James Robert Nason1
Male, #37503, (say 1869 - )
- Correspondence from Betty Nason "Sage" Culpepper Belt (#7108), Santa Ynes, CA, to Lew Griffin, 1999 (deceased 19 Aug 2006).
Lillian Gibson Stevens1
Female, #37504, (say 1871 - )
Married Name | | Her married name was Nason. |
Marriage* | | She married James Robert Nason. |
Birth* | say 1871 | Lillian was born say 1871. |
- Correspondence from Betty Nason "Sage" Culpepper Belt (#7108), Santa Ynes, CA, to Lew Griffin, 1999 (deceased 19 Aug 2006).
Kazu Jane Yagi1
Female, #37505, (say 1910 - )
- Correspondence from Betty Nason "Sage" Culpepper Belt (#7108), Santa Ynes, CA, to Lew Griffin, 1999 (deceased 19 Aug 2006).
Arthur Elmer Belt M.D.1
Male, #37506, (10 Apr 1893 - )
Biography* | | He earned a bachelor's degree from the University of California, Berkeley in 1916, a master's in 1917 and a doctorate's in 1920. Belt was a member of the first class taught by Herbert McLean Evans. Dr. Belt was associate professor of urology and clinical professor of surgery at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine. Dr. Belt began performing male to female sex change operations after being contacted by Dr. Harry Benjamin. Before the Christine Jorgensen story became headline news, Belt had been quietly performing sex changes for a few years. He performed primarily male-to-female operations but did perform a few female-to-male. Some of his most well known patients were Patricia Morgan, Mario Martino and Aleshia Brevard. After family pressure, Dr. Belt finally ceased performing sex change operations in 1962. Dr. and Mrs. Belt gave some notable collections to Los Angeles-area academic libraries: The Upton Sinclair Collection to the Occidental College Library in 1950 The UCLA Elmer Belt Florence Nightingale Collection to the UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library in 1958 The Elmer Belt Library of Vinciana to the UCLA Arts Library in 1961.2 |
Birth* | 10 Apr 1893 | Arthur was born at Illinois on 10 Apr 1893.3 |
WWI Draft Reg* | 23 May 1917 | He registered for the WW-I draft on 23 May 1917 at San Francisco, San Francisco Co., California.3 |
Marriage* | circa 1918 | He married Mary Ruth Smart circa 1918. |
Birth of Son | 20 May 1919 | His son Charles Elmer Belt was born on 20 May 1919 at California.4 |
Birth of Son | 24 Jul 1926 | His son Bruce Gregory Belt M.D. was born on 24 Jul 1926 at Hollywood, Los Angeles Co., California. |
- Correspondence from Betty Nason "Sage" Culpepper Belt (#7108), Santa Ynes, CA, to Lew Griffin, 1999 (deceased 19 Aug 2006).
- Elmer Belt. (2011, July 9). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 19:09, February 21, 2012, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Elmer_Belt&oldid=438645656.
- National Archives and Records Administration, compiler, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, Online database at Ancestry.com, 2005.
- State of California Department of Health Services / Center for Health Statistics, compiler, California Death Index, 1940-1997, Online database at Ancestry.com, 2000.
- E-mail written 15 Oct 2011 to Warren Culpepper from Jeffrey Belt (s/o # 62711), e-mail address.
Mary Ruth Smart1
Female, #37507, (10 May 1892 - 9 Jan 1983)
- Correspondence from Betty Nason "Sage" Culpepper Belt (#7108), Santa Ynes, CA, to Lew Griffin, 1999 (deceased 19 Aug 2006).
- State of California Department of Health Services / Center for Health Statistics, compiler, California Death Index, 1940-1997, Online database at Ancestry.com, 2000.
- E-mail written 15 Oct 2011 to Warren Culpepper from Jeffrey Belt (s/o # 62711), e-mail address.
