The Culpepper Family
DNA Project
Confirm your distant Culpepper
ancestry and
help improve the accuracy and reliability
of the Culpepper Family Tree

Our project tests the Y
chromosome, which is passed directly from father to son, unchanged, from
generation to generation.
Unchanged, that is, unless a mutation—a random, naturally occurring,
usually harmless change—occurs. The mutation, known as a marker, acts as a
beacon; it can be mapped through generations because it will be passed down
from the man in whom it occurred to his sons, their sons, and every male in
his family for many thousands of years.
These mutations establish genetic signatures, called
haplotypes, that
define particular branches within a family tree. The
haplotypes of tested individuals can be used to confirm, or
alter as necessary, the structure of family trees which in
the past had to be based on paper-based historical research,
family tradition and logical inferences that could be drawn
from them.
Project Background and Goals. Warren Culpepper and Lew Griffin, the
publishers of Culpepper Connections, launched the Culpepper
Family DNA project in December 2006. Utilizing the leading genealogical-genetic-testing
company, Family Tree DNA, our goals are as follows:
To confirm, or modify, as
appropriate, the structure of the Culpepper
Family Tree, giving Culpepper / Culpeper / Colepeper family members
the most accurate and reliable information possible on their lineage and how they
are related to
others who share their surname.
To secure a sufficient
number of project members to confirm our ancestral theories on every
major branch of the family headed by a Culpepper born at least 200 years
To protect the privacy of
each and every DNA project member. The test results and identities of
project members are shown only on password protected web pages, and only
if they have granted permission for their names and results to be
revealed to others who are close matches. Also please
note that the Genetic Information
Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) bans employers and insurance
companies from denying employment, promotions, or healthcare coverage to
people based upon the results of genetic tests.
Why You Should Join. Have you and your family enjoyed the family
stories, old photographs, genealogies, and historical presentations at
Culpepper Connections? If so, then
joining the Culpepper DNA project will help us to improve the accuracy
and usefulness of the Culpepper family tree and website for you and your
family. It is a way to leave a lasting legacy to Culpepper family
history, and to say thank you to the many researchers who have
contributed to its content.
Eligibility. You must be a male Culpepper directly descended from
a line of male Culpeppers.
Cost for Testing.
$169 for a Y-DNA 37-marker test. (The funds for our free testing program
have been exhausted.)
How to Join. Go to the
Family Tree
DNA website
Testing Process.
When you join the project, a small packet will be sent to you by the
testing lab. You swab
the inside of your cheeks a few times, put the swab in a tiny tube they
supply, drop it in the pre-paid return envelope, and you're
Project Results.
Thus far, the DNA tests have confirmed that over 90% of those in
our project are members of one of the main lines of Culpeppers. In the process, the subtle details of their Y-DNA
test have improved the accuracy of the
Culpepper family tree and our knowledge of how we are related to each
other. For more information, see our
detailed description of our project's results to date, including the
branches identified: Project
Results (Narrative)

Ancient Ancestral Journey. To learn about the 60,000 year
history and migration of our Culpepper ancestors from Africa to the
Middle East to the Balkans to Europe, go to Culpepper Ancient Ancestral Journey.
Y-DNA Glossary of Terms.
For a better understanding of DNA terminology, see
Y-DNA Mutation Rates
Frequently Asked Questions.
To put your mind at ease about such questions as: (1)
Could my test results be used against me in some way, or (2)
Could my DNA results reveal any medical conditions?... see
Frequently Asked Questions
Culpepper Project Questions.
Address specific questions about the Culpepper Family DNA project to its Project
Administrator: Lew Griffin

Last Revised:
24 May 2018