Thomas Oglethorpe
Male, #26821, (circa 1746 - )
Father* | John Newman Oglethorpe |
Mother* | Eleanor Middleton |
Birth* | circa 1746 | Thomas was born circa 1746. |
Deed* | 7 Feb 1769 | He was party to a deed on 7 Feb 1769 at South Carolina Thomas Oglethorpe, 100 acres on the waters of the Santee. Single males oftened petiioned for land in their own right, even though they were living with their parents. They were entitled to 100 acres on their own, but only 50 acres, as a member of their parents' household.1 |
Last Edited | 25 Jan 2004 |
- Brent H. Holcomb, compiler, Petitions for Land from the South Carolina Council Journals, Vol I: 1734/5-1748SC Mag of Ancestral Research.
Vol VI, p. 219.
Richard Osgatharp
Male, #26822, (circa 1748 - )
Name Variation | He was also known as Richard Osgathorpe. | |
Birth* | circa 1748 | Richard was born circa 1748. |
Marriage* | circa 1790 | He married Sarah Penley circa 1790. |
Census* | 1800 | He was listed as a resident in the census report at Burke Co., North Carolina, in 1800. |
Biography* | "Burke County, North Carolina Land Records 1778, Vol. I," by Edith Warren Huggins, mentions Richard Osgatharp. In 1778 he had two land entries: "#256, p.86, Richard Osgatharp, 300 acres on east fork Hunting Creek beginning Rasemus Mays, east on Mordice Sutherlands, including Osgatharp's improvement for complement. Entered 19 Feb 1778." Also: "#939, p.311, Richard Osgatharpe, 300 acres on east fork of Hunting Creek and branch of South fork of Catawba, called Monyes Creek, including Thomson's Gap. Entered 21 October 1778." And: "#204, p.69, Rasmous Mays, 640 acres east of Hunting Creek afreeable to conditional line between John Hardin, Richard Osgothorp, William Wocker, Patrick McFaules and John Jewell. Entered 13 Feb 1778." "Burke County, North Carolina, Land Records 1779-1790, and Important Miscellaneous Records 1777-1800, Vol. II," by Edith Warren Huggins, mentions Richard "Ogatharp" or Osgatharp between 1785 and 1792. "Burke County, North Carolina, Land Records and More Important Miscellaneous Records, 1751-1809, Vol. III," by Edith Warren Huggins, mentions Richard Osgathorpe on several jury lists between 1785 and 1788. "Burke County, North Carolina, Records 1755-1821 (Including Wills Index 1784-1900), Vol. IV," by Edith Warren Huggins, also mentions Richard: "Richard Ozgatharp to Erasmus Mays, 300 a. Hunting Cr. Apr. 10, 1790, ack." And: "p.241: Cleveland Coffee to Joshua Penly, 100 a., May 16, 1793, pr: Rd. Osgatharpe." This is from Burke County Deeds recorded in Court Minutes, 1791-1796, in the book just mentioned. | |
Research note* | 12 Aug 2007 | From Linda Humphrey: Richard was kidnapped from England and sold in the US as an endentured servant. His parents names are currently unknown, but his father was a hat maker in England. This is documented on Erasamus Gaw Osgatharp's Civil War Pension Questionaire (Richard's grandson) as well as in the book "An Osgatharp Descendent" by Betty Foor. It is part of my oral history as well. From Carol Wilk: From the book by Betty Foor "An Osgatharp Descendant" and taken from the copies of those pages sent to me by Coretta Denton, Moss, TN 38575: "The census records of 1800 Burke County, NC show Richard Osgatharp and his wife as being the parents of two boys and three girls. One son John was born in 1801 and the family history states that one more daughter was born after the death of Richard. " "Richard Osgatharp was a Primitive Baptist Preacher. In his book "BURKE" by Edward Pfifer, he mentions Richard as being a delegate from the Catawba Church to a meeting of the Yadkin Association of Baptist Churches. "It is believed that the Osgatharp family left North Carolina sometime after 1805 and moved to Kentucky, where Richard and his wife died." "Richard was kidnapped in London and brought to NC at the age of 11 or 12 and sold to a planter to serve till he was 21 years old. When the Rev. War broke out he enlisted with his Master and served 5 years. He then went back and served 1 year. He served in all 6 years of the Rev. Richard was wounded at the Battle of Brandywine,and was in the hospital for 12 months. After he had served 6 years inthe war against England, he decided he would never go back, and just make his home in America. My Great Grandparent was a hat maker by trade." Quoted from son [Erasmus G. Osgatharp's Civil War Record 1922]. Richard Osgathorp was paid 4 pounds, 14 shillings, 6 pence for his Rev. War service for North Carolina. He was paid by David MILLER , Entry Taker for Rutherford County, NC. [Info from RW pay voucher copies in my possession-Carol W] "Burke county, NC, November 18, 1805. It appears from a Receipt of the Treasurer in this office, that Richard Osgatharp has paid the Purchase-Money for an Entry of Land of One hundred Acres in the County of Burke which Entry is No. 4789" [ the rest is unreadable-Carol ] Marriage 1 First Wife Of RICHARD Married: BEF. 1788 Marriage 2 PENLEY Married: BEF. 1789 in North Carolina Children Richard OSGATHORPE , Jr. b: ABT. 1789 John OSGATHORPE b: 30 JAN 1800 in Burke County, NC Sources: Title: NC, Dept. of Cultural Resources, Division of Archives and History Author: State of North Carolina Publication: Certified Copy citing Revolutionary Army Accounts in Manuscript Repository: Note: State of NC, Division of Archives & History; Carol Wilkerson files Call Number: Volume IX, Page 118, Folio 4 Media: Official Document Title: OSGATHARP, Erasmus: CW Veteran Questionnaires TN Author: John Trotwood Moore, Compiler; Colleen Elliot & Louise Moxley, Editors Publication: PP 1672-1674; 1985; Five volume set Note: I recieved copies from Harold MCLERRAN. Repository: Note: Osgatharp file--Carol Call Number: Media: Book Title: DENTON, Coretta Osgatharp 524 Pine Hill Road, Moss, TN 38575 Author: Betty Foor [ Osgathorpe descendant ] Publication: Non-published Repository: Note: Carol Wilkerson files Call Number: Media: Book.1,2 |
Family | Sarah Penley |
Last Edited | 12 Aug 2007 |
- E-mail written 25 Aug 2001 to from Carol Wilk, e-mail address.
