Culpepper Archives
Fannin County

County History and Geography
In the Blackland
Prairie Region of North Texas, Fannin
County was formed in 1837 from Red River
County. Its county seat, Bonham,
is on US-82 about 70 miles NE of Dallas. Fannin is bordered by the Texas counties of
Delta, Hunt, Collin and
Grayson, and the Oklahoma county of

Any names
below in red have not been matched
with a person in the Culpepper family tree. If you can identify any of
please let us know.

Census Records
No Culpeppers were found in any Fannin
County censuses prior to 1880.
Fannin Co., TX - 1880
24, Sheet 4, Pg 348D, Pct 2, Fannin Co., TX
Jno A. Culpepper, M, 44, Head, M, TN NC SC, Farmer (#5838)√
Jane Culpepper, F, 35, Wife, M, TX IL TX
Callie Culpepper, F, 13, Dau, S, TN TN TN
Elizabeth A. Culpepper, F, 5, Dau, S, TX TN TX
Jennie Culpepper, F, 1, Dau, S, TX TN TX
Jno W. Cameron, M, 25, Laborer, S, TN TN TN, Farming
Moses W. Cameron, M, 23, Laborer, S, TN TN TN, Farming |
30, Sheet 37, Pg 520A, Pct 7, Fannin Co., TX
Samuel Culpepper, M, 30, Head, M, TN TN TN, Farmer (#6018)√
Sarah Culpepper, F, 25, Wife, M, TN TN TN
Adolphus Culpepper, M, 9, Son, S, TX TN TN
William Culpepper, M, 5, Son, S, TX TN TN
Ida Culpepper, F, 1, Dau, S, TX TN TN
Samuel Terrett, M, 24, Hired Hand, S, KY KY KY, Farm Laborer
Adolphus Culpepper, M, 31, Bro, S, TN TN TN, Brick Mason |
Transcription from Ancestry.com images provided by Pat Roberts
Co., TX – 1890
Census records
were burned in Washington. |
Co., TX – 1900
ED 64, Sheet 6A, Pg 114, Pct 2, Gen.com Img 11, Fannin
Co., TX
George Culpepper, Head, M, Jul-1878, 21, M, md-1
yr, TX TN TN,
Farmer (#48582)√
Lina Culpepper, Wife, F, Mar-1881, 19, M, md-1 yr, ch 1/1, TX MO VA
Mark Culpepper, Son, M, Feb-1900, 3/12, S, TX TX TX |
ED 64, Sheet 7A, Pg 115, Pct 2, Gen.com Img 13, Fannin Co.,
C----- Raulston, Head, M, Sep-1875, 24, M, md-2, TN TN TN, Farmer
Etta Raulston, Wife, F, Nov-1880, 19, M, md-2, Ch 0/0, TX VA TN
Nancy Culpepper, Boarder, F, May-1873, 27, S, TX TN TX, Day
Laborer |
ED 65, Sheet 14A, Pg 137, Pct 2, Gen.com Img 57, Savoy
Village, Fannin Co., TX
John A. Culpepper, Head, M, Dec-1835, 64, M, md-28 yrs, TN TN TN,
Landlord (#5838)√
Sophrana Culpepper, Wife, F, Sep-1848, 51, M, md-28 yrs, Ch 10/7, AR
ED 79, Sheet 2, Pg 162, Pct 7, Gen.com Img 3, Ravenna,
Fannin Co., TX
Adolph R. Culpepper, Head, M, Feb-1847, 53, M, md-14, TN MS AL,
Grocer (#6011)√
Hattie Culpepper, Wife, F, Aug-1862, 37, M, md-14, Ch 5/5, MO NC
Goldie Culpepper, Daughter, F, Jan-1887, 13, S, TX TN MO
Fannie Culpepper, Daughter, F, Nov-1889, 10, S, TX TN MO
Aubry Culpepper, Son, M, Sep-1892, 7, S, TX TN MO
