Culpepper Archives
Norfolk Southside, 1661-1724

After an
initial presence on the eastern shore of
Virginia, the American Culpepper family first established
permanent roots in the southeastern corner of Virginia where many remain to this day. Now known as
"the Southside" and officially called South Hampton Roads,
this area includes the counties and independent cities of Norfolk,
Chesapeake, Isle
of Wight,
Princess Anne,
Surry and
Virginia Beach.
During the period included on this page, the
political jurisdictions in the Southside area were (alphabetically)
Isle of Wight
County (1637-present) |
Norfolk County (1637-1691) |
Nansemond County
(1645-1974) |
Norfolk County
(1691-1963) (formed from Lower Norfolk County) |
Princess Anne County
(1691-1963) (formed from Lower Norfolk County) |
Surry County
(1652-present) |

otherwise noted, all transcriptions below are by Lew
to James White for sharing his research. See his
web site
for further details on the White family.
If you can identify any of the names in
red, please
let us know.
Culpepper was occasionally spelled "Culpeper"
or "Colepeper" in the
original deeds. The spelling did not appear to be significant, hence we have consistently
used the modern spelling in this document.
References to "Dick Culpepper" and to "WHC" below are for
Culpepper's of England and America, by Warren H. (Dick)
Culpepper, Provo, UT, 2008
historical and chronological perspective and ease of reference,
records dealing with the Eastern Shore are summarized first below,
and then the records dealing with the Southside commence with Henry
Culpepper in 1667.
For ease
in reference in connection with our special Deed Platting project,
the applicable deed extracts have been
highlighted in blue.

Early Norfolk Land Platting Project
Norfolk Culpepper
Report prepared for Culpepper Connections by
Barbara Vines Little,
CG, FVGS (e-mail)
Dominion Research Service, Orange, VA
Lower Norfolk Land Patents and Deeds on mapping server maintained by Jim
(Incorporates deed research by both Barbara Little and
Jim White)
Lower Norfolk Land Plats (temporary plats prepared
by Barbara Little until all deeds are incorporated on mapping server above)
Also see Deed Images below:
Additional work needed on this project is
detailed in red below in connection with various deeds.

Eastern Shore Records, 1635-1647
Early Immigration Records and Lancaster Co. Records, 1653-1659
Lancaster County was established in 1651 from
Northumberland and York counties. It is part of the Northern Neck and
not of Norfolk's Southside. However, the deeds are included here for
ease of reference with other Culpeper records of the mid 17th century.
The immigration/land patent records are the only know records of their
type in which Henry Culpeper is found. And the 1664 passage from England
to New England is the only instance found where both Henry and John
Culpeper are connected. Most
likely, the John Culpeper records were for
John Culpeper of Accomack Co., VA (#62121).
The Henry Culpeper records had long been assumed to be for
Henry Culpeper of Lower Norfolk Co., Virginia
(#1). However, a signature and spelling
discrepancy casts this in doubt. See note below associated with the
7 Dec 1658 deed.
12 May
1653. A land patent was sold by Capt. Nathaniel Hurd for 144 acres
in Virginia (county unknown) for the transport of 3 persons,
including Henry Culpeper. Sources:
(1) Nugent, Nell Marion, Cavaliers and Pioneers,
Vol. I, Patent Book 3, p. 242.
(2) Brandow, James C.,
, page
85. |
29 Sep 1658. Lancaster
County, VA Court Session: "Ordered that Henry Colepegg (Culpeper)
doe secure the Estate of William White, Clerke, & Martha, his wife,
both deced., till an Executor appeare or till this Cort: further
order therein." Virginia County Court Records, Order Book
Abstracts of Lancaster County, Virginia 1656-1661, Sparacio,
Ruth & Sam eds, The Ancient Press, McLean, VA 1993.
