Virginia Culpepper Archives
Norfolk Southside, 1850 - 1874

Culpeppers first settled in America in the extreme southeastern
portion of Virginia, and many remain there to this day. Now known as
"the Southside" and officially called South Hampton Roads,
this area includes the counties and independent cities of Norfolk,
Chesapeake, Isle
of Wight,
Princess Anne,
Surry and
Virginia Beach.
During the period included on this page, the
political jurisdictions in the Southside area were (alphabetically)
Isle of Wight
County (1637-present) |
Nansemond County
(1645-1974) |
Norfolk County
(1691-1963) |
Norfolk City
(1845-present) |
Portsmouth City (1858-present). |
Princess Anne County
(1691-1963) |
Surry County
(1652-present) |
Norfolk City and Portsmouth City were not recognized as independent
of counties in the U.S. Census until 1900.

Personal Property Tax Lists for Norfolk 1850 are from LDS Film
1870179 Item 1, and for Portsmouth 1850 from LDS Film 1905762 Item
2. They were transcribed by Lew Griffin.
census records for 1850-1870 were transcribed by Shannon O'Connor.
If you can identify any of the names in
red, please
let us know.

1850 Norfolk VA Personal Property Tax List
Name, Residence, Free White
Males above 16, free Negroes, slaves over 16, slaves 12-16, Horses
Mares Colts & Mules
Portsmouth City
 | [not found on LDS Film 1,870,174 Item
2 or LDS Film 1,905,762 Item 2] |
Portsmouth Parish
 | William Culpepper,
one male
(#269)√ |
 | Benjamin
Culpepper, Scotts Creek, one male, one horse
(#93)√ |
 | Thomas Culpepper,
Western Branch, one male, one slave over 16, one horse
(#84)√ |
 | David Culpepper,
one male
(#68)√ |
 | John Culpepper,
Scotts Creek, one male
(#790)√ |
 | Thomas T.
Culpepper, Deep Creek, one male, one horse
(#115)√ |
 | Reuben T.
Culpepper, Deep Creek, one male, three slaves over 16, one slave
12-16, one horse
(#241)√ |
 | George Culpepper,
Deep Creek, two males, two horses
(#183)√ |
 | John Culpepper,
Julians Creek, one male, one horse
(#50578)√ |
 | James Culpepper,
Deep Creek, one male, one slave over 16, one horse
(#278)√ |
William Culpepper
Sr., Deep Creek, one male, one horse (#187)√ |
 | Thomas Culpepper,
Deep Creek, one male, one horse
(#793)√ |
 | Robert Culpepper,
Deep Creek, one male (#209)√ |
 | Joseph Culpepper,
Scotts Creek, one male
(#23)√ |
 | John Culpepper,
Scotts Creek, one male
(#95)√ |
 | David Culpepper,
Scotts Creek, one male
(#91) |

1850 US Census
Transcribed from Census Records by Shannon O'Connor
Page 182, Family 1529, Lines 1-6, Norfolk (City),
Norfolk Co., VA
Daniel Culpepper, 47, M, Harness Maker, VA (#201)√
Alice Culpepper, 43, F, VA
Daniel M. Culpepper, 16, M. Wheel wright, VA
John A. Culpepper, 2, M, VA
Cary W. Hall, 9, M, VA
Nancy Peterson, 20, F, Laborer, NC |
Page 193, Family 1621, Lines 10-13, Norfolk (City),
Norfolk Co., VA
E.L. Moulton, 47, M, Finner, Mass.
Sarah Moulton, 21, F, Mass.
Lydia Culpepper, 38, F, NC
Charles Moulton, 25, M, Finner, Mass. |
Page 192, Family 1611, Lines 7-10, Norfolk (City),
Norfolk Co., VA
William Mooney, 26, M, Hatter, VA
Sarah Mooney, 23, F, VA
Ellenora Mooney, 1, F, VA
Lydia Culpepper, 13, F, VA (#62694)√ |
Page 464, Family 489, Lines 4-11, St. Brides Parish,
Norfolk Co., VA
Edwd Culpepper, 44, M, Farmer, RE=$500, NC (#44)√
Mary Culpepper, 40, F, NC
Henry L. Culpepper, 16, M, VA
Fanny C. Culpepper, 12, F, VA
Daniel R. Culpepper, 10, M, VA
John C. Culpepper, 8, M, VA
Edwd D. Culpepper, 6, M, VA
Mary E. Culpepper, 2, F, VA |
Page 309, Family 532, Lines 4-13, Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., VA
