Culpepper Archives
Panola County

County History and Geography
In the Piney Woods
Region of east Texas, Panola
County was formed in 1846 from Harrison and Shelby
Counties. Its county seat, Carthage,
is on US-96, about 25 miles south of I-20 and 170 miles east of Dallas. Panola is bordered by
the Texas counties of Harrison, Rusk and
Shelby, and the
Louisiana Parishes of De Soto and

Any names
below in red have not been matched
with a person in the Culpepper family tree. If you can identify any of
please let us know. Many of the unidentified names in
Panola County are probably African-American.

Census Records
No Caucasian Culpeppers were found in any Panola
County censuses prior to 1900.
1870 US Census
Page 242,
Lines 1-9, Woods PO, Panola Co., TX (6 Oct 1870)
Anderson Culpepper, 60, M, Black, Works on farm,
PE=$100, GA (#55370)√
Mary Culpepper, 40, F, Black, GA
Alice Culpepper, 18, F, Black, GA
Maranda Culpepper, 15, F, Black, GA
Dora Culpepper, 13, F, Black, GA
Camie Culpepper, 10, F, Black, GA
Rose Culpepper, 8, F, Black, GA
Anderson Culpepper, 6, M, Black, TX
Drucilla Culpepper, 2, F, Black, GA |
1880 US Census
Precinct 8, Page 308B,
Panola Co., TX
Edmond Pitchford, Self, M, M, Black, 60, Farmer, VA/VA/VA
Mary (Culpepper) Pitchford, Wife, F, M, Black, 45, Keeping House, GA/---/GA
Mazilla Culpepper, SDau, F, S, Black, 12, Laborer, TX/VA/GA
Anderson Culpepper, SSon, M, S, Black, 15, Laborer, TX/VA/GA |
1890 US Census
The 1890 census
records burned in Washington. |
1900 US Census
ED 66, Sheet 11A, Pg 69, Pct 2, Gen.com Img 21, Panola
Co., TX
Mrs. C. M. Culpepper, Head, F, May-1850, 50, Wid, Ch 4/3, SC SC
SC (#36268)√
E. C. Culpepper, Son, M, Jul-1876, 23, S, GA AL SC, Farmer
Sarah Sharp, Mother, F, Oct-1817, 82, Wid, Ch 1/1, SC SC SC |
ED 66, Sheet 11A, Pg 69, Pct 2, Gen.com Img 21, Panola
Co., TX
R. F. Culpepper, Head, M, Sep-1869, 30, md-2 yrs, AL AL SC,
Farmer (ID:36269)√
Lena Culpepper, Wife, F, Oct-1874, 25, md-2 yrs, Ch 1/1, TX SC GA
Lorena Culpepper, Daughter, F, Jul-1899, 11/12, S, TX AL TX |
1910 US Census
127, Sheet 6B, Lines 63-67, Pct. 5, Panola Co., TX (22 Apr 1910)
Samuel Dosey, Head, M, Black, 79, md1, MD/MD/MD, Farm
Laborer (#55756)√
Thomas Culpepper, Son-in-law, M, Black, 30, md1-3yrs,
LA/LA/LA, Farmer
Maria Culpepper, Daughter, F, Black, 25, md1-3yrs, ch 2/2,
Willie Culpepper, Grandson, M, Black, 5, sng, LA/LA/LA
Tommy Culpepper, Grandson, M, Black, 9/12, sng, TX/LA/LA |
127, Sheet 7B, Lines 87-91, Pct. 5, Panola Co., TX (25 Apr 1910)
L. C. Culpepper, Head, M, Black, 24, md1-3yrs, LA/LA/LA,
Farmer (#55767)√
Bessie Culpepper, Wife, F, Black, 21, md1-3yrs, ch 2/2,
Noble Culpepper, Son, M, Black, 3, sng, TX/LA/LA
Emma Culpepper, Daughter, F, Black, 0/12, sng, TX/LA/LA
McKinley Edwards, Brother-in-law, M, Black, 14, sng,
127, Sheet 8B, Lines 67-76, Pct. 5, Panola Co., TX (26 Apr 1910)
Clinton Culpepper, Head, M, Black, 40, md1-22yrs,
GA/GA/GA, Farmer (#43730)√
Lizzie Culpepper, Wife, F, Black, 49, md1-22yrs, ch 9/8,
James Culpepper, Son, M, Black, 20, sng, LA/GA/LA
Annie Culpepper, Daughter, F, Black, 19, sng, LA/GA/LA
Thad Culpepper, Son, M, Black, 18, sng, LA/GA/LA
Willis Culpepper, Son, M, Black, 16, sng, LA/GA/LA
Cyrus Culpepper, Son, M, Black, 13, sng, LA/GA/LA
Clyde Culpepper, Son, M, Black, 11, sng, LA/GA/LA
