Texas Culpepper Archives
Victoria County

County History and Geography
In southeastern Texas on the
Coastal Plain about midway between the southern and eastern extremities of
the Texas Gulf Coast, Victoria County was formed in 1836 as an original
Texas County. Victoria, the county's largest town and county seat,
is about 120 miles southwest of Houston, 100 miles southeast of San
Antonio, and 75 miles north of Corpus Christi. Victoria is bordered by the
counties of Lavaca, Jackson,
Calhoun, Refugio,
Goliad and De Witt.

Any names
below in red have not been matched
with a person in the Culpepper family tree. If you can identify any of
please let us know.

Census Records
Caucasian Culpeppers
were found in any Victoria County censuses prior to 1940 and no
African-Americans prior to 1900.
1900 US Census
ED 85,
Sheet 27B, Lines 56-57, Pct.1 Victoria Co., TX (27 Jun 1900)
Robert Culpepper, Head, Black, M, Feb 1855, 45,
md-4yrs, LA/NC/MS, Day Laborer
Mary Culpeper, Wife, Black, F, Nov 1860, 39, md-4yrs,
ch 0/0, TX/VA/UN |
1910 US Census
ED 153,
Sheet 4A, Lines __, Pct.1 Victoria Co., TX (20 Apr 1910)
Mary Culpeper, Head, F, Black, 47, wid, ch 0/0, TX/VA/UN,
(#55376)√ |
1920 US Census
ED 148,
Sheet 2A, Line 28, Pct.1 Victoria Co., TX (3 Mar 1920)
Mary Culpeper, Head, F, Black, 60, wid, TX/TX/TX,
Nurse/Private family
(#55376)√ |
1930 US Census
Culpeppers found |

Texas Birth Index,
Addie Loraine
Culpepper, born __ 1921 in Victoria Co., Texas (#2017)√ |
Bambi Lynette
Culpepper, Female, born __ 1966 in Victoria Co., Texas, child of
John Randall Culpepper and Colleen Haile (#53621)√ |
Devin Lee Culpepper,
Male, born __ 1983 in Victoria Co., Texas, child of Robert H
Culpepper and Carol Ann Beaver (#54367)√ |
Gina Marie Culpepper,
Female, born __ 1983 in Victoria Co., Texas, child of Gene Edward
Culpepper and Beatrice Perez (#39357)√ |
Jade Ayana Culpepper, Female, born
__ 1993 in Victoria Co.,
Texas, child of Tommy Lee Culpepper and Mary Jane Segura
(#53238)√ |
Jeffrey Randal
Culpepper, Male, born __ 1994 in Victoria Co., Texas, child of
Jeffrey Verlon Culpepper and Carma Raynae Kilpatrick (#53625)√ |
Jo Ann Culpepper,
Female, born __ 1965 in Victoria Co., Texas, child of Robert Harold
Culpepper and Lynda Ann Jones
(#54369)√ |
Tashan Lychelle
Culpepper, Female, born __ 1990 in Victoria Co., Texas, child of
Tommy Lee Culpepper and Mary Jane Segura (#53237)√ |
Travis Leland
Culpepper, Male, born __ 1977 in Victoria Co., Texas, child of
Carol Lee Culpepper (#53241)√ |
Verlon Jefferson Culpepper, Male, born
__ 1968 in Victoria
Co., Texas, child of John Randal Culpepper and Colleen Haile
(#53622)√ |
Culpepper Mother
Jo Ann Culpepper
and Robert Lee Rodriguez are the parents of Heather Nicole
Rodriguez, Female, born __ 1985, and Robert Lee Rodriguez Jr., Male,
born __ 1987, both in Victoria Co., Texas (#54369)√ |
Linda Fay
Culpepper and Charles Wayne O'Riley are the parents of Dina Ann
O'Riley, Female, born __ 1972, and Kelly Lynn O'Riley, Female, born __ 1979, both in Victoria Co., Texas
(#39200)√ |
Rebecca Darlene
Culpepper and Robert Garza are the parents of Steven Anthony Garza,
Male, born __ 1980 in Victoria Co., Texas (#39202)√ |
Tammy Lynn
Culpepper and Dennis Lee Mumphord are the parents of Tamara Lynn
Mumphord, Female, born __ 1994 in Victoria Co., Texas
Tammy Lynn Culpepper and Winston Roshell Alford are the parents
of Jordan Isaiah Alford, Male, born __ 1996 in Victoria Co., Texas
(#53234)√ |