Joseph Culpepper, 36, M, Blacksmith, RE=$1000, VA (#23)√
Adeline Culpepper, 34, F, VA
Margaret Culpepper, 14, F, VA
Joseph Culpepper, 7, M, VA
Roland H. Culpepper, 6, M, VA
Virginia Culpepper, 4, F, VA
Catharine Culpepper, 2, F, VA
James Jag, 19, M, App. Blacksmith, VA
Jno Kane, 19, M, App. Blacksmith, VA
James Richardson, 17, M, App. Blacksmith, VA |
Page 283, Family 323, Lines 33-37, Portsmouth,
Norfolk Co., VA
Jesse Culpepper, 43, M, Carpenter, RE=$1200 (#14)√
Edith Culpepper, 31, F, VA
Alexander Culpepper, 22, M, Merchant, VA
Jesse W. Culpepper, 18, M, Student, VA
May D. Birkhouwer, 3, F, VA |
Page 510, Family 35, Lines 8-12, Portsmouth, Norfolk
Co., VA
Thos Culpepper, 51, M, Farmer, VA (#84)√
Lydia Culpepper, 25, F, VA
David Culpepper, 24, M, VA
Ann Culpepper, 21, F, VA
Dorcas Culpepper, 15, F, VA |
Page 510, Family 36, Lines 13-15, Portsmouth, Norfolk
Co., VA
Sarah Culpepper, 80, F, VA (#764)√
William Marsh, 20, M, Farmer, VA
John Culpepper, 40, M, Farmer, VA |
Page 510, Family 37, Line 16, Portsmouth, Norfolk
Co., VA
Joseph Culpepper, 22, M, Store Keeper, RE=$225, VA (#62696)√ |
Page 539, Family 277, Lines 21-24, Portsmouth,
Norfolk Co., VA
Jas Culpepper, 24, M, Farmer, RE=$500, VA (#278)√
Mary Carter, 58, F, VA
Ann Culpepper, 54, F, VA
William Culpepper, 14, M, VA |
Page 506, Family 14, Lines 23-31, Portsmouth, Norfolk
Co., VA
Joseph B. Hodges, 38, M, Farmer, RE=$350, VA
Anne E. Hodges, 25, F, VA
Mary F. Hodges, 9, F, VA
Margaret C. Hodges, 6, F, VA
Josephine Hodges, 4, F, VA
Josephus Hodges, 10/12, M, VA
Rebecca Ballentine, 23, F, VA
William Hodges, 19, M, VA
Ann Culpepper, 55, F, VA (This may be the same Ann as
in receding record, and Ann Hodges might be her daughter) |
Page 536, Family 251, Lines 26-31, Portsmouth,
Norfolk Co., VA
John Culpepper, 28, M, Oysterman, VA (#95)√
Sarah A. Culpepper, 22, F, VA
Benja Culpepper, 10, M, VA
John Culpepper, 8, M, VA
Emma Culpepper, 4, F, VA
Mary Porter, 16, F, VA |
Page 536, Family 252, Lines 32-39, Portsmouth,
Norfolk Co., VA
Benja Culpepper, 38, M, Oysterman, RE=$1200, VA (#93)√
Nancy Culpepper, 45, F VA
John Cattenhead, 22, M, Oysterman, VA
Joshua Culpepper, 21, M, VA, Oysterman, VA
Joseph Culpepper, 13, M, VA
Elizabeth Culpepper, 11, F, VA
Benjn Culpepper, 5, M, VA
Nancy Culpepper, 3, F, VA |
Page 276, Family 277, Lines 14-20, Portsmouth,
Norfolk Co., VA
Zacharia Culpepper, 36, M, Ship Carpenter, VA (#5)√
Margaret E. Culpepper, 27, F, VA
Henry Culpepper, 22, M, Carpenter, VA
Wm Arthur Culpepper, 10, M, VA
Margaret Culpepper, 4, F, VA
Catharine Culpepper, 1, F, VA
Catharine Barnes, 51, F, VA |
Page 5, Family 14, Line16, Portsmouth, Norfolk Co.,
Daniel Culpepper, 77, M, Blacksmith, RE=$500, VA (#34)√
Page 532, Family 215, Lines 29-32, Portsmouth,
Norfolk Co., VA
David Culpepper, 22, M, Laborer, VA (#91)√
Sarah Culpepper, 25, F, VA
Sarah Culpepper, 1, F, VA
Elizabeth Peek, 19, F, VA |
Page 287, Family 312, Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., VA
B. W. Jobson, 46, M, Carpenter, RE=$3700, VA
Sarah Jobson, 25, F, VA
Mary Eliza Jobson, 19, F, VA
Fanny T. Jobson, 18, F, VA
Wm A. Jobson, 14, M, VA
Ann A. Jobson, 11, F, VA
Joseph Jobson, 9, M, VA
Cornelius Jobson, 7, M, VA
Ebeline V. Jobson, 5, F, VA
Abbigail Grant, 70, F, VA
Charles Owens, 19, M, App. Carpenters, VA
Harvey Culpepper, 18, M, App. Carpenters, VA (#990)√
Laban Smith, 18, M, App. Carpenters, VA |
Page 538, Family 268, Lines 23-29, Portsmouth,
Norfolk Co., VA
Thomas Culpepper, 39, M, Farmer, RE=$1500, VA (#115)√
Jennet Culpepper, 35, F, VA
Laura Culpepper, 8, F, VA
Thomas Culpepper, 6, M, VA
Nathaniel Culpepper, 3, M, VA