Mary Culpepper, Daughter, F, Black, 9, sng, LA/GA/LA
Bernard L. Culpepper, Son, M, Black, 2, sng, LA/GA/LA |
1920 US Census
162, Sheet 6B, Lines 83-88, Pct. 5, Panola Co., TX (9 Jan 1920)
Tom Culpepper, Head, M, Black, 45, md, TX/TX/TX, Farmer
Maria Culpepper, Wife, F, Black, 37, md, TX/TX/TX
Tommy Culpepper, Son, M, Black, 12, sng, TX/TX/TX
Jullia Culpepper, Daughter, F, Black, 6, sng, TX/TX/TX
Wesley Culpepper, Son, M, Black, 4 1/12, sng, TX/TX/TX
Doll Baby Culpepper, Daughter, F, Black, 1 2/12, sng,
162, Sheet 9B, Lines 88-92, Pct. 5, Panola Co., TX (14 Jan 1920)
William Armstrong, Head, M, Black, 77, md, LA/SC/VA, Farmer
Sally M. Armstrong, Wife, F, Mulatto, 60, sng, TX/LA/LA
Sam Armstrong, Son, M, Mulatto, 18, sng, TX/LA/LA
Leoner Armstrong, Daughter, F, Mulatto, 17, sng, TX/LA/LA
Willie Culpepper, Son, M, Mulatto, 10, sng,
162, Sheet 11A, Lines 40-41, Pct. 5, Panola Co., TX (14 Jan 1920) Willie Culpepper, Head, M,
Mulatto, 24, md, TX/LA/LA, Farmer (#55759)√ Martha Culpepper, Wife, F,
Black, 33, md, LA/LA/LA |
162, Sheet 15B, Lines 67-76, Pct. 5, Panola Co., TX (26 Jan 1920)
Clenton Culpepper, Head, M, Mulatto, 64, md, GA/GA/GA, Farmer
Lizzie Culpepper, Wife, F, Mulatto, 51, md, LA/GA/AL
Bernard L. Culpepper, Son, M, Mulatto, 11, sng, LA/GA/LA
Mary Culpepper, Daughter-in-law, F, Black, 37, wid,
LA/LA/LA (#53760)
Eddie L. Culpepper, Grandson, M, Black, 17, sng, LA/LA/LA
Bannie Culpepper, Grandson, M, Black, 15, sng, LA/LA/LA
Willie Culpepper, Grandson, M, Black, 11, sng, LA/LA/LA
Eddie Culpepper, Granddaughter, F, Black, 4 2/12, sng,
Jessie Culpepper, Grandson, M, Black, 4 2/12, sng,
Cleaveland Culpepper, Grandson, M, Black, 1 1/12, sng,
1930 US Census
ED 13, Page 7B, Lines
94-100, Pct. 5, Panola Co., Texas (15 Apr 1930)
Rents Home, Radio=N, Farm=Y
Thomas Culpeper, Head, M, Black, 49, md@30, LA/GA/GA, Farmer
Myrie Culpepper, Wife, F, Black, 46, md@29, LA/LA/LA
Wesley Culpepper, Son, M, Black, 15, sng, TX/LA/LA, Farm Laborer
Minnie C. Culpepper, Daughter, F, Black, 10, sng, TX/LA/LA
Samuel J. Culpepper, Son, M, Black, 7, sng, TX/LA/LA
Curtis Culpepper, Son, M, Black, 3 2/12, sng, TX/LA/LA
Harvey Culpepper, Son, M, Black, 1 6/12, sng, TX/LA/LA |
ED 13, Page 8A, Lines 1-4,
Pct. 5, Panola Co., Texas (15 Apr 1930)
Rents Home, Radio=N, Farm=Y
Clinton C. Culpeper, Head, M, Black, 60, Div, GA/GA/GA, Farmer
Wesley Culpepper, Son, M, Black, 30, wid, LA/GA/LA, Farm Laborer
Minard L. Culpepper, Son, M, Black, 22, sng, TX/TX/GA
Brady Culpepper, Grandson, M, Black, 7, sng, TX/LA/TX |
ED 13, Page 11B, Lines
68-71, Pct. 5, Panola Co., Texas (22 Apr 1930)
Rents Home, Radio=N, Farm=Y
Tommie Culpepper, Head, M, Black, 21, md@19, TX/LA/LA, Farmer
Mamy Culpepper, Wife, F, Black, 20, md@18, TX/TX/TX
Tommie M. Culpepper, Daughter, F, Black, 1 10/12, sng,
M. Tommie Culpepper, Son, M, Black, 3/12, sng, TX/TX/TX |
ED 13, Page 12B, Lines
73-78, Pct. 5, Panola Co., Texas (23 Apr 1930)
Rents Home, Radio=N, Farm=Y
Jim Culpepper, Head, M, Black, 47, md@23, LA/LA/LA, Farmer
Mary Culpepper, Wife, F, Black, 48, md@19, LA/LA/LA
Jessie Culpepper, Son, M, Black, 15, sng, TX/LA/LA, Farm Laborer
Cleavland Culpepper, Son, M, Black, 11, sng, AR/LA/LA
Willie Thomas, StepSon, M, Black, 21, sng, LA/LA/LA, Farmer
Cora Thomas, Granddaughter, F, Black, 5, sng, TX/LA/TX |