Dec 1658, "Henry Colepepper, Planter" sold a cow in Lancaster
Co., VA: The P:sents Winesseth that I Henry Colepepper, Planter, in ye County
of Lancaster in Virginia doe assigne unto John Edwards, Surgeon, in
ye same County his heirs or assignes one Cow Cale being brown ye
right ear a peice taken out behind & a nick in ye forepart of ye sd
ear ye left ear cropt & underkeeled with a nick in ye forepart
thereof & do warrant ye sd Calfe from any p:son whatsoever unto him
ye sd Edwards or his assignes forever, as Witnes my hand this 7th
day of December 1658. Witnes Leonard Cacott, Hen: Colepepper
p sig, Tho: Williamson p sig (Edwards then assigns his interest in
the heifer to Leonard Cacott.) (Lancaster Co VA Deeds & Wills 1654-1661, Page 173,
Culpepper Connections Note:
The signature for Henry in the image for the above deed does not
match the script capital "H" that is seen on documents for Henry
Culpeper of Lower Norfolk. Note that also the above document was
signed "Hen: Colepepper", whereas Henry of Lower Norfolk was placing
his script "H" between Henry and Culpeper which someone else had
written (as in Henry "H" Culpeper). So both the spelling and the
signatures suggest two different Henrys. |
Sep 1659, John Colepeper served "as a witness to a meeting"
in Lancaster Co., VA: WHEREAS there was a meeting by the Parishoners of Lancaster Parish &
the Parishoners of PIEANKITANCK for to the final ordering of all
difference betwixt lhe 2 Pshes: oncerning the bounds of the sd Pshes:
and it was then mutually agreed for the time to come that the bounds
of thc Pshers: should be & extend according to an Order of the
County Court bearing date the 10th day of Sept 1657, Provided the
levys due from the Lady Lunsfords plantacon & other plantacons for
the time past be paid to the use of the sd Lancastr: Psh: & this
Agreemt. not to make invallid any Order of Court for the recovery of
the sd Levys. In witnes whereof I Henry Corbyn on behalfe of the Psh
of Lancastr: set to my hand & seale this l4th of Sept: 1659 This
Agreemt. to take place from this day John Colepeper, Hen: Corbyn,
John Rynes, Cuth: Potter. Recognit In Cur 9d Maii 1660 et
record xxd p Edwd. Dale, Cl Cur (Lancaster Co VA Deeds & Wills 1661-1702, Page 374) |
London to New England Shipping, 1664
10 May 1664
30 June 1664. Shippers by the Defence, Mr. John
Webber, bound from London for New England: Benjamin Hewling, John Newell, Humphrey Hodges,
Thomas Parris, James Fassett, John Fullerton, Sir William Peake, Robert Davies, Robert
Knight, John Winder, Henry Culpeper, John Culpeper. (The Complete Book of
Emigrants, 1607-1776, PRO: E190/50/1, 50/2) |
Eastern Shore Records, 1657-1667
A second group of records from the
Eastern Shore, 1657 to 1667.
Includes John, James and Thomas Culpeper |

Land Grants of 1662-1701 to those known to be
connected to Culpepers
Hallowell, Thonas,
grantee, Land grant 18 March 1662, County location not given.
450 acres three hundred acs. being a neck of a land, lying on the
western branch of Elizabeth River, bounded with Broad Creek. 300 acs.
formerly gtd him Jan.y 11. 1652 the residue &c.
Source: Land Office Patents No. 5, 1661-1666 (v.1 & 2 p.1-369), p.
307 (Reel 5). |
Green, Thomas,
grantee, Land grant 18 March 1663, Lower Norfolk County.
400 acres on the South side of the Westward branch of Elizabeth
River, lying between the land of Captn. John Sibbs, &c.
Source: Land Office Patents No. 5, 1661-1666 (v.1 & 2 p.1-369), p.
362 (Reel 5). |
Horne, Thomas,
grantee, Land grant 27 September 1665, County location not given.
Gen. note: formerlly gtd. to Robt. Capps and Robt. Spring, May 30.
