgefield Deed Bk 44, p. 296. - 1830 Federal Census, United States.
Unknown Townships, Edgefield District, SC
Drewry Culpepper, page 164, 1 M0-5, 1 M5-10, 2 M15-20, 1 M40-50, 1 F0-5, 2 F5-10, 1 F15-20, 1 F20-30, 1 F40-50, 0 slaves
Joisey Culpepper, page 165, 1 M20-30, 1 F20-30, 1 F50-60, 8 slaves. - General Land Office Records, compiler, Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records, Online, Bureau of Land Management.
Drury Culpepper, Signed 15 Mar 1837, 80 acres in E½NW Part of Sec 27, Twp 8-N, Rng 28-E, St. Stephens Meridian, Henry Co., AL. - General Land Office Records, compiler, Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records, Online, Bureau of Land Management.
Drury Culpepper, Signed 15 Aug 1837, 80 acres in E½SW Part of Sec 22, Twp 8-N, Rng 28-E, St. Stephens Meridian, Henry Co., AL. - Transcription of original will found in will book (name not recorded) at Tomkins Library, Edgefield, SC.
- 1840 Federal Census, United States.
Page 152, Ancestry.com images 7-8, Unknown township, Henry Co., AL
Anderson Culpepper, 1 M10-15, 1 M15-20, 1 M50-60, 1 F10-15, 1 F50-60, 0 slaves. - Family Group Sheet prepared by Joan N. Berry, and found in the Culpepper family file at the Tomkins Library of the Old Edgefield District Genealogical Society, Edgefield, SC.
Benjamin Culpepper of Attala Co. MS 
Male, #5769, (circa 1790 - 27 Jan 1860)
Father* | Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC |
Mother* | Unknown 1st wife (?) |
DNA* | Benjamin has been proven by DNA and genealogical research to be a descendant of Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC, who is a grandson of Joseph Culpepper and 2-great-grandson of Henry Culpepper of Lower Norfolk, VA. | |
Birth* | circa 1790 | Benjamin was born at Orangeburg District, South Carolina, circa 1790. |
1790 Census | 2 Aug 1790 | Joel, Andrew and Benjamin was probably a free white male, under 16 years old, in Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC's household on the 1790 Census on 2 Aug 1790 at Orangeburg District, South Carolina.1 |
Death of Mother | say 1796 | His mother Unknown 1st wife (?) died say 1796 at Orangeburg District, South Carolina. |
1800 Census | 4 Aug 1800 | Andrew and Benjamin was probably a free white male, under 10 years old, in Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC's houseshold on the 1800 Census at Edgefield District, South Carolina. Unaccounted for are 3 females 0-10..2 |
Marriage* | circa 1810 | He married Mary Mason circa 1810.3,4 |
Birth of Son | 5 Mar 1818 | His son Joseph Richard Culpepper was born on 5 Mar 1818 at South Carolina. |
Will | 3 Sep 1822 | Mary and Benjamin named as heir(s) in the will of Elizabeth Douglas at Edgefield District, South Carolina, on 3 Sep 1822.5 |
Birth of Son | 12 Sep 1824 | His son Benjamin R. Culpepper was born on 12 Sep 1824 at Mississippi.6 |
Death of Father | 10 Jan 1829 | His father Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC died on 10 Jan 1829 at Edgefield District, South Carolina.7,8 |
1830 Census* | 1 Jun 1830 | Benjamin was listed as the head of a family on the 1830 Census at Lawrence Co., Mississippi.9 |
Birth of Son | 10 Apr 1836 | His son William M. Culpepper was born on 10 Apr 1836 at Lawrence Co., Mississippi.10 |
Will | 16 Aug 1837 | Lettis, Joel, Andrew, Benjamin, James, Mary, Frances, William, David, George, George, Charlotte, Nancy and Parthenia named as heir(s) in the will of Joyce Powell Sheppard at Edgefield District, South Carolina, on 16 Aug 1837.11 |
1840 Census* | 1 Jun 1840 | Benjamin was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census on 1 Jun 1840 at Lawrence Co., Mississippi.12 |
Census | 1841 | A census listed Benjamin as head of household at Lawrence Co., Mississippi, in 1841.13 |
Land Grant/Patent* | 5 Jan 1841 | Land was granted to Benjamin Culpepper of Attala Co. MS on 5 Jan 1841 at Lawrence Co., Mississippi.14 |
Census | 1845 | A census listed Benjamin as head of household at Lawrence Co., Mississippi, in 1845.15 |
1850 Census* | 1 Jun 1850 | Benjamin was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census on 1 Jun 1850 at Attala Co., Mississippi.16 |
Miscellaneous* | Apr 1854 | The following court decisions could apply to either Benjamin (born c 1790) or his son, Benjamin R. (born 1824): Apr 1854. Decisions of Attala Circuit Court. State vs. Benjamin Culpepper: 1. Exhibiting deadly weapon… Recognizance forfeited against principal & surety. 2. Assault & Battery… All continued and recognizance of Culpepper forfeited.17 |
Death of Spouse | 18 Jun 1858 | His wife Mary Mason died on 18 Jun 1858 at Attala Co., Mississippi. |
Death* | 27 Jan 1860 | He died at Attala Co., Mississippi, on 27 Jan 1860.18 |
Biography* | Benjamin was a blacksmith, according to the 1860 mortality schedule.18 |
Family | Mary Mason | |
Marriage* | circa 1810 | He married Mary Mason circa 1810.3,4 |
Children |
Charts | Henry Culpeper of Lower Norfolk: DNA Status Chart (Male only, 8 generations) Benjamin (son of Joseph) Culpepper of Edgecombe Co., NC: Descendant Chart |
Last Edited | 31 Oct 2011 |
- 1790 Federal Census, United States.
Year: 1790; Census Place: Orangeburg, South Carolina; Series: M637; Roll: 11; Page: 386; Image: 235; Family History Library Film: 0568151
Name: Benjamin Culpeper
Home in 1790 (City, County, State): Orangeburg, South Carolina
Free White Persons - Males - Under 16: 3
Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over: 1
Free White Persons - Females: 3
Number of Slaves : 4
Number of Household Members: 11. - 1800 Federal Census, United States.
Unknown Townships, Edgefield District, SC
Benjamin Culpepper, page 133, 2 M10-16, 1 M16-26, 1 M26-45, 4 F0-10, 1 F10-16, 1 F16-26, 1 F26-45, 8 slaves. - Barbara R. Langdon, compiler, Edgefield Co., SC Marriages, 1769-1880: Implied in Edgefiled Probate RecordsLangdon, 1990, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. US/CAN Book 975.737 V2L.
Benjamin Culpepper and Mary Mason, Lived 1822 (Box 20, Pack 706, Frames 104). - E-mail written 1983-2011 to Lew Griffin from Mary Genevieve Taylor Harris (#48715), Dallas, TX, e-mail address.
- James E. and Vivian Wooley, Edgefield County, South Carolina Wills, 1787-1836, Greenville, SC: Southern Historical Press, 1991.
Page 198. Cites Book C, page 292, 3 Sep 1822. - Marymaganos McCool Fenwick, compiler, Attala County, Mississippi CemeteriesFenwick, 1988?, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. US/CAN Book 976.2644 V3a.
Jerusalem Baptist Church Cemetery, Attala Co., MS. Located in the southeastern part of the county.
+ B. R. Culpepper, 12 Sep 1824 - 19 Dec 1897. - This date of death is from his tombstone. However, Benjamin's wife Joyce was a Head of Household in the 1820 census, but since there was a Male 45+ also noted, this was probably Benjamin. There is no record of Benjamin in Edgefield County deeds, as far as this writer knows, after 1817.
- E-mail written 2004 - 2008 to Lew Griffin from Carole Watson Burton (#50015), 109 Chadwick Drive, Charleston, SC 29407-7425, e-mail address.
According to SaludaCemetery Vol.1,pg.16 the Culpepper cemetery inventory
Joyce Culpepper Age 70 yrs.1month & 27 days, 24 Fwb.1841
George J.Strother age 26yrs.6mo.& 5days, 08 Oct 1817
William Strother age 28yrs.6mo.& 2days, 18Aug.1794
James Sheppard ESQ. age 23yrs.11mo.& 30 days.10Feb.1824
Benjamin Culpepper supposed to be 60 yrs.of age 10 Jan.1829
This inventory was done 28Nov1987. - 1830 Federal Census, United States.
Page 50, Ancestry.com images 9-10, Unknown Township, Lawrence Co., MS
Benjamin Culpepper, 1 M0-5, 1 M5-10, 1 M40-50, 2 F0-5, 2 F10-15, 1 F15-20, 1 F20-30, 1 slave. - Marymaganos McCool Fenwick, compiler, Attala County, Mississippi CemeteriesFenwick, 1988?, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. US/CAN Book 976.2644 V3a.
Jerusalem Baptist Church Cemetery, Attala Co., MS. Located in the southeastern part of the county.
+ W. M. Culpepper, 10 Apr 1836 - 20 Nov 1917
+ Elizabeth Culpepper, 20 Jun 1844 - 18 Jun 1926. - Transcription of original will found in will book (name not recorded) at Tomkins Library, Edgefield, SC.
- 1840 Federal Census, United States.
Page 74, Ancestry.com images 17-18, Unknown Township, Lawrence Co., MS
B. Culpepper, 1 M0-5, 2 M15-20, 1 M50-60, 1 F5-10, 2 F10-15, 1 F20-30, 1 F40-50, 0 slaves. - 1841 & 1845 State Census, Mississippi, Ancestry.com.
Benjamin Culpepper, Lawrence Co., MS, 1841, 1 in HH. - General Land Office Records, compiler, Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records, Online, Bureau of Land Management.
Benjamin Culpeper, issued 5 Jan 1841, St. Stephens Meridian, Jefferson Davis Co., MS (Lawrence Co. at the time of issuance), Twp 6-N, Rng 19-W, Sec 7. - 1841 & 1845 State Census, Mississippi, Ancestry.com.
B. Culpepper, Lawrence Co., MS, 1845. - 1850 Federal Census, United States.
Page 5, Family 274, Lines 23-30, Township 14 R 5 E, Attala Co., MS
Benjamin Culpepper, 60, M, Farmer, RE=$430, SC
Mary Culpepper, 57, F, SC
Centha (Cintha) Culpepper, 23, F, MS
Margaret Culpepper, 21, F, MS
Nancy Culpepper, 18, F, MS
William Culpepper, 14, F, MS
Benjamin Culpepper, 26, M, Farmer, MS
John Simmons, 23, M, Farmer, MS. - Southern Sun Newspaper.
- 1860 Federal Census, United States.
Mortality Index: Benjamin Culpepper, 70, M, born in SC, Blacksmith, died Jan 1860 of old age in Attala Co., MS.
Preston Sheppard Gilder
Male, #5770, (21 Apr 1774 - 5 Dec 1854)
Father* | Jacob Gilder |
Mother* | Frances Sheppard |
Birth* | 21 Apr 1774 | Preston was born at Ninety Six District, South Carolina, on 21 Apr 1774. |
Death of Father | circa 1786 | His father Jacob Gilder died circa 1786 at South Carolina.1 |
Marriage* | 4 Jan 1801 | He married Mary Culpepper at Edgefield District, South Carolina, on 4 Jan 1801 at age 26.2,3 |
Deed | 21 Jul 1817 | He granted a deed, with Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC and Joyce Powell Sheppard as a previous landowner on 21 Jul 1817 at Edgefield Co., South Carolina, On 21 July 1817, Drury Culpeper and wife, Lettice, Preston Gilder and wife, Polly, together with James Shepherd and wife, Joice, bonded in favor of deed made by (their father) Benjamin Culpepper and his (second) wife Joice, to Jonathan Weaver of Edgefield County, South Carolina, the same date. |
Deed | 29 May 1819 | He granted a deed on 29 May 1819 at Edgefield District, South Carolina, Know all men by these presents that we Drury Culpeper and Lettice his wife, Preston Gilder and Polly his Wife, together with James Shepperd and Joice his wife, do jointly hold Ourselves indebted to Jonathan Weaver His Heirs and assigns the sum of five thousand dollars which sum we bind ourselves our heirs and assigns just and truly to make unto the said Jonathan Weaver his heirs and assigns Witness ourselves & heirs this 21st day of July 1817 Another condition of the above obligation is such that if either of the above bound persons their Heirs or assigns ever interfere or meddle with the said Jonathan Weaver his Heirs or assigns in the purchase of a certain Tract or parcel of land conveyed by Drury Culpeper to the said Jonathan Weaver his Heirs or assigns the above Obligation, to remain in full force & value(?) or otherwise to be void and no affect Witness our hands and Seals this day & date(?) Formerly Written. Drury Culpeper (seal), Lettice Culpeper (seal), Preston Gilder (seal), Polly Gilder (seal), J Shephard (seal), Joyce P Shephard (seal). Attest: Benjamin Suddoth, Lewis Suddoth South Carolina Edgefield District. Personally Came Lewis Suddoth before me & made oath as the law directs that the above named persons did in his presence assign seal and deliver the within Obligation to Jonathan Weaver for the uses within mentioned & that Benjamin Suddoth dec'd. at the same time and in his presence with himself assign the same and witness. Sworn to before me this 29th May 1819, James Bell J.P., Lewis Suddoth. Recorded 7th June 1819.4 |
Death* | 5 Dec 1854 | He died at Yantley, Choctaw Co., Alabama, on 5 Dec 1854 at age 80. |
Family | Mary Culpepper |
Last Edited | 1 Apr 2002 |
- DAR Patriot Index, Washington, DC: National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, 2003.
