Alabama Culpepper Archives
Autauga County

Autauga County was
created by the legislature in 1818. The county was named for Autauga Creek,
which runs through it. It was formed from Montgomery County. In 1866, part of
its territory was taken to establish the new county of Elmore. In 1868 another
portion of the county was taken to establish Baker, later known as
Autauga County is located in the central part of the state, wholly within the
coastal plain. It is bounded by the counties of Chilton,
Elmore, Montgomery, and
Dallas. In 1819, the first county seat was established
at Washington. In 1830, it was moved to Kingston, and in 1868, to
Prattville. Prattville is three miles west of
I-65, about ten miles northwest of Montgomery.
Newspapers: Prattville Progress,
Montgomery Advertiser

Any names
below in red have not been matched
with a person in the Culpepper family tree. If you can identify any of
please let us know.

Sources Searched
During May
2005, a comprehensive search for Culpeppers was made in the Autauga
County, Alabama section of the Family History Library in Salt Lake City
(US/CAN Book 976.1463). |
In July 2005, a comprehensive online search was made for Autauga County
Culpeppers in the Archival databases at
and ALGenWeb at |

Census Records
No Culpeppers
were found in any Autauga County censuses prior to 1870
1870 Census
Page 30,
Lines 3-4, Beat 10, Kingston P.O., Autauga Co., AL
Mary Culpepper, 62, F, W, Keeping house, SC (#1455)√
Lucinda Culpepper, 38, F, W, Without occupation, GA |
Page 30,
Lines 5-6, Beat 10, Kingston P.O., Autauga Co., AL
Jerry W. Culpepper, 23, M, W, Farmer, , RE=$200, PE=$100, GA (#1527)√
Susan Wall, 28, F, W, Keeping House, GA |
Page 30,
Lines 7-8, Beat 10, Kingston P.O., Autauga Co., AL
Jeremiah Culpepper, 70, M, W, Farmer, RE=$160, PE=$400, SC
Mary Culpepper, 50, F, Black, Keeping house, VA |
1880 Census
Pine Flat, Page 115A,
Autauga Co., AL
J. W. Culpepper, Self, M, M, W, 32, Farmer, GA/SC/SC
Eliza J. Culpepper, Wife, F, M, W, 36, Keeping House, GA/GA/GA
Mary E. Culpepper, Dau, F, S, W, 8, AL/GA/GA
John T. Culpepper, Son, M, S, W, 7, AL/GA/GA
Willie I. Culpepper, Dau, F, S, W, 5, AL/GA/GA
William D. Culpepper, Son, M, S, W, 2, AL/GA/GA |
Pine Flat, Page 116C,
Autauga Co., AL
Mary Culpepper, Self, F, W, W, 66, Farmer, GA/NC/NC (#
Loucinda Culpepper, Dau, F, S, W, 44, Laborer, GA/NC/GA |
1890 Census
Census lost
in fire |
Voter Census
Hageness, MariLee Beaty, 1894 Voter Census, Autauga County, Alabama,
Anniston, Alabama: MLH Research, 2000, FHL US/CA Book 976.1463 N4h
J. T.
Culpepper, 15 May, Liberty No. 10, farmer
J. T. Culpepper, 17 May, Pine Flat No. 10, farmer |
J. W.
Culpepper, 11 May, Pine Flat No. 10, farmer
J. W. Culpepper, 15 May, Liberty No. 10, farmer |
1900 Census
ED 8,
Page 161A, Lines 24-27, Precinct 10, Liberty, Autauga Co., AL
Jeremiah W. Culpepper, Head, W, M, Apr 1847, 53, Wid, GA/NC/NC,
Willie P. Culpepper, Daughter, W, F, Jun 1875, 25, Sng, AL/GA/AL
Luc. S Culpepper, Sister, W, F, Apr 1837, 63, Sng, GA/NC/NC
Susan Wall, Sister, W, F, Oct 1840, 59, Wid 54 yrs, ch 1/0, GA/NC/NC |
ED 8,
Page 161A, Lines 28-33, Precinct 10, Liberty, Autauga Co., AL
John T. Culpepper, Head, W, M, Feb 1873, 27, md 3 yrs, AL/GA/AL (#
Laura A. Culpepper, Wife, W, F, Nov 1871, 28, md 3 yrs, ch
2/1, AL/GA/IL
Daisy B. Culpepper, Daughter, W, F, Aug 1897, 2, F, AL/AL/AL
Nellie M. Culpepper, Daughter, W, F, Feb 1899, 1, F, AL/AL/AL
James A. Blackburn, Father-in-law, W, M, Apr 1827, 73, md 45
GA/SC/SC, Farm laborer
Sarah Blackman, Mother-in-law, W, F, Dec 1823, 66, md 45 yrs,
ch 1/1, IL/IL/IL |
ED 8,
Page 162A, Lines 1-2, Precinct 10, Liberty, Autauga Co., AL
William D. Culpepper, Head, W, M, Dec 1877, md 3 yrs, AL/GA/AL,
Farmer (#1632)√
Lucretia Culpepper, Wife, W, F, Mar 1882, 18, md 3 yrs, ch
0/0, AL/AL/AL |