300 acres near the head of the Western branch of Elizabeth River.
Source: Land Office Patents No. 5, 1661-1666 (v.1 & 2 p.1-369), p.
548 (Reel 5). |
Willoughby, Thomas,
grantee, Land grant 21 October 1684, Lower Norfolk County.
200 acres from the western branch of Elizabeth River; Beg.g &c. a
corner tree of Ashleyes Outlawes and Freemans.
Source: Land Office Patents No. 7, 1679-1689 (v.1 & 2 p.1-719), p.
424 (Reel 7). |
Richardson, Thomas,
Land grant 21 April 1690, Lower Norfolk County.
290 acres on Goose Creek and the branches thereof, in the Southern
branch precincts.
Source: Land Office Patents No. 8, 1689-1695, p. 65 (Reel 8).
Tart, Ellazar,
Land grant 24 April 1700, Norfolk County.
150 acres near the head of the western branch of Elizabeth River.
Beg.g &c. in the line of a patent formerly granted Robert Bowers,
now in the possession of the said Tart.
Source: Land Office Patents No. 9, 1697-1706 (v.1 & 2 p.1-742), p.
253 (Reel 9). |
Richardson, Thomas,
Land grant 24 October 1701, Norfolk County.
99 acres on the head of John Cherrys land near the head of Goose
Creek of the western side of the Southern branch of Elizabeth River.
Source: Land Office Patents No. 9, 1697-1706 (v.1 & 2 p.1-742), p.
411 (Reel 9). |
Records of 1661-1675 for Henry Culpepper
(the American
progenitor, born say 1633)