- Carlee T. McClendon, compiler, Edgefield Marriage Records, Edgefield SC, Columbia, SC: RL Bryan Co., 1970, Repository: Tomkins Library in Edgefield SC, Call No. F277.E2 C7M2 M4.
Page 60: ""Preston Gilder and Mary Culpepper, 4 Jan 1801 (Family Record)." - Barbara R. Langdon, compiler, Edgefield Co., SC Marriages, 1769-1880: Implied in Edgefiled Probate RecordsLangdon, 1990, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. US/CAN Book 975.737 V2L.
Mary Culpepper and ___ Gilder, Lived 1837 (Box 34, Pack 1279, Frames 382, 383). - E-mail written 1983-2011 to Lew Griffin from Mary Genevieve Taylor Harris (#48715), Dallas, TX, e-mail address.
South Carolina, Edgefield Dist. Deed book 36, p. 106-107 (This document proved Drury Culpepper's relationship to father Benjamin Culpepper to DAR for Joan Berry).
Ann Elizabeth Tyler1
Female, #5771, (17 Dec 1790 - 10 Nov 1870)
Father* | John Tyler |
Birth* | 17 Dec 1790 | Ann was born at Orangeburg District, South Carolina, on 17 Dec 1790.2 |
Death of Father | Feb 1806 | Her father John Tyler died in Feb 1806 at Lexington District, South Carolina. |
Marriage* | 8 Mar 1807 | She married Joel Culpepper of Cherokee Co. AL at Abbeville District, South Carolina, on 8 Mar 1807 at age 16. |
Married Name | 8 Mar 1807 | As of 8 Mar 1807, her married name was Culpepper. |
Birth of Son | circa 1807 | Her son Burrell Smith Culpepper of Polk Co., TN was born circa 1807 at Abbeville District, South Carolina. |
Birth of Son | 1810 | Her son John Tyler Culpepper of Cherokee Co., AL was born in 1810 at Abbeville District, South Carolina. |
1810 Census | 6 Aug 1810 | Ann was probably a free white female, age 16 and under 26, in Joel Culpepper of Cherokee Co. AL's household on the 1810 Census at Abbeville District, South Carolina. Unaccounted for are 1 male 0-10 and 1 female 26-45..3 |
Birth of Son | circa 1812 | Her son Joel Culpepper Jr. was born circa 1812 at Abbeville District, South Carolina. |
Birth of Son | 14 Sep 1818 | Her son Jacob Joseph Culpepper was born on 14 Sep 1818 at South Carolina.4 |
Birth of Son | circa 1820 | Her son George Washington Culpepper was born circa 1820 at Pendleton District, South Carolina.5 |
1820 Census | 7 Aug 1820 | Ann was probably a free white female, age 26 and under 45, in Joel Culpepper of Cherokee Co. AL's household, on the 1820 Census at Pendleton District, South Carolina.6 |
Birth of Son | 11 Jul 1825 | Her son Benjamin Jackson Culpepper of Illinois & Iowa was born on 11 Jul 1825 at McMinn Co., Tennessee. |
1830 Census | 1 Jun 1830 | Ann was probably a free white female, age 30 and under 40, in Joel Culpepper of Cherokee Co. AL's household, on the 1830 Census at McMinn Co., Tennessee.7 |
1840 Census | 1 Jun 1840 | Ann was probably a free white female, age 40 and under 50, in Joel Culpepper of Cherokee Co. AL's household, on the 1840 Census on 1 Jun 1840 at Cherokee Co., Alabama. (Enumerated in the census but otherwise not identified is 1 F0-5.)8 |
Letter/Message Text | 13 May 1849 | Joel & Ann Elizabeth Culpepper’s letter to their daughter, Eliza Ann & William Jackson Ash, Written May 13th, 1849 On the outside was written: “Ringgold Ala May 19th 10 William Jackson Ash Illinois Addams County Quincy Also on outside: “Received the 8th of June 1849” State of Allabma Cherokee County Dear son and Daughter I embrace this opportunity to Inform you that we are all in tollerable good health at This time by the great Mercies of God and hoping these lines will find you enjoying the same blesing of God John T. Culpeper and family is all well except Melvinia she is poorly Rufus M. Baker and family is well Ambrose K. Langford and Mary Ann was well two weeks ago they Were here Mr. Clayton and family is well we Receiv’d two letters from you one since you got home which was a great satisfaction to here you was well thare has been a cold bad spring here on the 16th of April there was frost that killed Corn Cotton and wheat here and all through the state which will make corn deare and high Arminda and myself went to Tallerga [?] to Mr. Wm Jenkinis I brought a small Negro girl with us for Arminda and we were treated very kindly by Mr. Jenkins and his Wife I Commec’d teaching scholl the 7th day of May which was the first Monday in May and I expect to try to go on with it for five months ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬summer we want you write to us as often as you can we have not heard any thing from Tennessee since you left here so no more at present but remains your Loving Parents Brother and Scistors till death May 13th 1849 Joel Culpeper Senr. Ann Elizabeth Culpeper [He did not use a period in the entire letter. You will also notice in this letter and the other letter he wrote that he always addressed or spoke of the male first even though it was a son-in-law, and didn’t even say the daughters name.].1 |
Letter/Message Text* | 2 Jun 1850 | Letter of June the 2nd 1850 On the outside of the folded letter: Ringgold Ala 10 June 7th~50 William J. Ash Illinois Hancock County Worsaw P. O. 1850 State of Allabama Cherokee County Dear Son and Daughter, I Take this oppor- tunity of informing you that we are enjoying tollerable good health at this time through the great mercies of God and all the Connections as fair as we know and hope thes lines may find you enjoying the same bless -ing of God We receiv’d yours Friday last which gave us great Satisfaction to here you was well and doing well and that you Eliza was Satisfied with your lot in life as for mine it has always been hard and no appear =ance of being any better Benjamin has bought 40 Acres of Land of Athen Cannon of the same lot that Miss Slougn(?) lives on We have built a Cabben on it and is living in it and has clear’d ten Acres on it and has just planted it the land that was Clear’d we sow’d Oats we have not heard from the Boys in Tennessee lately the last we heard they were all well I wrote to you last February we receiv’d a letter from you when your Mother was lying very low with a Bowel complaint at that time lasted eight days though She has got tollerable harty again A.K. Langford and Mary Ann was here at that time and Mary had a fine harty Daughter with her about one year old now nam’d Sarah Elizabeth Collins Lang =ford and family with several other familys started to Texas last Winter and Benjamin Ash with them Mr. Petigrews family is well as fair as we know you wanted to know about your Scistor I cannot inform you nothing only she has a fine Child Mr. Clayton and Family is well and all with them yet Hardy Kernant is living whare we Liv’d and Manervy has a fine Son it has been a warm wet Winter here and a wet backward spring that crops is late wheat is only tollerable a complent of Rust on the Wheat Oats looks very well Cotton is very indifferent in consiguence of wet and cold corn is worth from 40 to fifty Cents pr Bushel Mr. Newman and Fami =ly is well and all at home yet it is generly healthy here There was a very heavy Storm about here some few Weeks ago and blow’d almost all the trees down at the Methodist Camp ground Arminda Prather has got to be the largest of any of our Family and her Negroe girl Caroline is a pert livly little girl about Eleven years old Landon Drake and Hannah was Married a few weeks ago it is rather dry at this time [handwriting changes at this point] I think Jane must put in a letter Eliza I was glad you yet remember me and I have taken your advice to not take any sort Eliza ___? the girls has got to smart to marry since you left thear is such a out come them all and I am doing the best I can I want to know if you intend to come to see us or not I am going to see my brothers in a short time how long I will be gone I cannot tell I want you to write me one letter as soon you get this write all know and more two and how you are sadisfide with your lot in life I want to know what sart of work you follow in that Country Maria Jane Culpep [edge of paper] [handwriting changes back to Joel’s] N. B. We wish to see you but that we never expect to see you in this life for we are wearing away as fast as time can move and Agreeable to the course of nature we cannot live much longer so let us here from you as often as you can remember us to Mr. Jones the Elder and all enquireing friends if any so no more at pre- -sent but we all join in love to you as Parents Brothers and Scistors till deat. Joel Culpeper Senr. June the 2nd 1850 Ann Elizbeth Culpeper.1 |
Census* | 1860 | She was listed as a resident in the census report at McMinn Co., Tennessee, in 1860. |
Death of Son | 2 Oct 1865 | Her son Jacob Joseph Culpepper died on 2 Oct 1865 at McMinn Co., Tennessee.4 |
Death of Son | 21 Jan 1867 | Her son Benjamin Jackson Culpepper of Illinois & Iowa died on 21 Jan 1867 at Dallas Co., Iowa. |
Death* | 10 Nov 1870 | She died at DeKalb Co., Alabama, on 10 Nov 1870 at age 79. |
Biography* | Genevieve Harris has pictures of gravestone of A. E. (Ann ElizabethTYLER) Culpepper (grave in Fischer's Cem., DeKalb Co., AL) courtesy of: Barbara Hammett, Gaylesville, AL. In 1860 census McMinn Co., TN she is listed with J.J. (Jacob Joseph) Culpepper her son. She died while on a visit in Cherokee Co. AL. She had at least 2 children living in Cherokee Co., son John Tyler Culpepper & Daughter Ann Elizabeth CULPEPPER BAKER, wife of Rufus Morgan BAKER. Their graves are also in Fischer's Cemetery. The following Equity Court case has been provided by Genevieve Harris, and shows Joel Culpepper and his wife, Ann Elizabeth Tyler, attempting to obtain their fair share of John Tyler's estate: In Equity Ninety Six District, 1818 - Box 70, Package 3587 Joel Culpepper and Ann Elizabeth his wife vs Jacob Tyler & Joseph Culpepper, Exors of John Tyler, decd. The State of South Carolina Ninety Six District To the Honorable the Judges of the court of Equity of said State Humbly complaining. Shew unto your honors, your orator Joel Culpepper and oratrix Ann Elizabeth Culpepper his wife which said Ann Elizabeth is the daughter of John Tyler deceased late of Lexington district in the State aforesaid. That the said John Tyler father of your oratrix being possessed of a considerable personal estate, duly made and executed his last will and testament in writing bearing date on or about the 25th day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six and thusly, after directing the payment of all his just debts, funeral expenses and the charges of his last will & testament. Gave and bequathed to your oratrix Ann Elizabeth and Jacob Joseph Tyler his only two children all his estate to be equally divided between them, and also directed that such property as would not be of present use to his said children, should be sold at public auction by his executors to the highest bidder and ? a lone with interest from the day of sale and further directed that if either of his negroes should not choose to live with his said children that such negroe or negroes be allowed to choose a master and that his executors should sell them to the best advantage for his children, all which will more fully and at large appear by reference to the said will, a copy whereof is herewith filed and marked Exhibit A. and your orator and oratrix further shew that the said testator appointed Jacob Tyler, John Wolfe and Joseph Culpepper his executors and shortly after making & publishing his last will and testament the said John Tyler departed this life without altering or reworking his said will; and your orator and oratrix furthur shew that the said Jacob Tyler and Joseph Culpepper proved the said will & took upon themselves the ? and execution of the same, the said John Wolfe refusing to act and by virtue of the said will the said Jacob Tyler and Joseph Culpepper posesed themselves of all the personal estate of said John Tyler to the amount of three thousand Dollars or other large sums: And your orator and oratrix further shew that the said Jacob Tyler and Joseph Culpepper sold all the personal estate of the said testator and received the proceeds of such sale to a large amount And your orator further shews that on or about the 8th day of March 1807, he intermarried with your oratrix Ann Elizabeth Tyler, whereby your orator in Right of his wife is become entitled to one half of the estate of said John Tyler: And your orator & oratrix furthur charge that the said Executors hired out and received the hire of a Negro of said estate called Commodore Tom and have rendered no account of the same: And your orator and oratrix furthur charge that they are entitled to one half of said estate or the amount sales thereof with interest thereon from the dates of the sale and also to one half of the hire of said Negro and interest thereon: Your orator and oratrix furthur shew that since their intermarriage aforesaid they have often applied to the said Jacob Tyler and Joseph Culpepper in a friendly manner and desired them to give your orator & oratrix an account of the estate of said testator and that they might pay to your orator & oratrix what should appear due to them in right of your oratrix, and your orator and oratrix well hoped the said Jacob Tyler and Joseph Culpepper would have complied with such thus reasonable request as in justice and equity they ought to have done. But now so thus may it please your honors, the said Jacob Tyler and Joseph Culpepper under various pretenses refuse to account with and pay over to your orator & oratrix what they are justly entitled unto: In tender consideration whereof and forasmuch as matters of this nature are most profuly cognizable and relievable in a court of Equity. To the end therefore that the said Jacob Tyler and Joseph Culpepper may upon their several[or sworn?] consoral oaths true and perfect answers make to all and singular the promises in as full and as ample a manner as if the same were here again repeated & ? and that the same Jacob Tyler & Joseph Culpepper may set forth, whether the said John Tyler your oratrix's father did not make such last will & testament as herein before is set forth bearing date at or about the time in this bill stated and whether the said John Tyler the testator did not shortly thereafter departed this life without altering or reworking the said will? And whether upon his death the said Jacob Tyler & Joseph Culpepper did not prove the same as Executors thereof and whether by virtue thereof they did not possess themselves of all the estate of the said testator and whether they did not sell the same and that they may set forth a true and particular account of the same and of the amount of sale[?] and how the same has been disposed of & whether they did not hire out the said Negro called Commodore Tom & receive the said hire & how much & whether the said John Wolf did not refuse to act or qualify under the said will And that the said Jacob Tyler and Joseph Culpepper may be decreed to come to a just & fair account with your orator and oratrix of the estate of the said John Tyler & of the hire of the said Negro called Commodore Tom and that they may pay to your orator & oratrix what upon such amount shall appear to be due to them with interest thereon. And what your orator and oratrix may have such furthur and other relief in the premises to your Honors shall deem meet. May it please your Honors to grant unto your orator & oratrix the writ of Suppana to be directed to the said Jacob Tyler and Joseph Culpepper thusly commanding them at a certain day and under a certain penalty to be issued personally to be & appear in this honorable court thus & there to answer the premises & to stand to and abide such order and decree there in as to your honors shall deem agreeable to equity & good conscience----And your orator & oratrix shall ever pray re. Noble Comsl: Sol.1 | |
Burial* | say 12 Nov 1870 | Her body was interred say 12 Nov 1870 at Fischer Cemetery, Fischer Crossroads, DeKalb Co., Alabama. Stone reads A. E. CULPEPPER, WAS BORN, DEC 1790 DIED, NOV 10 1870.1 |
Last Edited | 29 Jul 2011 |
- E-mail written 1983-2011 to Lew Griffin from Mary Genevieve Taylor Harris (#48715), Dallas, TX, e-mail address.