- E-mail written Jul 2007 to Lew Griffin from Linda Humphrey, e-mail address.
David Adams
Male, #26823, (say 1717 - )
Birth* | say 1717 | David was born say 1717. |
Marriage* | He married Sarah (?). |
Family | Sarah (?) | |
Child |
Last Edited | 23 May 2006 |
Sarah (?)
Female, #26824, (say 1719 - )
Married Name | Her married name was Adams. | |
Marriage* | She married David Adams. | |
Birth* | say 1719 | Sarah was born say 1719. |
Family | David Adams | |
Child |
Last Edited | 23 May 2006 |
Thomas Middleton1 
Male, #26825, (26 Jan 1690 - after 18 Jun 1745)
Father* | Edward Middleton |
Mother* | Mary Carter |
Birth* | 26 Jan 1690 | Thomas was born at Denbigh, Denbighshire, Wales, on 26 Jan 1690. |
Marriage* | 23 Nov 1714 | He married Mary Townsend at Aldgate, London, England, on 23 Nov 1714 at age 24. |
Birth of Son | after 1724 | His son John Middleton was born after 1724. |
Birth of Son | after 1724 | His son Benjamin Middleton was born after 1724. |
Will* | 18 Jun 1745 | He made a will at Berkeley Co., South Carolina, on 18 Jun 1745 Will of Thomas Middleton South Carolina In the name of God Amen I Thomas Middleton of Berkley County in the Province aforesaid being very sick and weak of Body but of perfect mind and Memory thanks be to God for the same but calling to Mind the Mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all Men once to Die Do make and Ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following That is to say principally and first of all I recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it, and my Body ito the Earth to be buried in a Decent and Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection to Receive the same by the Almighty Power of God and touching such worldly Goods wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this Life, I bequeath of the same in manner and form following Imprimis My Will and desire is that all my Just Debts and funeral expences be paid as soon as Conveniently can be after my decease Item my Will and desire is that my Plantation and Tract of Land whereon I now live Containing four hundred Acres of Land and commonly known & called by the Name of the Rocks as also one other plantation or Tract of Land Joining on Mr. William Green land and Mr. James McKelvie containing 650 Acres; be both sold as soon as possible after my Decease and the Money Arising by the Sale of the said Lands to be appropriated towards the payment of my just Debts by my Executors hereafter named Item I give and bequeath to my son John Middleton his Heirs and Assigns for ever one Negro man named Jack to his or their own proper Use and behoof for Ever Item I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter Elizabeth her heirs or assigns one Negro man named Scipio to her or their heirs Lawfully begotten or Assigns for Ever to be possessed and Enjoyed by my said Daughter Elizabeth Middleton at the age of Twenty One Years or day of marriage Item I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter Anne Middleton her heirs or assigns One Negro MMan name Primus to her or their heirs Lawfully Begotten or their assigns for Ever to be possessed and enjoyed by my said Daughter at the Age of Twenty One Years or day of Marriage Item I Give and Bequeath to my son Benjamin Middleton his heirs or Assigns One Negro Man Named Jofee to him his heirs Lawfully Begotten or Assigns for Ever to be Possessed and Enjoyed by my said Son Benjamin at the age of Twenty one Years Item I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter Eleanore Oglethorpe wife of John Newman Oglethorpe five Cows and Calves together with their Increase to be possessed and Enjoyed by my said Daughter Elenore and the Issue of her Body Lawfully Begotten for Ever to her and their proper Benefit and Behoof, & to no other Person or Persons whoever Item I give unto my Daughter Ann Wife of Joseph Yates the sum of one Shilling Sterling in full Consideration of any part or parcell of my Interest to be paid to her or her assigns by any one of my Executors hereafter named Item I give and bequeath unto my four Children John Middleton Elizabeth Anna Middleton and Benjamin Middleton all the rest and Residue of my Estate not herein bequeathed both