Texas Birth Index,
Calvin James Culpeper, Male, born __ 1949 in Panola Co.,
Texas, child of Jessie Culpeper and Helen Hasket (#46687)√ |
Carrie Louise Culpepper, Female, born __ 1943 in Panola Co.,
Texas, child of Jessie Culpepper and Helen Haskett (#40952)√ |
Clarance Willie
Culpepper, Male, born __ 1936 in Panola Co., Texas, child of
Wesley Culpepper and Ruby Harris (#55781)√ |
Clifton Culpepper,
Male, born 3 Sep 1935 in Panola Co., Texas, child of Willie Culpepper
and Olie Walker (#54371)√ (deceased) |
Eller Ree Culpepper,
Female, born __1935 in Panola Co., Texas, child of Jessie Culpepper
and Elzra Byrd (#53763)√ |
Ex Culpepper, Male, born
__ 1945 in Panola Co., Texas,
child of Jessie Culpepper and Helen Hasket (#53765)√ |
Fannie Culpepper, Female, born
__ 1933 in Panola Co., Texas,
child of Tommie Culpepper and Mammie Macrite (#55783)√ |
Harvey Culpepper,
Male, born __1928 in Panola Co., Texas, child of Tom Culpepper and
Maria Daisey (#55765)√ |
Helen Clara Culpepper, Female, born
__ 1947 in Panola Co.,
Texas, child of Jessie Culpepper and Hellen Haskett (#40953)√ |
Imogene Culpepper, Female, born
__ 1938 in Panola Co., Texas,
child of Jessie Lewis Culpepper and Helen Haskett (#40954)√ |
Jimmy Culpepper,
Male, born __ 1946 in Panola Co., Texas, child of Clyde Culpepper
and Nellene Pryor (#55778)√ |
Mandy Pearl Culpeper
(2-p), Female, born 16 Mar 1934 in Panola Co., Texas, child of Katie
Nervis (African-American) |
Rosie May Culpepper, Female, born
__ 1941 in Panola Co.,
Texas, child of Jessie Culpepper and Helen Culpepper (#53764)√ |
William Culpepper, Male, born
__ 1951 in Panola Co., Texas,
child of Jessie Culpepper and Hellen Haslin (#53766)√ |
Willie B. Culpepper, Male, born
__ 1931 in Panola Co., Texas,
child of Tom Culpepper and Mamie Johnson (#55775)√ |
Culpepper Mother
Julie (or July or Mamie) Culpeper and Elmore (or Elma) Roberson are
the parents of Mosel Roberson, Female, born __ 1931, an otherwise
unidentified son born 12 Mar 1933, and Marie Roberson, Female, born __
1937, all in Panola Co., Texas (#55761)√ |
Mary Elizabeth Culpepper and Jack Wayne Andres Sr. are the parents
of Micah Brent Andres, Male, born 28 Aug 1965 in Panola Co., Texas
They reside in Logansport, DeSoto Parish, Louisiana |
Minnie C Cullpepper and F S Blackshire are the parents of Minnie
Nell Blackshire, Female, born __ 1943 in Panola Co., Texas (#55761)√ |
Ruthy Culpepper and Jim Hooker are the parents of twin girls,
Jammie Lee Hooker, born 9 Feb 1930, and Ruthy Mae Hooker, born 10 Feb
1930, in Panola Co., Texas |

