Culpepper Archives
Ellis County

County History and Geography
In the Blackland
Prairie Region of North Texas, and now part the South Dallas suburbs,
County was formed in 1849 from Navarro
County. Its county seat is Waxahachie, and it is bordered by the
counties of Dallas, Kaufman,
Henderson, Navarro, Hill,
Johnson and Tarrant.

Any names
below in red have not been matched
with a person in the Culpepper family tree. If you can identify any of
please let us know.

Census Records
Culpeppers were found in Ellis
County censuses prior to 1910.
Co., TX – 1910
ED 125, Sheet
14A, Pg 53A, Pct 2, Gen.com 3, Palmer, Ellis Co., TX
Charles E. Culpepper, Head, M, 31, M1, md-5 yrs, LA LA LA,
Barber-Own Shop (#4261)√
Lula Culpepper, Wife, F, 26, M1, md-5 yrs, ch 3/2, TX Ire TX
Raymond Culpepper, Son, M, 4, S, TX LA TX
Mildred Culpepper, Daughter, F, 1 11/12?, S, TX LA TX |
ED 135, Sheet
5B, Pg 205B, Gen.com Img 10, 304 Belnap, Ennis, Ellis Co., TX
Eva Culpepper, Head, F, 55, M1, md-31, ch 1-0, IL ScotEnglish VT
Eva Allman, G-Daughter, F, 6, S, TX TX TX |
Co., TX – 1920
ED 125, Sheet 4B, Pg 30, Pct 2, Palmer, Ellis Co., TX
Own=Y, Farm=N
Hattie Culpepper, Head, F, 30, WD, TX TX LA, Post Mistress-US Mail
Raymond Culpepper, Step-Son, M, 14, S, TX LA TX
Mildred Culpepper, Step-Dau, F, 10, S, TX LA TX
Ida Culpepper, Sister, F, 29, S, LA LA LA, Assistant-Post Mistress |
ED 136, Sheet 6B, Pg 217, Pct 3, Ennis, Ellis Co., TX
Rent=Y, Farm=N (Census dated 16 Jan 1920)
Eva J. Culpepper, Head, F, 62, WD, IL Scotland Vermont? (#181)√
Eva R? (Culpepper) Allman, G-Dau, F, 16, S, TX TX TX |
Co., TX – 1930
ED 2, Sheet 11A, Farley Street, Waxahachie, Ellis
Co., TX
Texas Baptist Orphanage
Christine Culpepper,
Lodger, F, Wh, 11, Sng, TX/UN/UN (#56662)√
Nadine Culpepper, Lodger, F, Wh, 8,
Sng, TX/UN/UN |
ED 13, Sheet 4A, Sherman Street, Palmer, Ellis Co.,
Home=$1500, Radio=Y, Farm=N (#4436)√
Hattie Culpepper, Head, F, Wh, 46, Wid, md@30, TX/TX/TX, Post
Mistress/Post Office
Mildred Culpepper, Step-daughter, F, Wh, 20, Sng, TX/LA/TX,
Assistant Post Mistress |
ED 22, Sheet 6B, 304 West Belnap, Ennis, Ellis Co.,
Home=$4000, Radio=N, Farm=N
Emma L. Culpepper, Head, F, Wh,
67, Wid, IL/IL/IL (born c 1862) |
ED 38, Sheet 9A, Precinct 6, Ellis Co., TX
Home=$4000, Radio=N, Farm=N
Charlie Culpepper, Head, M, Wh, 46, md@24, TX/TX/TX, Farmer
Ruby Culpepper, Wife, F, Wh, 43, md@17, AL/AL/AL
Floyd Culpepper, Son, M, Wh, 15, sng, TX/TX/AL
Luther Culpepper, Son, M, Wh, 14, sng, TX/TX/AL
Carlton Culpepper, Son, M, Wh, 11, sng, TX/TX/AL
Leroy Culpepper, Son, M, Wh, 8, sng, TX/TX/AL
Ollie G. Culpepper, Dau, F, Wh, 3, sng, TX/TX/AL
Willie Brooks, Step-son, M, Wh, 24, md@22, TX/TX/AL,
Farm laborer
Velma Brooks, Step-daughter-in-law, F, Wh, 19, md@17, TX/TX/AL,
Melborn O. Brooks , Step-grandson, M, Wh, 4/12, sng, TX/TX/AL |

Texas Birth Index,
Cecil Dwain Culpepper,
Male, born __ 1949 in Ellis Co., Texas, child of Cecil Pierce
Culpepper and Lora Lee Purcell (#4789)√ |
Jack Robert Culpepper,
Male, born __ 1954 in Ellis Co., Texas, child of Arthur Crawford
Culpepper and Annette Etoile Dovis (#51101)√ |
John Barret Culpepper,
Male, born __ 1974 in Ellis Co., Texas, child of Gerald Gene
Culpepper and Betty Jo Vrla (#40553)√ |
Culpepper Mothers
Gearldine Joan
Culpepper and Robbie Don Flynt are the parents of twin sons, Robbie
Wayne Flynt and Robert Layne Flynt, born __ 1969 in Ellis Co.,
Texas.(#4785)√ |

