Alabama Culpepper Archives
Montgomery County

Montgomery County
was created from Indian lands as part of the Mississippi Territory in 1816, and
it became part of Alabama the next year. Bounded on the north by the Alabama and
Tallapoosa Rivers, Montgomery County is located in the south-central part of the
state and is part of the Southeastern Plains Region. It is bordered by the
counties of Elmore, Macon,
Bullock, Pike,
Crenshaw, Lowndes and
Autauga. The county seat is
Montgomery, which has also been the state capitol since 1846. Other significant
towns include Hope Hull, Ramer, Pike Road and Mt. Meigs. The city of Montgomery
is on I-65 and I-85, about 175 miles northeast of Mobile and 90 miles SSE of
Montgomery Advertiser

Any names
below in red have not been matched
with a person in the Culpepper family tree. If you can identify any of
please let us know.

Sources Searched
During May
2005, a comprehensive search for Culpeppers was made in the Montgomery
County, Alabama section of the Family History Library in Salt Lake City
(US/CAN Book 976.147). |
In September 2005, a comprehensive online search was made for Montgomery County
Culpeppers in the Archival databases at
and ALGenWeb at |

Census Records
City Directories, 1880-1895
This database
is a transcription of six city directories originally published between
1881 and 1895. In addition to providing the residents’ names, it
provides information regarding their addresses and occupations. This
collection includes the names of more than 43,200 people, mostly heads
of households.
"Montgomery City Directory, 1880-1881." Montgomery, AL: Ross A. Smith,
"Montgomery City Directory, 1883-1884." Montgomery, AL: Joel Davis, 1884.
"Montgomery City Directory, 1887." Montgomery, AL: n.p., 1887.
"Montgomery City Directory, 1891." Montgomery, AL: C. J. Allardt and Co.,
"Montgomery City Directory, 1893." Montgomery, AL: Walter Howard, 1893.
"Montgomery City Directory, 1895." Montgomery, AL: Maloney Directory Co.,
Business Name, Occupation, Location , City, State,
All of the
following references are for the same person as the one found in the 1900
census below.
Culpepper; J Abbott, Tailor; Montgomery, AL; 1880, 1881 (#
Cay D.
Culpepper; porter; 136-138 Commerce; r 44 Caroline, Montgomery,
AL; 1893 |
D. C.
Culpepper; Steiner & Lobman, Porter; r 11 Sharp, Montgomery, AL;
1895 |
No Culpeppers
were found in any US Census in Montgomery County prior to 1900.
1900 US Census
ED 103,
Page 22A, Lines 37-43, 30 Sharp Street, Montgomery, Montgomery Co., AL
Dave Culpepper, Head, Black, M, Jan 1853, 47, wid, AL/AL/AL,
Porter at Store (#41039)√
Malissa Culpepper, Daughter, Black, F, Feb 1885, 15, sng,
Pinkie Culpepper, Daughter, Black, F, Feb 1889, 11, sng,
Julia Culpepper, Daughter, Black, F, Mar 1891, 9, sng, AL/AL/AL
Robert J. Culpepper, Son, Black, F, Mar 1895, 5, sng, AL/AL/AL
Rosa Lucas, Daughter, Black, F, Sep 1881, 18, sng, AL/AL/AL
Sallie Abbott, Step Mother, Black, F, Dec 1844, 55, wid,
AL/AL/AL, School Teacher |
1910 US Census
ED 85,
Page 11B, 62 Covington Street, Precinct 1, Montgomery, Montgomery Co.,
Virtue P. Cullpepper, Head, F, Wh, 47, wid, ch 8/6, AL/AL/AL
Owen Riles, Son, M, Wh, 21, sng, AL/AL/AL, Slasher/Cotton Mill
Jimmie Riles, Son, M, Wh, 18, sng, AL/AL/AL, Doffer/Cotton Mill
Richard Riles, Son, M, Wh, 15, sng, AL/AL/AL, Spinner/Cotton
Emma L. Cullpepper, Dau, F, Wh, 8, sng, AL/AL/AL
William B. Tupley (sp?), Grandson, M, Wh, 5, sng, AL/AL/AL
Earl Wingard, Boarder, M, Wh, 17, sng, AL/AL/AL, Doffer/Cotton
Mill |
ED 93,
Page 20A, Lines 5-6, 30 Sharp Street, Montgomery, Montgomery Co., AL
Dave C. Culpepper, Head, M, Black, 49, wid, AL/AL/AL,
Porter/Furniture Co (#41039)√
Julia Culpepper, Daughter, F, Black, 18, sng, AL/AL/AL |
1920 US Census
ED 94,
Page 15A, Lines 24-48, Ward 1, Montgomery, Montgomery Co., AL
HH of Ada Waite, included 6 family members and 17 lodgers, including:
Mary J. Culpepper, Lodger, F, Wh, 72, wid, AL/AL/AL,
Seamstress/Overall factory (#3527)√
Ruby Culpepper, Lodger, F, Wh, 30, sng, AL/AL/AL,
Seamstress/Overall factory |
ED 102,
Pages 16A-B, Lines 1-63, Ward 4, Montgomery, Montgomery Co., AL
63 lodgers at the YMCA on Washington Street, including on Line 54:
R. C. Culpeper, Lodger, M, Wh, 21, sng, AL/AL/AL, Clerk/Steam
Railroad |
ED 107,
Pages 15A-B, Lines 47-53, Ward 6, Montgomery, Montgomery Co., AL
HH of William Finn Sr. included 3 family members and 3 roomers,
including on Line 51:
William Culpepper, Roomer, M, Wh, 38, sng, AL/UN/UN,
Agent/Insurance (#3532)√ |
ED 108,
Pages 20A, Lines 23-47, 107 Madison Ave, Wd-6, Montgomery, Montgomery
Co., AL
HH of Gladden Harrison included 7 family members and 17 roomers,
including on Line 46:
B. Culpepper, Roomer, M, Wh, 27, sng, AL/GA/AL, Clerk/Steam
Railroad (#4967)√ |
ED 110,
Page 1B, Lines 86-87, Ward 7, 424 Houston St, Montgomery, Montgomery
Co., AL
Ola Wright, Head, F, Wh, 40, sng, AL/SC/GA, Proprietor/Grocery
Marie Culpepper, Cousin, F, Wh, 23, sng, AL/AL/AL,
Stenographer/Factory |
1930 US Census
ED 1, Page 1A, Lines 8-21, Precinct 1, Montgomery,
Montgomery Co., AL
HH of Della A. Blackwell, included 5 family members, 2 servants and 7
boarders, including:
William E. Culpepper, Boarder, M, Wh, 46, sng, AL/GA/AL,
Salesman/Insurance (#3532)√ |
ED 1, Page 3A, Lines 13-19, 119B Catonia St,
Precinct 1, Montgomery, Montgomery Co., AL
HH of Clara B. Barginier, included 3 family members, and 3 roomers,
Charles C. Culpepper, Roomer, M, Wh, 22, sng, AL/AL/AL,
Clerk/Post Office (#35338)√ |
ED 26, Page 6B, Lines 85-87, 408 Jefferson St,
Precinct 5, Montgomery, Montgomery Co., AL
Rent=$25, Radio=Y, Farm=N (#30424)√
William R. Culpepper, Head, M, Wh, 30, md@26, GA/GA/GA,
Flagman/Steam RR
Kathleen Culpepper, Wife, F, Wh, 25, md@21, AL/AL/AL
John W. Culpepper, Son, M, Wh, 2 3/12, AL/GA/AL |
ED 52, Page 7A, Line 46, Precinct 18, Kilby Prison,
Pole Bridge, Montgomery Co., AL
Green Culpepper, Prisoner, M, Wh, 30, md@28, AL/AL/AL,
Labor/Shirt Factory (#5249)√ |