Military Records
World War I Draft
Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Source: National Archives and Records
World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-18
[database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2002. National Archives and
Records Administration. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration
Cards, 1917-1918. M1509, 4,277 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and
Records Administration
Cyrus Culpepper, RFD#2, Tenaha (Shelby Co.), Texas, born
19 Mar 1897 in Mansfield (DeSoto Parish), Louisiana. Father's
birthplace: Atlanta, Georgia. Employer: Clenton Culpepper, Tenaha,
Texas. Nearest relative: Clenton Culpepper, Teneha, Texas. Race: Negro.
Medium height, Medium build, Brown eyes, Black
hair, No disabilities. Registered 5 Jun 1918 at Carthage, Panola Co.,
Texas. (#52039)√ |
Clyde Culpepper,
Rt #2, Tenaha, Panola Co., Texas, 19, born 19 Jan 1899, Negro, Farming
for Mr. Tom Hill in Tenaha, Shelby Co., Texas. Nearest Relative: Clinton
Culpepper, Rt #2, Tenaha, Panola Co., Texas. Height, build, color of
eyes and hair not specified. No disabilities. Registered (made his mark)
12 Sep 1918, Carthage, Panola Co., TX (#55390)√ |
Edward Clayton Culpepper,
Midyett, Panola Co., Texas, 43, born 13 Jul 1875, White, Teacher at
Teneha, Panola Co., Texas; Nearest relative: Lela Mae Culpepper, Teneha,
Panola Co., Texas. Medium height, medium build, Brown hair, blue eyes,
no disabilities. Registered 12 Sep 1918, Carthage, Panola Co., TX
(#35993)√ |
Willis Culpepper,
24, Rt #2, Tenaha, Panola Co., Texas. Born 6 Sep 1892 in Mansfield,
Louisiana; Works as farmer for J. A. Hood in Wood, Texas. Single;
African; No prior military service; Claims no exemption from service;
Tall height, tall build, brown eyes, black hair, not bald, no
disabilities. Registered 5 Jun 1917 in Carthage, Panola Co., TX.
(#55389)√ |
U.S. World
War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
National Archives and Records
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 [database online].
Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Original data: Electronic Army Serial
Number Merged File, 1938-1946 [Archival Database]; World War II Army Enlistment
Records; Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, Record
Group 64; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.
Cleveland Culpepper, Black, born 1918 in Arkansas; Resides in Panola Co.,
TX; Enlisted 28 Sep 1942 at Shreveport, LA in the US Army
as a
Private; Education: 3 years of high school; Occupation: Medical
Equipment Maintenance Technician, Single, with dependents; Height: 68
in., Weight: 160 (#53761)√ |
Clyde Culpeper, Black, born 1899 in Louisiana; Resides in Panola Co., TX;
Enlisted 3 Nov 1942 at Tyler, TX in the US Army as a Private;
Education: Grammar school; Occupation: Automobile Serviceman, Single,
with dependents, Height: 72, Weight: 168 (#55390)√ |
Curtis Culpepper, Black, born 1924 in Texas; Resides in Panola Co., TX;
Enlisted 30 Oct 1943 at Tyler, TX in the US Army as a Private;
Education: Grammar school; Occupation: Tractor or Truck Driver, Single;
Height: unk, Weight: unk (#52038)√ |