ED 8,
Page 167A, Lines 33-38, Precinct 10, Liberty, Autauga Co., AL
Samuel B. Culpepper, Head, W, M, Jun 1856, 44, md 17 yrs, GA/GA/GA,
Farmer (#4939)√
Mary E. Culpepper, Wife, W, F, Feb 1867, 33, F, md 17
yrs, ch 8/4, GA/GA/GA
Casper Culpepper, Son, W, M, Dec 1883, 16, M, GA/GA/GA,
Farm laborer
James L. Culpepper, Son, W, M, Aug 1885, 14, M, FL/GA/GA,
Farm laborer
Mary H. Culpepper, Daughter, W, F, Jun 1887, 12, F, AL/GA/GA
Edward E. Culpepper, Son, W, M, Oct 1894, 5, M, AL/GA/GA |
1910 Census
Sheet 4B, Lines 56-58, Precinct 11, Mt. Creek, Autauga Co., AL
J. L. Culpepper, Head, M, W, 24, md1-4 yrs, FL/GA/GA, Farmer (#
Norah Culpepper, Wife, F, W, 24, md1-4 yrs, ch 2/2, AL/AL/AL
James D. Culpepper, Son, M, W, 3, Sng, AL/FL/AL
Samuel R. Culpepper, Son, M, W, 1 yr 10 mos, Sng, AL/FL/AL |
Sheets 6A-B, Lines 49-55, Precinct 10, Autauga Co., AL
John T. Culpepper, Head, M, W, 37, md1-12yrs, AL/GA/AL, Farmer (#
Laura Culpepper, Wife, F, W, 38, md1-12yrs, ch 6/5, GA/GA/IL
Nellie M. Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 10, Sng, AL/AL/GA
Susie A. Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 8, Sng, AL/AL/GA
Lillie P. Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 7, Sng, AL/AL/GA
Albert J. Culpepper, Son, M, W, 4, Sng, AL/AL/GA
Mattie L. Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 2, Sng, AL/AL/GA |
Sheet 6B, Lines 76-82, Precinct 10, Autauga Co., AL
Newt Culpepper, Head, M, W, 30, md1-12yrs, AL/AL/AL, Farmer (#
Lula Culpepper, Wife, F, W, 28, md1-12yrs, ch 6/5, AL/AL/AL
William D. Culpepper, Son, M, W, 9, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Carrie B. Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 7, Sng, AL/AL/AL
John H. Culpepper, Son, M, W, 5, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Cora L. Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 4, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Annie B. Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 1 yr 2 mos., Sng, AL/AL/AL |
Sheet 6B, Lines 83-85, Precinct 10, Autauga Co., AL
Jerry W. Culpepper, Head, M, W, 63, Wid, GA/GA/GA, Farmer (#
Willie Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 35, Sng, AL/GA/AL
Lucinda Culpepper, Sister, F, W, 73, Sng, GA/GA/GA |
1920 Census
Sheet 1A, Lines 1-2, Precinct 11, Mt. Creek, Autauga Co., AL
Rents home
Mary E. Culpepper, Head, F, W, 52, Div, GA/GA/GA, Farm Laborer
Lena V. Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 18, Sng, AL/GA/GA, Farm
Mary A. Phillips, Mother, F, W, 80, Wid, GA/GA/GA (#11298) |
Sheet 3B, Lines 65-72, Precinct 11, Mt. Creek, Autauga Co., AL
Owns home with no mortgage
John T. Culpepper, Head, M, W, 47, Md, AL/GA/GA, Farmer (#
Annie L. Culpepper, Wife, F, W, 48, Md, AL/GA/IL
Lillie P. Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 15, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Albert J. Culpepper, Son, M, W, 13, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Mattie L. Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 11, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Dollie J. Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 10, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Maymie C. Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 6, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Sarah Blackman, Mother-in-law, F, W, 87, Wid, IL/TN/TN |
Sheet 8B, Lines 92-99, Precinct 11, Mt. Creek, Autauga Co., AL
Owns home with no mortgage on Deatsville Road
James L. Culpepper, Head, M, W, 34, Md, FL/GA/GA, Farmer (#4958)√
Lenora C. Culpepper, Wife, F, W, 35, Md, AL/AL/AL
James D. Culpepper, Son, M, W, 13, Sng, AL/FL/AL
Samuel R. Culpepper, Son, M, W, 11, Sng, AL/FL/AL
Ruby M. Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 8, Sng, AL/FL/AL
Luther T. Culpepper, Son, M, W, 5, Sng, AL/FL/AL