James Hurd Gaddy1
Male, #37508, (say 1849 - )
- Correspondence from Betty Nason "Sage" Culpepper Belt (#7108), Santa Ynes, CA, to Lew Griffin, 1999 (deceased 19 Aug 2006).
Martha Frances Bufkin1
Female, #37509, (say 1851 - )
Birth* | say 1851 | Martha was born say 1851. |
Marriage* | | She married James Hurd Gaddy. |
Married Name | | Her married name was Gaddy. |
- Correspondence from Betty Nason "Sage" Culpepper Belt (#7108), Santa Ynes, CA, to Lew Griffin, 1999 (deceased 19 Aug 2006).
Claude Vidalia Culpepper1
Female, #37510, (say 1898 - say 1898)
Birth* | say 1898 | Claude was born at Mississippi say 1898. |
Death* | say 1898 | She died say 1898. |
Biography* | | Claude died at birth or soon after. |
- Correspondence from Betty Nason "Sage" Culpepper Belt (#7108), Santa Ynes, CA, to Lew Griffin, 1999 (deceased 19 Aug 2006).
Bridget Wilford1
Female, #37511, (circa 1520 - )
- E-mail written 1999 to Lew Griffin from Trudy Standridge, e-mail address.
Leonard Digges of Wotton Court, Kent1
Male, #37512, (circa 1520 - )
- E-mail written 1999 to Lew Griffin from Trudy Standridge, e-mail address.
Sir Thomas Digges Knight1,2 
Male, #37513, (1540 - 25 Aug 1595)
AFN* | | His Ancestral File Number is AFN: JR8G-73. |
Birth* | 1540 | Thomas was born at Digges Court, Barham, co. Kent, England, in 1540. |
Marriage* | 1582 | He married Ann St. Leger at co. Kent, England, in 1582. |
Death* | 25 Aug 1595 | He died at St. Mary the Virgin, Aldermanbury, London, England, on 25 Aug 1595. |
Biography* | | Thomas Digges Esq was Muster Master General of the English Forces in the Netherlands 1586-1594 and then for the armies in the Low Countries 1594-96. His son, Sir Dudley Digges was a member of the Virginia Company and a Commissioner of the East India Company and the Muscovy Company. He was also Ambassador to Russia in 1618. This Digges family produced the Digges of VA. From: Trudy Standridge. |
Ann St. Leger1,2 
Female, #37514, (say 1555 - Jan 1636)
AFN* | | Her Ancestral File Number is AFN: JR8G-F4. |
Birth* | say 1555 | Ann was born at Ulcombe, co. Kent, England, say 1555. |
Marriage* | 1582 | She married Sir Thomas Digges Knight at co. Kent, England, in 1582. |
Married Name | 1582 | As of 1582, her married name was Digges. |
Death of Spouse | 25 Aug 1595 | Her husband Sir Thomas Digges Knight died on 25 Aug 1595 at St. Mary the Virgin, Aldermanbury, London, England. |
Death of Father | 1597 | Her father Sir Warham St. Leger died in 1597 at England. |
Death* | Jan 1636 | She died at Chilham, co. Kent, England, in Jan 1636. |
Sir James Wilford1
Male, #37515, (after 1514 - )
Birth* | after 1514 | James was born after 1514. |
Biography* | | Sir James Wilsford of Cranbrook, Kent was Provost Marshall of the English Army in 1547. |
- E-mail written 1999 to Lew Griffin from Trudy Standridge, e-mail address.
Sir Thomas Wilford1
Male, #37516, (after 1534 - )
Birth* | after 1534 | Thomas was born after 1534. |
- E-mail written 1999 to Lew Griffin from Trudy Standridge, e-mail address.