- E-mail written 1999 - 2016 to Lew Griffin from Nada Joy Hyde, Chattanooga, TN, e-mail address.
- 1810 Federal Census, United States.
Unknown Township, Abbeville District, SC
Joel Culpepper, page 55, 3 M0-10, 1 M26-45, 1 F16-26, 1 F26-45, 0 slaves
Joseph Culpepper, page 55, 1 M10-16, 2 M16-26, 1 M45+, 1 F45+, 23 slaves. - From tombstone.
- 1860 Federal Census, United States.
Sheet/Pg 201, Pg 514, (16 Aug 1860), Beat 8, Rusk PO, Cherokee Co., TX (Anc.com img# 29)
G. W. Culpepper, 39, M, SC, Mechanic
Sarah Culpepper, 34, F, TN. - 1820 Federal Census, United States.
Page 193, Unknown Townships, Pendleton District, SC
Joel Culpepper, 1 M0-10, 1 M10-26, 1 M26-45, 1M45+, 1 F0-10, 1 F26-45, 0 slaves. - 1830 Federal Census, United States.
Page 168, Ancestry.com image 70, Unknown Township, McMinn Co., TN
Joel Culpepper, 1 M0-5, 2 M5-10, 1 M15-20, 2 M20-30, 1 M40-50, 3 F0-5, 1 F5-10, 1 F15-20, 1 F30-40, 0 slaves. - 1840 Federal Census, United States.
Page 113, Ancestry.com images 5-6, Unknown Township, Cherokee Co., AL
Joel Culpepper, 1 M10-15, 1 M50-60, 1 F0-5, 1 F5-10, 2 F10-15, 1 F40-50. - E-mail written Apr 2009 -- Feb 2011 to Lew Griffin from Virginia Rottman, e-mail address.
(?) Jumper
Male, #5772, (circa 1782 - )
Name Variation | He was also known as Schombert (original German spelling.)1 | |
Name Variation | He was also known as Jumphard (as spelled in Joyce Culpepper's will.) | |
Name Variation | He was also known as Sheppard.2 | |
Birth* | circa 1782 | (?) was born circa 1782. |
Marriage* | circa 1806 | He married Frances Culpepper circa 1806. |
Family | Frances Culpepper |
Last Edited | 17 Dec 2006 |
- E-mail written Aug 2004 -- Apr 2011 to Lew Griffin from Harriet Imrey, Chicago, IL, e-mail address.
see Threewits article on Palmettoroots.org:
http://www.palmettoroots.org/Family_Threewits.html - E-mail written 1983-2011 to Lew Griffin from Mary Genevieve Taylor Harris (#48715), Dallas, TX, e-mail address.
Lettis Harris
Female, #5773, (circa 1790 - before 1850)
Father* | Micajah Harris |
Mother* | Sarah Sheppard |
Name Variation | She was also known as Letty. | |
Name Variation | She was also known as Lettice. | |
Birth* | circa 1790 | Lettis was born circa 1790. |
Marriage* | circa 1808 | She married Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL circa 1808. |
Married Name | circa 1808 | As of circa 1808, her married name was Culpepper. |
Birth of Son | 11 Apr 1811 | Her son Joseph Marion Culpepper was born on 11 Apr 1811 at Edgefield District, South Carolina. |
Birth of Son | circa 1813 | Her son Micajah Culpepper was born circa 1813 at Edgefield District, South Carolina. |
Deed | 21 Jul 1817 | She granted a deed, with Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC and Joyce Powell Sheppard as a previous landowner on 21 Jul 1817 at Edgefield Co., South Carolina, On 21 July 1817, Drury Culpeper and wife, Lettice, Preston Gilder and wife, Polly, together with James Shepherd and wife, Joice, bonded in favor of deed made by (their father) Benjamin Culpepper and his (second) wife Joice, to Jonathan Weaver of Edgefield County, South Carolina, the same date. |
Deed | 29 May 1819 | She granted a deed on 29 May 1819 at Edgefield District, South Carolina, Know all men by these presents that we Drury Culpeper and Lettice his wife, Preston Gilder and Polly his Wife, together with James Shepperd and Joice his wife, do jointly hold Ourselves indebted to Jonathan Weaver His Heirs and assigns the sum of five thousand dollars which sum we bind ourselves our heirs and assigns just and truly to make unto the said Jonathan Weaver his heirs and assigns Witness ourselves & heirs this 21st day of July 1817 Another condition of the above obligation is such that if either of the above bound persons their Heirs or assigns ever interfere or meddle with the said Jonathan Weaver his Heirs or assigns in the purchase of a certain Tract or parcel of land conveyed by Drury Culpeper to the said Jonathan Weaver his Heirs or assigns the above Obligation, to remain in full force & value(?) or otherwise to be void and no affect Witness our hands and Seals this day & date(?) Formerly Written. Drury Culpeper (seal), Lettice Culpeper (seal), Preston Gilder (seal), Polly Gilder (seal), J Shephard (seal), Joyce P Shephard (seal). Attest: Benjamin Suddoth, Lewis Suddoth South Carolina Edgefield District. Personally Came Lewis Suddoth before me & made oath as the law directs that the above named persons did in his presence assign seal and deliver the within Obligation to Jonathan Weaver for the uses within mentioned & that Benjamin Suddoth dec'd. at the same time and in his presence with himself assign the same and witness. Sworn to before me this 29th May 1819, James Bell J.P., Lewis Suddoth. Recorded 7th June 1819.1 |
1820 Census | 7 Aug 1820 | Lettis was probably a free white female, age 26 and under 45, in Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL's household, on the 1820 Census at Edgefield District, South Carolina. Unaccounted for is 1 male 10-16..2 |
Birth of Son | 22 Nov 1822 | Her son James Henry Culpepper was born on 22 Nov 1822 at Edgefield District, South Carolina. |
Birth of Son | circa 1828 | Her son John S. Culpepper was born circa 1828 at Edgefield District, South Carolina. |
1830 Census | 1 Jun 1830 | Lettis was probably a free white female, age 40 and under 50, in Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL's household, on the 1830 Census at Edgefield District, South Carolina.3 |
Will | 16 Aug 1837 | Lettis, Joel, Andrew, Benjamin, James, Mary, Frances, William, David, George, George, Charlotte, Nancy and Parthenia named as heir(s) in the will of Joyce Powell Sheppard at Edgefield District, South Carolina, on 16 Aug 1837.4 |
1840 Census | 1 Jun 1840 | Lettis was probably a free white female, age 50 and under 60, in Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL's household, on the 1840 Census on 1 Jun 1840 at Henry Co., Alabama.5 |
Death* | before 1850 | She died at Henry Co., Alabama, before 1850. |
Family | Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL | |
Marriage* | circa 1808 | She married Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL circa 1808. |
Children |
Last Edited | 6 Nov 2007 |
- E-mail written 1983-2011 to Lew Griffin from Mary Genevieve Taylor Harris (#48715), Dallas, TX, e-mail address.
South Carolina, Edgefield Dist. Deed book 36, p. 106-107 (This document proved Drury Culpepper's relationship to father Benjamin Culpepper to DAR for Joan Berry). - Unknown Townships, Edgefield District, SC
Daniel Culpepper, page 127, 1 M16-26, 1 F0-10, 1 F16-26, 0 slaves
Drury Culpepper, page 120, 2 M0-10, 1 M10-16, 1 M26-45, 2 F0-10, 1 F10-16, 1 F26-45, 1 slave
Joicy Culpepper, page 83, 1 M45+, 1F16-26, 1 F45+, 7 slaves. - 1830 Federal Census, United States.
Unknown Townships, Edgefield District, SC
Drewry Culpepper, page 164, 1 M0-5, 1 M5-10, 2 M15-20, 1 M40-50, 1 F0-5, 2 F5-10, 1 F15-20, 1 F20-30, 1 F40-50, 0 slaves
Joisey Culpepper, page 165, 1 M20-30, 1 F20-30, 1 F50-60, 8 slaves. - Transcription of original will found in will book (name not recorded) at Tomkins Library, Edgefield, SC.
- 1840 Federal Census, United States.
Page 152, Ancestry.com images 7-8, Unknown township, Henry Co., AL
Anderson Culpepper, 1 M10-15, 1 M15-20, 1 M50-60, 1 F10-15, 1 F50-60, 0 slaves.
Mary Mason
Female, #5774, (circa 1792 - 18 Jun 1858)
Father* | George Mason |
Mother* | Elizabeth Douglas |
Birth* | circa 1792 | Mary was born circa 1792. |
Marriage* | circa 1810 | She married Benjamin Culpepper of Attala Co. MS circa 1810.1,2 |
Married Name | circa 1810 | As of circa 1810, her married name was Culpepper. |
Birth of Son | 5 Mar 1818 | Her son Joseph Richard Culpepper was born on 5 Mar 1818 at South Carolina. |
Will | 3 Sep 1822 | Mary and Benjamin named as heir(s) in the will of Elizabeth Douglas at Edgefield District, South Carolina, on 3 Sep 1822.3 |
Birth of Son | 12 Sep 1824 | Her son Benjamin R. Culpepper was born on 12 Sep 1824 at Mississippi.4 |
Death of Mother | 1829 | Her mother Elizabeth Douglas died in 1829 at Edgefield District, South Carolina. |
1830 Census | 1 Jun 1830 | Mary was probably a free white female, age 20 and under 30, in Benjamin Culpepper of Attala Co. MS's household, on the 1830 Census at Lawrence Co., Mississippi.5 |
Birth of Son | 10 Apr 1836 | Her son William M. Culpepper was born on 10 Apr 1836 at Lawrence Co., Mississippi.6 |
1840 Census | 1 Jun 1840 | Mary was probably a free white female, age 40 and under 50, in Benjamin Culpepper of Attala Co. MS's household, on the 1840 Census on 1 Jun 1840 at Lawrence Co., Mississippi.7 |
1850 Census | 1 Jun 1850 | Mary, Cynthia, Margaret, Nancy, William and Benjamin listed as a household member living with Benjamin Culpepper of Attala Co. MS on the 1850 Census on 1 Jun 1850 at Attala Co., Mississippi.8 |
Death* | 18 Jun 1858 | She died at Attala Co., Mississippi, on 18 Jun 1858. |
Family | Benjamin Culpepper of Attala Co. MS | |
Marriage* | circa 1810 | She married Benjamin Culpepper of Attala Co. MS circa 1810.1,2 |
Children |
Last Edited | 31 Oct 2011 |
- Barbara R. Langdon, compiler, Edgefield Co., SC Marriages, 1769-1880: Implied in Edgefiled Probate RecordsLangdon, 1990, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. US/CAN Book 975.737 V2L.
Benjamin Culpepper and Mary Mason, Lived 1822 (Box 20, Pack 706, Frames 104). - E-mail written 1983-2011 to Lew Griffin from Mary Genevieve Taylor Harris (#48715), Dallas, TX, e-mail address.
- James E. and Vivian Wooley, Edgefield County, South Carolina Wills, 1787-1836, Greenville, SC: Southern Historical Press, 1991.
Page 198. Cites Book C, page 292, 3 Sep 1822. - Marymaganos McCool Fenwick, compiler, Attala County, Mississippi CemeteriesFenwick, 1988?, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. US/CAN Book 976.2644 V3a.
Jerusalem Baptist Church Cemetery, Attala Co., MS. Located in the southeastern part of the county.
+ B. R. Culpepper, 12 Sep 1824 - 19 Dec 1897. - 1830 Federal Census, United States.
Page 50, Ancestry.com images 9-10, Unknown Township, Lawrence Co., MS
Benjamin Culpepper, 1 M0-5, 1 M5-10, 1 M40-50, 2 F0-5, 2 F10-15, 1 F15-20, 1 F20-30, 1 slave. - Marymaganos McCool Fenwick, compiler, Attala County, Mississippi CemeteriesFenwick, 1988?, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. US/CAN Book 976.2644 V3a.
Jerusalem Baptist Church Cemetery, Attala Co., MS. Located in the southeastern part of the county.
+ W. M. Culpepper, 10 Apr 1836 - 20 Nov 1917
+ Elizabeth Culpepper, 20 Jun 1844 - 18 Jun 1926. - 1840 Federal Census, United States.
Page 74, Ancestry.com images 17-18, Unknown Township, Lawrence Co., MS
B. Culpepper, 1 M0-5, 2 M15-20, 1 M50-60, 1 F5-10, 2 F10-15, 1 F20-30, 1 F40-50, 0 slaves. - 1850 Federal Census, United States.