Military Records
World War I Draft
Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Source: National Archives and Records
World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-18
[database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2002. National Archives and
Records Administration. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration
Cards, 1917-1918. M1509, 4,277 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and
Records Administration
Culpeppers found |
U.S. World
War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
National Archives and Records
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 [database online].
Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Original data: Electronic Army Serial
Number Merged File, 1938-1946 [Archival Database]; World War II Army Enlistment
Records; Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, Record
Group 64; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.
Culpeppers found |

Texas Marriage Collection, 1814-1909 and 1966-2002
Source: Ancestry.com.
Texas Marriage Collection, 1814-1909 and 1966-2002 [database online]. Provo, Utah:
MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Original data: Texas Department of State Health
Services. Texas Marriage Collection, 1814-1909 and 1966-2002. Texas Department of State
Health Services, Texas.
Cecil D Culpepper,
21, married Teresa R Chennault, 20, on 6 Nov 1970 in Ellis Co., TX
(#4789)√ |
Cheryl L Culpepper,
50, married Jack W McDearmon, 57, on 30 Mar 1998 in Ellis Co., TX
(#54167)√ |
David G Culpepper,
33, married Sherri L Cunningham, 36, on 11 Oct 1997 in Ellis Co., TX
(#36328)√ |
Gerald Gene Culpepper,
26, married Betty Jo Vrla, 23, on 20 Jan 1968 in Ellis Co., TX
(#4787)√ |
Joan Culpepper,
44, married Keith H Kilgore, 36, on 4 Apr 1985 in Ellis Co., TX |
Mary A Culpepper,
18, married Christopher J English, 21, on 25 Aug 1990 in Ellis Co., TX
(#53231)√ |
Michael W Culpepper,
23, married Christen M Goodenough, 24, on 15 Oct 1993 in Ellis Co., TX
(#42339)√ |
Robert W Culpepper,
18, married Diana Reyes, 18, on 10 Aug 1996 in Ellis Co., TX
(#39350)√ |
Trace M Culpepper,
29, married William T Johnson Jr, 26, on 29 Jan 2000 in Ellis Co., TX (#42338)√ |
Traci M Culpepper,
19, married Lonnie L Vaughn, 20, on 31 Dec 1990 in Ellis Co., TX
(#42338)√ |
William L Culpepper,
18, married Amy B Higgs, 18, on 11 Feb 1983 in Ellis Co., TX
(#53229)√ |

Land Title Abstracts
Texas General Land Office,
Texas Land Title Abstracts [database online]
Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2000. Original data: Abstracts of all original Texas Land Titles comprising Grants and
Locations. Austin, Texas: , 19--.
Culpeppers found |

Texas Death Index, 1903-2000
Source: Texas
Department of Health.
Texas Death Index, 1903-2000. [database on-line] Provo, UT:
Ancestry.com, 2006. Original electronic data from: Texas Department of Health. Texas Death Indexes, 1903-2000. Austin, TX. Texas Department of Health. State Vital Statistics Unit.
Della Culpepper,
Female, died 1 Jun 1975 in Ellis Co., TX (#45285)√ |
Edna Inez Culpepper, Female, Widowed, died 18 May 1967 in Ellis Co., TX
(#4732)√ |
Eva Jean Culpepper, Ellis Co., Jan 29 1939, 1681 (#181)√ |
George Culpepper, Ellis Co., Oct 16 1911, 21723
(b c 1883 in Rome, TX) |
Lora Lee Culpepper, Female, died 17 Dec 1989 in Ellis Co., TX (#4782)√ |
Lorna Arwilda Culpepper, Female, died 8 Apr 1992 in Ellis Co., TX (#2103)√ |
Security Death Index
Source: Social Security
Social Security Death Index
[database on-line]. Provo,
Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2006. All records of deaths on or before 31
Dec 2005 in which
the final benefit was paid or final residence was in this county.
Cecil Culpepper,
1 Apr
1910 - Aug 1979, Ennis, Ellis Co., Texas 75119, SSN 461-03-7761 issued
in Texas before 1951 (#4738)√ |
Della Culpepper,
26 May
1891 - May 1975, Ennis, Ellis Co., Texas 75119, SSN 573-30-6768 issued
in California before 1951
(#45285)√ |
Hattie M. Culpepper,
4 Jul
1886 - 15 Apr 1972, Palmer, Ellis Co., Texas 75152, SSN 466-84-5297
issued in Texas in 1965 (#4436)√ |
Lora Culpepper,
29 Aug
1911 - 17 Dec 1989, Ennis, Ellis Co., Texas 75119, SSN 456-64-2074
issued in Texas in 1956 (#4782)√ |

Palmer Cemetery
Charles Ellis Culpepper, 2 Dec 1877 – 22 Sep 1914
Hattie Mae Culpepper, 4 Jul 1886 – 15 Apr 1972
(#4436)√ |
Carl G. Spence, 1905 – 1945
Mildred Culpepper Spence, 1909 – 1951
(#35984)√ |
Cecil P. Culpepper, 1 Apr 1910 – 28 Aug 1979
Lora L. Culpepper, 29 Aug 1911 – (no death date)
(#4782)√ [Laura died 7 Dec 1989 and
according to her obituary, was buried in Myrtle Cemetery, Ennis, Ellis
Co., TX. |

Last Revised:
02 Jan 2015 |