Henrietta Cherry, 24, F, VA
John Cherry, 23, M, Seaman, NY |
Page 277-2788, Family 285, Lines 38-42 and 1-4,
Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., VA
Jno. Talbot, 64, M, Lumber Merchant, RE=$13,200, VA (#425)√
Fanny Talbot, 54, F, VA
Francis A. Bernard, 23, F, VA
Martha E. Bernard, 18, F
Marcia L. Bernard, 14, F, VA
Alice M. Bernard, 12, F, VA
Ashton Bernard, 50, M, Clerk, VA
Joseph Culpepper, 45, M, Carpenter, RE=1600, VA
Joseph Liverman, 63, M, Laborer, VA |
Page 298, Family 452, Lines 20-23, Portsmouth, VA
Reuben Culpepper, 29, M, Moulder (?), VA (#19)√
Mary Culpepper, 23, F, VA
Robt, Culpepper, 4, M, VA
William Culpepper, 2, M, VA |
Page 356, Family 919, Lines 2-8, Portsmouth, VA
Exum Elliott, 53, M, Carpenter, RE=$1000, NC
Mahala Elliott, 53, F, NC
Rebecca Culpepper, 18, F, NC (#427)√
Nathan Ryder, 25, M, Carpenter, VA
Moses Wilburn, 20, M, Carpenter, NC
Jno Ward, 17, M, App. Carpenter, VA
Nancy Cuthred, 30, F, VA |
Page 932-933, Family 502, Lines 30-42 and 1-10,
Northern District, Dinwiddie Co., VA
Railroad work crew:
Daniel Conden, 27, M, Contractor on South S. RR, Ireland
Dennis Falvey, 27, M, Laborer, Ireland
James Londragon, 26, M, Laborer, Ireland
Michael Dunivent, 30, M, Laborer, Ireland
Pat Dunivent, 20, M, Laborer, Ireland
John Culpepper, 16, M, Laborer, VA (#50578)√
Edward Driskol, 35, M, Laborer, Ireland
Jerry Sheehan, 35, M, Laborer, Ireland
Tim Sullivan, 25, M, Laborer, Ireland
George Berry, 40, M, Laborer, VA
John Linnehan, 26, M, Laborer, Ireland
Richard Thomas, 30, M, Laborer, Ireland
Dennis O’Neil, 22, M, Laborer, Ireland
Michael O’Neil, 35, M, Laborer, Ireland
Morris Dunivent, 30, M, Laborer, Ireland
John Harry, 40, M, Laborer, Ireland
Dennis O’Brien, 23, M, Laborer, Ireland
Dennis Murphy, 30, M, Laborer, Ireland
Morris Henderson, 23, M, Laborer, Ireland
William B. Bagby, M, Supt. on Rail Road, VA
William Petters, 16, M, Laborer, VA
William Wade, 16, M, Laborer, VA
William Londe, 14, M, VA |
Page 132, Family 117, Lines 18-21, Eastern District,
Warwick Co., VA
Christopher Miller, 71, M, Lumber-getting, RE=$8396, Norfolk
John Culpepper, 18, M, Laborer, Norfolk Co (#50578)√
Miles Culpepper, 18, M, Norfolk Co (#203)√
John J. Spratt, 18, M, Laborer, Norfolk Co |
U.S. Federal Census Mortality
Schedules, 1850
Source: U.S. Federal Census
Mortality Schedules, 1850-1885 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.
Page 87, Line 27, 1850 Census Mortality Schedule, St. Brides,
Elizabeth River, and Portsmouth Parishes, Norfolk, Virginia
Alexander (Alexandra?) Culpepper,
White, Female, died Sep 1849 at age 1 Month |

1860 US Census
Transcribed from Census Records by Shannon O'Connor
Page 14, Family 114,
Division 1, Norfolk County, VA
Mary J. Culpepper, 36, F, Mulatto, Servant, RE=$0, PE=$50, VA
James Culpeper, 8, M, Mulatto, VA |
Page 116, Family 870,
Norfolk, Norfolk County, VA
Mary Owens, 40, F, Wh, Boarding House Keeper, RE=$0,
PE=$1000, VA
Mary E. Owens, 11, F, Wh, VA
M. Smith, 16, F, Wh, NC
M.J. Stewart, 20, F, Wh, VA
Ann Culpepper, 18, F, Wh, NC (Can't
find in NC or VA in 1850)
Su Jackson, 28, F, Wh, New Brunswick
Ella Cummings, 19, F, Wh, VA
Mag A. Morton, 17, F, Wh, VA
Jono Askew, 33, M, Wh, Bar Keeper, NC |
Page 181, Family
1346, Norfolk, Norfolk County, VA
W.W. Deal, 30, M, Wh, Laborer, RE=$0, PE=$50, VA
Henrietta Deal, 30, F, Wh, NC
Martha S. Deal, 3, F, Wh, VA
Henrietta Deal, 1, F, Wh, VA
Elvira Culpepper, 14, F, Wh, VA (#1159)√
(Since Elvira Culpepper's mother's maiden name was Elvira Deal, the
head of this household was probably the brother of Elvira Deal.