Page 5, Family 274, Lines 23-30, Township 14 R 5 E, Attala Co., MS
Benjamin Culpepper, 60, M, Farmer, RE=$430, SC
Mary Culpepper, 57, F, SC
Centha (Cintha) Culpepper, 23, F, MS
Margaret Culpepper, 21, F, MS
Nancy Culpepper, 18, F, MS
William Culpepper, 14, F, MS
Benjamin Culpepper, 26, M, Farmer, MS
John Simmons, 23, M, Farmer, MS.
John Tyler1 
Male, #5775, (circa 1760 - Feb 1806)
Father* | Hans Rudolph Theiler |
Mother* | Ann Elizabeth (?) |
Birth* | circa 1760 | John was born at Saxe Gotha, Craven Co., South Carolina, circa 1760. |
American Revolution* | between 1776 and 1781 | He provided service in the American Revolutionary War in Saxe-Gotha Township, Berkeley District, South Carolina, between 1776 and 1781 (Tyler, John, 1791 Petition found in Audit Acct of Wade & Richard Hampton AA 3287 FR: 388-387 RW 2749 The Honourable [so sp. on document] Jacob Read Esqr. Speaker of the House of Representatives; and the Gentlemen the Members of the House, The petition of your humble petitioners residing on and near the Congaree river, most Humbly sheweth; That we your humble petitioners all men of staunch Republican principles, which the whole tenor of our conduct sufficiently evinces, But at the time when this part of the Country was over=run by it’s Implacable Enemies, Maxwell the Commander of the Congaree=fort forced all the men of the vicinage within the fortifica= =tion; where we remained until the place surrendered to the American army. It was then pro= =posed to the prisoners, whether they should be sent to Charleston or serve ten months in the cause of their Country, the latter was readily embraced by us and we proved our innate and independant feelings by immediately entering under the Banner of General Sumter in Colonel Wade Hampton’s Regiment of light Troops and by the Chearfulness and ______ with which we went thro our Duty during the said term. We thereon your humble petitioners humbly hope that this honorable house will be pleased to look on us in the same point of view as the rest of the Regiment we served in, that we may receive the same Bounty as promised to others, Your petiti= =oners also Humbly Represent to this house that the greatest part of us during our absence from home and on Duty, were by the inroads of Foraging parties plundered of our Effects and are Reduced to very indegent circumstances - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Your petitioners rest in humble hope this house will be pleased to order that we may receive the Bounty and pay as the rest of the troop adequate to the time of our service or grant us such relief in the premises as to the wisdom and humanity of the house shall seem meet - - - - - - - And your humble petitioners will ever pray, ____ Saxa-Gotha, January, 24, 1791 Frederick Class [something crossed out] George Slappey Martin Hook [unable to read this one] John Gossert Hen. Slappy Sergt. Mash ___ adm. of the will Barbara Lee, Executrix to Estate James Mashborn of Adam Minick Jacob Bonner Jacob Heily Martin Hidle Henry Geiger Conrad Raff Simeon Theus Oliver Legran Edw Wells John Foust John Tyler Peter Foust.)1 |
Birth of Son | 22 Apr 1790 | His son Jacob Joseph Tyler was born on 22 Apr 1790 at Orangeburg District, South Carolina. |
Will | 27 Aug 1794 | John named as executor(s) on 27 Aug 1794.1 |
1800 Census* | 1800 | John was listed as the head of a family on the 1800 Census at Orangeburg District, South Carolina. P. 252. |
Will* | 5 Feb 1806 | He made a will at Lexington District, South Carolina, on 5 Feb 1806. His will, which follows, is courtesy of Genevieve Harris. It mentions his two children Ann Elizabeth, and Jacob Joseph: Exhibit A Filed 21st Feb. 1818 - In Equity Ninety Six District 1818 Joel Culpepper & Ann Elizabeth his wife vs Jacob Tyler & Joseph Culpepper Exhibit A Feb 22nd February 1819 - Equity case Jacob J. Tyler vs Jacob Tyler In The Name of God Amen I John Tyler of Lexington District in the State of South Carolina planter, being weak in body tho of Sound mind, memory and understanding, thanked be God make publish and declare this my last will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say First I direct that my body may be disposed of in that manner that may be most agreeable to my Executors herein after named and that all my just debts funeral expenses and charges of this my will be fully paid and satisfied by my said Executors- Also - I give and bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Anne Elizabeth Tyler, and to my beloved son Jacob Joseph Tyler, all my estate, to be equally divided between them, also - I declare that such property as should not be of present use to my said children to be sold at public vendue by my said Executors, to the highest bidder on a credit of one year with interest from the day of sale. Likewise if either of my Negroes should not choose to live with my said children, it is my desire that he or they may be allowed to choose a master, and my executors to sell them to the best advantage for my said children. Likewise it is my desire that my said executors shall furnish each of my Negroes three hundred and fifty weight of pork for every year while they remain the property of my said children and bread sufficient. And I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my dear beloved brother Jacob Tyler, my beloved and undoubted friend John Wolfe and my dear beloved Uncle Joseph Culpepper executors of this my last will and Testament. And I do hereby revoke all former wills, codicils, or testamentary dispositions by me at any time heretofore made by me. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty fifth day of February in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and six. Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other have here unto subscribed our names as witnesses - Frederick Class /signed/ J Denton /s/ John Tyler /signed/ State of South Carolina Personally appeared before me Alexander Bell [from here down this part only on Ex .A copy for Jacob Joseph Tyler] Lexington District ordinary for said district Frederick Class and being duly sworn saith on his oath that he saw the within named John Tyler sign and seal this within instrument of___ as his last will and testament and that he in the presence cf John Denton dist sign the same as witness.____the 22nd of March 1806. - Frederick Class /s/ Alexander Bell A.L.D. -- Ordinary's office Lexington Districk 24th February 1819 I do hereby certify that the above is a correct and true copy from the orignal will as appears on record in my office. John McCrolss (?)1 |
Death* | Feb 1806 | He died at Lexington District, South Carolina, in Feb 1806. |
Probate* | 22 Mar 1806 | Probate action was taken on John's estate on 22 Mar 1806 at Lexington District, South Carolina. |
Family | ||
Children |
Last Edited | 30 Apr 2012 |
- E-mail written 1983-2011 to Lew Griffin from Mary Genevieve Taylor Harris (#48715), Dallas, TX, e-mail address.
Joyce Powell Culpepper
Female, #5776, (1 Feb 1801 - 10 Feb 1824)
Father* | Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC |
Mother* | Joyce Powell Sheppard |
Birth* | 1 Feb 1801 | Joyce was born at Edgefield District, South Carolina, on 1 Feb 1801. |
1810 Census | 6 Aug 1810 | Joyce was probably a free white female under 10 years of age, in Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC's household on the 1810 Census at Edgefield District, South Carolina. Unaccounted for is 1 male 26-45.1 |
Deed | 18 Dec 1811 | She was granted a deed by Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC on 18 Dec 1811 at Edgefield District, South Carolina, This indenture made this 18th Day of December in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight hundred and eleven and of the American Independence the thirty sixths. Between Benjamin Culpeper of the one part and George Strother of the other part of the same District and State aforesaid. WHEREAS the said Benjamin Culpeper is desirous of making some fixed and permanent arrangement as to his property and estate, and thereby to make provision for his wife Joyce Culpeper, his daughter Joyce Culpeper and the aforementioned George Strother, and that no event accident or occurrences may frustrate and defeat the mind, will and intention of the said Benjamin Culpeper in all and singular or any part and parcell of the provisions in this Deed contemplated, he hath resolved, and determined to divest himself of all the property interest and estate herein after mentioned, and to vest the whole and every part thereof in the said George Strother for the uses, intents and purposes herein after mentioned. NOW this INDENTURE WITNESSETH That in pursuance of the fixed purpose and intention of the said Benjamin Culpeper, and also for and in consideration of one Dollar and Twenty five Cents to the said Benjamin Culpeper by the said George well and truly paid at and before the sealing and delivery of their presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and for divers other causes and considerations specially moving the said Benjamin thereto, hath granted, bargained and sold and by their presents doth grant bargain and sell unto the said George Strother the following Negros, namely Jacob, Dublin, Nammy, Lydia, Peter and Morrice and all and every of their issues and _____, and also four of my best and most valuable Horses, my Waggon and gear, and all of my Household and kitchen furniture & all my my Plantation Tolls, the one half of my Stock of Cattle, Sheep and Hogs to have and to hold all and singular the Negros and other property aforementioned to the said George Strother his Heirs and ______to and for and upon the several uses trusts and purposes and subject to the several limitations and agreements hereinafter mentioned, limited, expressed and declared of and concerning the same. The said Benjamin Culpeper excuses and reserves to himself the right and privilege (if he shall wish to claim and exercise the same) to keep in his own custody forever and posession during his natural life, all and singular the aforementioned Negros and other property, and to use employ and control the same, to enjoy and have during his natural life the profits and advantages of the same; but not to sell or dispose of the same or any part thereof without the consent of the said George Strother. And the said Benjamin Culpeper further stipulates and provides that if his wife Joyce Culpeper shall outlive him the said Benjamin _____and in that case the said Joyce shall be permitted to choose the four Horses from my stock of horses then on hand - that the one full half or share of my Cattle, Hogs, Sheep all of my Household and kitchen furniture, and Plantation Tools shall be ascertained by the judment and decision of three disinterested persons one to be chosen by my wife, one by the said George Strother and one by the children which I had by my former wife - And that the division shall have been fully ascertained in manner aforementioned then immediately shall the said George make and execute to the said Joyce my wife a Deed for all the aforementioned Negros and their issue and the said four horses and the waggon and gear, and the said one half or share of all my stock of Hogs, Cattle Sheep, and all of my household and kitchen furniture., and Plantation Tools to her and her Heirs forever to dispose of the same as she thinks prudent and proper. -- And it is further provided that during the lifetime of the said Benjamin and before the execution of the said Deed from the said George Strother to the said Joyce Culpeper she the said Joyce has full power and right to sell will or otherwise dispose of all or any of the aforementioned property subject however to life estate of the said Benjamin Culpeper. AND lastly it is provided that if the said Joyce Culpeper should die intestate without having made any disposition of the aforementioned property then it is expressly understood and provided that the same and all and every part thereof be equally divided between my Daughter Joyce Culpeper and the said George Strother the Trustee named in this case them and their Heirs forever. IN WITNESS whereof we have mutually hereunto set our hands and affixed our Seals the day and year above written. Benjamin Culpeper (signed by one that deed) in presence of James Spann, David Richardson, George S Strother SOUTH CAROLINA, Edgefield District - Before me personally appeared David Richardson and made oath on the holy Evangist of Almighty God that he was present and saw the within named Benjamin Culpeper and George S Strother sign the within instrument of writing for the purposes therein mentioned and saw James Spann sign with himself as witness thereunto. David Richardson. Sworn before me 30th March 1812, John Blocker, S. Q., Clerks Office, Edgefield District Recorded in my office in Book H H page 69 and examined this 30th Mary 1812. S. Butler, Reg. E. D.2 |
Marriage* | 16 Nov 1815 | She married James Sheppard on 16 Nov 1815 at age 14.3 |
Married Name | 16 Nov 1815 | As of 16 Nov 1815, her married name was Sheppard. |
Deed | 21 Jul 1817 | She granted a deed, with Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC and Joyce Powell Sheppard as a previous landowner on 21 Jul 1817 at Edgefield Co., South Carolina, On 21 July 1817, Drury Culpeper and wife, Lettice, Preston Gilder and wife, Polly, together with James Shepherd and wife, Joice, bonded in favor of deed made by (their father) Benjamin Culpepper and his (second) wife Joice, to Jonathan Weaver of Edgefield County, South Carolina, the same date. |
Birth of Son | 10 Mar 1819 | Her son George James Sheppard was born on 10 Mar 1819 at South Carolina.4 |
Deed | 29 May 1819 | She granted a deed on 29 May 1819 at Edgefield District, South Carolina, Know all men by these presents that we Drury Culpeper and Lettice his wife, Preston Gilder and Polly his Wife, together with James Shepperd and Joice his wife, do jointly hold Ourselves indebted to Jonathan Weaver His Heirs and assigns the sum of five thousand dollars which sum we bind ourselves our heirs and assigns just and truly to make unto the said Jonathan Weaver his heirs and assigns Witness ourselves & heirs this 21st day of July 1817 Another condition of the above obligation is such that if either of the above bound persons their Heirs or assigns ever interfere or meddle with the said Jonathan Weaver his Heirs or assigns in the purchase of a certain Tract or parcel of land conveyed by Drury Culpeper to the said Jonathan Weaver his Heirs or assigns the above Obligation, to remain in full force & value(?) or otherwise to be void and no affect Witness our hands and Seals this day & date(?) Formerly Written. Drury Culpeper (seal), Lettice Culpeper (seal), Preston Gilder (seal), Polly Gilder (seal), J Shephard (seal), Joyce P Shephard (seal). Attest: Benjamin Suddoth, Lewis Suddoth South Carolina Edgefield District. Personally Came Lewis Suddoth before me & made oath as the law directs that the above named persons did in his presence assign seal and deliver the within Obligation to Jonathan Weaver for the uses within mentioned & that Benjamin Suddoth dec'd. at the same time and in his presence with himself assign the same and witness. Sworn to before me this 29th May 1819, James Bell J.P., Lewis Suddoth. Recorded 7th June 1819.5 |
Birth of Son | 16 Oct 1823 | Her son William Elbert Sheppard was born on 16 Oct 1823 at South Carolina.4 |
Death* | 10 Feb 1824 | She died on 10 Feb 1824 at age 23. |
Burial* | circa 11 Feb 1824 | Her body was interred circa 11 Feb 1824 at Strother-Sheppard Cemetery, Edgefield District, South Carolina. |
Biography* | The following should correctly be a reference to Joyce Powell Culpepper, who married James Sheppard, and not to her sister Frances Culpepper, who married a Jumper. James and Joyce (Culpepper) Sheppard had a daughter Frances, and that may account for the apparent confusion in the following article about the parents of the deceased: EDGEFIELD COUNTY, SC, FAMILY CEMETERIES & DEATH NOTICES FROM THE SC BAPTIST NEWSPAPER Published by: Old Edgefield District Genealogical Society 1st Printing July 2003 O.E.D.G.S. P. O. Box 546 Edgefield, S. C. 29824-0546 On page 171 Item 170 SHEPPARD, G. J. resolution on his death by Bethany Baptist Church, dated 22 May 1892 [Issue of Jun 1892. George James Sheppard, s/o James & Frances Culpepper Sheppard, husband of Emeline Mobley.].6,7 |
Family | James Sheppard | |
Marriage* | 16 Nov 1815 | She married James Sheppard on 16 Nov 1815 at age 14.3 |
Children |
Charts | Benjamin (son of Joseph) Culpepper of Edgecombe Co., NC: Descendant Chart |
Last Edited | 25 Feb 2007 |
- 1810 Federal Census, United States.