Charles E. Culpepper, Son, M, W, 3, Sng, AL/FL/AL
William T. Culpepper, Son, M, W, 6/12, Sng, AL/FL/AL |
Sheets 8B & 9A, Lines 93-100 & 1-3, Liberty, Autauga Co., AL
Owns home with no mortgage
W. D. Culpepper, Head, M, W, 42, Md, AL/AL/AL, Farmer
Luler Culpepper, Wife, F, W, 35, Md, AL/AL/AL
Dee Culpepper, Son, M, W, 19, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Cary Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 17, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Berry Culpepper, Son, M, W, 15, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Cora Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 13, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Anna Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 11, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Adell Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 9, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Buster Culpepper, Son, M, W, 7, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Jo Culpepper, Son, M, W, 5, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Elmer Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 3, Sng, AL/AL/AL |
1930 Census
ED 11, Sheet
10A, Lines 10-19, Precinct 8, Big Springs, Autauga Co., AL
Rents home, Radio=N, Farm=Y
James L. Culpepper, Head, M, W, 45, Md@39, FL/GA/GA, Farmer, Vet=N (#4958)√
Bessie Culpepper, Wife, F, W, 32, Md@27, AL/AL/AL
Riley Culpepper, Son, M, W, 22, Sng, AL/FL/AL, Farm helper
Myrtle Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 18, Sng, AL/FL/AL
Charles Culpepper, Son, M, W, 13, Sng, AL/FL/AL, Farm helper
Floyd Culpepper, Son, M, W, 10, Sng, AL/FL/AL
Alberta Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 5, Sng, AL/FL/AL
Jessie L. Culpepper, Son, M, W, 1 1/12, Sng, AL/FL/AL
Francis Williams, Step-Daughter, F, W, 13, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Hubert Williams, Step-Son, M, W, 10, Sng, AL/AL/AL |
ED 11, Sheet
10A, Lines 20-23, Precinct 8, Big Springs, Autauga Co., AL
Rents home, Radio=N, Farm=Y
James D. Culpepper, Head, M, W, 24, Md@22, AL/FL/AL, Farmer, Vet=N
Elma J. Culpepper, Wife, F, W, 16, Md@14, AL/AL/AL
James C. Culpepper, Son, M, W, 6/12, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Samuel B. Culpepper, Grandfather, M, W, 73, Div, AL/AL/AL,
Farm helper |
ED 14, Sheet
1A, Lines 28-34, Precinct 10, Liberty, Autauga Co., AL
Owns home, Radio=N, Farm=Y
William D. Culpepper, Head, M, W, 52, Md@19, AL/GA/AL, Farmer
Lula Culpepper, Wife, F, W, 47, Md@13, AL/AL/AL
Dee Culpepper, Son, M, W, 29, Md@28, AL/AL/AL, Farmer
Buster Culpepper, Son, M, W, 16, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Balie Culpepper, Son, M, W, 4, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Emma Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 12, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Ruth Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 9, Sng, AL/AL/AL |
ED 14, Sheet
1A, Lines 35-36, Precinct 10, Liberty, Autauga Co., AL
Home rent=$12, Radio=N, Farm=N
Berry Culpepper, Head, M, W, 25, Md@24, AL/AL/AL, Saw Mill
Laborer (#11302)√
Josie Culpepper, Wife, F, W, 18, Md@17, AL/AL/AL |
ED 14, Sheet 1B,
Lines 62-67, Precinct 10, Liberty, Autauga Co., AL
Owns home, Radio=N, Farm=Y
Laura Culpepper, Head, F, W, 58, Wid, GA/GA/IL, Farmer (#1641)√
Dollie Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 19, Sng, AL/AL/GA
Mammie C. Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 16, Sng, AL/AL/GA
Lillie H. Culpepper, Daughter, F, W, 26, Wid, AL/AL/GA
Louise Culpepper, Grand-daughter, F, W, 5, Sng, AL/AL/AL
Evelyn Culpepper, Grand-daughter, F, W, 2 2/12, Sng, AL/AL/AL |
ED 14, Sheet 1B,
Line 68, Precinct 10, Liberty, Autauga Co., AL
Rents home, Radio=N, Farm=Y
Albert Culpepper, Head, M, W, 24, Div, AL/AL/GA, Farmer (#1927)√ |

