Culpepper Archives
Rusk County

County History and Geography
In the Piney Woods Region of east Texas, Rusk County was formed in 1843 from Nacogdoches County.
Its county seat, Henderson,
is on US-259, about 21 miles south of I-20 and 140 miles east of Dallas. Rusk is bordered by
the counties of Gregg, Harrison,
Panola, Shelby, Nacogdoches, Cherokee and
Any names
below in red have not been matched
with a person in the Culpepper family tree. If you can identify any of
please let us know.

Census Records
No Culpeppers were found in any Rusk County censuses prior to 1870.
1870 US Census
Sheet/Pg 352, Pg 304, Pct. 1 (06 Oct 1870), Henderson PO, Rusk Co., TX
Frank Kincannon, 24, M, TN, RE=$600, PE=$320, Farmer (#20916)√
Emily Kincannon, 28, F, GA
Zeke Kincannon, 3/12, born-Mar, TX
John Culpepper, 12, M, TX
Elizabeth Culpepper, 9, F, TX
Willie Culpepper, 6, F, TX |
Sheet/Pg 186, Pg 433, Pct. 4 (29 Aug 1870), Henderson PO, Rusk Co., TX
The preceding Sheet/Pg
185 is missing in Ancestry.com and genealogy.com sites and we cannot
find the other family members.
Isabella Phillips, 21, F, GA
Joel W. Phillips, 19, M, GA, Farmer
Erwin L. Phillips, 15, M, TX
Joel Culpepper, 23, M, GA, Farmer (#32444)√ |
Records transcribed by Pat Roberts.
1880 US Census
Culpeppers found |
1890 US Census
burned in Washington |
1900 US Census
ED 79,
Sheets 3A-B, Lines 50-, Henderson, Rusk Co., TX (4 Jun 1900)
Anderson Culpepper, Head, Black, M, Aug 1861, 38,
md-11yrs, TX/SC/GA, Farmer (#41798)√
Fanny Culpepper, Wife, Black, F, Feb 1872, 28,
md-11yrs, ch 9/5, TX/GA/GA
Pearl Culpepper, Dau, Black, F, Dec 1892, 7, Sng,
Mary Culpepper, Dau, Black, F, Oct 1894, 5, Sng,
Bud Culpepper, Son, Black, M, Mar 1896, 4, Sng, TX/TX/TX
Gussie Culpepper, Son, Black, M, Jan 1899, 1, Sng,
Anna Culpepper, Dau, Black, F, Apr 1900, 1/12, Sng,
1910 US Census
ED 59,
Sheet 2B, Lines 98-100, Pct 7, Rusk Co., TX (16 Apr 1910)
Ethel Hayes, Head, Black, F, 68,
wid, ch 13/6, AL/SC/AL, Wash woman
Ike Johnson, Grandson, Black, M, 25, sng, TX/TX/TX,
Odd jobs
Anderson Culpepper, Grandson, Black, M, 25, Sng,
TX/TX/TX, Odd jobs (#55856)√
Tommie Patrick, Nephew, Black, M, 17, Sng,
TX/TX/TX, Odd jobs |
ED 59,
Sheets 5B-6A, Lines 100 & 1-5, Pct 7, Rusk Co., TX (20 Apr 1910)
Jim Duffy, Head, Black, M, 76, md-50yrs,
GA/Africa/Africa, Farmer (#55857)√
Sarah W. Duffy, Wife, Black, F, 68, md-50yrs, ch 11/8,
Ida Duffy, Daughter, Black, F, 25, Sng, ch 1/1,
TX/GA/GA, Laborer
John Duffy, Son, Black, M, 23, Sng,
TX/GA/GA, Laborer
Lillie Duffy, Daughter, Black, F, 14, Sng, TX/GA/GA
Minnie Duffy, Daughter, Black, F, 13, Sng, TX/GA/GA
Clifton Duffy, Son, Black, M, 10, Sng,
Wilfut Culpepper, Grandson, Black, M, 2, Sng,
1920 US Census
ED 70,
Sheet 3A, Lines 41-42, Pine Hill, Rusk Co., TX
A. J. Culpepper, Head, M, Black,
40, sng, TX/GA/GA, Farmer (#55856)√
Mary Pitsford, Mother (grandmother), F, Black, 95, widow, GA/TN/GA |
1930 US Census
ED 25,
Sheet 7B, Line 53, Pct 7, Chapman Rd, Rusk Co., TX (12 Apr 1930)
Rents home, Radio=N, Farm=N
Anderson Culpepper, Head, Black, 50, wid, md@45,
TX/TX/TX, Farmer (#55856)√ |