Presumably, young Elvira's parents both died before 1860)
Page 223-224, Family
1733, Norfolk, Norfolk County, VA
Ch. Koons, 42, M, Wh, Boatman, RE=$0, PE=$0, Penn
Elizth Koons, 40, F, Wh, NC
Lydia Culpepper, 52, F, Wh, NC (#62693)√ |
Page 167-168, Family
1310, Portsmouth Jackson Ward, Portsmouth (City), VA
Reuben Culpepper, 38, M, Wh, Moulder, RE=$500, PE=$250, VA
Mary F. Culpepper, 32, F, Wh, VA
Robt. Culpepper, 13, M, Wh, VA
Wm E. Culpepper, 11, M, Wh, VA
Ada Culpepper, 9, F, Wh, VA
Sherwood Culpepper, 6, M, Wh, VA
Rena Culpepper, 8/12, F, Wh, VA |
Page 179, Family
1388, Portsmouth Jackson Ward, Portsmouth (City), VA
Zack Culpepper, 43, M, Wh, Carpenter, RE= $0, PE=$400, VA
Mary F. Culpepper, 32, F, Wh, RE=$3000, PE=$7000. VA
Wm. Culpepper, 19, M, Wh, Carpenter (apprentice), VA
Margt Culpepper, 14, F, Wh, VA
Cath. Culpepper, 11, F, Wh, VA
Mary Culpepper, 5, F, Wh, VA
Alexander Culpepper, 11, M, Wh, VA
Zack Culpepper, M, Wh, VA
Susan A. Simcoe, 15, F, VA
Jno. W. Simcoe, 13, M, VA
Wallis L. Simcoe, 11, M, VA |
Page182, Family 1412,
Portsmouth Jackson Ward, Portsmouth (City), VA
Jesse Culpepper, 54, M, Wh, Shoe Dealer, RE=$1500, PE=1000,
VA (#14)√
Edith S. Culpepper, 41, F, Wh, VA
Sally S. Brickhouse, 15, F, Wh, VA
Jos. Culpepper, 58, M, Wh, VA (#41121)√
Mollie D. Culpepper, 13, F, Wh, VA (#42940)√ |
Page 207, Family
1590, Portsmouth Jackson Ward, Portsmouth (City), VA
Miles Culpepper, 29, M, Wh, Corpl USMC, RE=$0, PE=$25, VA
Margt. Culpepper, 24, F, Wh, VA
Ella E. Culpepper, 6, F, Wh, VA
Laura V. Culpepper, 4, F, Wh, VA
Wm. E. Culpepper, 11/12, M, Wh, VA |
Page 25, Family 204,
Portsmouth Jefferson Ward, Portsmouth (City),VA
DeWitt Culpepper, 34, M, Wh, Lawyer, RE=$1000, PE=$50, VA
Nancy Culpepper, 29, F, Wh, VA
Thos H. Culpepper, 7, M, Wh, VA
Ellen S. Culpepper, 5, F, Wh, VA
Jos. E. Culpepper, 3, M, Wh, VA
Mary Ann Culpepper, 1, F, Wh, VA |
Page 53, Family 421,
Portsmouth Jefferson Ward, Portsmouth (City), VA
Marshall Culpepper, 26, M, Wh, Laborer, RE=$0, PE=$0, VA
Mary V. Culpepper, 26, F, Wh, VA
James A. Culpepper, 8/12, M, Wh, VA
Julia Culpepper, 55, F, Wh, VA (#188) |
Page 60, Family 485,
Portsmouth Jefferson Ward, Portsmouth (City), VA
Rich P. Bunting, 25, M, Wh, Grocer, RE=$21,000, PE=$1100, VA
Virginia Bunting, 23, F, Wh, VA
Richard P. Bunting, 1, M, Wh, VA
Wm. R. Bunting, 2/12, M, Wh, VA
Jno. A. Culpepper, 11, M, Wh, VA (#4)√ |
Page 79-80, Family
640, Portsmouth Jefferson Ward, Portsmouth (City), VA
A.T. Culpepper, 32, M, Wh, Merchant, RE=$4000, PE=$5000, VA
Laura A. Culpepper, 27, F, Wh, VA
Marcus Culpepper, 8, M, Wh, VA
Mary C. Culpepper, 7, F, Wh, VA
Nathn E. Whitehurst, 14, M, Wh, VA |
Page 90, Family 719,
Portsmouth Jefferson Ward, Portsmouth (City), VA
Jno. M. Sharcett, 33, M, Wh, Oysterman, RE=$400, PE=$5200, NY
Henrietta Sharcett , 35, F, Wh, VA
David E. Sharcett, 10, M, Wh, VA
D. Sharcett, 7, F, Wh, VA
John L. Sharcett, 2, M, Wh, VA
Dorcas Culpepper, 24, F, Wh, RE=$0, PE=$25, VA (#88)√ |
Page 98, Family 781,
Portsmouth Jefferson Ward, Portsmouth (City), VA
Jos. S. Culpepper, 46, M, Wh, Black Smith, RE=$6000, PE=$0,
VA (#23)√
Adeline Culpepper, 44, F, Wh, VA
Marg’t F. Culpepper, 21, F, Wh, VA
Joseph Culpepper, 17, M, Wh, VA
Rowland Culpepper, 15, M, Wh, VA
Virginia Culpepper, 14, F, Wh, VA
Kate Culpepper, 12, F, Wh, VA
Rose Culpepper, 10, F, Wh, VA
John Culpepper, 7, M, Wh, VA
Addie Culpepper, 4, F, Wh, VA
Nellie Culpepper, 2, F, Wh, VA
Wm. Seabrook, 18, M, Wh, Black Smith Apprentice, VA
Grandy Overton, 17, M, Wh, Black Smith Apprentice, VA
Frank Culpepper, 18, M, Wh, Blk Smith App, VA