Real and Personal of what kind or quality soever or wheresoever the same may be equally divided between the said John Elizabeth Ann and Benjamin and to be possessed by them or their Heirs when they shall arrive at the Age of twenty one Years or day of Marriage to them their Heirs or Assigns for Ever And my Will is that if any of my four Children, John, Elizabeth, Ann, or Benjamin shall died before they come to the Age of twenty-one Years or have Issue of their Body Lawfully Begotten that his or their part shall be equally Divided between the survivors Lastly I do hereby Constitute Appoint my Son John Middleton and my freinds James McKelvie and Sampson Ball Executors of this my last Will and Testament, and I do hereby utterly disallow / revoke and Disannull all and every other former Wills Testaments or Bequests whatever Ratifying this and no other to be my last Will and Testament IN WITNESS whereof I ahve hereunto set my hand and Seal this 18th of June 1745. Thomas (X his mark) Middleton (Seal) The within written Will was Signed Sealed Published Pronounced Declared and Annexed by the within Testator to be his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us: James Carin John Lawson Willm Smith This will was proved by Virtue of a Dedimus before Thomas Monck to him Directed the 19th February 1746 by the Oaths of John Garin and John Lawson Recorded 13th March 1746 Recorded in Will Book 1740-1747 Page 374.2,3 |
Death* | after 18 Jun 1745 | He died at Berkeley Co., South Carolina, after 18 Jun 1745. |
Family | Mary Townsend | |
Children |
Charts | LWG / Clarissa Eugenia Culpepper Griffin (Lew Griffin's gtgm): Ancestral Chart |
Last Edited | 16 Jan 2019 |
- Beth Bland Middleton, The Middleton Family (Including Myddelton and Myddleton), B. B. Middleton, 728 Oglethorpe Avenue, St. Simon's Island, GA 31522: The Jessup [GA] Sentinel Press, 1972.
- Beth Bland Middleton, The Middleton Family (Including Myddelton and Myddleton), B. B. Middleton, 728 Oglethorpe Avenue, St. Simon's Island, GA 31522: The Jessup [GA] Sentinel Press, 1972.
Pages 126 - 127. -
Mary Townsend 
Female, #26826, (circa 1700 - before 1745)
Birth* | circa 1700 | Mary was born circa 1700. |
Marriage* | 23 Nov 1714 | She married Thomas Middleton at Aldgate, London, England, on 23 Nov 1714. |
Married Name | 23 Nov 1714 | As of 23 Nov 1714, her married name was Middleton. |
Birth of Son | after 1724 | Her son John Middleton was born after 1724. |
Birth of Son | after 1724 | Her son Benjamin Middleton was born after 1724. |
Death* | before 1745 | She died before 1745. |
Family | Thomas Middleton | |
Children |
Charts | LWG / Clarissa Eugenia Culpepper Griffin (Lew Griffin's gtgm): Ancestral Chart |
Last Edited | 9 Jul 1999 |
Ann Middleton1
Female, #26827, (circa 1722 - )
Father* | Thomas Middleton |
Mother* | Mary Townsend |
Birth* | circa 1722 | Ann was born circa 1722. |
Marriage* | circa 1742 | She married Joseph Yates circa 1742. |
Married Name | circa 1742 | As of circa 1742, her married name was Yates. |
Family | Joseph Yates |
Last Edited | 23 Feb 2002 |
- Beth Bland Middleton, The Middleton Family (Including Myddelton and Myddleton), B. B. Middleton, 728 Oglethorpe Avenue, St. Simon's Island, GA 31522: The Jessup [GA] Sentinel Press, 1972.
Joseph Yates
Male, #26828, (circa 1720 - )
Birth* | circa 1720 | Joseph was born circa 1720. |
Marriage* | circa 1742 | He married Ann Middleton circa 1742. |
Family | Ann Middleton |
Last Edited | 9 Jul 1999 |
John Middleton1
Male, #26829, (after 1724 - )
Father* | Thomas Middleton |
Mother* | Mary Townsend |
Birth* | after 1724 | John was born after 1724. |
Last Edited | 3 Sep 2001 |
- Beth Bland Middleton, The Middleton Family (Including Myddelton and Myddleton), B. B. Middleton, 728 Oglethorpe Avenue, St. Simon's Island, GA 31522: The Jessup [GA] Sentinel Press, 1972.
Benjamin Middleton1
Male, #26830, (after 1724 - )
Father* | Thomas Middleton |
Mother* | Mary Townsend |
Birth* | after 1724 | Benjamin was born after 1724. |
Last Edited | 2 Mar 2000 |
- Beth Bland Middleton, The Middleton Family (Including Myddelton and Myddleton), B. B. Middleton, 728 Oglethorpe Avenue, St. Simon's Island, GA 31522: The Jessup [GA] Sentinel Press, 1972.