Unknown Township, Edgefield District, SC
Benjamin Culpepper, page 70, 1 M26-45, 1 M45+, 1 F0-10, 1 F45+, 8 slaves. - E-mail written 1983-2011 to Lew Griffin from Mary Genevieve Taylor Harris (#48715), Dallas, TX, e-mail address.
Edgefield Deed Bk 31, page 69. - Barbara R. Langdon, compiler, Edgefield Co., SC Marriages, 1769-1880: Implied in Edgefiled Probate RecordsLangdon, 1990, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. US/CAN Book 975.737 V2L.
___ Culpepper and James Sheppard, Lived 1837 (Box 34, Pack 1279, Frames 382, 383, 387). - Letter of 9 Sep 1985 from M. G. Shepherd (4909 Seaver Lane, Apt 102, Richmond, VA 23228) to Mrs. Mavie H. Williams, and found in the Culpepper family file at the Tomkins Library of the Old Edgefield District Genealogical Society, Edgefield, SC.
- E-mail written 1983-2011 to Lew Griffin from Mary Genevieve Taylor Harris (#48715), Dallas, TX, e-mail address.
South Carolina, Edgefield Dist. Deed book 36, p. 106-107 (This document proved Drury Culpepper's relationship to father Benjamin Culpepper to DAR for Joan Berry). - Lewis W. Griffin Jr. (#47), Phoenix, AZ.
- E-mail written 1983-2011 to Lew Griffin from Mary Genevieve Taylor Harris (#48715), Dallas, TX, e-mail address.
James Sheppard
Male, #5777, (10 Dec 1790 - Sep 1869)
Father* | George Sheppard |
Birth* | 10 Dec 1790 | James was born on 10 Dec 1790. |
Marriage* | 16 Nov 1815 | He married Joyce Powell Culpepper on 16 Nov 1815 at age 24.1 |
Deed | 21 Jul 1817 | He granted a deed, with Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC and Joyce Powell Sheppard as a previous landowner on 21 Jul 1817 at Edgefield Co., South Carolina, On 21 July 1817, Drury Culpeper and wife, Lettice, Preston Gilder and wife, Polly, together with James Shepherd and wife, Joice, bonded in favor of deed made by (their father) Benjamin Culpepper and his (second) wife Joice, to Jonathan Weaver of Edgefield County, South Carolina, the same date. |
Birth of Son | 10 Mar 1819 | His son George James Sheppard was born on 10 Mar 1819 at South Carolina.2 |
Deed | 29 May 1819 | He granted a deed on 29 May 1819 at Edgefield District, South Carolina, Know all men by these presents that we Drury Culpeper and Lettice his wife, Preston Gilder and Polly his Wife, together with James Shepperd and Joice his wife, do jointly hold Ourselves indebted to Jonathan Weaver His Heirs and assigns the sum of five thousand dollars which sum we bind ourselves our heirs and assigns just and truly to make unto the said Jonathan Weaver his heirs and assigns Witness ourselves & heirs this 21st day of July 1817 Another condition of the above obligation is such that if either of the above bound persons their Heirs or assigns ever interfere or meddle with the said Jonathan Weaver his Heirs or assigns in the purchase of a certain Tract or parcel of land conveyed by Drury Culpeper to the said Jonathan Weaver his Heirs or assigns the above Obligation, to remain in full force & value(?) or otherwise to be void and no affect Witness our hands and Seals this day & date(?) Formerly Written. Drury Culpeper (seal), Lettice Culpeper (seal), Preston Gilder (seal), Polly Gilder (seal), J Shephard (seal), Joyce P Shephard (seal). Attest: Benjamin Suddoth, Lewis Suddoth South Carolina Edgefield District. Personally Came Lewis Suddoth before me & made oath as the law directs that the above named persons did in his presence assign seal and deliver the within Obligation to Jonathan Weaver for the uses within mentioned & that Benjamin Suddoth dec'd. at the same time and in his presence with himself assign the same and witness. Sworn to before me this 29th May 1819, James Bell J.P., Lewis Suddoth. Recorded 7th June 1819.3 |
1820 Census* | 7 Aug 1820 | James was listed as the head of a family on the 1820 Census at Edgefield District, South Carolina.4 |
Birth of Son | 16 Oct 1823 | His son William Elbert Sheppard was born on 16 Oct 1823 at South Carolina.2 |
Death of Spouse | 10 Feb 1824 | His wife Joyce Powell Culpepper died on 10 Feb 1824. |
Marriage* | after 1824 | He married Elizabeth Ann Mobley after 1824. |
Death of Son | 21 Sep 1832 | His son William Elbert Sheppard died on 21 Sep 1832.2 |
Will | 16 Aug 1837 | Lettis, Joel, Andrew, Benjamin, James, Mary, Frances, William, David, George, George, Charlotte, Nancy and Parthenia named as heir(s) in the will of Joyce Powell Sheppard at Edgefield District, South Carolina, on 16 Aug 1837.5 |
Marriage* | circa 1844 | He married Sarah Louise Mobley at Edgefield District, South Carolina, circa 1844. |
1850 Census* | 1 Jun 1850 | He was enumerated in the US Census of 1850 - Free at Edgefield District, South Carolina.6 |
Death* | Sep 1869 | He died in Sep 1869 at age 78. |
Family 1 | Joyce Powell Culpepper | |
Marriage* | 16 Nov 1815 | He married Joyce Powell Culpepper on 16 Nov 1815 at age 24.1 |
Children |
Family 2 | Elizabeth Ann Mobley | |
Marriage* | after 1824 | He married Elizabeth Ann Mobley after 1824. |
Family 3 | Sarah Louise Mobley | |
Marriage* | circa 1844 | He married Sarah Louise Mobley at Edgefield District, South Carolina, circa 1844. |
Last Edited | 25 Feb 2007 |
- Barbara R. Langdon, compiler, Edgefield Co., SC Marriages, 1769-1880: Implied in Edgefiled Probate RecordsLangdon, 1990, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. US/CAN Book 975.737 V2L.
___ Culpepper and James Sheppard, Lived 1837 (Box 34, Pack 1279, Frames 382, 383, 387). - Letter of 9 Sep 1985 from M. G. Shepherd (4909 Seaver Lane, Apt 102, Richmond, VA 23228) to Mrs. Mavie H. Williams, and found in the Culpepper family file at the Tomkins Library of the Old Edgefield District Genealogical Society, Edgefield, SC.
- E-mail written 1983-2011 to Lew Griffin from Mary Genevieve Taylor Harris (#48715), Dallas, TX, e-mail address.
South Carolina, Edgefield Dist. Deed book 36, p. 106-107 (This document proved Drury Culpepper's relationship to father Benjamin Culpepper to DAR for Joan Berry). - 1820 Federal Census, United States.
Edgefield, South Carolina; Roll: M33_118; Page: 74B; Image: 154. - Transcription of original will found in will book (name not recorded) at Tomkins Library, Edgefield, SC.
- 1850 Federal Census, United States.
Page 25.
Micajah Harris 
Male, #5778, (circa 1760 - 1813)
Birth* | circa 1760 | Micajah was born at Virginia circa 1760.1 |
American Revolution* | between 1775 and 1783 | He provided service in the American Revolutionary War between 1775 and 1783 (DAR Listing: Micajah Harris, born circa 1760 in Virginia, died 1819 in South Carolina, married Sarah Shepherd, Lieutenant, South Carolina.)1 |
Marriage* | circa 1788 | He married Sarah Sheppard at Wilkes Co., North Carolina, circa 1788.2 |
Will* | 4 Mar 1813 | He made a will at Newberry District, South Carolina, on 4 Mar 1813. |
Death* | 1813 | He died at Newberry District, South Carolina, in 1813. |
Family | Sarah Sheppard | |
Child |
Last Edited | 30 Apr 2012 |
- DAR Patriot Index, Washington, DC: National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, 2003.
- Church of Latter Day Saints, compiler, International Genealogical Index (IGI), Intellectual Reserve, Inc..
Film Number: 1904025.
Sarah Sheppard1
Female, #5779, (circa 1768 - circa 1819)
Father* | James Sheppard |
Mother* | Janette Riddell |
Birth* | circa 1768 | Sarah was born circa 1768. |
Marriage* | circa 1788 | She married Micajah Harris at Wilkes Co., North Carolina, circa 1788.2 |
Married Name | circa 1788 | As of circa 1788, her married name was Harris. |
Death of Father | 17 Sep 1791 | Her father James Sheppard died on 17 Sep 1791 at Newberry District, South Carolina. |
Death of Spouse | 1813 | Her husband Micajah Harris died in 1813 at Newberry District, South Carolina. |
Death* | circa 1819 | She died circa 1819. |
Family | Micajah Harris | |
Child |
Last Edited | 25 Feb 2007 |
- Emma Benton records, Emma Benton, Andalusia, AL, to Lew Griffin, 1989.
- Church of Latter Day Saints, compiler, International Genealogical Index (IGI), Intellectual Reserve, Inc..
Film Number: 1904025.
(?) Adair
Male, #5780, (circa 1766 - )
Birth* | circa 1766 | (?) was born circa 1766. |
Marriage* | He married Joyce Powell Sheppard. |
Family | Joyce Powell Sheppard |
Last Edited | 14 Apr 1999 |
William Augustus Strother
Male, #5781, (16 Feb 1766 - 18 Aug 1794)
Father* | George Strother |
Mother* | Mary Margaret (?) |
Birth* | 16 Feb 1766 | William was born at Craven Co., South Carolina, on 16 Feb 1766. |
Marriage* | circa 1787 | He married Joyce Powell Sheppard circa 1787. |
Birth of Son | 16 Jan 1788 | His son John Sheppard Strother was born on 16 Jan 1788 at South Carolina.1 |
Birth of Son | 13 Apr 1791 | His son George James Strother was born on 13 Apr 1791 at South Carolina.1 |
Will* | 13 Aug 1794 | He made a will at Edgefield District, South Carolina, on 13 Aug 1794. In the Name of God Amen I William Strother of Edgefield County and State of South Carolina Planter- Being very Sick and weak of Body But of Sound mind and Memory thanks be to God for his Mercy-Calling unto mind the Mortality of my Body-and knowing that it is Appointed for all men once to die Do make and ordain this my last Will & Testament in Manner and form following That is to Say Principally and First of all I give and Recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God that Give it me and As for my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be Bured in a Decent Christian like Burial at the Discretion of my Executors Nothing Doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the Same again by the Mighty power of God- and touching my Worldly Estate Wherewith it hath been pleased God to Bless me within this life I Give demise and Dispose of in the following Manner and Form- First I give and Bequeath unto my wife Joyce Strother two negroes to wit Nancy and Jacob- and the tract of Land whereon I Now live containing two hundred and twenty five acres. Also I Give and Bequeath to my Son George James Strother- One Negro Named Anson and one Tract of Land on Saludy River Whereon I formerly Lived- Containing One Hundred Acres- and One horse Saddle and Bridle when he Comes of Age- Also I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter Nutty [Netty] Strother- One Negro Named Lydia and one tract of Land Containing Two hundred and Sixty one acres on Hollensher Creek Water of Broad River------------ Also I will that all my other Lands may be sold and my Debts and the Balance together with my Dues to Collect to be Equally Devided Between my Wife and two Children. Also I will that two of my horses be sold and the money to be equally devided between my Wife and two Children. Also I Will that the Residue of my Stock Household furniture working tools- to be left to the use of my family- to wit my wife and Children. Also I do hereby appoint my wife Joyce Strother Executrix and Solomon Pope and John Strother Executors after my Decease. And I do hereby Utterly revoke Disallow and Disanul all former Wills Legacies By me Willed or Bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this and No other to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the Said William Strother have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this thirteenth day of August Anno Domini 1794 Signed Sealed Published and Pronounced by the Sd William Strother (Seal) William Strother as his last Will and Testament Who in his presence and in the presence of Each other have hereunto Subscribed our Names Henry King Thomas Dozer David Pitts Recorded in Will Book "A" Pages 64 & 65 Recorded October Term 1794 R. Tutt C. E. C. S. Box 46 Pkg. 1928 [This was not copied from a copy of the original, but from a WPA typed copy. Provided to Culpepper Connections by Gennie Harris. Subsequently, some punctuation was edited for clarity and a repetitive page deleted by Warren Culpepper.]. |
Death* | 18 Aug 1794 | He died at Edgefield District, South Carolina, on 18 Aug 1794 at age 28.1,2 |
Burial* | circa 19 Aug 1794 | His body was interred circa 19 Aug 1794 at Strother-Sheppard Cemetery, Edgefield District, South Carolina.1 |
Family | Joyce Powell Sheppard | |
Marriage* | circa 1787 | He married Joyce Powell Sheppard circa 1787. |
Children |
Last Edited | 25 Feb 2007 |
- Letter of 9 Sep 1985 from M. G. Shepherd (4909 Seaver Lane, Apt 102, Richmond, VA 23228) to Mrs. Mavie H. Williams, and found in the Culpepper family file at the Tomkins Library of the Old Edgefield District Genealogical Society, Edgefield, SC.