Frank Brook, 52, M, Wh, Carpenter, RE=$1500, PE=$3000, VA
Caroline Brook, 41, F, Wh, NC |
Page 132, Family
1042, Portsmouth Jefferson Ward, Portsmouth (City), VA
Henry Culpeper, 32, M, Wh, Carpenter, RE=$4000, PE=$2500, VA
Martha Culpeper, 29, F, Wh, VA
Rchd Culpeper, 8, M, Wh, VA
Henry C. Culpeper, 6, M, Wh, VA
Vernon E. Culpeper, 5, M, Wh, VA
Claude E. Culpeper, 1, M, Wh, VA |
Page 3, Family 21,
Portsmouth, Norfolk County, VA
Benja Culpepper, 48, M, Farmer, RE=$2000, PE=$900VA (#93)√
Nancy Culpepper, 54, F, His Wife no trade, VA
Joseph Culpepper, 21, M, Oysterman, RE=$0, PE=$50, VA
Martha L. Culpepper, 16, F, Wh, VA
Benjn Culpepper Jr., 15, M, VA |
Page 3, Family 23,
Portsmouth, Norfolk County, VA
David Culpepper, 30, M, Wh, Oysterman, RE=$500, PE=$50, VA
Sarah Culpepper, 30, F, Wh, His wife-no trade, VA
Margaret S. Culpepper, 10, F, Wh, VA
Geo Th. Culpepper, 8, M, Wh, VA
Mary E. Culpepper, 6, F, Wh, VA,
Alexr Culpepper, 4, M, Wh, VA
Ann V. Culpepper, 2, F, Wh, VA
David A. Culpepper, 4/12, M, Wh, VA
Henry Cuffie, 16, M, Wh, Oysterman, VA |
Page 4, Family 29,
Portsmouth, Norfolk County, VA
Jno Culpeper, 40, M, Wh, Oysterman, RE=$800, PE=$`00, VA
Elizabeth R. Culpeper, 26, F, Wh, His wife-lady, VA
Benjn Culpeper, 17, M, Wh, Oysterman, VA
John Culpeper, 15, M, Wh, Oysterman, VA
Emma F. Culpeper, 13, F, Wh, VA
William Culpeper, 8, M, Wh, VA
Sarah Culpeper, 5, F, Wh, VA
Jas Buchn Culpeper, 4, M, Wh, VA
Geo Wm Culpeper, 2, M, Wh, VA |
Page 28, Family 215, Deep Creek, Norfolk County, VA
Robt Culpepper, 37, M, Wh, Overseer on D.J. Canal, RE=$0,
PE=$0, VA (#209)√
Nancy Culpepper, 22, F, His wife-none, Wh, NC
Mary Culpepper, 3, F, Wh, VA
Lodusta Cuffie, 21, F, Mulatto, Domestic, VA
Julia J. Cuffie, 2, F, Black, VA |
Page 31, Family 232,
Portsmouth, Norfolk County, VA
George Culpepper, 30, M, Wh, Miller, RE=$170, PE=$150, VA
Celia Culpepper, 22, F, Wh, Housekeeper, VA
Harvey T. Culpepper, 3, M, Wh, VA
James F. Culpepper, 2, M, Wh, VA |
Page 31, Family 238,
Portsmouth, Norfolk County, VA
Thos Culpepper, 60, M, Wh, Farmer, RE=$750, PE=$200, VA (#84)√
Lydia Culpepper, 36, F, Wh, Laborer, VA
Ann Culpepper, 32, F, Wh, Laborer, VA
Dorcas Culpepper, 21, F, Wh, Laborer, VA
Geo Baker, 19, M, Wh, VA |
Page 32, Family 244,
Portsmouth, Norfolk County, VA
George Culpepper, Sr., 61, M, Wh, Farmer, RE=$800, PE=$800,
VA (#183)√
Rebecca Culpepper, 43, F, Wh, His wife-none, VA
LeRoy Culpepper, 16, M, Wh, VA
Richard Culpepper, 8, F, Wh, VA
Mary Culpepper, 16, F, Wh, VA
Wm Taylor, 20, M, Wh, Farm Laborer, RE=$200, VA |
Page 34, Family 261,
Portsmouth, Norfolk County, VA
Logan Hurst, 31, M, Wh, Farmer, RE=$8400, PE=$15,343, VA
Lucy V. Hurst, 20, F, Wh, His wife-lady, VA
Virginia F. Hewlett, 44, F, Wh, Her mother, VA
Jas F. Carr, 31, M, Wh, Lumber?, RE=$4460, PE=$8500. VA
Elvira W. Carr, 27, F, Wh, His wife-lady, N Carolina
Morris Culpepper, 24, M, Wh, Overseer (#643)√ |
Page 35, Family 262,
Portsmouth, Norfolk County, VA
R. T. Culpepper, 46, M, Wh, Farmer, RE=$3500, PE=$4700, VA
Sarah A. Culpepper, 50, F, Wh, His Wife, Lady, VA
Emma J. Culpepper, 19, F, Wh, VA
Franklin Culpepper, 19, M, Wh, Farmer. VA
Aug. Culpepper, 16, M, Wh, Farmer, VA
Jennette Culpepper, 12, F, Wh, VA
Missouri Culpepper, 8, F, Wh, VA |
Page 38, Family 288,
Portsmouth, Norfolk County, VA
Wm Culpepper, 25, M, Wh, Laborer, RE=$0, PE=$5, VA
(#42857)√ |
Page 39, Family 299,
Portsmouth, Norfolk County, VA
Josiah Culpepper, 35, M, Wh, Cooper, RE=$450, PE=$30, VA
Nancy Culpepper, 85, F, Wh, none-His mother, VA
Priscilla Culpepper, 53, F, Wh, Seamstress, VA