Elizabeth Middleton1
Female, #26831, (after 1724 - )
Father* | Thomas Middleton |
Mother* | Mary Townsend |
Birth* | after 1724 | Elizabeth was born after 1724. |
Last Edited | 2 Mar 2000 |
- Beth Bland Middleton, The Middleton Family (Including Myddelton and Myddleton), B. B. Middleton, 728 Oglethorpe Avenue, St. Simon's Island, GA 31522: The Jessup [GA] Sentinel Press, 1972.
Hanna Middleton1,2
Female, #26832, (say 1733 - )
Father* | Thomas Middleton |
Mother* | Mary Townsend |
Birth* | say 1733 | Hanna was born say 1733.2 |
Married Name | 11 Jun 1750 | As of 11 Jun 1750, her married name was Griffith.3 |
Marriage* | 11 Jun 1750 | She married David Griffith at South Carolina on 11 Jun 1750.3,4 |
Family | David Griffith |
Last Edited | 8 Jan 2017 |
- Beth Bland Middleton, The Middleton Family (Including Myddelton and Myddleton), B. B. Middleton, 728 Oglethorpe Avenue, St. Simon's Island, GA 31522: The Jessup [GA] Sentinel Press, 1972.
has "Anna." - Hunting For Bears, comp.. South Carolina Marriage Index, 1641-1965 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2005.
Original data: South Carolina marriage information taken from various sources. Many of these records were extracted from copies of the original records in microfilm, microfiche, or book format, located at the Family History Library. -, Public Member Trees, Neil, Alice_vanderlinden.
- Hunting For Bears, comp.. South Carolina Marriage Index, 1641-1965 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2005.
Original data: South Carolina marriage information taken from various sources. Many of these records were extracted from copies of the original records in microfilm, microfiche, or book format, located at the Family History Library.
(Record says "Orangeburg District," but that was not formed until 1769).
John Newman Oglethorpe Jr.
Male, #26833, (circa 1774 - after 1 Jun 1840)
Father* | John Newman Oglethorpe |
Mother* | Hannah Adams |
Birth* | circa 1774 | John was born circa 1774. |
Marriage* | say 1799 | He married First Wife Kendrick say 1799. |
Birth of Son | circa 1800 | His son Thomas Oglethorpe was born circa 1800. |
Birth of Son | say 1812 | His son Burrell Kendrick Oglethorpe was born say 1812. |
Census | 1816 | He was listed as a resident in the census report at Clarke Co., Alabama, in 1816. |
Marriage* | circa 1820 | He married Elizabeth (?) at Clarke Co., Alabama, circa 1820. |
Birth of Son | circa 1827 | His son Jones Oglethorpe was born circa 1827 at Marengo Co., Alabama. |
Birth of Son | 22 Jun 1829 | His son James M. Oglethorpe was born on 22 Jun 1829 at Marengo Co., Alabama.1 |
1830 Census* | 1 Jun 1830 | He was enumerated in the US Census of 1830 on 1 Jun 1830 at Marengo Co., Alabama. In 1830 John had two sons aged 0-5, and two sons aged 5-10. He also had a daughter aged 10-15. He was aged 50-60, and his wife Elizabeth was 40-50.2 |
1840 Census* | 1 Jun 1840 | He was enumerated in the US Census of 1840 on 1 Jun 1840 at Concordia Parish, Louisiana. (In 1840, John had two sons aged 10-15, and two sons aged 15-20. He was 60-70, and his wife was 50-60.)3 |
Death* | after 1 Jun 1840 | He died at Concordia Parish, Louisiana, after 1 Jun 1840. |
Biography* | John was in the 1807 Tax Digest in Wilkes Co, GA. By 1816, he had moved to Clarke County, AL, as he had a land grant there that year (See Old St. Stephens Land Office Records & American State Papers Public Lands Vol. I 1768-1888 by Marilyn Davis Barefield, St. Stephens Ledger B, 20 Aug 1814 to 5 Jul 1817, Book 064: 22 Jan 1816, John N. Oglethorpe, lives in Clarke County, Township 8, Range 4.) There is a power of attorney dated 15 Jun 1820 in Clarke Co., AL, in which a William Kendrick gives John N. Oglethorpe power of attorney to recover profits for him as Trustee of the Estate of Burrell Kendrick. Burrell Kendrick's estate records should be examined. So it would seem that John N. Jr. was married twice, first to a Miss Kendrick, daughter of Burrell Kendrick. He named a son Kendrick Oglethorpe. And John's son Thomas named a son Burrell K. Oglethorpe, apparently for Burrell Kendrick. John's wife in 1820 was named Elizabeth, as she gave consent that year for her daughter Elizabeth to marry. She is presumed by this writer to have been his second wife, although that is not entirely clear. By her John apparently had four additional sons in the 1820's, two of whom were James M., and Jones. The other two have not yet been identified. It is clear that John N. Jr.'s wife in 1830 was younger than he was, and was too young to have been the mother of his eldest children. Also, it seems unlikely that one wife would have had children over a thirty year time span. By 1840 John N. had moved with his family to Concordia Parish, LA, and seems to have died there before 1850. Estate records in Concordia should be checked. |
Family 1 | First Wife Kendrick | |
Marriage* | say 1799 | He married First Wife Kendrick say 1799. |
Children |
Family 2 | Elizabeth (?) | |
Marriage* | circa 1820 | He married Elizabeth (?) at Clarke Co., Alabama, circa 1820. |
Children |
Last Edited | 24 Jul 2002 |
- Judy Allen, compiler, Allen and Related Families, Ancestry World Tree (online family tree), July 2002.