Earl Culpepper, Son, M, Mar-1895, 5, S, TX TN MO
Cleve Culpepper, Son, M, Mar-1898, 2, S, TX TN MO |
ED 79, Sheet 5B, Pg 165A, Pct 7, Gen.com Img 10,
Fannin Co., TX
Absolem D. Looney, Head, M, Apr-1863, 37, M, md-5, TN TN TN,
Physician (#6205)√
Ida V. (Culpepper) Looney, Wife, F, Oct-1878, 21, M, md-5, Ch
2/2, TN TN TN
Rufus Looney, Son, M, Aug-1896, 3, S, TX TN TN
Fannie Looney, Daughter, F, Aug-1899, 9/12, S, TX TN TN
Henry Culpepper, Boarder, M, Nov-1879, 20, S, TX TN TN , Farm
Walter Townsend, Boarder, M, May-1878, 22, S, TX NO AR, Farm
Laborer |
Transcription from Genealogy.com images provided by Pat Roberts
Co., TX – 1910
ED 53,
Sheet 9A, Pg 192A, Pct 6, Gen.com Img 39, Lumrasco Village, Fannin Co.,
Fannie Culpepper, Boarder, F 20, S, TX TN MO, Teacher-PubSch (#
6014)√ |
ED 56,
Sheet 21B, Pg 243B, Pct 7, Gen.com Img 40, Fannin Co., TX
Hattie Culpepper, Head, F, 47, wid, ch 6/6, MO NC NC, Farmer (#
Goldie Culpepper, Daughter, F, 23, S, TX TN MO, Teacher-Rural Sch.
Ivan Aubrey Culpepper, Son, M, 17, S, TX MO MO
Earl Culpepper, Son, M, 14, S, TX MO MO, Farm Laborer
Joline Culpepper, Son, M, 11, S, TX MO MO, Farm Laborer
Fulton Culpepper, Son, M, 9, S, TX MO MO |
Transcription from Genealogy.com images provided by Pat Roberts
Co., TX – 1920
ED 59,
Sheet 26A, Pg 164, Pct 7, Ancestry.com Img-1, Ravenna, Fannin Co.,
Hatty (Davis) Culpepper, Head, F, 56, WD, MO NC KY (#6012)
Goldie Culpepper, Dau, F, 33, S, TX TN MO, Teacher-Pub School
Fannie Culpepper, Dau, F, 30, WD & S?, TX TN MO, Teacher-Pub
Asbury R. Culpepper, Son, M, 27, S, TX TN MO, Carpenter
Earl S. Culpepper, Son, M, 24, S, TX TN MO, Carpenter
Cleve Culpepper, Son, M, 21, S, TX TN MO, Carpenter
Fulton Culpepper, Son, M, 19, S, TX TN MO, Clerk-Lumberyard |
Transcription from Ancestry.com images provided by Pat Roberts
Fannin Co., TX – 1930
ED 3, Sheet 3A, Pg 164, Pct. 1, 500 W. 5th
St., Bonham, Fannin Co., TX
Rent=$35, Radio=Y, Farm=N
Hattie Culpepper,
Head, F, 67, WD, md @ 23, MO SC KY (#6012)√
Goldie Culpepper, Dau, 43, S, TX TN MO,
Teacher-Pub School
Fanny Culpepper, Dau, 40, S, TX TN MO,
Teacher-Pub School |
ED 25, Sheet 2A, Pg 156, Pct. 5, Honey Grove to
Monkstown Rd., Fannin Co., TX
Rent=$N/A, Radio=N, Farm=Y, Military=N
L. H. Hazlett, Head, M, 46, M, md @ 25, TX GA GA, Farmer (#
May (Culpepper) Hazlett,
Wife, F, 50, M, md @ 29, TX GA GA
Rex Hazlett, Son, 21, S, TX TX TX
Juanita Hazlett, Dau, F, 17, S, TX TX TX
Cecil J. Hazlett, Son, M, 12, S, TX TX TX
Sofia Culpepper,
Mother-in-Law, F, 77, WD, md @ 18, GA TN TN |
Transcription from Ancestry.com images provided by Pat Roberts