- E-mail written 2004 - 2008 to Lew Griffin from Carole Watson Burton (#50015), 109 Chadwick Drive, Charleston, SC 29407-7425, e-mail address.
According to SaludaCemetery Vol.1,pg.16 the Culpepper cemetery inventory
Joyce Culpepper Age 70 yrs.1month & 27 days, 24 Fwb.1841
George J.Strother age 26yrs.6mo.& 5days, 08 Oct 1817
William Strother age 28yrs.6mo.& 2days, 18Aug.1794
James Sheppard ESQ. age 23yrs.11mo.& 30 days.10Feb.1824
Benjamin Culpepper supposed to be 60 yrs.of age 10 Jan.1829
This inventory was done 28Nov1987.
Thomas S. Sheppard1
Male, #5782, (circa 1774 - 6 Feb 1850)
Father* | James Sheppard |
Mother* | Janette Riddell |
Birth* | circa 1774 | Thomas was born at Newberry District, South Carolina, circa 1774. |
Death of Father | 17 Sep 1791 | His father James Sheppard died on 17 Sep 1791 at Newberry District, South Carolina. |
Marriage* | before 1805 | He married Maria (?) before 1805. |
Marriage* | say 1815 | He married Sarah Culpepper at South Carolina say 1815. |
Death of Mother | circa 1825 | His mother Janette Riddell died circa 1825 at Newberry District, South Carolina. |
Death* | 6 Feb 1850 | He died at Alabama on 6 Feb 1850. |
Family 1 | Maria (?) |
Family 2 | Sarah Culpepper | |
Children |
Last Edited | 7 Jan 2019 |
- Emma Benton records, Emma Benton, Andalusia, AL, to Lew Griffin, 1989.
- E-mail written 2003 (e-mail addr last updated 11 Jun 2005) to Lew Griffin from Rodney Shultz, e-mail address.
Sarah Culpepper
Female, #5783, (circa 1795 - before 1870)
Father* | Benjamin Culpepper of Edgefield District, SC |
Mother* | Unknown 1st wife (?) |
Birth* | circa 1795 | Sarah was born at South Carolina circa 1795. |
Marriage* | say 1815 | She married Thomas S. Sheppard at South Carolina say 1815. |
Married Name | say 1815 | As of say 1815, her married name was Sheppard. |
1860 Census* | 1 Jun 1860 | Sarah was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census at Clarke Co., Alabama.1 |
Death* | before 1870 | She died at Clarke Co., Alabama, before 1870. |
Family | Thomas S. Sheppard | |
Children |
Charts | Benjamin (son of Joseph) Culpepper of Edgecombe Co., NC: Descendant Chart |
Last Edited | 7 Jan 2019 |
- 1860 Federal Census, United States.
Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Alabama; Roll: M653_6; Page: 710; Family History Library Film: 803006
Household Members:
Name Age
Sarah Sheppard 65
Mary E Sheppard 31
Sarah C Sheppard 23. - E-mail written 2003 (e-mail addr last updated 11 Jun 2005) to Lew Griffin from Rodney Shultz, e-mail address.
Lucinda Culpepper
Female, #5784, (circa 1810 - before 1880)
Father* | Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL |
Mother* | Lettis Harris |
Birth* | circa 1810 | Lucinda was born at Edgefield District, South Carolina, circa 1810. |
1820 Census | 7 Aug 1820 | Lucinda was probably a free white female, age 10 and under 16, in Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL's household, on the 1820 Census at Edgefield District, South Carolina. Unaccounted for is 1 male 10-16..1 |
1830 Census | 1 Jun 1830 | Lucinda was probably a free white female, age 20 and under 30, in Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL's household, on the 1830 Census at Edgefield District, South Carolina.2 |
Married Name | after 1 Jun 1830 | As of after 1 Jun 1830, her married name was Cockcroft. |
Marriage* | after 1 Jun 1830 | She married James M. Cockcroft at Edgefield District, South Carolina, after 1 Jun 1830. |
Birth of Son | circa 1831 | Her son William A. Cockcroft was born circa 1831 at Henry Co., Alabama.3 |
Birth of Son | circa 1843 | Her son James Alexander Cockcroft was born circa 1843 at Walton Co., Florida. |
Birth of Son | circa 1846 | Her son Micajah Allen Cockcroft was born circa 1846 at Walton Co., Florida.3 |
1850 Census | 1 Jun 1850 | Nancy, Lucinda, William, Sarah, Lettis, James, Hulda, Micajah and Mary listed as a household member living with James M. Cockcroft on the 1850 Census on 1 Jun 1850 at Walton Co., Florida.4 |
Probate | 19 May 1857 | During probate, Lucinda Cockcroft was identified as an heir of Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL on 19 May 1857 at Henry Co., Alabama.5 |
Death* | before 1880 | She died before 1880. |
Family | James M. Cockcroft | |
Marriage* | after 1 Jun 1830 | She married James M. Cockcroft at Edgefield District, South Carolina, after 1 Jun 1830. |
Children |
Charts | Benjamin (son of Joseph) Culpepper of Edgecombe Co., NC: Descendant Chart |
Last Edited | 31 Jan 2005 |
- Unknown Townships, Edgefield District, SC
Daniel Culpepper, page 127, 1 M16-26, 1 F0-10, 1 F16-26, 0 slaves
Drury Culpepper, page 120, 2 M0-10, 1 M10-16, 1 M26-45, 2 F0-10, 1 F10-16, 1 F26-45, 1 slave
Joicy Culpepper, page 83, 1 M45+, 1F16-26, 1 F45+, 7 slaves. - 1830 Federal Census, United States.
Unknown Townships, Edgefield District, SC
Drewry Culpepper, page 164, 1 M0-5, 1 M5-10, 2 M15-20, 1 M40-50, 1 F0-5, 2 F5-10, 1 F15-20, 1 F20-30, 1 F40-50, 0 slaves
Joisey Culpepper, page 165, 1 M20-30, 1 F20-30, 1 F50-60, 8 slaves. - Joan Berry, compiler, e-mail address, Cockroft Descendants, 31 Jan 2005.
http://millennium.fortunecity.com/ratty/383/cochroffaddenda.html - 1850 Federal Census, United States.
- Family Group Sheet prepared by Joan N. Berry, and found in the Culpepper family file at the Tomkins Library of the Old Edgefield District Genealogical Society, Edgefield, SC.
James M. Cockcroft 
Male, #5785, (circa 1805 - after 1885)
Birth* | circa 1805 | James was born at South Carolina circa 1805.1 |
Marriage* | after 1 Jun 1830 | He married Lucinda Culpepper at Edgefield District, South Carolina, after 1 Jun 1830. |
Birth of Son | circa 1831 | His son William A. Cockcroft was born circa 1831 at Henry Co., Alabama.1 |
Indian Wars* | 1836 | He served in one of the Creek and Seminole Indian Wars in 1836 (Second Creek Indian War, Blair's Battalion, Alabama Militia, 2nd Sgt, Capt. Blackshear's Co., 25 Reg't Ala. Mil. served in Creek War for 3 months. Enrolled May 17, 1836 in Abbeville, AL., mustered out Sept 11, 1836.)1 |
Birth of Son | circa 1843 | His son James Alexander Cockcroft was born circa 1843 at Walton Co., Florida. |
Birth of Son | circa 1846 | His son Micajah Allen Cockcroft was born circa 1846 at Walton Co., Florida.1 |
1850 Census* | 1 Jun 1850 | James was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census on 1 Jun 1850 at Walton Co., Florida.2 |
Census | 19 Jun 1885 | He was listed as a resident in the census report at Lafayette Co., Florida, on 19 Jun 1885.3 |
Family | Lucinda Culpepper | |
Marriage* | after 1 Jun 1830 | He married Lucinda Culpepper at Edgefield District, South Carolina, after 1 Jun 1830. |
Children |
Last Edited | 18 Oct 2008 |
- Joan Berry, compiler, e-mail address, Cockroft Descendants, 31 Jan 2005.
http://millennium.fortunecity.com/ratty/383/cochroffaddenda.html - 1850 Federal Census, United States.
- Joan Berry, compiler, e-mail address, Cockroft Descendants, 31 Jan 2005.
Census in the County of Lafayette, State of Florida, enumerated by
George C. Bunch on the 19th day of June 1885:
Alexander Cockcroft W M 49 Head Farming b in FL, mother b in AL,
father b in AL
James Cockcroft W M 80 Father widowed cannot read nor write was
born in SC, father b in SC, mother b in SC
Nancy Cockcroft W F 45 single H. maid cannot read nor write was
born in GA, father b in GA, mother b in GA
Hulda Cockcroft Smith is living next door.
Micajah Culpepper1
Male, #5786, (circa 1813 - 27 Sep 1848)
Father* | Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL |
Mother* | Lettis Harris |
Birth* | circa 1813 | Micajah was born at Edgefield District, South Carolina, circa 1813. |
1820 Census | 7 Aug 1820 | Joseph and Micajah was probably a free white male, age under 10, in Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL's household, on the 1820 Census at Edgefield District, South Carolina. Unaccounted for is 1 male 10-16..2 |
1830 Census | 1 Jun 1830 | Micajah and Joseph was probably a free white male, age 15 and under 20, in Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL's household, on the 1830 Census at Edgefield District, South Carolina.3 |
Marriage* | 8 Feb 1838 | He married Elizabeth Watkins at Henry Co., Alabama, on 8 Feb 1838.4,5 |
1840 Census* | 1 Jun 1840 | Micajah was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census on 1 Jun 1840 at Henry Co., Alabama. (Unaccounted for are two males, ages 0-5).6 |
Birth of Son | 25 Oct 1840 | His son James Pickens Culpepper was born on 25 Oct 1840 at Henry Co., Alabama.7 |
Marriage* | 17 Apr 1841 | He married Martha Blanton at Henry Co., Alabama, on 17 Apr 1841.8 |
Birth of Son | circa 1844 | His son Andrew Culpepper was born circa 1844 at Henry Co., Alabama. |
Birth of Son | circa 1847 | His son Joseph H. Culpepper was born circa 1847 at Henry Co., Alabama. |
Death* | 27 Sep 1848 | He died at Henry Co., Alabama, on 27 Sep 1848. |
Family 1 | Elizabeth Watkins | |
Marriage* | 8 Feb 1838 | He married Elizabeth Watkins at Henry Co., Alabama, on 8 Feb 1838.4,5 |
Child |
Family 2 | Martha Blanton | |
Marriage* | 17 Apr 1841 | He married Martha Blanton at Henry Co., Alabama, on 17 Apr 1841.8 |
Children |
Charts | Henry Culpeper of Lower Norfolk: DNA Status Chart (Male only, 8 generations) Benjamin (son of Joseph) Culpepper of Edgecombe Co., NC: Descendant Chart |
Last Edited | 2 Apr 2010 |
- Dick Culpepper Records, Warren H. 'Dick' Culpepper, Provo, UT, to Lew Griffin.
- Unknown Townships, Edgefield District, SC
Daniel Culpepper, page 127, 1 M16-26, 1 F0-10, 1 F16-26, 0 slaves
Drury Culpepper, page 120, 2 M0-10, 1 M10-16, 1 M26-45, 2 F0-10, 1 F10-16, 1 F26-45, 1 slave
Joicy Culpepper, page 83, 1 M45+, 1F16-26, 1 F45+, 7 slaves. - 1830 Federal Census, United States.
Unknown Townships, Edgefield District, SC
Drewry Culpepper, page 164, 1 M0-5, 1 M5-10, 2 M15-20, 1 M40-50, 1 F0-5, 2 F5-10, 1 F15-20, 1 F20-30, 1 F40-50, 0 slaves
Joisey Culpepper, page 165, 1 M20-30, 1 F20-30, 1 F50-60, 8 slaves. - Jordan R. Dodd, compiler, Alabama Marriages, 1809-1920, Online database at Ancestry.com, 1999.
divorced for adultery. - Helon H. Cutter, compiler, Henry County, Alabama Records, Volume II, 1821-1901 Marriage Records, Tallahassee, FL: Rose Printing Co., 1992, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. US/CAN 976.131 X2c v.2.
Micajah Culpepper married Elizabeth Watkins on 8 Feb 1838 in Henry Co., Alabama, Book 1821-1868, page 34. - 1840 Federal Census, United States.
Page 151, Ancestry.com images 5-6, Unknown township, Henry Co., AL
Micajah Culpepper, 2 M0-5, 1M30-40, 1F0-5, 1F30-40, 0 Slaves. - Tombstone.
Langley Cemetery, Panola Co., TX
James P. Culpepper, 25 Oct 1840 – 1 Aug 1898. - Helon H. Cutter, compiler, Henry County, Alabama Records, Volume II, 1821-1901 Marriage Records, Tallahassee, FL: Rose Printing Co., 1992, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. US/CAN 976.131 X2c v.2.
Micajah Culpepper married Martha Blanton on 17 Apr 1841 in Henry Co., Alabama, Book 1821-1868, page 42.