Texas Birth Index,
Department of State Health Services,
Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997 [database online]. Provo, Utah:
MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Original data: Texas. Texas Birth Index,
1903-1997. Microfiche. Texas Department of State Health Services,
Culpepper Mother
Hattie Merle
Culpepper and Sidney Herman Simpson are the parents of Marguerite
Carol Simpson, Female, born __ 1957 in Rusk Co., Texas (#56672)√ |

Military Records
Indigent Families Index
On November
24, 1863, the Texas Legislature passed a Joint Resolution stating that the
government pledged "support and maintenance of [the soldiers'] families
during their absence from home." In accordance with this Resolution, an
"Act to Support the Families and Dependents of Texas Soldiers" passed on
December 15, 1863. The Act set aside $1,000,000 annually to be paid the
"families, widows, and dependents of soldiers currently serving in State
or Confederate forces, or of soldiers killed or disabled in service."
Chief Justices of the counties, on or before March 1 in 1864 and 1865,
submitted lists of servicemen and the number of their dependents eligible
for relief. The County Clerk administered the money distributed to the
county for this purpose.
Source: Texas State Library and Archives Commission Web Site,
Indigent Families Index. Original source: Linda Mearse,
Confederate Indigent Families Lists of Texas 1863-1865
W. Culpepper, Rusk Co., TX
(#20701)√ |
William Culpeper, Rusk Co., TX
(#32435)√ |
World War I Draft
Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Source: National Archives and Records
World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-18
[database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2002. National Archives and
Records Administration. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration
Cards, 1917-1918. M1509, 4,277 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and
Records Administration
Anderson Culpepper,
Pine Hill, Rusk Co., Texas, age 39, born
4 Jul 1879, Negro, Farmer at Pine Hill, Rusk Co., Texas, Nearest relative:
Mary Pittman, Grandmother, Pine Hill, Rusk Co., Texas, Tall height, Slender build,
Black eyes, Black
hair, No disabilities. (x) made his mark, Registered 12 Sep 1918 at
Henderson, Rusk Co.,
Texas. (#55856)√ |
U.S. World
War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
National Archives and Records
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 [database online].
Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Original data: Electronic Army Serial
Number Merged File, 1938-1946 [Archival Database]; World War II Army Enlistment
Records; Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, Record
Group 64; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.
Culpeppers found |

Texas Marriage Collection, 1814-1909 and 1966-2002
Department of State Health Services,
Texas Marriage Collection, 1814-1909 and 1966-2002 [database online]. Provo, Utah:
MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Original data: Texas Marriage Collection, 1814-1909 and 1966-2002. Texas Department of
State Health Services, Texas.
William J. Culpepper
and Emily E. Reese, 10 Sep 1857 (#32435)√ |
Texas Divorce Index,
Department of State Health Services,
Texas Divorce Index, 1968-2002 [database online]. Provo, Utah:
MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Original data: Texas. Texas Divorce Index,
1968-2002. Texas Department of State Health Services,
Culpeppers found |

Land Title Abstracts
Texas General Land Office,
Texas Land Title Abstracts [database online]
Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2000. Original data: Abstracts of all original Texas Land Titles comprising Grants and
Locations. Austin, Texas: , 19--.
Culpeppers found |

Texas Death Index, 1903-2000
Source: Texas
Department of Health.
Texas Death Index, 1903-2000. [database on-line] Provo, UT:
Ancestry.com, 2006. Original electronic data from: Texas Department of Health. Texas Death Indexes, 1903-2000. Austin, TX. Texas Department of Health. State Vital Statistics Unit.
Since all of the Culpeppers of Rusk County in the 1900-1930 censuses were
Black, probably most, if not all, of the following are also Black
Dan Culpepper
died 31 Jan 1942 in Rusk Co., TX, Cert-4452 (#43857)√ |
Ella Culpeper
died 21 Jun 1928 in Rusk Co., TX, Cert-27641
(#55861)√ |
James A Culpepper
died 20 Jan 1959 in Rusk Co., TX, Cert-4922 |
Security Death Index
Source: Social Security
Social Security Death Index
[database on-line]. Provo,
Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2006. All records of deaths on or before 31
Dec 2005 in which
the final benefit was paid or final residence was in this county.
Culpeppers found |

Last Revised:
02 Jan 2015