No records have been found of Culpepper
births in Montgomery County. |

No records have been found of Culpepper
deeds in Montgomery County. |

Military Records
World War I Draft
Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Online database,
William Ellison Culpepper,
General Delivery, Montgomery, AL, age 36, born 21 Oct 1881, White,
Carpenter for A. Blair at Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, AL; Nearest
relative: Mary Jane Culpepper, Clayton, Barbour Co., AL; Tall, slender
build, Blue eyes, Brown hair, registered 12 Sep 1918 at City Hall,
Montgomery, AL (#3532)√ |
World War
II Draft Registration Cards, 1942
U.S. World War II Draft Registration
Cards, 1942 [database on-line].
Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original
data: United States, Selective Service System. Selective Service
Registration Cards, World War II: Fourth Registration. National
Archives and Records Administration Branch locations: National Archives
and Records Administration Region Branches.
Note: This database is an indexed collection of the draft cards
from the Fourth Registration, the only registration currently available
to the public (the other registrations are not available due to privacy
laws). The Fourth Registration, often referred to as the "old man's
registration", was conducted on 27 April 1942 and registered men who
born on or between 28 April 1877 and 16 February 1897 - men who were
between 45 and 64 years old - and who were not already in the military.
Xerxes Culpepper,
Black, born 24 Jan 1883 in Montgomery, Montgomery Co., Alabama;
resided in Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., Ohio; Contact: Elizabeth
Culpepper (wife) at same location; Unemployed, Height 5’ 11”, Weight
137, Brown eyes, black hair, dark brown complexion, burn scars on
hands; Registered 25 Apr 1942 in Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., Ohio
(#61318)√ |
World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
National Archives and Records Administration.
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 (database
online). Provo, Utah:, Inc., 2005. Original data:
Electronic Army Serial Number Merged File, 1938-1946 (Archival
Database); World War II Army Enlistment Records; Records of the National
Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 64; National Archives
at College Park, College Park, MD.
Edward L. Culpepper,
born 1921, White, Native of Georgia; Resided in Montgomery Co.,
Alabama; Enlisted on 19 Mar 1942 in Georgia at Fort Benning in the
US Army Air Corps as a Private for the duration of the War plus six
months; Civil Occupation: Engineering Aide (Designated Field) or
Sales Clerk; Marital Status: Single, without dependents; Height: 70;
Weight: 137. (#26673)√ |