Alice Farnfold1 
Female, #37517, (circa 1570 - 1657)
Birth* | circa 1570 | Alice was born at Steyning, co. Sussex, England, circa 1570. |
Marriage* | 24 Aug 1590 | She married Sir Benjamin Pellett of Bolney, co. Sussex at Steyning, co. Sussex, England, on 24 Aug 1590. |
Married Name | 24 Aug 1590 | As of 24 Aug 1590, her married name was Pellett. |
Will | 7 Jan 1632 | She is mentioned in the will of Elizabeth Farnfold at Bolney, co. Sussex, England, on 7 Jan 1632.2 |
Death of Spouse | 26 Jan 1636 | Her husband Sir Benjamin Pellett of Bolney, co. Sussex died on 26 Jan 1636 at Edburton, co. Sussex, England. |
Death* | 1657 | She died in 1657. |
Joseph Livingston
Male, #37518, (19 Feb 1915 - 30 Apr 2008)
Odie Culpepper1
Male, #37519, (8 Mar 1920 - 10 Oct 1982)
Birth* | 8 Mar 1920 | He was born on 8 Mar 1920 at Camp Springs, Henry Co., Alabama.2,3 |
SSN* | between 1936 and 1950 | His Social Security Number was issued between 1936 and 1950 in Florida.4 |
Marriage* | 5 Aug 1944 | He married Agnes Louise Carnley at Kissimmee, Osceola Co., Florida, on 5 Aug 1944 at age 24.3 |
Death of Father | 6 Mar 1958 | His father Fernie Ederds Culpepper died on 6 Mar 1958 at Columbus, Muscogee Co., Georgia.5 |
Divorce* | Sep 1966 | He and Agnes Louise Carnley were divorced in Sep 1966 at Polk Co., Florida.6 |
Marriage | Jun 1967 | He married Agnes Louise Carnley at Kissimmee, Osceola Co., Florida, in Jun 1967 at age 47.3,7 |
Divorce | Jul 1968 | He and Agnes Louise Carnley were divorced in Jul 1968 at Polk Co., Florida.6 |
Marriage* | say 1969 | He married Hildegard (?) say 1969.3 |
Marriage* | say 1971 | He married Doris (?) say 1971.3 |
Marriage* | 8 Mar 1973 | He married Wilma Beatrice Rahner at Broward Co., Florida, on 8 Mar 1973 at age 53.8 |
Death of Mother | 2 May 1975 | His mother Nancy Clara Hasty died on 2 May 1975 at Dothan, Houston Co., Alabama.4 |
Marriage* | 12 Apr 1979 | He married Linda Darlene Moore at Polk Co., Florida, on 12 Apr 1979 at age 59.9 |
Residence* | Oct 1982 | Odie resided at Sebring, Highlands Co., Florida, in Oct 1982.4 |
Death* | 10 Oct 1982 | He died at Orange Co., Florida, on 10 Oct 1982 at age 62.4,2 |
- Dick Culpepper Records, Warren H. 'Dick' Culpepper, Provo, UT, to Lew Griffin.
- State of Florida Health Department / Office of Vital Records, compiler, Florida Death Index, 1936-1998, Online database at Ancestry.com, 2004.
Odie Culpepper, Cert 87372, Orange Co., FL, White, 08 Mar 1920 - 10 Oct 1982.
- E-mail written Nov 2006 to Warren Culpepper from Linda Carol Culpepper (#54586), Los Angeles, CA, e-mail address.
- U.S. Social Security Administration, compiler, Social Security Death Index (SSDI), Online database at Ancestry.com.
- Georgia Health Department / Office of Vital Records, compiler, Georgia Deaths, 1919-1998, Online database at Ancestry.com, 1998.
Fuirney E. Culpepper, d. 6 Mar 1958 at 70 years in Muscogee Co., GA; Res. in Muscogee Co., GA.
- Florida Department of Health, compiler, Florida Divorce Index, 1927-2001, Online database at Ancestry.com, 2005.
Odie Culpepper and Agnes Louise Culpepper divorced in Sep 1966 in Polk Co., Florida
Odie Culpepper and Agnes Louise Culpepper divorced in Jul 1968 in Polk Co., Florida.
