Florida Culpepper Archives
Hamilton County

Bordering south
Georgia in the North Central/Suwannee River Region of Florida,
Hamilton County was formed in 1827 from
Jefferson County. Its county seat, Jasper, is just
off I-75 about 80 miles west of Jacksonville and 80 miles east of Tallahassee.
Hamilton is bordered by the
Florida counties of Columbia,
Suwannee, and Madison,
and the Georgia counties of Lowndes and
Newspaper: Valdosta (GA) Daily
Times, Lake City Reporter

Any names
below in red have not been matched
with a person in the Culpepper family tree. If you can identify any of
please let us know.

Census Records
No Culpeppers
found in any Hamilton County censuses prior to 1860.
1860 US Census
Page 561, Family 5, Unk Twp, Jasper PO, Hamilton Co., FL
Jesse W. Culpepper, 37, M, Atty at Law, $800/$600, VA (#18)√
Eliza M. Culpepper, 19, F, PA
Jessie Culpepper, 1/12, F, GA |
Page 596, Family 244, Unk Twp, Jasper PO, Hamilton Co., FL
William L. Bembury,
36, M, Farmer, $---/$200, GA
Elizabeth Bembury, 32, F, GA
Mary G. Bembury, 13, F, GA
Henry Bembury, 17, M, GA
Benjamin Culpepper, 22, M, $---/$600, GA (#3251)√ |
1870 US Census
Culpeppers were found |
1880 US Census
Page 278B, Bartow, Hamilton Co., FL
B. S. Culpepper, Self, M, M, W, 41, Working On Farm, GA/GA/GA
Darcas D. Culpepper, Wife, F, M, W, 38, Keeping House,
Mary J. Culpepper, Dau, F, S, W, 13, At Home, FL/GA/GA
William H. Culpepper, Son, M, S, W, 12, Working On Farm,
David C. Culpepper, Son, M, S, W, 7, Working On Farm,
Isaac F. Culpepper, Son, M, S, W, 5, At Home, GA/GA/GA
Jessee J. Culpepper, Son, M, S, W, 3, At Home, FL/GA/GA
James W. Culpepper, Son, M, S, W, 1, At Home, FL/GA/GA |
1890 US Census
The 1890 census was accidentally destroyed by fire
in Washington. |
1900 US Census
Page 278B, Line 72, (Group housing at Saw Mill), Hamilton Co., FL
David R. Culpepper, --, M, Oct 1880, 19, S, VA/VA/VA, Day Laborer
(#47900)√ |
Page 283B, Family 71, 65 River Street, White Springs, Hamilton Co., FL
S. G. Culpepper, Head, M, Mar 1852, 48, md 11 yrs, AL/GA/GA, Land
agent (#9542)√
Clarabelle Culpepper, Wife, F, Feb 1869, 31, md 11 yrs, ch 4/4,
John Culpepper, Son, M, Apr 1883, 17, S, GA/AL/GA
Charles Culpepper, Son, M, Oct 1890, 9, S, GA/AL/GA
Harrie Culpepper, Son, M, Aug 1892, 7, S, GA/AL/GA
Clarabelle Culpepper, Daughter, F, Dec 1894, 5, S, GA/AL/GA
Francis L. Culpepper, Daughter, F, Aug 1897, 2, S, GA/AL/GA
Lucy Willis, Cook, Black, F, May 1833, 62, md,
ch 13/9, GA/GA/GA
Rebecca Cooper, Visitor, F, Apr 1874, 26, md 3 yrs, ch 1/1, TN/TN/TN
Margaret Cooper, Visitor, F, Jul 1897, 2, S, GA/TN/TN
1910 US Census
96, Sheet 12A, Lines 31-39, Scrub Town?, White Springs, Hamilton Co., FL
Clara Culpepper, Head, F, 38, wid, ch 5/5,
GA/NC/GA, Hotel Keeper (#9583)√
Charlie Culpepper, Son, M, 19, S, FL/GA/GA
Harry Culpepper, Son, M, 17, S, FL/GA/GA
Clara Culpepper, Daughter, F, 15, S, FL/GA/GA
Louise Culpepper, Daughter, F, 12, S, FL/GA/GA
Sterling Culpepper, Son, M, 9, S, FL/GA/GA
Della Sims, Sister, F, 43, S, GA/NC/GA, Hotel Housekeeper
+ two boarders |
ED 95, Sheet 12A, Lines 26-31, Jasper, Hamilton Co., FL
Joel M. Culpepper, Head, M, 60, md3-13 yrs, AL/AL/AL, Laborer/Saw
Mill (#51531)√
Eliza Culpepper, Wife, F, 65, md3-13 yrs, ch 7/7, GA/GA/GA
Charlie Culpepper, Son, M, 25, S, GA/GA/GA, Laborer/Saw Mill
Dinkin Culpepper, Son, M, 18, S, GA/GA/GA, Laborer/Saw Mill
Julius Hodge, Boarder, M, 23, S, GA/GA/GA, Laborer/Saw Mill |
1920 US Census
Culpeppers were found |
1930 US Census
24-5, Sheet 7A, Lines 15&18, Edgewood Hotel, White Springs,
Hamilton Co., FL
Jessie Culpepper, Boarder, F,
70, Sng, GA/VA/PA (#43495)√
Julia Culpepper, Boarder, F, 66, Sng, FL/VA/PA |