Early Alabama Marriages
No records have been found in this
publication of Culpepper marriages in Montgomery county. |
Alabama Marriages,
1809-1920 (Selected Counties) Online database,
No records have been found in this
database of Culpepper marriages in Montgomery county. |
Alabama Marriages,
1807-1902 Online database,
No records have been found in this
database of Culpepper marriages in Montgomery county. |
Alabama Marriage Collection, 1800-1969
Source: Alabama Marriage Collection, 1800-1969 [database
Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original data: (1)
Alabama Center for Health Statistics. Alabama Marriage Index,
1936-1969. Alabama Center for Health Statistics, Montgomery,
Alabama; (2)
Jordan R., et. al. Early American Marriages: Alabama to 1825.
Bountiful, UT: Precision Indexing Publishers, 19xx; (3)
For Bears,
comp. Alabama marriage information taken from county courthouse records.
Many of these records were extracted from copies of the original records
in microfilm, microfiche, or book format, located at the Family History
Library; and (4) Dodd,
Jordan R., comp. Early American Marriages: Alabama, 1800 to 1920.
C Culpepper
married 27 Apr 1944 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Annell Culpepper
married Mar 1955 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Arthur G Culpepper
married May 1963 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Barbara Culpepper
married Jul 1958 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Bibbie K Culpepper
married Mar 1956 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Charles C Culpepper
married Nov 1946 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Darrell W Culpepper
married Jun 1954 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Forest F Culpepper
married Jan 1962 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Forrest E Culpepper
married Nov 1955 in Montgomery Co., AL (#40367)√
Forrest E Culpepper
married Dec 1963 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Hattie E Culpepper
married Apr 1962 in Montgomery Co., AL |
married Oct 1937 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Herman Culpepper
married Jul 1966 in Montgomery Co., AL |
C Culpepper
married Mar 1939 in Montgomery Co., AL |
O Culpepper
married Jun 1965 in Montgomery Co., AL |
married Mar 1962 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Jerrine Culpepper
married 10 Oct 1953 in Montgomery Co., AL |
H Culpepper
married 24 Aug 1945 in Montgomery Co., AL |
T Culpepper
married Mar 1961 in Montgomery Co., AL |
W Culpepper
married 20 May 1948 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Josephine Culpepper
married 12 Nov 1947 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Jynelle Culpepper
married Feb 1966 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Katrina R Culpepper
married 18 Jun 1953 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Margaret Culpepper
married 27 Nov 1953 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Margaret V Culpepper
married Feb 1961 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Martha N Culpepper
married Oct 1959 in Montgomery Co., AL |
J Culpepper
married 29 Feb 1952 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Patricia F Culpepper
married Jul 1965 in Montgomery Co., AL |
married Sep 1959 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Vivian L Culpepper
married Apr 1947 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Walter Culpepper
married 11 Feb 1952 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Walter Culpepper
married Dec 1956 in Montgomery Co., AL |
William O Culpepper
married 26 Dec 1947 in Montgomery Co., AL |
Alabama Divorce Index, 1950-1959
Source: Alabama Divorce Index, 1950-1959 [database
Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original data:
Alabama Center for Health Statistics. Alabama Divorce Index,
1950-1959. Montgomery, AL, USA: Alabama Center for Health
Elbert B Culpepper
and Olive A Culpepper divorced in Dec 1953 in
Montgomery Co., Alabama |
Forrest E Culpepper
and Clara N Culpepper divorced in Aug 1955 in
Montgomery Co., Alabama
(#40367)√ |
J D Culpepper
and Charity C Culpepper divorced in Oct 1957 in
Montgomery Co., Alabama |
James D Culpepper
and Jettie W Culpepper divorced in Aug 1955 in
Montgomery Co., Alabama |
James L Culpepper
and Bonnie J Culpepper divorced in Feb 1957 in
Montgomery Co., Alabama |
Luther T Culpepper
and Jo Ann W Culpepper divorced in Nov 1958 in
Montgomery Co., Alabama |
Walter Culpepper
and Ora L Culpepper divorced in Oct 1956 in
Montgomery Co., Alabama |

