Culpeppers from Mississippi
Who served in Wars

War of
The Culpeppers
listed below were involved in what is also
known as the Creek Indian War of 1813-1814. See
War of 1812 in the Mississippi Territory.
John Culpepper,
Mississippi Militia, Hind's Battalion Cavalry1 (#3236)√ |
John Culpepper, Private in Captain Kemper's Company, Mississippi Militia. Enlisted
7 October 1813 at Ford in Hancock County, MS; discharged there 23
November 18132
John Culpepper, WC-19280, md Mary Ferrell 15 Jul 1835 in Simpson
Co., MS, died 18 Feb 1860 in Lawrence Co., MS, srv Kempe's MS Mil, lived
in Lawrence Co., MS and widow also lived in Marion Co., MS3 (#36496)√
2. Widows pension
3. Virgil D. White, Transcriber,
Index to War of 1812 Pension Files, The National Historical
Publishing Co., Waynesboro, TN, 1989 
American Civil
Benjamin R. Culpepper was a private in Co. G, 30th Regiment of
the Mississippi Volunteers. Son of Benjamin and Mary Mason Culpepper, grandson of
Benjamin Culpepper of South Carolina, and brother of William M. Culpepper who was in the
13th Mississippi. (#5877) |
Harbin B. Culpepper, 37th MS Infantry. Son of Simeon and
Elizabeth Culpepper. Born 1839. (Source: Levin Culpepper) (#2330) |
Henry David Culpepper, Co. F, 46th MS Infantry. Son of Henry and
Nancy Martin Culpepper. Born 1833. (Source: Levin Culpepper) (#2451) |
John Abner
Culpepper, Co. I, Wirt Adams MS Cavalry Regiment. His company was
formed in Clarke Co., AL in 1861, and John was captured October 1863 in
Claiborne Co., MS. He was released from Fort Delaware prison in June
1865. His father was Benjamin Culpepper, son of Osborne. (Source: Jamie
Dee Culpepper, great-great-grandson of John). (#9474) |
John C. Culpepper, Co. A, 37th MS Infantry. Son of Simeon and
Elizabeth Culpepper. Born 1841. (Source: Levin Culpepper)
(#2324) |
Jonathan Harrison Culpepper, Co.K, ??th MS Infantry. Son of Henry and
Nancy Martin Culpepper. Born 1837. (Source: Levin Culpepper) (#2442) |
Joseph J. Culpepper, Sgt, Co L, 48th Miss Inf; Paroled
at Appomattox in Apr 1865 (#2298 or
9515) |
Joseph M. Culpepper, Co. K, 12th MS Calvary. Son of Simeon and
Elizabeth Culpepper. Born 1822, married Nancy (Nicey)
Yarbrough on 10 Aug 1843, and died in 1863. (Source: Lauderdale County
Department of Archives & History / Levin Culpepper, and provided to Culpepper
Connections! by Joseph's great-great granddaughter, Janet Marie
Culpepper Gillespie. (#2310) |
Mathew Nathan Culpepper, Co. A, 48th Regiment, Mississippi Volunteers,
Enlisted 3 Oct 1863, at Enterprise, MS, by Major Barry. Captured at Richmond, VA after Lee
Surrendered. Died in service at Howards Grove Hospital, Richmond, VA. Pension
applied for by widow, Elizabeth Long Culpepper, on 31 Aug 1900 when she was 66 and living
in McCondy, MS with her son, J. D. Culpepper. (Mathew was the 2Gt-GF of Royce Culpepper,
who was the source of this information.) (#1563) |
Rueben Thornton Culpepper, Co. H, MS State Troops. Son of James T.
and Frances Yarbrough Culpepper. Born 1847. (Source: Levin Culpepper) (#4031) |
William M. Culpepper Served in Co. D, and later in Co. I of the
13th Mississippi, Barksdale`s Brigade. Wounded 2 Jul 1863 at Gettysburg, fighting at the
Peach Orchard. (Son of Benjamin and Mary Mason Culpepper, grandson of Benjamin
Culpepper of South Carolina, and brother of Benjamin R. Culpepper who was in the 30th
Mississippi.) (#5885) |
Culpeppers Paroled
from Mississippi Units Following the Siege at Vicksburg
In 1863, the CSA
soldiers at Vicksburg underwent a hellish siege. The forces there
were surrendered on 4 July 1863, and the following
Culpeppers were all paroled at that place. (Source:
Vicksburg Website,
Editor: G. Zeman, Vicksburg National Military Park, Last update: Sunday,
Jan 21, 2001. Extracted by and provided to Culpepper
Connections by Chip Culpepper.)
John C.
Culpepper, Pvt,
37th MS INF A
(#2324) |
Pvt, 27th MS INF A
U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865
National Park Service.
Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865 [database on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Original data: National Park
Service, Civil War Soldiers and
Sailors System, online, acquired 2007
A. Culpepper,
46th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry |
Benjamin R. Culpepper,
30th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry (#5877) |
E. I. Culpepper,
12th Regiment, Mississippi Cavalry |
E. L. Culpepper,
20th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry |
Erwin J. Culpepper,
24th Battalion, Mississippi Cavalry/Moorman's |
G. A. Culpepper,
2nd Regiment, Mississippi Infantry/State Troops, 30 days 1864
(#9514) |
G. A. Culpepper,
48th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry
(#9514) |
H. D. Culpepper,
46th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry (#2451) |
H. J. Culpepper,
48th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry |
H. P. Culpepper,
12th Regiment, Mississippi Cavalry (#2321) |
Harbin Culpepper,
37th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry (#2330) |
J. Culpepper,
12th Regiment, Mississippi Cavalry |
J. A. Culpepper,
36th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry (#2414) |
J. D. Culpepper,
5th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry/State Troops |
J. E. Culpepper,
Stockdale's Battalion, Mississippi Cavalry
(#58612) |
J. E. Culpepper,
Gibson's Company, Mississippi Cavalry (#58612) |
J. J. Culpepper,
1st Battalion, Mississippi Infantry/Army of 10,000 (#2298 or 9515) |
J. J. Culpepper,
2nd Battalion, Mississippi Infantry
(#2298 or 9515) |
J. L. Culpepper,
36th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry (#4045) |
J. M. Culpepper,
37th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry |
J. T. Culpepper,
37th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry (#3973 or 32387) |
Joel Culpepper,
36th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry (#2386 or #50693) |
Joel M. Culpepper,
1st Regiment, Mississippi Infantry/Patton's, Army of 10,000 |
John C. Culpepper,
1st Regiment, Mississippi Infantry/Patton's, Army of 10,000 (#2324) |
John C. Culpepper,
37th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry
(#2324) |
Jonathan H. Culpepper,
37th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry (#2442) |
Jonathan H. Culpepper,
1st Regiment, Mississippi Infantry/Patton's, Army of 10,000 (#2442) |
Joseph J. Culpepper,
48th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry
(#2298 or 9515) |
M. N. Culpepper,
48th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry (#1563) |
M. W. Culpepper,
14th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry (#52002?) |
M. W. Culpepper,
48th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry
(#52002?) |
S. D. Culpepper,
1st Battalion, Mississippi Cavalry/State Troops |
S. J. Culpepper,
Smyth's Company, Mississippi Partisan Rangers (#2312) |
Sterling G. Culpepper,
10th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry (#10527) |
W. Culpepper,
12th Regiment, Mississippi Cavalry |
W. M. Culpepper,
13th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry (#5885) |
W. N. Culpepper,
48th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry |
W. S. Culpepper,
46th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry (#2339) |
W. S. Culpepper,
4th Regiment, Mississippi Cavalry
(#2339) |
W. S. Culpepper,
2nd Regiment, Mississippi Infantry/State Troops, Quinn's
(#2339) |
W. W. Culpepper,
48th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry |
William T. Culpepper,
3rd Battalion, Mississippi Cavalry Reserves (#3417) |