Births and Deaths in Autauga Co., Alabama, 1908-1916
Source: Larry W. Nobles, Births and Deaths in Autauga
Co., Alabama, 1908-1916, Autauga Genealogical Society, Prattville,
Alabama, 1990, FHL US/CAN Book 976.1463 V2n
(Daughter) Culpepper, White,
born 6 May 1910 in Autauga Co., Alabama to
John Culpepper and Laura Blackman (#1929)√ |
(Son) Culpepper, White, born 13
Jun 1908 in Autauga Co., Alabama to
Lawrence Culpepper and Nora Manning (#6564)√ |
(Son) Culpepper, White, born 7
Aug 1913 in Autauga Co., Alabama to
W. D. Culpepper and Lula Shear (#1937)√ |
Lawrence Culpepper, White, born
8 Mar 1914 in Autauga Co., Alabama to
James L. Culpepper and Lena C. Manning (#6566)√ |

Land Patents
Jeremiah Culpepper,
Signature Date:
25 Jul 1882,
Montgomery Land Office
160 acres in Autauga Co., AL, Twp 19-N, Range 15-E, St. Stephens Meridian, 4
aliquot parts: SWSW part of Sec 3, SESE part of Sec 4, NENE part of Sec 9,
NWNW part of Sec 10, (#1527) |
Lucinda Culpepper,
Signature Date:
29 Jun 1891,
Montgomery Land Office
40 acres in Autauga Co., AL, NWSW part of Sec 10, Twp 19-N, Range 15-E, St.
Stephens Meridian, SESE part of Sec 4, NENE part of Sec 9, NWNW part of Sec 10,
(#1523) |

No records have been found of Culpepper
deeds in Autauga County. |

Military Records
World War I Draft
Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Online database,
Source: World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration
Cards, 1917-18 [database online] Provo, UT:, 2002.
National Archives and Records Administration. World War I Selective
Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. M1509, 4,277 rolls.
Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration.
James Lawrence Culpepper,
Mt. Creek, Geneva Co., AL, Age 33, born 3 Aug 1885, White, Farmer,
Nearest relative: Mrs. J. L. Culpepper of Mt. Creek, Medium Height,
Medium Build, Brown Eyes, Dark Sandy Hair, Registered 12 Sep 1918 at
Prattville, AL (#4958)√ |
William Daniel Newton Culpepper,
Mt. Creek, Geneva Co., AL, Age 40, born 1 Dec 1877, White, Farmer,
Nearest relative: J. W. Culpepper of Mt. Creek, Medium Height, Slender
Build, Blue Eyes, Dark Brown Hair, Registered 12 Sep 1918 at Prattville,
AL (#1632)√ |
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment
Records, 1938-1946
National Archives and Records Administration.
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 (database
online). Provo, Utah:, Inc., 2005. Original data:
Electronic Army Serial Number Merged File, 1938-1946 (Archival
Database); World War II Army Enlistment Records; Records of the National
Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 64; National Archives
at College Park, College Park, MD.
Culpepper, born
1915, White, Native of Alabama; Resided in Autauga Co., Alabama;
Enlisted on 17 Dec 1942 in Alabama at Fort McClellan in the US Army
for the duration of the War plus six months; Education: Grammar
school; Marital Status: Married; Height: 72; Weight: 159. (#1938)√ |