Texas Marriage Collection, 1814-1909 and 1966-2002
Annie Culpepper
married Gus Flake on 24 Nov
1910 in Panola Co., TX, Book I, p. 250 |
Caroline Culpepper
married Joe
Alexander on 27 Mar 1878 (license issued) in Panola Co., TX, Book D, p. 885 |
Carolyn C. Culpepper,
38, married Ronald J. Mommaerts, 40, on 22 Nov 1974 in Panola Co., TX |
Dollie Culpepper
married S. H. Lowrie on 10 Oct 1900 in Panola Co., TX, Book G, p. 64 |
Edward C. Culpepper
married Lela Craig on 13 Apr 1902 in Panola Co., TX, Book G, p.
304 (#35993)√ |
L. C. Culpepper
married Bessie McGee on 16 Apr 1908 in Panola Co., TX, Book H, p. 528 (#55768)√ |
Madora Culpepper
married Charley
Davis on 19 Feb 1874 in Panola Co., TX, Book D, p. 986 |
married Ed Pittman on 7
Oct 1877 in Panola Co., TX, Book D, p. 907 (#43855)√ |
Robert F. Culpepper
married Lena Pruitt on 24 Apr 1898 in Panola Co., TX, Book F, p.
407 (#36269)√ |
married David Ross on 19 Feb 1880 in Panola Co., TX, Book D, p. 830 (#55375)√ |
married Mariah
Dorsey on 29 Sep 1907 in Panola Co., TX, Book H, p. 470 (#55758)√ |
Texas Divorce Index,
Department of State Health Services,
Texas Divorce Index, 1968-2002 [database online]. Provo, Utah:
MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Original data: Texas. Texas Divorce Index,
1968-2002. Texas Department of State Health Services,
Culpeppers found |

Land Title Abstracts
Texas General Land Office,
Texas Land Title Abstracts [database online]
Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2000. Original data: Abstracts of all original Texas Land Titles comprising Grants and
Locations. Austin, Texas: , 19--.
Culpeppers found |

Texas Death Index, 1903-2000
Source: Texas
Department of Health.
Texas Death Index, 1903-2000. [database on-line] Provo, UT:
Ancestry.com, 2006. Original electronic data from: Texas Department of Health. Texas Death Indexes, 1903-2000. Austin, TX. Texas Department of Health. State Vital Statistics Unit.
Ellen Culpepper
died 18 Jan 1930 in Panola Co., TX, 4587 |
Jim Culpepper
died 5 Aug 1931 in Panola Co., TX, 59706 (#53759)√ |
M. T. Culpeper
died 26 Apr 1930 in Panola Co., TX, 20522 (#55773)√ |
Mary Culpepper
died 29 Apr 1928 in Panola Co., TX, 18240 |
Tom Culpeper
died 19 Apr 1951 in Panola Co., TX (#55758)√ |
Tommie Culpepper
died 23 May 1938 in Panola Co., TX, 24790 (#55772)√ |
William Culpepper
died 13 Feb 1951 in Panola Co., TX (#53766)√ |
Security Death Index
Source: Social Security
Social Security Death Index
[database on-line]. Provo,
Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2006. All records of deaths on or before 31
Dec 2005 in which
the final benefit was paid or final residence was in this county.
Culpeppers found |
Panola County Texas Obituaries, 1921 – 1935
Dollie Culpepper,
formerly of Beckville, died 10 Jul 1931, age 83, Sons Ed, of Jefferson,
and Frank (#36268)√ |
Lela Culpepper, sister of Frank, died 1934 |

Langley Cemetery
Ida Culpepper, 1902 – 1903
(unidentified) |
James P. Culpepper, 25 Oct 1841 – 1 Aug 1898
(#5906)√ |
Ollie May Culpepper, 1912 – 1914
(#38207)√ |

Last Revised:
02 Jan 2015 |