Elizabeth Watkins
Female, #5787, (circa 1820 - )
Birth* | circa 1820 | Elizabeth was born circa 1820. |
Marriage* | 8 Feb 1838 | She married Micajah Culpepper at Henry Co., Alabama, on 8 Feb 1838.1,2 |
Married Name | 8 Feb 1838 | As of 8 Feb 1838, her married name was Culpepper.2 |
1840 Census | 1 Jun 1840 | Elizabeth was probably a free white female, age 15 and under 20, in Micajah Culpepper's household, on the 1840 Census on 1 Jun 1840 at Henry Co., Alabama. (Unaccounted for are two males, ages 0-5).3 |
Family | Micajah Culpepper | |
Child |
Last Edited | 1 Aug 2005 |
- Jordan R. Dodd, compiler, Alabama Marriages, 1809-1920, Online database at Ancestry.com, 1999.
divorced for adultery. - Helon H. Cutter, compiler, Henry County, Alabama Records, Volume II, 1821-1901 Marriage Records, Tallahassee, FL: Rose Printing Co., 1992, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. US/CAN 976.131 X2c v.2.
Micajah Culpepper married Elizabeth Watkins on 8 Feb 1838 in Henry Co., Alabama, Book 1821-1868, page 34. - 1840 Federal Census, United States.
Page 151, Ancestry.com images 5-6, Unknown township, Henry Co., AL
Micajah Culpepper, 2 M0-5, 1M30-40, 1F0-5, 1F30-40, 0 Slaves.
Martha Blanton
Female, #5788, (circa 1817 - 1860)
Father* | Alexander Blanton |
Mother* | Elizabeth Georgia Driggers |
Birth* | circa 1817 | Martha was born circa 1817. |
Birth of Son | 25 Oct 1840 | Her son James Pickens Culpepper was born on 25 Oct 1840 at Henry Co., Alabama.1 |
Marriage* | 17 Apr 1841 | She married Micajah Culpepper at Henry Co., Alabama, on 17 Apr 1841.2 |
Married Name | 17 Apr 1841 | As of 17 Apr 1841, her married name was Culpepper.2 |
Birth of Son | circa 1844 | Her son Andrew Culpepper was born circa 1844 at Henry Co., Alabama. |
Birth of Son | circa 1847 | Her son Joseph H. Culpepper was born circa 1847 at Henry Co., Alabama. |
Death of Spouse | 27 Sep 1848 | Her husband Micajah Culpepper died on 27 Sep 1848 at Henry Co., Alabama. |
Death* | 1860 | She died at Henry Co., Alabama, in 1860. |
Probate* | 4 Jun 1860 | Probate action was taken on Martha's estate, with James Pickens Culpepper, Amanda Jane Culpepper, Sarah E. Culpepper and Joseph H. Culpepper as heir(s), with John W. Blanton as administrator on 4 Jun 1860 at Henry Co., Alabama, Martha Culpepper's will named James P. Culpepper, stepson; Amanda Culpepper and Sarh Culpepper, daughters; and Joseph CUlpepper, son; William Blanton, adminstrator; Jefferson S. Koonce, guardian ad litem of the four named children. Witnesses: C. W. Bedell, L. G. Calhoun, M.A.R. Davis. Henry Co., Alabama, OCR Book T, page 146.3 |
Family | Micajah Culpepper | |
Marriage* | 17 Apr 1841 | She married Micajah Culpepper at Henry Co., Alabama, on 17 Apr 1841.2 |
Children |
Last Edited | 1 Aug 2005 |
- Tombstone.
Langley Cemetery, Panola Co., TX
James P. Culpepper, 25 Oct 1840 – 1 Aug 1898. - Helon H. Cutter, compiler, Henry County, Alabama Records, Volume II, 1821-1901 Marriage Records, Tallahassee, FL: Rose Printing Co., 1992, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. US/CAN 976.131 X2c v.2.
Micajah Culpepper married Martha Blanton on 17 Apr 1841 in Henry Co., Alabama, Book 1821-1868, page 42. - Mrs. Marvin Scott, History of Henry County, Alabama, Pensacola, FL: Grank R. Parkhurst, 1961, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. US/CAN Book 976.131 D2s.
Chapter XXIX, Abstract of Henry County Alabama Wills (1822-1870), page 131.
Joseph Marion Culpepper1 
Male, #5789, (11 Apr 1811 - 24 Mar 1878)
Father* | Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL |
Mother* | Lettis Harris |
DNA* | Joseph has been proven by DNA and genealogical research to be a descendant of Drury Culpepper of Henry Co., AL, who is a great- grandson of Joseph Culpepper and 3-great-grandson of Henry Culpepper of Lower Norfolk, VA. | |
Birth* | 11 Apr 1811 | Joseph was born at Edgefield District, South Carolina, on 11 Apr 1811. |
1820 Census | 7 Aug 1820 | Joseph and Micajah was probably a free white male, age under 10, in Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL's household, on the 1820 Census at Edgefield District, South Carolina. Unaccounted for is 1 male 10-16..2 |
1830 Census | 1 Jun 1830 | Micajah and Joseph was probably a free white male, age 15 and under 20, in Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL's household, on the 1830 Census at Edgefield District, South Carolina.3 |
Marriage* | circa 1832 | He married Sarah Caroline Ward at Abbeville, Henry Co., Alabama, circa 1832. |
Birth of Son | 22 May 1835 | His son Benjamin Franklin Culpepper was born on 22 May 1835 at Henry Co., Alabama.4 |
Land Grant/Patent* | 21 Aug 1837 | Land was granted to Joseph Marion Culpepper on 21 Aug 1837 at Henry Co., Alabama.5 |
Birth of Son | 22 Oct 1837 | His son Micajah Culpepper was born on 22 Oct 1837 at Henry Co., Alabama.6 |
Birth of Son | 20 Jun 1839 | His son Andrew Culpepper was born on 20 Jun 1839 at Henry Co., Alabama. |
Land Grant/Patent | 20 Aug 1839 | Land was granted to Joseph Marion Culpepper on 20 Aug 1839 at Henry Co., Alabama.7 |
1840 Census* | 1 Jun 1840 | Joseph was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census on 1 Jun 1840 at Henry Co., Alabama. (Two minors, Micajah and Andrew, are believed to be sons of Joseph Marion CUlpepper, but they were not enumerated with him in 1840.)8 |
Deed* | 7 Mar 1843 | He was granted a deed by Daniel Ward on 7 Mar 1843 at Henry Co., Alabama, Also, by deed, Daniel Ward conveyed land to his 3 sons and a son in law Joseph Culpepper. This was his land north of Abbeville, AL in Henry County and he moved to a southerly part of the county with this 2nd wife and his son with her.9 |
Birth of Son | 12 Jan 1845 | His son Thomas Jefferson Culpepper was born on 12 Jan 1845 at Henry Co., Alabama.10 |
Photographed* | say 1850 | He was photographed say 1850 at Henry Co., Alabama.11 |
1850 Census* | 1 Jun 1850 | Joseph was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census on 1 Jun 1850 at Henry Co., Alabama. (Also in Joseph's household in 1850 was a second Andrew Culpepper, age six (born in 1844) who has not been identified. Joseph's own son Andrew was also in the household, and was age eleven. In addition, the Slave Schedule showed Joseph owned on 40-year-old Black male.)12 |
Birth of Son | 6 Dec 1854 | His son David A. Culpepper was born on 6 Dec 1854 at Henry Co., Alabama. |
Probate | 19 May 1857 | He administrated Andrew Culpepper of Henry Co., AL's estate on 19 May 1857 at Henry Co., Alabama.13 |
1860 Census* | 1 Jun 1860 | Joseph was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census at Lawrenceville, Henry Co., Alabama.14 |
Birth of Son | 17 Jan 1861 | His son Elbert Bartow Culpepper was born on 17 Jan 1861 at Eufaula, Barbour Co., Alabama. |
1870 Census* | 1 Jun 1870 | Joseph was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census at Abbeville, Henry Co., Alabama.15 |
Will* | 8 Jun 1877 | He made a will at Henry Co., Alabama, on 8 Jun 1877. |
Death* | 24 Mar 1878 | He died at Abbeville, Henry Co., Alabama, on 24 Mar 1878 at age 66. |
Biography* | Gilmer, Texas, February 7, 1937 Maternal Record: Joseph Marion Culpepper descended from Scotch-Irish parents (Irish predominately). He was stout built, about 5 ½ feet tall, black hair, gray eyes, very well educated and pretty wealthy. He had a jovial, friendly disposition, of which drew around him many friends. He was the father of sixteen children, some dying in infancy, one son, Andrew Culpepper, was killed in battle in the civil war. He left one daughter, Nannie, she married a man named Sam McKinney (both are dead now). Their descendents live south of Tyler, Texas, near Noonday and Gresham. At present, 1937, one girl was named Lillie another, Eely (that’s all I know of them). But you could trace them up by this information. They live near Mollie Lewis and her son Henry Lewis. He [Joseph Marion Culpepper] was a staunch old Primitive Baptist and drove a large light bay horse (named Ole Alex) to his buggy. When preaching was over, he would get around the other brethen, inviting them to go home with them for dinner; then without further comment he and wife would hasten to the buggy and drive home, where Negro servants would put away the horse and buggy, and soon maybe several of their brethen and friends would drive up and Negro servants would wait on them in the same way. They proceeded to the old colonial home where dinner was served in grand style and wine also was served. I’ve hear my father say Grandpa’s sideboard (we call it buffet) was never without its decanters of wine. There was never any drunkeness - because wine was as common as water. His wife, Sarah, never had any cooking done on Sundays (all cooking was done on Saturdays) maybe the servants would heat coffee for the guests. Joseph Marion Culpepper was kind and considerate of his servants and work stock. He was a real Christian gentleman. His wife, Sarah Elizabeth Ward. Many ofher relatives live in Panola County, Henderson County, Texas at present 1937. She, being the mother of sixteen children was an industrious, thrifty housewife, a devoted wife and a kind, patient mother. A devout Christian and a kind, helpful neighbor and friend. Having many servants she had time for recreational and civic indulgences. Their greatest desire in life was to rear and educate their children to be useful, worthy citizens and they were not disappointed. Their children were a blessing to the world. The children were allowed to entertain their friends in a moral, refined way, and many were the occasions for their meeting and spending happy evenings together at parties, celebrations and dances. The children of Joseph Marion and Sarah Culpepper were as follows: Benjamin Franklin Sr. (our grandfather); Andrew; Thomas Jefferson (Uncle Bud); David; Micajah (His children are near Ft. Gaines, GA and in Alabama, all that I know of); one girl named Ellen died at about 14 or 15 yrs. of age; Carolyn, lived to be old who married Jordan Arnold (both of Ala; whose posterity live near Graceton and Gilmer, Texas. Benjamin Franklin Culpepper, being the first born of Joseph and Sarah Elizabeth Culpepper saw the light of day May 22, 1835. He was educated in the common school of the community, grew to manhood in his father’s home, being unusually apt at schoolwork, he secured a good solid workable education which fitted him for his chosen work of clerking in a dry goods store and keeping books. When he was 22 years old, he enlisted in the Civil War and served his country as best he could. Never being wounded during the entire four years of conflict. He once had a boil or stone bruise on his foot and General Robert E. Lee dismounted from his favorite horse, Traveler, and had Ben (Grandpa) to climb in the saddle and ride to camp. The general walked beside him. Ben, together with many others, stacked his gun at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, when the conflict ended on April 9, 1865. He listened to General Lee’s farewll address to his men who had so valiantly tried to defend what they thought were their rights. While tears were streaming down the cheeks of the General as well as those of his men, who turned away sadly to retrace their footsteps home in different states. Ben walked every step of the way until he reached neighbors who knew him. One neighbor took him home in his buggy. Ben wanted to slip in on his mother and family to give a surprise but, Jule, the Negro washwoman, was washing at the spring near the roadside, recognized him, and ran fast as she could go the nearest way to the house, shouting at the top of her voice, "Mars Ben is coming, I seed him in the buggy." So his parents and family were soon overjoyed at his arrival, safe home once more. The war closed on April 9, 1865. It must have taken several weeks to walk home. But true to the vows he made before he joined the army, he married his sweetheart, Miss Isabella Francis Waltermon on July 6, 1865. To this union were born eight children. The eldest an angelic little girl named Anna Laura, who had golden curls and heavenly blue eyes. Other children are: Eugenia Florence (who married A. J. Sanders) they now own extensive oil interests in East Texas oil field near Gladewater, Texas. Alpheus Marion, who died at the age of four years and is buried in Alabama. Caledonia (who married J. S. Reese) they now live on their farm 2 miles south of Gilmer. They own city property in Gilmer. Sarah Elizabeth (who married Robert Lee Smith) they now live in their home in Dallas, Texas. Benjamin Franklin, Jr. who died at the age of 23 years. He had taught one term of public school and was teaching another at the same school at the time of his death. He is buried at Walnut Creek Cemetery. Mary Caroline (who married William D. Barber), they live at their farm home 5 miles SE of Gilmer. Lorena Belle who died at the age of 12 years and is buried at Walnut Creek Cemetery. Anna Laura grew to young womanhood in what is now Stamps community. She was married to Willis Edmund Oliver, August 16, 1884 (3rd. Sat.) To this union were born nine children as follows: Ramah Oliver, July 25, 1885; Lacie Aybert, March 18, 1887 - who died April 26, 1912; Ulysses Edmund, November 1, 1889; Bernice, October 2, 1890; Agnes Itasca, March 12, 1892; Aubrey Lois, November 26, 1894; Theophilus, May 19, 1896; Cosby Rainey, April 23, 1900; and Laura Chloe, August 28, 1905. All high class, prominent in business and social life, an honor to their mother and father, who have gone on - we hope and have every reason to believe to the Glory Land to await the coming of their children. Mother departed this life February 1, 1914 and Father departed this life September 25, 1835. Both buried in Gilmer City Cemetery. Nicholas Nathaniel Waltermon was born in Suffolk, Virginia, (don’t know date). His father died and left his mother with two small children, his little sister Annie and himself. His mother married again to a mean man. He would not let these children have anything to eat, if he knew it. Their mother trained them to go way back under the bed which had long curtains touching the floor. She would throw a pan of biscuits under the bed to them to keep her many from seeing them eat. When he was 12 years old, he left them and worked his way to Alabama. He put his clothes in a trunk and took them to the boat but had no money to pay the transportation. He tried to sell his trunk and clothes but no one would buy, knowing he would have to leave them and then they would get them. So, he put weights in the trunk and sunk it in the river, taking with him what few clothes he could. He was a bright, smart boy and saved his money so when he grew to manhood he married and bought a home. He prospered and to him and his wife Catherine Murry was born eight children, namely; Mary Magdelene (Wilcox), Isabella Francis (Culpepper, Grandmother, Ella Virginia (McKissack), Elizabeth (Jones), Amanda (Newbit), Solomon, Nicholas Nathaniel, Jr., Henry (Hugh, supposedly). All this family is dead. I do not know anything about Catherin Murry’s family. The Waltermon’s lived in Henry County, Alabama, near the Culpeppers. Catherine Murry Waltermon was a staunch primitive Baptist in belief - was a member of that church. Benjamin Franklin Culpepper, who married Isabella Francis Waltermon said that Mrs. Catherine Waltermon was the best business woman in Henry County, Alabama. She was a school teacher. At one time she was a milliner. I’ve seen flowers she made to trim hats in. Being left a widow with this large family to support she proved equal to the task and reared her children in honor. Managing her large plantation with her slaves and her own boys she accumulated a small fortune. (Ben Culpepper said that Colonel Oates, their Representative in Congreaa, said Mrs. Waltermon, (our great grandmother) was the best business woman he ever knew.) She and several children are buried at Walnut Creek Cemetery. This record was gotten up by our Aunt Donie Rees at Gilmer, Texas, February 7, 1937. | |
EMail* | (an unknown value.) |
Family | Sarah Caroline Ward | |
Marriage* | circa 1832 | He married Sarah Caroline Ward at Abbeville, Henry Co., Alabama, circa 1832. |
Children |
Charts | Henry Culpeper of Lower Norfolk: DNA Status Chart (Male only, 8 generations) Benjamin (son of Joseph) Culpepper of Edgecombe Co., NC: Descendant Chart |
Last Edited | 28 Nov 2014 |
- Dick Culpepper Records, Warren H. 'Dick' Culpepper, Provo, UT, to Lew Griffin.