1661/62, Lower Norfolk Co., VA, Book D, folio 338a. "Henery
Cullpepper hath sett up his name at ye Co: Done accordinge to
act of assembly giving notice of his intended voyage for England
this shippinge." (Source: John A. Brayton, Transcription of Lower
Norfolk Co., Virginia, Volume One, Wills and Deeds, Book D,
1656-1666, Memphis: 2007/ |
1667 -- Deed Bk E, p 25. Henry Culpepper from
Thomas Fulcher (hard to read) (Dick Culpepper, page 99, says that this was for a
large plantation on the east side of the Western Branch of the
Elizabeth River) (#1)√
(Need image,, more complete
transcription, if possible, and platting) |
Jan 1668 -- Deed Bk E, p.23. At a court
held 8 Jan. 1668. Whereas Henry Culpepper stands
indebted to James Ship a cow and calf which he/
alledged he hath [?] to deliver but Susan Hickes [?] he now
preferred to/ deliver any sufficient cow wherefore it is ordered
that James Johnson and William/ Greene viewe the cows which the said
Culpepper alledged he hath shewed and if they/ find any one
to be sufficient that that the said Hickes take that & pay of suite/
and if they be found insufficient then that he deliver a cow and
calf and pay for suite/ by Saturday next. Ref: Lower Norfolk
Book E, f. 23. (Transcribed by
James White) (#1)√ |
1668 -- Deed Bk E, p 24a. Henry Culpepper for payment of 355
pounds of tobacco. (hard to read) (#1)√ |
Jun 1669 -- Deed Bk E, p 51. "I Henry Culpepper do ordaine
& make my loving wife Elizabeth my attorney to...." (hard to
read) (#1, #36058)√ |
6 May 1670 -- Deed Bk E, p 77. Henry Culpepper to Edward Brown.
Wit: Henry Brown, Bartholomew Ingolbertson. Signed: Henry Culpepper (hard to
read) (#1, #48241)√
(If this is for land, need image,
more complete transcription, and platting) |
14 Dec 1670 -- Deed Bk E, p 132. Know all men by
these presents that I Henry Culpepper of the County of Lower Norfolk
doe [?] ordayne & appoint my loving wife Eliza Culpepper my true & lawfull attorney to ans. to any action or actions that shall be
commenced agt me, and for what she shall doe or cause to be done in
and concerning the promises I shall by these presents lett [?] and
allow to bee as fine and valued in the law as if I myself same &
personnaly present, granting unto my sd. attorney to make or imploy
one or more attorneys under her as she shall find fitt as witness my
hand & seale the 14th day of December 1670. Witness Henry IB
Culpepper, Bartholome Ingelbritson, John IW White (transcribed by
James White) (#1, #36058, #48241, #48242)√ |
1671 -- Deed Bk E, p 90. (Transcribed by
James White)
(Image) To all
people to whome these presents shall come I John Whyte sends
greeting & know you that I the sd John Whyte for and in
consideration of the some of twenty five hundred pounds of good
tobacco & cask for which I have recd. good caution for payment
have bargained aliened sould enfeofed and confirmed & by these
presents doe bargain alien sell enfeofe and confirm unto Henry
Culpepper a parcel of land abt. Two hundred twenty & five
acres more or less situate lying and being upon the north side of
Little Creek joyning upon the land of Tho: Everidge wch said land
was in the possesion of my father Tho: Whyte. To have and to hould
the sd land wth all priveleges and immunitys whatsoever unto the sd.
Henry Culpepper his heyres or assigns for ever & I the said John
Whyte do bind me my heyres executors or adminstrators in the full
vallue there of that the sd Culpepper his heyres or assigns shall
quietly occupie possess and enjoy the sd land without any lett
trouble or hinderance from the the sd Whyte or any one by or from
under me and doe hereby warrant the [?] of the sd land unto the sd
Culpepper his heyres & assigns for ever and shall for ever
defend the same. In witness whereof I have herunto sett my hand
& seale this 15th day of April 1671.
Signed sealed &
John IW Whyte & seale
in the presence of us, John Ferebee, Jas. Edwards (#1, #48242)√ |
14 Jun 1671 -- Deed Bk E, p. 97. (Transcribed
by James White) Know
all men of these presents that I John Whyte doe make my Lo: friend
Bartho: Inglebretson my true & lawful attorney to pleade all
cases whatsover and to pay and receive all monies of duly written
this my hand 14 June 1671
Wit: Thomas Jones, Jno. JC Chadwell; /s/
John IW Whyte (#48241, #48242)√ |
16 Jun 1671 -- Deed Bk E, p 97. Bartholomew Ingolbertson to Henry
Culpepper, "out of love & affection I have unto my loving god son Henry
Culpepper Jr. do freely give unto him my said god son a heifer of two years old which
I purchased of Henry Culpepper Sr. & living now with his father & of ye
same marking his cattle & of to have & to hold of said Heifer with all her female
increases to ye said Henry Culpepper Jun. his heirs & assigns forever & his father
to have ye male increases & to have ye keeping of the said Heifer with her increases
until my said god son is of age. (#48241, #831, #1)√ |
18 Oct 1671 -- Deed Bk E, p 103
(Image). Henry Culpepper to John
Everidge. "
Henry Culpeper
and Elizabeth my wife do for our heirs, Executors or Administrators;
assign over all our Rights title and interests of ye said mentioned
bill of sale of land
unto John Everidge his heirs Executors
administrators or assignees according to all intents and purposes
as John mentioned, Jn witnessed the
of .. Law
unto ... our lands
. Ye 16th day of October 1671.
Jno. Ferebee
Richard Ashall
Henry (mark H) Culpeper (#1)√
Acknowledged ... 16:8 lbs Elizabeth
(mark O) Culpeper (#36058)√
(Need the "bill of sale" cited above.