Page 39, Family 300,
Portsmouth, Norfolk County, VA
John Culpepper, 43, M, Wh, Farmer, RE=$200, PE=$250, VA
Elizabeth Culpepper, 52, F, Wh, His Wife-None, VA |
Page 40, Family 302,
Portsmouth, Norfolk County, VA
Jeannette Culpepper, 45, F, Wh, Seamstress, RE=$2000, PE=$80,
VA (#116)√
Laura Culpepper, 18, F, Wh, Seamstress, VA
Thomas Culpepper, 16, M, Wh, Blacksmith, VA
Nathaniel Culpepper, 13, M, Wh, VA
Jeannings T. Culpepper, 5, M, Wh, VA |
Page 42, Family 319,
Portsmouth, Norfolk County, VA
Joshuana Culpepper, 24, M, Wh, Oysterman, RE=$0, PE=$100, VA
Elizabeth Culpepper, 24, F, Wh, His wife, farm labor, VA
Saml [Samuel] Culpepper, 2, M, Wh, VA |
Page 132, Family 987,
St. Brides Parish, Norfolk County, VA
Henry T. Culpeper, 22, M, Wh, Laborer, RE=$0, PE=$50, VA
Mary F. Culpeper, 20, F, Wh, Seamstress, VA |
Page 248B, Family 125, Elizabeth River Parish,
Norfolk Co., VA
Joshua Peyton, 38, M, Farmer, RE=$800, VA (#99)√
Dorcas Peyton, 28, F, VA
Mary Culpepper, 30, F, VA
Joseph Peyton, 10, M, VA
Mary F. Peyton, 7, F, VA
Martha V. Peyton, 5, F, VA
Henry J. Peyton, 1, M, VA |
U.S. Federal Census
Mortality Schedules, 1860
Source: U.S.
Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1885 [database on-line].
Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.
Page 2, Line 33, 1860 Census Mortality Schedule, Jefferson Ward, Portsmouth, Virginia
Frank W Culpepper, White, Male, died Jul 1859 at age 1 of
diarhea (#41130)√ |
Page 1, Line 20, 1860 Census Mortality Schedule, Portsmouth Parish, Norfolk, Virginia
Margaret Culpeper, White, Female, died Oct 1859 at age
21 of typhoid fever (#996)√ |
Page 5, Line 1, 1860 Census Mortality Schedule, Jackson Ward, Portsmouth, Virginia
Reuben Culpepper, White, Male, died Aug 1859 at age 1 of cholera
(#63349)√ |

1861-1865 Civil War
Name (#and dates of birth and death); Enlist Date; Enlist
Rank; Enlist
Age; Enlist Place; Occupation; Military; Unit; Comments
Daniel Culpepper;
A Co., (Jackson Grey's), 61st Reg. VA; died in hospital, Feb
18631 (#54)√ |
David Culpepper; enlisted 17 Jun 1861
as a
Private at age 35 at Gosport Navy Yard, VA; Oysterman; Served in H Co. 3rd Inf Reg. VA (#91)√ |
John Culpepper; A Co., (Jackson Grey's), 61st
Reg. VA; died at United States Ford, Mar 18631
(#63350)√ |
Joseph Culpepper; enlisted 20 Apr 1861
as a Private at age 21 at Portsmouth, VA; Oysterman; Served in H Co. 3rd Inf Reg. VA (#41133)√ |
Joshua Culpepper; enlisted 17 Jun 1861
as a
Private at age 28 at Gosport Navy Yard, VA; Oysterman; Served in H Co. 3rd Inf Reg. VA
(#110)√ |
Marshall Culpepper; enlisted 31 Aug 1861
as a
Private at Camp Cook, VA; Served in A Co. 3rd Inf Reg. VA
(#210)√ |
Maurice W. Culpepper; enlisted 20 Apr 1861
as a
Private at age 24 at Portsmouth, VA; Merchant; Served in A Co. 3rd Inf Reg. VA; Co. Reg. RC
(#643)√ |
Miles Culpepper;
enlisted 20 Apr 1861 as a Private at age 30 at Portsmouth, VA; Laborer;
Served in A Co. 3rd Inf Reg. VA (#203)√ |
Reuben Culpepper; enlisted 15 May 1861
as a
Private at age 30 at Pig Point, Nansemond Co., VA; Brass Founder; Served
in G Co. 9th Inf Reg. VA
(#19)√ |
Robert Culpepper; enlisted 20 Apr 1861
as a
Corporal at age 36 at Portsmouth, VA; Overseer; Served in A Co. 3rd Inf Reg. VA
(#209)√ |
Robert S. Culpepper of Portsmouth, VA, Robert was the son of Reuben
and Mary Frances Culpepper. Reuben was the son of Joseph Culpepper and
Margaret Willoughby of Norfolk County. From his Confederate pension
application, we learn that Robert was employed at the beginning of the
Civil war "in the Gosport Navy Yard, but upon the evacuation of