Military Records
World War I Draft
Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Source: National Archives and Records
World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-18
[database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2002. National Archives and
Records Administration. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration
Cards, 1917-1918. M1509, 4,277 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and
Records Administration
Alva Joel Culpepper,
Salem, Victoria Co., Texas, age 20, born 26 Jan 1898, White, Farmer for
Geo. Culpepper at Salem, Victoria Co., Texas; Nearest relative: Mary
Culpepper. Tall height, Medium build, Brown eyes, Black hair, no
disabilities. Registered 12 Sep 1918, Victoria, Victoria Co., Texas
(#1903)√ |
Jimmie Nathaniel
Salem, Victoria Co., Texas, age 37, born 21 May 1881, White, Farmer for
self at Salem, Victoria Co., Texas; Nearest relative: Nancy Emerlin
Culpepper. Tall height, Slender build, Gray eyes, Black hair, no
disabilities. Registered 12 Sep 1918, Victoria, Victoria Co., Texas
(#1888)√ |
U.S. World
War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
National Archives and Records
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 [database online].
Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Original data: Electronic Army Serial
Number Merged File, 1938-1946 [Archival Database]; World War II Army Enlistment
Records; Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, Record
Group 64; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.
Culpeppers found |

Texas Marriage Collection, 1814-1909 and 1966-2002
Bambi L Culpepper,
18, married Rick Koenig, 20, on 19 Jan 1985 in Victoria Co., TX
(#53621)√ |
Darrel D Culpepper,
28, married Denise R Gilpatrick, 25, on 19 Dec 1998 in Victoria Co., TX
(#39209)√ |
Edwin R Culpepper,
25, married Pamela A Janacek, 27, on 22 Jul 1976 in Victoria Co., TX
(#25118)√ |
Jeffery V Culpepper,
21, married Carma R Kilpatrick, 22, on 9 May 1990 in Victoria Co., TX
(#53624)√ |
Jimmie L Culpepper,
34, married Mary Mayfield, 31, on 30 Jun 1982 in Victoria Co., TX
(#39197)√ |
Jimmie N Culpepper,
24, married Brenda L Dial, 30, on 4 Mar 1995 in Victoria Co., TX
(#39204)√ |
John R Culpepper,
23, married Carole S Watts, 26, on 4 Apr 1969 in Victoria Co., TX
(#53619)√ |
Kerri S Culpepper,
16, married Tom A Terrell, 18, on 15 Jul 1988 in Victoria Co., TX
(#55729)√ |
Robert Harold
Culpepper, 19, married Carol Ann Beaver, 19, on 1 Apr 1967 in
Victoria Co., TX
(#25117)√ |
Tammy L Culpepper,
32, married Raymond E Randle Jr, 33, on 2 Sep 2002 in Victoria Co., TX
(#53234)√ |
Texas Divorce Index,
Darrel D Culpepper, 29,
and Denise R Culpepper, , divorced on 29 Dec 1999 in Victoria Co., Texas.
Original Marriage Date: 9 Dec 1998. Number of Children: 0. (#39209)√ |
Jeffrey V Culpepper,
27, and Carma R Culpepper, 27, divorced on 1 Nov 1995 in Victoria Co., Texas.
Original Marriage Date: 9 May 1990. Number of Children: 1.
(#53624)√ |
Jimmie L Culpepper, 33,
and Sandra A Culpepper, 34, divorced on 2 Apr 1982 in Victoria Co., Texas.
Original Marriage Date: 14 Oct 1967. Number of Children: 1.(#39197)√ |
Robert H Culpepper, 41,
and Carol A Culpepper, 40, divorced on 24 Feb 1989 in Victoria Co., Texas.
Original Marriage Date: 1 Apr 1967. Number of Children: 2.
(#25117)√ |

Land Title Abstracts
Ancestry.com. Texas Land Title Abstracts [database online]
Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2000. Original data: Texas General Land Office.
Abstracts of all original Texas Land Titles comprising Grants and
Locations. Austin, Texas: , 19--.
Culpeppers found |

Texas Death Index, 1903-2000
Source: Texas
Department of Health.
Texas Death Index, 1903-2000. [database on-line] Provo, UT:
Ancestry.com, 2006. Original electronic data from: Texas Department of Health. Texas Death Indexes, 1903-2000. Austin, TX. Texas Department of Health. State Vital Statistics Unit.
Carl A Culpepper, Male, Single, died 10 Jan 1973 in Victoria Co., TX (#34866)√ |
Dean Vernon Culpepper, Male, died 26 Oct 1996 in Victoria Co., TX (#4713)√ |
Jimmie Nathaniel Culpepper, Male, died 13 Dec 1996 in Victoria Co., TX (#39204)√ |
Zelia Mae Culpepper, Female, died 9 Feb 1988 in Victoria Co., TX |
Security Death Index
Source: Social Security
Social Security Death Index
[database on-line]. Provo,
Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2006. All records of deaths on or before 31
Dec 2005 in which
the final benefit was paid or final residence was in this county.
Culpeppers found |

Last Revised:
02 Jan 2015