Texas Birth Index,
Father's Name, Only
Henry Culpepper
is the father of an infant born 10 Oct 1906 in Fannin Co., Texas
(Leonard Allen Culpepper, #6426)√ |
James H Culpepper is the father of
an infant born 8 Nov 1904 in Fannin Co., Texas |
W R Culpepper
is the father of an infant born 5 Aug 1906 in Fannin Co., Texas
(Unnamed Infant who died before 1910, #56383)√ |
Will Culpepper
is the father of an infant born 8 Aug 1905 in Fannin Co., Texas
(Henry Bluford Culpepper, #6445)√ |
Will Culpepper
is the father of an infant born 10 Sep 1908 in Fannin Co., Texas
(Lorena Culpepper, #6446)√ |
William Neutton
Culpepper is the father of an infant born 9 Jan 1904 in Fannin Co.,
Texas (Ida Ethalinda Culpepper, #38135)√ |

Military Records
World War I Draft
Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Source: National Archives and Records
World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-18
[database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2002. National Archives and
Records Administration. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration
Cards, 1917-1918. M1509, 4,277 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and
Records Administration.|
All three registrants from Fannin County were brothers:
Aubrey Russell
Culpepper, Ravenna (Fannin Co.), TX, age 24, born 25 Sep 1892 in Ravenna,
Texas, Carpenter for J. F. Hall at Hall Farm, No dependents, Single, Caucasian,
Medium height, Slender build, Blue eyes,
Brown hair, Not bald, No disabilities. Registered 5 Jun 1917 at Fannin
Co., Texas. (#6015)√ |
Cleve Hope Culpepper, Ravenna (Fannin Co.), Texas,
age 20, born
___, Caucasian, Carpenter, Nearest relative: Hattie Culpepper, Ravenna, Texas,
Medium height, Medium build, Blue eyes, Dark Brown
hair, No disabilities. Registered 12 Sep 1918 at Bonham, Fannin Co.,
Texas. (#6017)√ |
Earl Stephen
Culpepper, Ravenna (Fannin Co.), TX, age 22, born 31 Mar 1895 in Ravenna,
Texas, Laborer/Gin Man for Ravenna Gin Co., Ravenna, Texas, Mother is a
dependent, Single, Caucasian, Tall height, Medium build, Blue eyes,
Light hair, Not bald, No disabilities. Registered 5 Jun 1917 at Fannin
Co., Texas. (#6016)√ |
U.S. World
War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
National Archives and Records
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 [database online].
Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Original data: Electronic Army Serial
Number Merged File, 1938-1946 [Archival Database]; World War II Army Enlistment
Records; Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, Record
Group 64; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.
Culpeppers found |

Texas Marriage Collection, 1814-1909 and 1966-2002
John A. Culpepper and Miss Sarah J. Robinson, 12 Feb 1873,
Book B (#5838)√ |
Texas Divorce Index,
Culpeppers found |

Texas Death Index, 1903-2000
Source: Texas
Department of Health.
Texas Death Index, 1903-2000. [database on-line] Provo, UT:
Ancestry.com, 2006. Original electronic data from: Texas Department of Health. Texas Death Indexes, 1903-2000. Austin, TX. Texas Department of Health. State Vital Statistics Unit.
Goldie Culpepper,
died 22 May 1949 in Fannin Co., TX (#6013)√ |
Hattie Culpepper,
died 14 Jan 1933 in Fannin Co., TX, 2150 (#6012)√ |
Sophie Cullpepper,
died 17 Dec 1934 in Fannin Co., TX (#48593)√ |
T. C. Culpepper,
died 1 Dec 1930 in Fannin Co., TX, 58020 (#23270)√ |
Security Death Index
Source: Social Security
Social Security Death Index
[database on-line]. Provo,
Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2006. All records of deaths on or before 31
Dec 2005 in which
the final benefit was paid or final residence was in this county.
Culpeppers found |