Can we figure out where this land sold to Everidge was? Was this the
Fulcher land purchased by Henry in 1667, or the White land purchased
in Apr 1671, or some other land that Henry owned and we didn't know
about?) |
1672 -- Deed Bk E, p 132. (Transcribed by
James White) Know all
men by these presents that I Henry Culpepper of the
County of Lower Norfolk doe [?] ordayne & appoint my loving wife
Eliza Culpepper my true & lawfull attorney to ans. to any
action or actions that shall be commenced agt me, and for what she
shall doe or cause to be done in and concerning the promises I shall
by these presents lett [?] and allow to bee as fine and valued in
the law as if I myself same & personnaly present, granting unto
my sd. attorney to make or imploy one or more attorneys under her as
she shall find fitt as witness my hand & seale the 14th
day of December 1670
Witness: Bartholome Ingelbritson, John IW White /s/
Henry IB Culpepper (#1, #36058)√ |
1672 -- Deed Bk E, p 158
and 158a
(Images). Henry Culpepper to
Richard Philpott,
100 acres in consideration of ye land of 1145 pounds of tobacco ... to Richard Philpott ...
land called Broad Neck along Church Creek ... to run into ye run toward ye swamp
...Coopers Creek ... whereas
said Culpepper with the consent of his wife Elizabeth. Signed: Henry Culpepper
(#1, #36541, #36058)√
(We need a better transcription and
need to figure out where this is. Was this the Fulcher land
purchased by Henry in 1667, or the White land purchased in Apr 1671,
or some other land that Henry owned and we didn't know about?) |
14 Jun 1673 -- Deed Bk E, p 145. Henry Culpepper to
Green. "Appoint William Green my attorney acting between John Adams &
myself." Signed: Henry Culpepper (#1, #36538)√ |
15 Feb 1674 -- Deed Bk E, p 178. Will of William Green dated 21 Mar
1673 and proved 15 Feb 1674. Wife Sarah Green... friends... Thomas Holloway & John Ferebee.
Daughter Sarah. Unto Richard Philpott one young ewe. Wit: Henry Culpepper,
John Winfield. Signed: William Green (#36538, #36539, #1)√ |
15 Apr 1675 -- Deed Bk E, p 183. Henry Culpepper to Robert
Spring, 375 a. on mouth of Western Branch of Elizabeth River... One grey gelding about
four years old called by ye name of Jack... 44 head of cattle young & old & a grey
gelding. Signed: Henry Culpepper (#1)√
(Need image as well as any extra
detail on location, plus plat) |
16 Apr 1675 -- Deed Bk E, p. 185a
Henry Culpepper to Henry
Spratt & Henry Holmes. Signed: Henry Culpepper (#1)√
(Need transcription) |
16 Aug 1675 -- Deed Bk 4, p 2
(Image). Henry Culpepper of Western Branch
of Elizabeth River in Virginia, planter, to Thomas Hollowell Jr. ... said land being
granted.. said plantation or tract of land above sd. was assigned to me by Henry Culpepper
by Thomas Fulton as may largely upon record ... Apr 1667. (This is the last deed for the
Henry Culpepper who signed with a script capital "H".) (#1)√ |
Eastern Shore Records, 1670-1701
A final group of records from the Eastern
Shore, 1670 to 1701.
These pertain to John Culpeper,
Sherriff of Northampton Co., VA.
It is probable that this John is the same person as
John Culpeper, son of Thomas & Katherine (#8997).
The entries are from: Warren M. Billings,
editor, The Papers of Sir William Berkeley,
1605-1677, Library of Virginia,
Richmond, 2007 |
Records of a John Culpepper who was probably John of
Albemarle (#10529), born circa 1644 and the brother of Henry Sr.:
23 Apr 1681. Land patent to John Johnson for 350 acres in
Nansemond County for the transport of seven persons: John Culpeper,
six times, and Curtis Land, once. (Nugent, Nell Marion,
Cavaliers and Pioneers,
Vol. II, page 93; and Patent Book 7, p. 221.) |
1683 -- Deed Bk 4, p 158. Patrick White to
John Culpepper. Lower
Norfolk County. Know all men by ... I Patrick White for... good... have & fully
absolutely... & appoint my loving friend John Culpepper for... &... my...
plantation. Signed: Patrick White (#10529)√ |
168x -- Deed Bk 4, p 162. Thomas Green to
John Culpepper and
Thomas Gordon. My beloved friend Mr. John Culpepper & Thomas Gordon to be my sole and
lawful attorneys. (#36423, #10529)√ |
In 1691, Lower Norfolk County was split into Norfolk
County, and Princess Ann County. The area where the Culpepper family lived
became Norfolk County.