Judy's source was Edith Holbrook Oglethorpe, wife of Murff Oglethorpe (deceased) who got her information from Alta Amelia Murff Oglethorpe from a family letter. - Page 351.
- Page 172.
Sarah Penley
Female, #26834, (circa 1768 - )
Birth* | circa 1768 | Sarah was born circa 1768. |
Marriage* | circa 1790 | She married Richard Osgatharp circa 1790. |
Married Name | circa 1790 | As of circa 1790, her married name was Osgatharp. |
Census* | 1810 | She was listed as a resident in the census report at Burke Co., North Carolina, in 1810. |
Family | Richard Osgatharp |
Last Edited | 12 Aug 2007 |
Thomas Oglethorpe
Male, #26835, (circa 1800 - circa 1839)
Father* | John Newman Oglethorpe Jr. |
Mother* | First Wife Kendrick |
Birth* | circa 1800 | Thomas was born circa 1800. |
Marriage* | 19 Sep 1825 | He married Mary Varner at Marengo Co., Alabama, on 19 Sep 1825.1 |
Birth of Son | circa 1826 | His son William Henry Oglethorpe was born circa 1826 at Alabama. |
1830 Census* | 1 Jun 1830 | He was enumerated in the US Census of 1830 on 1 Jun 1830 at Marengo Co., Alabama. In 1830 Thomas had two sons aged 0-5. He and his wife were both 20-30..2 |
Birth of Son | circa 1830 | His son John Oglethorpe was born circa 1830 at Alabama. |
Birth of Son | circa 1832 | His son Thomas Oglethorpe Jr. was born circa 1832 at Alabama. |
Birth of Son | circa 1835 | His son Burrell Kendrick Oglethorpe was born circa 1835 at Alabama. |
Death* | circa 1839 | He died at Catahoula Parish, Louisiana, circa 1839. |
Family | Mary Varner | |
Marriage* | 19 Sep 1825 | He married Mary Varner at Marengo Co., Alabama, on 19 Sep 1825.1 |
Children |
Last Edited | 21 Jul 2002 |
- As submitted by Sue Badeaux James Ford, "The Ford Family History", Winn Parish, LA Genealogical Journal.
She married Thomas Oglethorpe, and he died. She then married a Mr. Jones and she died in 1867. She had six children by Oglethorpe. All of them, I think, are dead. The whole family died in Catahoula Parish, Louisiana. - Page 345.
Mary Varner
Female, #26836, (circa 1807 - 1867)
Father* | John Varner |
Mother* | Elizabeth Cooper |
Birth* | circa 1807 | Mary was born at Tennessee circa 1807. |
Marriage* | 19 Sep 1825 | She married Thomas Oglethorpe at Marengo Co., Alabama, on 19 Sep 1825.1 |
Married Name | 19 Sep 1825 | As of 19 Sep 1825, her married name was Oglethorpe.1 |
Birth of Son | circa 1826 | Her son William Henry Oglethorpe was born circa 1826 at Alabama. |
1830 Census* | 1 Jun 1830 | Mary was probably a free white female, age 20 and under 30, in an unknown person 's household, on the 1830 Census at Marengo Co., Alabama. In 1830 Thomas had two sons aged 0-5. He and his wife were both 20-30..2 |
Birth of Son | circa 1830 | Her son John Oglethorpe was born circa 1830 at Alabama. |
Birth of Son | circa 1832 | Her son Thomas Oglethorpe Jr. was born circa 1832 at Alabama. |
Birth of Son | circa 1835 | Her son Burrell Kendrick Oglethorpe was born circa 1835 at Alabama. |
Death of Father | 1 Apr 1836 | Her father John Varner died on 1 Apr 1836 at Marengo Co., Alabama.3 |
Deed* | 4 Jun 1839 | She was granted a deed on 4 Jun 1839 State of Louisiana Parish of Catahoula Before me the undersigned Judge in and for the Parish of Catahoula, State aforesaid and the two subscribing witnesses on the 4th day of June A.D. 1839 personally came and appeared Richard Usery of said Parish, who declared that he does by these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey to Mary Oglethorp and her children, Henry Oglethorp, John Oglethorp, Thomas Oglethorp, Burrel Oglethorpe, Mary Elizabeth Oglethorpe and Nancy Oglethorpe, heirs of Thomas Oglethorpe, decd. in the proportion one moiety or equal undivided half to each to wit: One half to the said Mrs. Oglethorpe and the other half to the said children, the following described tract or parcel of land situated and being in the Parish aforesaid and constituting the North West Quarter of Section number Twenty Five in Township number Nine of Range number One East containing One Hundred and Sixty acres and 4/100 per receivers receipt No. 2104. To have and to hold to them the said Mrs. Oglethorpe and the said heirs of the aforesaid Thomas Oglethorpe the said tract or parcel of land with all