- Jordan R. Dodd & Florida Department of Health, compiler, Florida Marriage Collection, 1822-1875 & 1927-2001, Online database at Ancestry.com, 2006.
- Jordan R. Dodd & Florida Department of Health, compiler, Florida Marriage Collection, 1822-1875 & 1927-2001, Online database at Ancestry.com, 2006.
Wilma Beatrice Rahner Ackerman and Odie Culpepper married 8 Mar 1973 in Broward Co., FL.
- Jordan R. Dodd & Florida Department of Health, compiler, Florida Marriage Collection, 1822-1875 & 1927-2001, Online database at Ancestry.com, 2006.
Odie Culpepper and Linda Moore Finnell married 12 Apr 1979 in Polk Co., FL.
- Coshocton Tribune, Coshocton, Ohio.
Obituary of Linda D. Culpepper, published 8 Apr 2006.
Agnes Louise Carnley1
Female, #37520, (1 Sep 1927 - 21 Jan 2000)
Birth* | 1 Sep 1927 | Agnes was born on 1 Sep 1927.1 |
SSN* | between 1936 and 1950 | Her Social Security Number was issued between 1936 and 1950 in Florida.2 |
Marriage* | 5 Aug 1944 | She married Odie Culpepper at Kissimmee, Osceola Co., Florida, on 5 Aug 1944 at age 16.1 |
Married Name | 5 Aug 1944 | As of 5 Aug 1944, her married name was Culpepper.1 |
Divorce* | Sep 1966 | She and Odie Culpepper were divorced in Sep 1966 at Polk Co., Florida.3 |
Marriage | Jun 1967 | She married Odie Culpepper at Kissimmee, Osceola Co., Florida, in Jun 1967 at age 39.1,4 |
Divorce | Jul 1968 | She and Odie Culpepper were divorced in Jul 1968 at Polk Co., Florida.3 |
Married Name | 24 Jul 1968 | As of 24 Jul 1968, her married name was Cook.1 |
Marriage* | 24 Jul 1968 | She married Leon Cook on 24 Jul 1968 at age 40.1 |
Death of Spouse | 30 Dec 1998 | Her husband Leon Cook died on 30 Dec 1998 at Lake Alfred, Polk Co., Florida.1,2 |
Death* | 21 Jan 2000 | She died at Lake Alfred, Polk Co., Florida, on 21 Jan 2000 at age 72.2 |
- E-mail written Nov 2006 to Warren Culpepper from Linda Carol Culpepper (#54586), Los Angeles, CA, e-mail address.
- U.S. Social Security Administration, compiler, Social Security Death Index (SSDI), Online database at Ancestry.com.
- Florida Department of Health, compiler, Florida Divorce Index, 1927-2001, Online database at Ancestry.com, 2005.
Odie Culpepper and Agnes Louise Culpepper divorced in Sep 1966 in Polk Co., Florida
Odie Culpepper and Agnes Louise Culpepper divorced in Jul 1968 in Polk Co., Florida.
- Jordan R. Dodd & Florida Department of Health, compiler, Florida Marriage Collection, 1822-1875 & 1927-2001, Online database at Ancestry.com, 2006.
Thomas Harvey Morgan Chastain1
Male, #37521, (say 1807 - )
- E-mail written 1999 to Lew Griffin from Ted Chastain, Jacksonville, FL (Ted is a Chastain researcher and welcomes correspondence on this surname.), e-mail address.
Priscilla Margaret Stanaland1
Female, #37522, (say 1809 - )
Married Name | | Her married name was Chastain. |
Name Variation | | She was also known as Prissy. |
Marriage* | | She married Thomas Harvey Morgan Chastain. |
Birth* | say 1809 | Priscilla was born say 1809. |
- E-mail written 1999 to Lew Griffin from Ted Chastain, Jacksonville, FL (Ted is a Chastain researcher and welcomes correspondence on this surname.), e-mail address.
Richard Horsemanden 
Male, #37523, (circa 1555 - 1627)