Records start of Henry Culpepper Jr (#831), born say 1669, and his brother
Robert Culpepper (#834), born say 1664:
16 Jun 1692 -- Deed Bk 5, p 167. Thomas Green to Robert Culpepper.
I Thomas Green of the Western Branch of the Elizabeth River... planter... in consideration
of 2,000 lbs. of tobacco to Robert Culpepper of the same place, planter. 50 acres, part of
a patent of 575 a. beginning at a point on the eastward side of a creek commonly called
Loyd Creek to a gutt or branch of the said creek... thence down the said gutt to a creek
dividing this land from the land of John ... and so down the said creek to the first above
mentioned point at the creek's mouth. Wit: Henry Culpepper Signed: Thomas Green,
Elizabeth Green (This is the first deed for the Henry who signed with two or three
vertical bars and one horizontal bar, like an "H", or with three horizontal bars
and one vertical, like an "H" on its side. This mark consists of straight lines
rather than a script "H" as before, and apparently is the less well schooled son
of the previous Henry.)
(#36411, #36544, #834, #831)√
(Need image and plat) |
1695 -- Deed Bk 5, p 241. Will of Jean Green. Dated 27 Mar 1694, and proved 15 Jan 1694/5 by Samuel Walker and 15 Mar 1694/5 by
Eleazer Tart.
... unto my grandson Jno. Winfield One Mare...
... unto my granddaughter Eliza. Walker one bed...
my pestle...
... unto my Grand Son Richd. Bunting, One gunn...
... unto my Grand daughter Eliza. Bunting, One Pewter dish ...
... unto my Grand Children my Son Thomas his Children (vizt) Jane Green 1 Cow ... to Ann Green One Cow ... & to Tomisen One Cow ...
... unto my Grand daughter Elizth. Walker, One great Chest ...
... unto Henry Culpeper, One little Chest ... my cutting knife, and my piggeons ...
... my Grand Daughter Tomasen Green ...
... my Grand daughter Alice Norcott, my Smoothing Iron One fflesh fork ...
... my son in lawe Richd. Bunting ... Execr ...
witnesses: Henry Culpeper, his marke [3 vertical bars
crossed by one horizontal bar - a "three legged H"]; Sam:
Walker; his marke; Eleazer Tart.
signed: Jeane Green, her marke.
Since the signing of the above Will ...
... unto my Daughter in Law Bridgett Bunting One pair of little Sheers ...
dated: 13 April 1694 (#36424, #831, #6750)√ |
15 Mar 1698 -- Deed Bk 6, p 119. John Creekmore to Henry Culpepper,
100 acres east of the Western Branch of the Elizabeth River.
(Need image, full transcription and
plat) |
17 Jul 1699 -- Will/probate of Henry Culpepper Jr.
Deed Bk 6, p 155: Will of Henry Culpepper of the ...
Branch of Elizabeth River.... Dated 25 July 1698. Proved 17 Jul 1699 by George Valentine
and Roger Hodges. To my son Thomas my 100 acres of land I bought of John
Creekmore... my gun ... a cutting knife. To the child my wife goes with one great chest.
I give my Son Thomas to his Uncle Thomas Richardson and if his Decease ... father
or Grand Mother Richardson ... until he is Eighteen years... To my brother Robert
Culpepper... and to his Daughter Elizabeth... I give my grind... Thomas
Richardson... Wife... Whole executrix... Witnesses: Roger Hodges, George Valentine,
William Maund, Thomas Richardson. Signed: Henry Culpepper (#831, #39604,
#683, #834, #836)√
(The 100 acres given to Thomas
were acquired in a 15 Mar 1698 deed immediately above) |
20 May 1702 -- Deed Bk 7 p 6. John Ward
sold 500 acres to James Smith for 4,000 pounds of tobacco. To make
the sale, his wife Elizabeth (Culpepper, daughter of Robert) had to relinquish her rights of dowery
in the land. Elnathan and Elizar Tart witnessed the sale.