the benefits, privileges and advantages thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining to their only proper use, benefit and behoof forever. This sale is made for and in consideration of the sum of Six Hundred and Twenty Five dollars, which I acknowledge to have received in full from the said Oglethorpe in his life time and from his widow since his deathand make this conveyance according to my written obligation to the said Thomas Oglethorpe to make a title to him or his heirs when the price aforesaid is fully paid. This sale is accepted on the part of the said minor children by the said Mrs. Oglethorpe, the natural Tutrix and accepts the same for herself. In faith whereof the said parties subscribe their names to this act in presence of the undersigned witnesses and me the said Judge on the day and date above. WITNESSES Richard Usery David Devore her JoshuaYoung Mary X Oglethorpe mark For herself and her minor children James B. Taliaferro, Parish Judge [Back of document reads] Filed for Record 142 June 4th 1839 Richard Usery James C. Taliaferro to Sale of Land Parish Judge Mary Oglethorpe.4 |
Death of Spouse | circa 1839 | Her husband Thomas Oglethorpe died circa 1839 at Catahoula Parish, Louisiana. |
1840 Census* | 1 Jun 1840 | Mary was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census on 1 Jun 1840 at Catahoula Parish, Louisiana. (In 1840, Mary had one daughter 0-5, two sons 5-10, two sons 10-15, and one male 20-30. She was 30-40.)5 |
Married Name | 13 Mar 1845 | As of 13 Mar 1845, her married name was Jones. |
Marriage* | 13 Mar 1845 | She married John H. Jones at Catahoula Parish, Louisiana, on 13 Mar 1845. |
1850 Census | 1 Jun 1850 | Mary listed as a household member living with John H. Jones on the 1850 Census on 1 Jun 1850 at Catahoula Parish, Louisiana.6 |
Death* | 1867 | She died at Catahoula Parish, Louisiana, in 1867.1 |
Family 1 | Thomas Oglethorpe | |
Marriage* | 19 Sep 1825 | She married Thomas Oglethorpe at Marengo Co., Alabama, on 19 Sep 1825.1 |
Children |
Family 2 | John H. Jones | |
Marriage* | 13 Mar 1845 | She married John H. Jones at Catahoula Parish, Louisiana, on 13 Mar 1845. |
Last Edited | 23 Oct 2011 |
- As submitted by Sue Badeaux James Ford, "The Ford Family History", Winn Parish, LA Genealogical Journal.
She married Thomas Oglethorpe, and he died. She then married a Mr. Jones and she died in 1867. She had six children by Oglethorpe. All of them, I think, are dead. The whole family died in Catahoula Parish, Louisiana. - Page 345.
- As submitted by Sue Badeaux James Ford, "The Ford Family History", Winn Parish, LA Genealogical Journal.
- E-mail written 1999 - 2011 to Lew Griffin from Sue Elizabeth (Smith) Badeaux, 25760 Winter Street, Plaquemine, LA 70764, Phone 225-659-7422, e-mail address.
- Page 53.
- 1850 Federal Census, United States.
Page: 57, Roll: M432_230
William Henry Oglethorpe1
Male, #26837, (circa 1826 - )
Father* | Thomas Oglethorpe |
Mother* | Mary Varner |
Birth* | circa 1826 | William was born at Alabama circa 1826. |
Census* | 1850 | He was listed as a resident in the census report at Catahoula Parish, Louisiana, in 1850. |
Marriage* | 3 Dec 1855 | He married Sarah A. Adams on 3 Dec 1855. |
Birth of Son | circa 1856 | His son Thomas Oglethorpe was born circa 1856. |
Family | Sarah A. Adams | |
Children |
Last Edited | 10 Jan 2002 |
- E-mail written 1999 - 2011 to Lew Griffin from Sue Elizabeth (Smith) Badeaux, 25760 Winter Street, Plaquemine, LA 70764, Phone 225-659-7422, e-mail address.
John Oglethorpe
Male, #26839, (circa 1830 - )
Father* | Thomas Oglethorpe |
Mother* | Mary Varner |
Birth* | circa 1830 | John was born at Alabama circa 1830. |
Marriage* | 9 Aug 1849 | He married Mary S. Duke on 9 Aug 1849. |
Census* | 1850 | He was listed as a resident in the census report at Catahoula Parish, Louisiana, in 1850. |
Family | Mary S. Duke |
Last Edited | 9 Jul 1999 |
Mary S. Duke
Female, #26840, (say 1830 - )
Birth* | say 1830 | Mary was born say 1830. |
Marriage* | 9 Aug 1849 | She married John Oglethorpe on 9 Aug 1849. |
Married Name | 9 Aug 1849 | As of 9 Aug 1849, her married name was Oglethorpe. |
Family | John Oglethorpe |
Last Edited | 5 Aug 2000 |
Thomas Oglethorpe Jr.