World War II
U.S. World War II Army
Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
Includes only those
individuals who enlisted in Mississippi but who either resided elsewhere
or in an unknown county in Mississippi. See the MS County Archives
Records for others)
National Archives and Records
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 (database online).
Provo, Utah:, Inc., 2005. Original data: Electronic Army Serial
Number Merged File, 1938-1946 (Archival Database); World War II Army Enlistment
Records; Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, Record
Group 64; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.
James D. Culpepper,
born 1917 in N/A,
White, Single, Education: 4 yrs HS, Height/Wt: 68/137; Residence
unknown; Enlisted 9 Oct 1940 at Jackson, MS in Regular Army (#61587)√ |
James F. Culpepper,
born 1919 in MS,
White, Single, Education: 3 yrs HS, Height/Wt: 71/141; Resided in:
Unknown Co. Co., MS; Enlisted 17 Jun 1941 at Camp Shelby, MS (#7086)√ |
James F. Culpepper,
born 1921 in N/A,
White, Single, Education: Grammar School, Height/Wt: 71/142; Residence
unknown; Enlisted 22 Aug 1940 at Jackson, MS in the Infantry
(#61588)√ |
William T. Culpepper,
born 1919 in MS,
White, Single, Education: 2 yrs HS, Height/Wt: 68/138; Resided in:
Unknown Co., MS; Enlisted 6 Dec 1941 at Camp Shelby, MS (#61586)√ |

Last Revised:
02 Jan 2015 |