(Need image, full transcription and
[According to Dick Culpepper, "Their sons
were John Ward Jr., Thomas Ward and Joseph Ward. John Jr., would in
c 1708, marry Elizabeth (#836), the oldest child of Robert Culpepper
(#834)." The
will of John Ward Sr., dated 18 Sept. 1710, divided his land between
his sons. On 15 Dec. 1717, Deed Bk 9, p 642, Joseph sold his 106 acres to
William Ellis. On 20 June 1728, John Jr and wife Elizabeth sold 107
acres on the northeast side of Simons Creek of the Western Branch of
the Elizabeth River to William and Richard Price. This land was
adjacent to the land of William Ellis had bought from his brother
Joseph Ward. (Deed Bk 6, p 105)] (WHC Item 2, p 231) (#837)√ |
4 July 1705 -- Robert Culpepper with Elizar
Tart Sr., witnessed Richard Bunting sign his will. (WB 9 p
267) (#834, #6750, #36530)√.
[Dick Culpepper says: "Elizar Tart, Jr., would in c 1728, marry
Mury Culpepper, the
eight child and youngest daughter of Robert Culpepper. This Richard Bunting was the husband of
Bridgett Green, the daughter of Thomas Sr. and Jean Green. He was
the brother-in-law of Thomas Jr. and Elizabeth Green and the uncle
of Thomas Green 3rd and his wife Mary Culpepper, the
third child and second daughter of Robert Culpepper. He was the
nephew of Henry Culpepper, whose wife was Elizabeth, the daughter of
William Culpepper and Sarah Green, who were also the parents of
Thomas Green Sr. and Henry Green Sr. Thus, he was the cousin of
Henry Culpepper Jr., whose first wife was the sister of Henry Green
Jr."] (WHC Item 3, pp 231-232) |
Start of
records for land on which Henry Culpepper Jr. once lived
16 Mar 1707 -- Deed Bk 9,
p 4. Thomas Green for good will & affection to brother and
sister, John Willis and Elizabeth his wife, of Elizabeth River
Parish in Norfolk County, one messuage tenement or plantation that
Henry Green, Henry Culpepper, and James Smith did live on, it
being & lying between the land that Thomas Green doth live on
& Richard Bunttings plantation, and known by the name of Jame's
Plantation. Witnesses: Thomas Power, Wm. Symmons, James Lambert.
(#36425, #831)√ |
12 Feb 1710 -- Deed Bk 9,
p 5. Thomas Green of western branch of Elizabeth River Parish &
heir at law to Thomas Green late of the same parish to Richard
Bunting (Weaver) of the same place for 2250 lbs of tobacco &
also in consideration of the vast expense and charge that hath bin
in a suite of law between the said Richard Bunting & John
Willis, Guardian to the said Green, about a certain tract and
dividend of land, wherefore the said Green being come to age to
avoid further charge about the land doth give & confer to the
said Bunting this indenture & release 200 acres on south side of
west branch of Elizabeth River known by the name of Fishey Neck,
being that land which Peter Smith late of this county, dec'd,
patented and after sold to the same Bunting which said land was and
is within the bounds of the said Green & his patent, bounded
etc. Witnesses: Robert Culpepper, James Sabord?, John
Portlock, (#36425, #47168, #834, #36532)√ |
5 Mar 1710 -- Robert Culpepper Sr. witnessed
Thomas Green, deed the above land to Richard Bunting (DB 9 p84). [Dick
Culpepper says: "This Thomas Green, born c 1686, probably married
about 1709, Mary Culpepper, born c 1691, the third child and second
daughter of Robert Culpepper
Sr."] (WHC Item 5, p 232) |
1711 -- Deed Bk 9, p 80. Will of John Creekmore dated 4 Jan 1708/9 and
proved 17 Aug 1711 by Emanuel Burgis. Various bequests including: "Unto my son John
Creekmur Jr 50 acres of land lying between Richard Hodges and Henry Culpepper
called by name of Horse Point...." (#831)√ |
1713 -- Deed Bk 9, p 269. Will of Richard Bunting, dated 4 Jul 1705 and
proved 21 Aug 1713 by Robert Culpepper. Various bequests. Witnesses included Robert
Culpepper and Eleazer Tart (#36530, #834, #6750)√ |
Dec 1714 -- Samuel Creekmur, 52 acres (New Land), Norfolk County; on
South side of Deep Creek, a branch of the South branch of the
Elizabeth River; adjacent Culpepper's land; page 206, Patent
Book 10, for the import of Andrew Borkum (#831)√ |
1716 -- Deed Bk 9, p 460. Will of William Dale, date 29 Oct 1715 and
proved 17 Feb 1715/6. Various bequests, witnesses included Robert Culpepper and
Edward Lewelling.