Male, #26842, (circa 1832 - )
Father* | Thomas Oglethorpe |
Mother* | Mary Varner |
Birth* | circa 1832 | Thomas was born at Alabama circa 1832. |
Census* | 1850 | He was listed as a resident in the census report at Catahoula Parish, Louisiana, in 1850. |
Marriage* | 9 Nov 1851 | He married Sarah Jones on 9 Nov 1851. |
Birth of Son | say 1855 | His son John W. Oglethorpe was born say 1855. |
Family | Sarah Jones | |
Child |
Last Edited | 23 Oct 2011 |
Sarah Jones
Female, #26843, (say 1834 - )
Birth* | say 1834 | Sarah was born say 1834. |
Marriage* | 9 Nov 1851 | She married Thomas Oglethorpe Jr. on 9 Nov 1851. |
Married Name | 9 Nov 1851 | As of 9 Nov 1851, her married name was Oglethorpe. |
Birth of Son | say 1855 | Her son John W. Oglethorpe was born say 1855. |
Family | Thomas Oglethorpe Jr. | |
Child |
Last Edited | 23 Oct 2011 |
Burrell Kendrick Oglethorpe1
Male, #26844, (circa 1835 - )
Father* | Thomas Oglethorpe |
Mother* | Mary Varner |
Name-Comm | Commonly known as Kendrick Oglethorpe. | |
Birth* | circa 1835 | Burrell was born at Alabama circa 1835. |
Census* | 1850 | He was listed as a resident in the census report at Catahoula Parish, Louisiana, in 1850. |
Marriage* | 8 Mar 1857 | He married Lavinia Elizabeth McLendon at Catahoula Parish, Louisiana, on 8 Mar 1857. |
Birth of Son | circa 1858 | His son Francis Pierce Oglethorpe was born circa 1858 at Louisiana. |
Family | Lavinia Elizabeth McLendon | |
Child |
Last Edited | 23 Oct 2011 |
- E-mail written 1999 - 2011 to Lew Griffin from Sue Elizabeth (Smith) Badeaux, 25760 Winter Street, Plaquemine, LA 70764, Phone 225-659-7422, e-mail address.
Lavinia Elizabeth McLendon
Female, #26845, (say 1836 - )
Birth* | say 1836 | Lavinia was born say 1836. |
Marriage* | 8 Mar 1857 | She married Burrell Kendrick Oglethorpe at Catahoula Parish, Louisiana, on 8 Mar 1857. |
Married Name | 8 Mar 1857 | As of 8 Mar 1857, her married name was Oglethorpe. |
Birth of Son | circa 1858 | Her son Francis Pierce Oglethorpe was born circa 1858 at Louisiana. |
Family | Burrell Kendrick Oglethorpe | |
Child |
Last Edited | 23 Feb 2011 |
Mary Elizabeth Oglethorpe1
Female, #26846, (circa 1837 - )
Father* | Thomas Oglethorpe |
Mother* | Mary Varner |
Birth* | circa 1837 | Mary was born at Alabama circa 1837. |
Census* | 1850 | She was listed as a resident in the census report at Catahoula Parish, Louisiana, in 1850. |
Marriage* | 3 Jan 1856 | She married Isaac D. Adams on 3 Jan 1856. |
Married Name | 3 Jan 1856 | As of 3 Jan 1856, her married name was Adams. |
Family | Isaac D. Adams |
Last Edited | 12 Oct 1999 |
- E-mail written 1999 - 2011 to Lew Griffin from Sue Elizabeth (Smith) Badeaux, 25760 Winter Street, Plaquemine, LA 70764, Phone 225-659-7422, e-mail address.