No records have been found of Culpepper
births in Hamilton County. |

8 Apr 1904,
Book P, Page 330
S. G. Culpepper and wife sell
for $100, a 1 acre lot in White Springs (in Sec 12, T.2 S.R. 15-E) to B.
F. Camp. Lot bounded by lots owned by L. C. Williamson, B.F. Camp and S.
G. Culpepper. Witnessed by W. G. Cate and G. S. Mobley. (#9542 &
9586)√ |
1 Mar 1905, Book P, Page 337:
B. F. Camp and his wife Annie S. Camp sell a 1/2 acre lot (in Sec 12,
T.2 S.R. 15-E) to E. E. Jackson. Witnessed by S. G. Culpepper and
G. S. Mobley. (#9542 & 9586)√ |
29 Dec 1905, Book P, Page 340:
S. G. Culpepper and Clara B. Culpepper, his wife, sell for
$800, five lots of Block 18 in White Springs (in Sec 12, T.2 S.R. 15-E)
to Annie S. McAlfred(?). Lot bounded by lots owned by Pritchard, Barton,
Alley and Bridges. Witnessed by M. Swires(?) and B. F. Bullock. (#
9542 & 9586)√ |
10 Sep 1907, Book P, Pages 338 & 346:
S. G. Culpepper sells for $100, a 1 acre lot (in Sec 12, T.2 S.R.
15-E) to Clara B. Culpepper. Lot bounded by lots owned by Denure
and John Quincy. Witnessed by W. G. Cate and G. S. Mobley.
S. G. Culpepper sells for $100, Lots 11 & 17 in Block 114 & 97,
and lots 2 - 2 in Block 105 & 56 in town of Mystic, Irwin Co., GA, to
Clara B. Culpepper. Lot bounded by lots owned by Denure and John
Quincy. Witnessed by W. G. Cate and G. S. Mobley. (#9542 & 9586)√ |

Military Records
WW-I Civilian Draft Registrations
Source: Banks, Ray. World War I Civilian Draft Registrations, Salt Lake
City, UT, 1995. Extracted from Ancestry.com
Name, Birth Date, Ethnicity, Birth Place; County of Registration
Charles Allison Culpepper, b. 1 May
1882, White, works in Brunswick GA, Hamilton Co., FL
(#7608)√ |

No records have been found of
Culpepper marriages in Hamilton county. |

Florida Death Index, 1936-1998
Ancestry.com Online Database.
Florida Death Index, 1936-1998. [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original data: State of Florida. Florida Death Index,1877-1998. Florida: Florida Health Department, Office of Vital Records,1998.
No records have been found in this
database of Culpepper deaths in Hamilton county. |

Security Death Index
All records of deaths on or before 31 Oct 2004 in which
the final benefit was paid or final residence was in Hamilton county.
No records have
been found of Culpeppers
resident in this county at death. |

No records have
been found of Culpepper
graves in Hamilton County. |

No records of any
places named Culpepper
have been
found in Hamilton County |

Last Revised:
02 Jan 2015