Early Alabama Marriages
Source: Early Alabama Marriages.
Family Adventures, San Antonio, TX, 1991.
John T. Culpepper
married Laura
Blackman on 15
Nov 1896 in Autauga Co., Alabama
(#1630)√ |
Mary G. Culpepper
married George
C. Blackman on
26 Nov 1896 in Autauga Co., Alabama
(#1629)√ |
Newton Culpepper
married Lula
Shear on 27 Jul
1897 in Autauga Co., Alabama
(#1632)√ |
Alabama Marriages,
1809-1920 (Selected Counties) Online database,
Source: Dodd,
Jordan R, comp. Alabama Marriages, 1809-1920 (Selected Counties)
(database online). Orem, UT:, Inc., 1999. Original data:
Early American Marriages: Alabama, 1800 to 1920
No records have been found in this database of Culpepper marriages in
Autauga county. |
Alabama Marriages,
1807-1902 Online database,
Hunting For Bears, comp. Alabama Marriages, 1807-1902 (database
online). Provo, Utah:, Inc., 2004. Original data: Alabama
marriage information taken from county courthouse records. Many of these
records were extracted from copies of the original records in microfilm,
microfiche, or book format, located at the Family History Library.
No records have been found in this database of Culpepper marriages in
Autauga county. |
Autauga County Marriage Records
Source: Microfilm of original
comprehensive index, direct and reverse, of Autauga County, Alabama 19th
century marriages, published by the Autauga Genealogical Society Society,
1989. Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT:
1990. Transcribed by Lew Griffin. FHL US/CAN Film #1,674,683 Item 1
James L. Culpepper
married Nora Manning on 19 Nov 1905 in Autauga Co., Alabama
(#4958)√ |
John T. Culpepper
married Laura Blackman on 15 Nov 1896 in Autauga Co., Alabama
(#1630)√ |
Mary Culpepper
married Markes Bazzell on 5 Sep 1904 in Autauga Co., Alabama
(#4959)√ |
Mary G. Culpepper
married George C. Blackman on 26 Nov 1896 in Autauga Co., Alabama
(#1629)√ |
Newton Culpepper
married Lula Shear on 29 Jul 1897 in Autauga Co., Alabama
(#1632)√ |
Alabama Marriage Collection, 1800-1969
Source: Alabama Marriage Collection, 1800-1969 [database
on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc.,
2006. Original data: (1)
Alabama Center for Health Statistics. Alabama Marriage Index,
1936-1969. Alabama Center for Health Statistics, Montgomery,
Alabama; (2)
Jordan R., et. al. Early American Marriages: Alabama to 1825.
Bountiful, UT: Precision Indexing Publishers, 19xx; (3)
Hunting For Bears, comp. Alabama marriage information taken from county
courthouse records. Many of these records were extracted from copies of
the original records in microfilm, microfiche, or book format, located
at the Family History Library; and (4)
Jordan R., comp. Early American Marriages: Alabama, 1800 to 1920.
and __
married Feb 1946 in Autauga Co., AL (#41531)√ |
Bessie M.
and Fred M.
Davis married Aug
1954 in Autauga Co., AL (#42006)√ |
and Grace Jones
married Jun 1959 in Autauga Co., AL (#1937)√
and Pearl Welch
married Nov 1968 in Autauga Co., AL |
and Dewey Wood
married Oct 1961 in Autauga Co., AL (#41988)√ |
Clara A.
and Robert W. Armstrong
married Jul 1958 in Autauga Co., AL (#9936)√ |
Clara N.
and __
married Oct 1967 in Autauga Co., AL (#59607)√ |
Curtis R.
and Faye C. Seamon
married Sep 1961 in Autauga Co., AL (#7565)√ |
Ellis E.
and __
married Oct 1963 in Autauga Co., AL |
Emma S
and __
married Aug 1939 in Autauga Co., AL (#1939) |
Ida B
and __
married 25 Mar 1944 in Autauga Co., AL (#39471) |
James D
and __
married Dec 1955 in Autauga Co., AL
(#6563) |
John N
and __
married Aug 1965 in Autauga Co., AL |
and __
married Apr 1938 in Autauga Co., AL
(#1930) |
Margaret E
and __
married 10 Aug 1940 in Autauga Co., AL |
Ruth L
and __ married Aug
1937 in Autauga Co., AL
(#42005) |
Virgil C
and __
married Aug 1957 in Autauga Co., AL
(#57319) |
William M
and __
married May 1969 in Autauga Co., AL
(#41986) |
Alabama Divorce Index, 1950-1959
Source: Alabama
Divorce Index, 1950-1959 [database
on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original
data: Alabama Center for Health Statistics. Alabama Divorce Index, 1950-1959.
Montgomery, AL, USA: Alabama Center for Health Statistics.
Buster Culpepper
and Mary H Culpepper divorced in
Jul 1958 in Autauga Co., Alabama
(#1937) |