Alabama Death Index, 1908-1959 Online Database.
Annie L.
Culpepper died 2 Nov 1949 in Montgomery Co., Alabama (#1641)√ |
Cleveland Culpepper
died Oct 1925 in Montgomery Co., Alabama |
Culpepper died Nov 1923 in Montgomery Co., Alabama (#11276)√ |
John T.
Culpepper died 24 Oct 1922 in Montgomery Co., Alabama (#1630)√ |
Luval C.
died Jul 1934 in Montgomery Co., Alabama |
Mary J.
Culpepper died Mar 1925 in Montgomery Co., Alabama (#3527)√ |
E. Culpepper died 26 Jan 1940 in Montgomery Co., Alabama
(#3532)√ |
N. Culpepper died 15 Sep 1950 in Montgomery Co., Alabama |

Security Death Index
All records of deaths on or before 30 Jun 2009 in which
the final benefit was paid or final residence was in Montgomery County.
Albert Culpepper, 3 Jan 1906 - Feb 1984, Montgomery,
Montgomery Co., Alabama 36109; SSN 423-09-6045 issued in Alabama before
1951 (#1927)√ |
Arthur G. Culpepper, 21 Apr 1934 - 3
Aug 2005, Montgomery, Montgomery Co., AL 36108; SSN 418-38-6936 issued
in Alabama before 1951 (#40368)√ |
Bessie Culpepper, 12 Aug 1892 - Oct 1977, Montgomery,
Montgomery Co., Alabama 36105; SSN 419-68-0710 issued in Alabama in 1965
(#41530)√ |
Claudia M. Culpepper, 24 Sep 1930 – 1 Mar 2002,
Montgomery, Montgomery Co., Alabama 36116; SSN 418-42-5634 issued in
Alabama before 1951 |
Clifton C. Culpepper, 22 Feb 1917 - 15 Aug 1989,
Montgomery, Montgomery Co., Alabama 36117; SSN 419-01-2752 issued in
Alabama before 1951 (#11003)√ |
Eleanor J. Culpepper,
9 Oct 1914 - 19 May 2007, Montgomery, Montgomery Co., Alabama 36109, SSN
424-36-2764 issued in Alabama in 1936-1950 |
Ila M. Culpepper,
16 Jun 1931 - 8 Dec 2007, Montgomery, Montgomery Co., Alabama 36104, SSN
417-44-3010 issued in Alabama in 1951-1952 |
Gertrude J. Culpepper, 14 Nov 1913 - 13 Jun 1988,
Montgomery, Montgomery Co., Alabama 36109; SSN 422-10-1147 issued in
Alabama before 1951 (#35339)√ |
Hazel Culpepper, 14 Feb 1922 - Oct 1987, Montgomery,
Montgomery Co., Alabama 36117; SSN 422-14-1408 issued in Alabama before
1951 (#11348)√ |
Ila M. Culpepper, 15 Jun 1906 - 11 Feb 1997, Montgomery,
Montgomery Co., Alabama 36108; SSN 423-12-4738 issued in Alabama before
1951 (#40366)√ |
Lula W. Culpepper, 7 Aug 1902 - Dec 1994, Montgomery,
Montgomery Co., Alabama 36104; SSN 416-28-0223 issued in Alabama before
1951 (#9815)√ |
Maggie Culpepper, 20 Aug 1901 - 24 Nov 1993, Montgomery,
Montgomery Co., Alabama 36109; SSN 703-07-7220 issued thru RR Board
before 1951 (#26644)√ |
Mary Culpepper, 12 Apr 1915 - Feb 1984, Montgomery,
Montgomery Co., Alabama 36109; SSN 418-32-9635 issued in Alabama before
1951 (#42003)√ |
Ora Culpepper, 6 Mar 1923 - Apr 1985, Montgomery,
Montgomery Co., Alabama 36104; SSN 422-16-1431 issued in Alabama before
1951 |
Sterling Culpepper, 10 Jan 1900 - Dec 1973, Montgomery,
Montgomery Co., Alabama 36104; SSN 252-07-5002 issued in Georgia before
1951 (#9931)√ |
Walter R. Culpepper, 12 Feb 1926 - 30 May 1997,
Montgomery, Montgomery Co., Alabama 36116; SSN 422-24-0526 issued in
Alabama before 1951 |

No records have
been found of Culpepper
graves in Montgomery County. |

No records of any
places named Culpepper
have been
found in Montgomery County |

Last Revised:
02 Jan 2015