(#834, #41161)√ |
start of Henry Culpepper III (#830), born say 1699:
1719 -- Deed Bk 10, p 48. Will of Thomas Richardson Sr, dated 10 Nov
1716 and proved 20 Mar 1718/9 by John Willoughby, Faithful Cherry and Henry Culpepper.
(#7899, #830)√ |
18 Dec 1719 -- Deed Bk 10, p 86. Order is granted Henry Culpepper
for the sum of twenty shillings against the estate of Richard and Sarah Wright, etc.
(#830)√ |
start of Thomas Culpepper (#683), born circa 1698 (Br/o Henry III):
12 Mar 1722 -- Deed Bk F, p 74. John and Elizabeth Willoughby for £5
money of Virginia, 25 acres on the South side of the Western Branch of the Elizabeth River
to Thomas Culpepper. Wit: Thomas Willoughby, William Bishop. (#683)√ |
13 March 1722 Deed Bk
F, p 70, Thomas Willoughby, planter of Norfolk Co. to Thomas Taylor,
of Norfolk Co. for 5 pds. a tract of land in the Western Branch of
Elizabeth River beginning at a maple Culpeper's corner and
running along a line of marked trees to a pine a corner then along a
line of marked trees to a live oak and so running along a line of
marked trees to a maple Culpeper's corner tree then along a
line of marked trees to the first station, containing 25 acres,
signed Thomas Willoughby (I), Anne Willoughby (A), wit. John
Willoughby (I), Wm. Bishops. Dower release. Transcribed by Clyde T.
Colbert (#683)√ |
18 Feb 1724 -- Deed Bk G, p 30. John and Elizabeth Willoughby to
Culpepper, cooper, for £50, 160 acres on the West side of the South Branch of the
Elizabeth River, bordering Joseph Manning, Roger Hodges, Henry Dale. Wit: Thomas and Anna
Willoughby, David Deale (#683, #7907)√ |
24 Feb 1724 -- Deed Bk F, p 132. Thomas Culpepper, cooper, and
Ann his wife, to Henry Culpepper, cooper, for £25, 100 acres of the South side of
Deep Creek, South Branch of the Elizabeth River. "Only my mother's thirds her
lifetime." Wit: Faithful Cherry, Ruth Cherry, Ruth Suggs. Signed: Thomas Culpepper,
Ann Culpepper (#683, #682, #830)√ |
Culpepper in 1724, married James Shearin from
Gloucester Co. Va. (Mormon Gen. Lib. Salt Lake City, IGA Batch
A471074 Ser. Sheet 04-57). [Dick Culpepper says: "She was born
c1704, daughter of Henry Culpepper Jr. and first wife.] (WHC Item 10, p 232) |
Records for
Norfolk Southside, 1725-1749

Last Revised:
02 Jan 2015