Alabama Death Index, 1908-1959 Online Database.
Source: Alabama Death
Index, 1908-1959. (database online) Provo, UT:, 2000. Original data: State of Alabama. Indexes of Vital
Records for Alabama: Deaths, 1908-1959. Montgomery, AL: State of
Alabama Center for Health Statistics, Record Services Division, 19--.
Edward C. Culpepper
died Sep 1929 in Autauga Co., Alabama
(#4960)√ |
Nora Culpepper
died 11 Aug 1922 in Autauga Co., Alabama
(#5182)√ |
Infant Culpepper,
infant of J. L. Culpepper & L. B., died 11 Aug 1922 in Autauga Co.,
(#41374)√ |
Jim L. A. Culpepper
died 1 Feb 1924 in Autauga Co., Alabama
(#1938)√ |
Luthur F. Culpepper
died 1 Aug 1925 in Autauga Co., Alabama
(#6566)√ |
Mary Ela Culpepper
died 1 Feb 1935 in Autauga Co., Alabama
(#4956)√ |
William D. Culpepper
died 7 Jan 1944 in Autauga Co., Alabama
(#1931)√ |

Security Death Index
All records of deaths on or before 30 Jun 2009 in which the final benefit was paid or final residence was in Autauga county.
Buster Culpepper, 7 Aug 1913 - 3 Apr 2001, Prattville, Autauga
Co., Alabama 36067; SSN 416-12-3648 issued in Alabama before 1951
(#1937)√ |
John Culpepper, 8 Jun 1904 - Nov 1985, Prattville, Autauga Co.,
Alabama 36067; SSN 420-07-1558 issued in Alabama before 1951 (# 11302)√ |
Pearl Culpepper, 24 Jan 1918 - 29 Oct 1998, Prattville, Autauga
Co., Alabama 36066; SSN 424-42-5083 issued in Alabama before 1951
(#42011)√ |
Susie W. Culpepper, 26 Sep 1911 - 20 Mar 1999, Prattville,
Autauga Co., Alabama 36067; SSN 418-18-3158 issued in Alabama before
1951 (#52397)√ |
Syble D. Culpepper, 25 May 1925 - 8 Oct 1998, Prattville, Autauga
Co., Alabama 36067; SSN 419-22-1399 issued in Alabama before 1951
(#41984)√ |
William F. Culpepper, 18 Jun 1919 - 6 Nov 1994, Prattville,
Autauga Co., Alabama 36066; SSN 418-42-7358 issued in Alabama in 1951
(#6568)√ |

From the AL USGenWeb project comes this listing of burials in several Autauga County, Alabama
cemeteries. It was compiled by Larry Nobles and contains 13,000 names. (Culpepper
records extracted by Lew Griffin)
New Prospect Cemetery
New Prospect,
Autauga Co., AL
Bessie Williams Culpepper, 12 Aug 1892 16 Oct 1977
(#41530)√ |
E. Clarence Culpepper, 13 Oct 1894 13 Sep 1929
(#4960)√ |
Ella Culpepper, 1867 1938
(#4956)√ |
J. T. Culpepper, 8 Feb 1872 24 Aug 1922
(#1630)√ |
James Lawrence Culpepper, 3 Aug 1885 19 Jan 1961
(#4958)√ |
Laura B. Culpepper, 1870 1949 (#
1641)√ |
Lula S. Culpepper, 21 Oct 1880 21 Oct 1962 (#
1923)√ |
Mary Grace Culpepper, 1920 1968
(#42010)√ |
Nora Culpepper, 3 Sep 1884 11 Aug 1922 (#
5182)√ |
William D. Culpepper, Sr., 1 Dec 1877 21 Dec 1950
(#1632)√ |
Wm. D. Culpepper, (Jr), 3 Feb 1901 6 Jan 1944
(#1931)√ |
Liberty Baptist Church Cemetery
Jimmie L. Culpepper,
5 Oct 1923 – 4 Feb 1924 (#52396)√ |

No records of any
places named Culpepper
have been
found in Autauga County |

Last Revised:
02 Jan 2015