Isaac D. Adams
Male, #26847, (say 1833 - )
Birth* | say 1833 | Isaac was born say 1833. |
Marriage* | 3 Jan 1856 | He married Mary Elizabeth Oglethorpe on 3 Jan 1856. |
Family | Mary Elizabeth Oglethorpe |
Last Edited | 4 Oct 2000 |
Nancy Oglethorpe
Female, #26848, (circa 1839 - before 1880)
Father* | Thomas Oglethorpe |
Mother* | Mary Varner |
Birth* | circa 1839 | Nancy was born at Catahoula Parish, Louisiana, circa 1839. |
Census* | 1850 | She was listed as a resident in the census report at Catahoula Parish, Louisiana, in 1850. |
Marriage* | 30 Apr 1857 | She married Isaac Harrison Stone at Catahoula Parish, Louisiana, on 30 Apr 1857. |
Married Name | 30 Apr 1857 | As of 30 Apr 1857, her married name was Stone. |
Marriage* | 21 Nov 1866 | She married James White Smith on 21 Nov 1866. |
Married Name | 21 Nov 1866 | As of 21 Nov 1866, her married name was Smith. |
Death* | before 1880 | She died before 1880. |
Family 1 | Isaac Harrison Stone | |
Marriage* | 30 Apr 1857 | She married Isaac Harrison Stone at Catahoula Parish, Louisiana, on 30 Apr 1857. |
Family 2 | James White Smith | |
Marriage* | 21 Nov 1866 | She married James White Smith on 21 Nov 1866. |
Last Edited | 26 Mar 2020 |
Isaac Harrison Stone
Male, #26849, (say 1837 - )
Birth* | say 1837 | Isaac was born say 1837. |
Marriage* | 30 Apr 1857 | He married Nancy Oglethorpe at Catahoula Parish, Louisiana, on 30 Apr 1857. |
Family | Nancy Oglethorpe |
Last Edited | 26 Mar 2020 |
Edward McCoy 
Male, #26850, (circa 1750 - 1802)
Birth* | circa 1750 | Edward was born circa 1750. |
American Revolution* | between 1779 and 1781 | He provided service in the American Revolutionary War between 1779 and 1781 (Records Of The Regiments Of The South Carolina LIne, Continental Establishment, Payroll of the 3rd Regiment for August, September, October 1779, Captain Felix Warley's Company: Edward McKoy, $33.30, signed named with an "X". Served under Francis Marion during Revolutionary War, Pay Indent Book P #317. Stub Entries To Indents, No. 156, Book H: Issued 18 July 1784 to Mr. Edward McCoy for Twenty six pounds Nineteen Shillings Sterling. Beef for Continental use in 1781 acco't audited. Principal L 26..19 (26 pounds, 19 shillings) Interest L 1..17..8 (1 pound, 17 shillings, 8 pence.)1) |
Marriage* | He married Susannah Oglethorpe. | |
Death* | 1802 | He died at Barren Co., Kentucky, in 1802. |
Biography* | Wilhelm Von Hacke Records for Edward McCoy: "Received 10-2-1785 grant for 180 acres transferred to Peter Fitzpatrick by Sheriff 11-3-1796, bounded: NW-William Lloyd, NE-Fulwoods Barony, SE-William McCoy, S-Mill Bay, SW-Dials Bay, SW-Jacob Oter (B,4). Bought from Nathaniel Piggot 2 tracts: 1) granted to Nathaniel Piggot 3-23-1762, 2) granted to Nathaniel Piggot 11-19-1772 on S side of Lynches Creek; sold these (bef. 11-25-1800) to Sutten Truluck (CC,423). Bought from James Welch Sr. 150 acres on Douglas Swamp originally granted to James Welch Sr., then taken by virtue of execution in favor of John Holzendorf and sold by William Ransome Davis, Sheriff of Camden District 1796 (DD,94). 12-6-1785 survey for him for 180 acres on Dials Bay & Mill Bay, bounded: vacant, William McCoy, Jacob Ole? (Ofer), William Loyd (Arch., Plat Bk 17, 131)." ------------------------------------------------ Sumter Deed Book 3/4, S-6408: Edward McCoy, granted 2 Oct 1785, 180 acres on Mill Bay bounded by Fullwood's Barony, Wm Lloyd, Wm McCoy shff Wm R. Davis to Peter Fitzpatrick & Agnes Fitzpatrick to Benj. Lavinder 24 Nov 1803 Wit: Littleton Capel & Thomas R? ------------------------------------------------ Sumter Deed Book B-4, S-642?: Edward McCoy, granted on October 2, 1785 on Mill's Bay sheriff deed To: Peter Fitzpatrick & Agnes Fitzpatrick & ? ------------------------------------------------ INDEX TO STATE GRANTS, SC Dept of Archives & History, Roll ST659: Edward McCoy, Camden District, 180 Acres, Vol. 13 Page 606, October 2, 1786 ------------------------------------------------ John Ratcliff McCoy & Patrick Ratcliff McCoy may be sons of Edward? ------------------------------------------------ On 16 Sep 1817 in Barren Co., KY, a power of attorney issued from David Lock and wife Susannah, late Susannah McCoy, late wife of Edw. McCoy, whose maiden name was Oglethorpe, to Hans Harper to collect the estate of Dr. John Newman Oglethorpe of Camden, SC. (Note: In 1820 Barren Co., KY, a David Locke Sr. & Jr. were listed as head of households.) ------------------------------------------------ Series Number: L10018, Year: 1802, Item: 0211A Date: 1802/06/17 Description: BETHUNE, ANGUS, SURVIVOR OF EDGAR WELLS, OTHERWISE CALLED, EDGAR WELLS AND CO. VS CHARLES PIGGOTT, ADMOR. OF EDWARD MCCOY, JUDGMENT ROLL. (27 PAGES) Names Indexed: BETHUNE, ANGUS/EDGAR WELLS AND CO./WELLS, EDGAR/PIGGOTT, CHARLES/MCCOY, EDWARD.1 |
Family | Susannah Oglethorpe |
Last Edited | 30 Apr 2012 |
- E-mail written 2004 from Tim J. McCoy, e-mail address.