Culpepper Archives
Val Verde County

County History and Geography
In the Big Bend
Region of east Texas, Val Verde
County was formed in 1885 from Kinney,
Pecos and Crockett
Counties. Its county seat, Del Rio,
is on the Rio Grande River and US-90, about 140 miles west of San Antonio. Val Verde is bordered by the counties
of Terrell, Crockett, Sutton, Edwards and Kinney, plus the Mexican State of

Any names
below in red have not been matched
with a person in the Culpepper family tree. If you can identify any of
please let us know.

Census Records
No Culpeppers were found in any Val Verde
County censuses prior to 1910.
Val Verde
Co., TX – 1910
ED 140, Sheet 4B, Pg
291B, Pct 3, Gen.com Img 8, Val Verde Co., TX
Darius I. Culpepper, Head, M, 25, M1, md-1 yr, TX AL TX,
Stockman-Ranch (#34686)√
Effie Culpepper, Wife, F, 25, M1, md-1 yr, ch 1/1, TX TX TX
Eunice Culpepper, Daughter, F, 6/12, S, TX TX TX
James O’Conner, Hiredman, M, 27, S, MO MO MO Herder-Goats |
ED 140, Sheet 4B, Pg
291B, Pct 3, Gen.com Img 8, Val Verde Co., TX
Frances O. Culpepper, Head, M, 54, M1m md-32, TX NC TX,
Stockman-Ranch (#34639)√
Eliza Culpepper, Wife, F, 52, M1, md-32, ch 9/7, AL SC AL
Cornelius Culpepper, Son, M, 30, S, TX TX AL, Car Repairer-RR
John Culpepper, Son, M, 27, S, TX TX AL, Timekeeper-Cement?
Cora Culpepper, Daughter, F, 23, S, TX TX AL
Lola Culpepper, Daughter, F, 17, S, TX TX AL |
Transcribed from
Genealogy.com images by
Pat Roberts
Val Verde Co., TX – 1920
ED 211, Sheet 59A, Pg 70, Camp Del Rio, Val Verde Co., TX
Company “B” 3rd U.S. Infantry, (11 Feb 1920)
Chris Culpepper, M, 42, D, TX ENG ENG, Enlisted man-US Army (#
10829)√ |
ED 215, Sheet 2B, Pg 122, Pct. 3, Val Verde Co., TX
Own=Y, Farm=N
Cornelius Culpepper, Head, M, 39, M, TX TX AL,
Mechanic-Garage, (#34683)√
Lois Culpepper, Wife, F, 23, M, TX MS TX |
Transcribed from Ancestry.com images by
Pat Roberts
Val Verde Co., TX – 1930
ED 9, Sheet 5A, Pg 286, Pct. 3, Val Verde Co., TX
Rent=Y, Radio=N, Farm=Y, Military=N
Cornelius Culpepper, Head, M, 49, M, md@38, TX TX
AL, Lumberyard (#34683)√
Louis F. Culpepper, Wife, F, 32, M, md@20, TX GA
Claud B. Culpepper, Son, M, 7, S, TX TX TX |
Transcribed from Ancestry.com images by
Pat Roberts

Texas Birth Index,
Nathan Diehl Culpepper, Male, born
__ 1975 in Val Verde Co.,
Texas, child of Joe Lee Culpepper and Marie Alaine Light
(#54430)√ |
Nora Pearl Culpepper,
Female, born __ 1974 in Val Verde Co., Texas, child of Joe Lee
Culpepper and Marie Alaine Light (#54429)√ |
Culpepper Mother
Nancy Elizabeth Culpeper and George Hall Sebree are the parents of
George Hall Sebree Jr., Male, born __ 1973 in Val Verde Co., Texas |

Military Records
World War I Draft
Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Source: National Archives and Records
World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-18
[database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2002. National Archives and
Records Administration. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration
Cards, 1917-1918. M1509, 4,277 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and
Records Administration
Cornelius Vanderwate Culpepper,
Comstock, Val Verde Co., Texas, age 38, born 20 Apr 1880, White,
Mechanic for self at Comstock, Val Verde Co., Texas; Nearest relative:
Mrs. C. V. Culpepper, Comstock, Val Verde Co., Texas. Medium height,
Medium build, Blue eyes, Black hair, no disabilities. Registered 12 Sep
1918, Del Rio, Val Verde Co., Texas
(#34683)√ |
U.S. World
War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
National Archives and Records
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 [database online].
Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Original data: Electronic Army Serial
Number Merged File, 1938-1946 [Archival Database]; World War II Army Enlistment
Records; Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, Record
Group 64; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.
Culpeppers found |

Texas Marriage Collection, 1814-1909 and 1966-2002
Department of State Health Services,
Texas Marriage Collection, 1814-1909 and 1966-2002 [database online]. Provo, Utah:
MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Original data: Texas Marriage Collection, 1814-1909 and 1966-2002. Texas Department of
State Health Services, Texas.
Culpeppers found |
Texas Divorce Index,
Joe L Culpepper,
28, and Marie A Culpepper, 25, divorced on 1 May 1979 in Val Verde Co.,
Texas. Original Marriage Date: 29 Sep 1972. Number of Children: 2.
(#53301)√ |

Land Title Abstracts
Ancestry.com. Texas Land Title Abstracts [database online]
Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2000. Original data: Texas General Land Office.
Abstracts of all original Texas Land Titles comprising Grants and
Locations. Austin, Texas: , 19--.
Grantee: D. I. Culpepper; Date??; 1280 acres; Val
Verde Co., TX
(#34686)√ |
Grantee: F. O. Culpepper; Val Verde
Co., TX
A. A. McDonell; 11 Sep 1922; 1201 acres;
Patentee: F. O. Culpepper; 12 Sep 1922; 640 acres
Patentee: F. O. Culpepper; 12 Sep 1922; 640 acres
Patentee: F. O. Culpepper; 12 Sep 1922; 640 acres
Patentee: F. O. Culpepper; 12 Sep 1922; 640 acres
Patentee: Robert W. Prosser; 27 Jul 1923; 640 acres
Patentee: W. T. Baker; 08 Mar 1934; 640
acres |

Texas Death Index, 1903-2000
Source: Texas
Department of Health.
Texas Death Index, 1903-2000. [database on-line] Provo, UT:
Ancestry.com, 2006. Original electronic data from: Texas Department of Health. Texas Death Indexes, 1903-2000. Austin, TX. Texas Department of Health. State Vital Statistics Unit.
Culpeppers found |
Security Death Index
Source: Social Security
Social Security Death Index
[database on-line]. Provo,
Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2006. All records of deaths on or before 31
Dec 2005 in which
the final benefit was paid or final residence was in this county.
Culpeppers found |

Last Revised:
02 Jan 2015 |