Portsmouth by the Confederates, this company of men were sent to
Charlotte, North Carolina and employed there by the Government in the
manufacture of Ordnance Stores, then these men were organized into a
Military Battalion, and were frequently called from their post of duties
to repel raiding armies of the enemy. "With the falling of
Richmond, President Davis started southward and upon arriving at
Charlotte, North Carolina, his train also bearing the specie which was
in the Confederate Treasury in Richmond, volunteers from the above
Military Battalion were called to escort this specie to the Army of
General Kirby Smith. 60 of these men volunteered for that service,
including Robert S. Culpepper, the applicant for pension." (Source:
The Library of Virginia, Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows,
(#21)√ |
Roland Culpepper; enlisted 20 Apr 1861
as a
Private at age 18 at Portsmouth, VA; Clerk; Served in G Co. 9th Inf Reg. VA
(#27)√ |
William A. Culpepper; enlisted 27 Apr 1861
as a
Private at age 20 at Portsmouth Naval Hospital, VA; Carpenter; Served in D Co. 9th Inf
Reg. VA (#7)√ |
1 "Confederate Dead",
Norfolk Landmarka, Portsmouth Section, 8 Apr 1875. Provided to Culpepper Connections! by Kathleen
1862 Dismal Swamp Rangers, Company A, Third Virginia
From the
North-South Skirmish Association Website.
Submitted to Culpepper Connections! by Becky Culpepper in Texas
This company was organized in 1856 at Deep Creek, in Norfolk County, on
the edge of the Dismal Swamp. Deep Creek was a small village and the
neighborhood thinly populated, the people, therefore, deserve commendation
for their zeal and spirit in organizing and maintaining such a large and
effecient company..." Its roster included:
Marshal Culpepper, wounded June 30th, 1862,
Frazier's Farm, disabled and discharged."
(#210)√ |
Maurice Culpepper, severely wounded June 30th,
1862, Frazier's Farm, and appointed Provost Marshall at Waverly. (#643)√ |
Miles Culpepper (#203)√ |
1862-1865 Confederate Navy Culpeppers
The following names appear as workmen in the Confederate States
Navy Yard, Charlotte, NC, from 1862 to 1865, part of that time as members of one
of the three companies of Marines stationed there. They moved to Charlotte from
Norfolk, VA when the Navy Yard was moved from there. (Extract taken from page 31
of scrap book of the Stonewall Jackson Chapter U.D.C.):
Robert Culpepper (#21)√
Ruben Culpepper (#19)√
W. E. Culpepper (#7)√
American Civil War Soldiers
Source: Historical Data Systems, comp.. American Civil War Soldiers
on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 1999.
Alexander T. Culpepper, Occupation: Merchant, commissioned at
Portsmouth, Virginia as a 1st Lieutenant on 20 April 1861 at the age
of 32 in Company C, 16th Infantry Regiment Virginia. Resigned,
disability Company C, 16th Infantry Regiment Virginia on 13 Dec
1862. (#17)√ |
Daniel M. Culpeper, enlisted (date and place unknown) as a
Private in Company A, 14th Battn Cavalry Regiment Virginia. (#3?)√ |
Daniel M. Culpepper, enlisted (date and place unknown) as a
Private in Company F, 15th Cavalry Regiment Virginia. (#3?)√ |
Daniel Culpepper, enlisted at Fort Nelson, Virginia as a
Private on 17 August 1861 in Jackson Grays Regiment Virginia.
Transferred into Company A, 7th Battn Regiment Virginia on 15 Dec
1861. Transferred into Company A, 61st Infantry Regiment Virginia on
8 Aug 1862. (#54?)√ |
Daniel Culpepper, enlisted at Norfolk Co., Virginia as a
Private on 11 July 1861 in Jackson Grays Regiment Virginia.