- Unknown Townships, Edgefield District, SC
Daniel Culpepper, page 127, 1 M16-26, 1 F0-10, 1 F16-26, 0 slaves
Drury Culpepper, page 120, 2 M0-10, 1 M10-16, 1 M26-45, 2 F0-10, 1 F10-16, 1 F26-45, 1 slave
Joicy Culpepper, page 83, 1 M45+, 1F16-26, 1 F45+, 7 slaves. - 1830 Federal Census, United States.
Unknown Townships, Edgefield District, SC
Drewry Culpepper, page 164, 1 M0-5, 1 M5-10, 2 M15-20, 1 M40-50, 1 F0-5, 2 F5-10, 1 F15-20, 1 F20-30, 1 F40-50, 0 slaves
Joisey Culpepper, page 165, 1 M20-30, 1 F20-30, 1 F50-60, 8 slaves. - Tombstone.
Walnut Creek Cemetery, Upshur Co., TX
Benjamin F. Culpepper, 22 May 1835 – 25 Mar 1917 (ID: 5887)
Isabel F. Culpepper, 7 Aug 1844 – 12 Dec 1924. - General Land Office Records, compiler, Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records, Online, Bureau of Land Management.
Joseph Culpepper, Signed 21 Aug 1837, 41 acres in NWNW Part of Sec 34, Twp 8-N, Rng 28-E, St. Stephens Meridian, Henry Co., AL. - Mrs. Marvin Scott, compiler, Tomb Inscriptions and Cemetery Notices, Climax, GA: E. H. Hayes, 1958, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. US/CAN 976.131 V3sm.
Old Union Cemetery, Henry Co., AL
+ Micajah Culpepper, 22 Oct 1837 - 6 Jul 1903
+ Nicey Culpepper, 20 Apr 1840 - 22 Feb 1918. - General Land Office Records, compiler, Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records, Online, Bureau of Land Management.
Joseph Culpepper, Signed 20 Sep 1839, 41 acres in NENE Part of Sec 3, Twp 7-N, and 124 acres in NENW and W½NE Parts of Sec 34, Twp 8-N; both in Rng 28-E, St. Stephens Meridian, Henry Co., AL. - 1840 Federal Census, United States.
Page 163, Ancestry.com images 29-30, Unknown township, Henry Co., AL
Joseph Culpepper, 1 M20-30, 1 F20-30, 0 slaves. - E-mail written Nov 2014 to Lew Griffin from Joel H. Hutto, Dripping Springs, Texas, e-mail address.
Deed Book C, pages 327 - 328. - Tombstone.
Mattox Cemetery, Upshur Co., TX
Thomas J. Culpepper, 12 Jan 1845 – 12 Nov 1895. - E-mail written 2005 - 2020 to Lew Griffin from ID: 41492 Eileen Vela (Mrs. Octavio Vela), New Mexico, e-mail address.
- 1850 Federal Census, United States.
Pages 433B/Line 42 & Page 434A/Lines 1-10, Southern District, Henry Co., AL
Joseph Culpepper, 39, M, Farmer, $3000, SC
Sarah Culpepper, 33, F, SC
Benjamin Culpepper, 15, M, Farmer, AL
Micajah Culpepper, 13, M, AL
Andrew Culpepper, 11, M, AL
Mary A. Culpepper, 9, F, AL
Nancy C. Culpepper, 7, F, AL
Thos. J. Culpepper, 5, M, AL
Lucinda E. Culpepper, 3, F, AL
Sarah A. Culpepper, 1, F, AL
Andrew Culpepper, 6, M, AL, Idiotic
1850 Slave Schedule, Page 814, Henry Co., AL
Joseph Culpepper owned one 40-year-old Black male. - Family Group Sheet prepared by Joan N. Berry, and found in the Culpepper family file at the Tomkins Library of the Old Edgefield District Genealogical Society, Edgefield, SC.
- 1860 Federal Census, United States.
Page 133, Lines 8-14, Lawrenceville, Henry Co., AL
Joseph Culpepper, 49, M, Farmer, RE=$4225, PE=$4200, SC
Sarah Culpepper, 43, F, SC
Thomas J. Culpepper, 15, M, AL
Lucinda E. Culpepper, 12, F, AL
Sarah C. Culpepper, 11, F, AL
David A. Culpepper, 6, M, AL
Frances E. Culpepper, 1, F, AL. - 1870 Federal Census, United States.
Page 10, Lines 7-10, 11th Precinct, Abbeville P.O., Henry Co., AL
Joseph Culpepper, 57, M, Wh, Farmer, RE=$2000, PE=$500, SC
Sarah Culpepper, 53, F, Wh, SC
David A. Culpepper, 14, M, Wh, Farm Laborer, AL
Elbert E. Culpepper, 9, M, Wh, AL.
Sarah Caroline Ward
Female, #5790, (16 Dec 1818 - after 1880)
Father* | Daniel Ward |
Mother* | Rebecca (?) |
Birth* | 16 Dec 1818 | Sarah was born at South Carolina on 16 Dec 1818. |
Marriage* | circa 1832 | She married Joseph Marion Culpepper at Abbeville, Henry Co., Alabama, circa 1832. |
Married Name | circa 1832 | As of circa 1832, her married name was Culpepper. |
Birth of Son | 22 May 1835 | Her son Benjamin Franklin Culpepper was born on 22 May 1835 at Henry Co., Alabama.1 |
Birth of Son | 22 Oct 1837 | Her son Micajah Culpepper was born on 22 Oct 1837 at Henry Co., Alabama.2 |
Birth of Son | 20 Jun 1839 | Her son Andrew Culpepper was born on 20 Jun 1839 at Henry Co., Alabama. |
1840 Census | 1 Jun 1840 | Sarah was probably a free white female, age 20 and under 30, in Joseph Marion Culpepper's household, on the 1840 Census on 1 Jun 1840 at Henry Co., Alabama. (Two minors, Micajah and Andrew, are believed to be sons of Joseph Marion CUlpepper, but they were not enumerated with him in 1840.)3 |
Birth of Son | 12 Jan 1845 | Her son Thomas Jefferson Culpepper was born on 12 Jan 1845 at Henry Co., Alabama.4 |
1850 Census | 1 Jun 1850 | Sarah, Benjamin, Micajah, Andrew, Mary, Nancy, Thomas, Lucinda and Sarah listed as a household member living with Joseph Marion Culpepper on the 1850 Census on 1 Jun 1850 at Henry Co., Alabama. (Also in Joseph's household in 1850 was a second Andrew Culpepper, age six (born in 1844) who has not been identified. Joseph's own son Andrew was also in the household, and was age eleven. In addition, the Slave Schedule showed Joseph owned on 40-year-old Black male.)5 |
Birth of Son | 6 Dec 1854 | Her son David A. Culpepper was born on 6 Dec 1854 at Henry Co., Alabama. |
1860 Census | 1 Jun 1860 | Sarah, Sarah, Thomas, Lucinda, David and Frances listed as a household member living with Joseph Marion Culpepper in the 1860 Census at Lawrenceville, Henry Co., Alabama.6 |
Birth of Son | 17 Jan 1861 | Her son Elbert Bartow Culpepper was born on 17 Jan 1861 at Eufaula, Barbour Co., Alabama. |
1870 Census | 1 Jun 1870 | Sarah, David and Elbert listed as a household member living with Joseph Marion Culpepper on the 1870 Census at Abbeville, Henry Co., Alabama.7 |
1880 Census* | 1 Jun 1880 | Sarah was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census at Lawrenceville, Henry Co., Alabama.8 |
Death* | after 1880 | She died after 1880. |
Family | Joseph Marion Culpepper | |
Marriage* | circa 1832 | She married Joseph Marion Culpepper at Abbeville, Henry Co., Alabama, circa 1832. |
Children |
Last Edited | 27 Jul 2005 |
- Tombstone.
Walnut Creek Cemetery, Upshur Co., TX
Benjamin F. Culpepper, 22 May 1835 – 25 Mar 1917 (ID: 5887)
Isabel F. Culpepper, 7 Aug 1844 – 12 Dec 1924. - Mrs. Marvin Scott, compiler, Tomb Inscriptions and Cemetery Notices, Climax, GA: E. H. Hayes, 1958, Repository: LDS Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Call No. US/CAN 976.131 V3sm.
Old Union Cemetery, Henry Co., AL
+ Micajah Culpepper, 22 Oct 1837 - 6 Jul 1903
+ Nicey Culpepper, 20 Apr 1840 - 22 Feb 1918. - 1840 Federal Census, United States.
Page 163, Ancestry.com images 29-30, Unknown township, Henry Co., AL
Joseph Culpepper, 1 M20-30, 1 F20-30, 0 slaves. - Tombstone.
Mattox Cemetery, Upshur Co., TX
Thomas J. Culpepper, 12 Jan 1845 – 12 Nov 1895. - 1850 Federal Census, United States.
Pages 433B/Line 42 & Page 434A/Lines 1-10, Southern District, Henry Co., AL
Joseph Culpepper, 39, M, Farmer, $3000, SC
Sarah Culpepper, 33, F, SC
Benjamin Culpepper, 15, M, Farmer, AL
Micajah Culpepper, 13, M, AL
Andrew Culpepper, 11, M, AL
Mary A. Culpepper, 9, F, AL
Nancy C. Culpepper, 7, F, AL
Thos. J. Culpepper, 5, M, AL
Lucinda E. Culpepper, 3, F, AL
Sarah A. Culpepper, 1, F, AL
Andrew Culpepper, 6, M, AL, Idiotic
1850 Slave Schedule, Page 814, Henry Co., AL
Joseph Culpepper owned one 40-year-old Black male. - 1860 Federal Census, United States.
Page 133, Lines 8-14, Lawrenceville, Henry Co., AL
Joseph Culpepper, 49, M, Farmer, RE=$4225, PE=$4200, SC
Sarah Culpepper, 43, F, SC
Thomas J. Culpepper, 15, M, AL
Lucinda E. Culpepper, 12, F, AL
Sarah C. Culpepper, 11, F, AL
David A. Culpepper, 6, M, AL
Frances E. Culpepper, 1, F, AL. - 1870 Federal Census, United States.
Page 10, Lines 7-10, 11th Precinct, Abbeville P.O., Henry Co., AL
Joseph Culpepper, 57, M, Wh, Farmer, RE=$2000, PE=$500, SC
Sarah Culpepper, 53, F, Wh, SC
David A. Culpepper, 14, M, Wh, Farm Laborer, AL
Elbert E. Culpepper, 9, M, Wh, AL. - 1880 Federal Census, United States.
ED 87, Page 716B, Lawrenceville, Henry Co., AL
Sarah Culpepper, Self, F, wid, Wh, 63, Keeping House SC/SC/SC
A. B. Culpepper, Son, M, sng, Wh, 19, Farmer, AL/SC/SC.