Culpepper Cemetery,
aka Elizabeth's Grove Cemetery
Commentary by Lew Griffin
The 1880 census of Fannin County lists a John A. Culpepper, age 44, born in TN,
with wife Jane, 35, born in TX. Their children in 1880 were Callie, 13 (probably from
John's previous marriage), Elizabeth A., born in 1875, and Jennie, born in 1879. This John
A. Culpepper was the son of Burrell Smith Culpepper of McMinn and Polk Counties, TN.
Burrell was the son of Joel Culpepper, son of Benjamin Culpepper of SC. John A.
Culpepper's first wife was Elizabeth A. Benton, whom he had married in 1856 in TN. His
second wife, Jane, was born in Texas, and so he must have married her after moving to
Texas, and perhaps in Fannin County. John A. Culpepper also had a first cousin, Samuel
Huston Culpepper, who also lived in Fannin County.
by Dick Lindsay
The curator
of the Fannin County museum gave me a list of 26 names, however, another
notation in the literature stated that there were over 200 graves marked
there at one time. The surnames other than Culpepper are: Benton,
Ragsdale, Cox, Page, Bettis, Taylor, Ira, McSpadden, McMahon, Suddath,
Wren, and Rosenbam.

Photographs of tombstones of Elizabeth Culpepper and
her infant provided by Tricia Byrd
Elizabeth Culpepper (#5962)√
Wife of John A. Culpepper
Tombstone Photo above right |
Infant Culpepper, born and died 14 Aug 1872
Daughter of John A. and
Elizabeth A. Culpepper
Tombstone Photo above left |
Infant Culpepper, born and died 1 Dec 1873
Son of John A. and S. Jane Culpepper |
Minnie Culpepper, 8 Aug 1878 -10 Jun 1879
Daughter of John A. and S.
Jane Culpepper |
W. W. Culpepper, 10 Oct 1855 - 8 Oct 1888
(#48530)√ |
Mulberry Cemetery, Section 2
Location: ten miles Northwest of Bonham on FM 274, at the
Methodist Church.
Adolphus R. Culpepper, 6 Feb 1847 – 27 Sep 1906
Hattie Davis Culpepper, 8 Aug 1863 – 14 Jan 1933
(#6012)√ |
Samuel H. Culpepper, 8 Apr 1848 – 16 Feb 1897
S. D. Culpepper, 8 Feb 1855 – 18 Sep 1882
(#6197)√ |
A. D. Culpepper, 1870 – 1899
Son of Samuel H. and S. D. |
Robert Culpepper, 26 Aug 1882 – 28 Sep 1882
(#38136)√ Son of Samuel H. and S. D. |
Ida E. Culpepper, 9 Jan 1904 – 11 Oct 1906
Daughter of W. N. and L. C. |
Willow Wild Cemetery, Section J
Location: on the east side of Bonham, TX. This is the largest
cemetery in Fannin County. It was started ten years after the Civil War
on the grounds which had been used by General McCullough to train young
Earl S. Culpepper, 31 Mar 1895 – 30 Jan 1955, Veteran of WW-I
(#6016)√ |
Fannie Culpepper, 1889 – 1983
(#6014)√ |
Goldie Culpepper, 1887 – 1949
(#6013)√ |

Culpepper Cemetery
(aka Elizabeth's Grove Cemetery)
North of Savoy and east of Bells, on
south edge of lake near the Grayson county border,12 miles southeast of Denison.
Buried here are at least five descendants of Burrell Smith Culpepper.
See list above for names. |

Last Revised:
02 Jan 2015 |