Transferred into Company A, 7th Battn Regiment Virginia on 15 Dec
1861. Transferred into Company A, 61st Infantry Regiment Virginia on
8 Aug 1862. Died of disease Company A, 61st Infantry Regiment
Virginia on 4 Oct 1862 at Gordonsville, VA Hospital. (#54?)√ |
David Culpepper, Occupation: Oysterman. Enlisted at Gosport
Navy Yard, Portsmouth as a Private on 17 June 1861 at the age of 35
in Company H, 3rd Infantry Regiment Virginia on 20 Jun 1861. (#91)√ |
Franklin J. Culpeper, Occupation: Blacksmith. Height 5'6",
blue eyes, light hair, light complexion. Enlisted at Norfolk Co.,
Virginia in Rangers Regiment Virginia as a Private on 28 February
1862 at the age of 18. Transferred into Company H, 61st Infantry
Regiment Virginia on 8 Aug 1862. Transferred out of Rangers Regiment
Virginia on 8 Aug 1862. (#244)√ |
John Culpeper, enlisted at Norfolk Co., Virginia as a Private
on 20 March 1862 in Jackson Grays Regiment Virginia. Transferred
into Company A, 7th Battn Regiment Virginia on 15 Jun 1862.
Transferred into Company A, 61st Infantry Regiment Virginia on 8 Aug
1862. Died Company A, 61st Infantry Regiment Virginia on 15 Apr 1863
at US Ford, VA Hospital. (#63350)√ |
John Culpeper, enlisted at Norfolk, Virginia 8 May 1861 as a
Sergeant Major in Company S, 1st Battn Infantry Regiment Virginia
and promoted to Full Private on 15 Mar 1863. Died Company S, 1st
Battn Infantry Regiment Virginia on 10 Jan 1864 at Orange County,
Virginia. (#63960)√ |
Joseph Culpepper, Occupation: Oysterman, enlisted at
Portsmouth, Virginia as a Private on 20 April 1861 at the age of 21
in Company H, 3rd Infantry Regiment Virginia (#41133)√ |
Joshua Culpepper, Occupation: Oysterman, enlisted at Gosport
Navy Yard, Portsmouth as a Private on 17 June 1861 at the age of 28
in Company H, 3rd Infantry Regiment Virginia. Died from wounds
Company H, 3rd Infantry Regiment Virginia on 12 Jul 1862 at
Richmond, VA Hospital. (#110)√ |
Marshall Culpepper, enlisted at Camp Cook, Virginia as a
Private on 31 August 1861 in Company A, 3rd Infantry Regiment
Virginia. Deserted from Company A, 3rd Infantry Regiment
Virginia on 30 Apr 1864. |
Marshall Culpepper, enlisted at Camp Pemberton, Virginia as a
Private on 28 February 1862 at the age of 29 in Rangers Regiment
Virginia. Transferred into Company A, 3rd Infantry Regiment
Virginia on 20 Apr 1862. Transferred into Company A, 61st
Infantry Regiment Virginia on 8 Aug 1862. (#210)√ |
Maurice Culpepper, enlisted at Camp Pemberton, Virginia as a
Private on 28 February 1862 at the age of 22 in Rangers Regiment
Virginia. Transferred into Company A, 3rd Infantry Regiment
Virginia on 20 Apr 1862. Transferred into Company A, 7th Battn
Regiment Virginia on 15 Jun 1862. Transferred into Company A, 61st
Infantry Regiment Virginia on 8 Aug 1862. |
Maurice W. Culpepper, Occupation: Merchant, enlisted at
Portsmouth, Virginia as a Private on 20 April 1861 at the age of 24
in Company A, 3rd Infantry Regiment Virginia. Transferred
into Regiment U.S. Veteran Reserve Corps on 3 Dec 1864. (#643)√ |
Miles Culpepper, enlisted at Camp Pemberton, Virginia as a
Private on 28 February 1862 at the age of 33 in Rangers Regiment
Virginia. Transferred into Company A, 3rd Infantry Regiment
Virginia on 20 Apr 1862. Transferred into Company A, 7th Battn
Regiment Virginia on 15 Jun 1862. Transferred into Company A, 61st
Infantry Regiment Virginia on 8 Aug 1862. |
Miles Culpepper, Occupation: Laborer, enlisted at Portsmouth,
Virginia as a Private on 20 April 1861 at the age of 30 in
Company A, 3rd Infantry Regiment Virginia. (#203)√ |
Reuben Culpepper, Occupation: Brass Founder, enlisted at Pig
Point, Nansemond County as a Private on 15 May 1861 at the age of 30
in Company G, 9th Infantry Regiment Virginia. Discharged from
Company G, 9th Infantry Regiment Virginia on 4 Sep 1861. |
Robert Culpepper, enlisted enlisted at Camp Pemberton,
Virginia as a Private on 28 February 1862 in Rangers Regiment
Virginia. Transferred into Company A, 3rd Infantry Regiment
Virginia on 20 Apr 1862. Transferred into Company A, 7th Battn
Regiment Virginia on 15 Jun 1862. Transferred into Company A, 61st
Infantry Regiment Virginia on 8 Aug 1862. |
Robert Culpepper, Occupation: Overseer, enlisted at
Portsmouth, Virginia as a Corporal on 20 April 1861 at the age of 36
in Company A, 3rd Infantry Regiment Virginia. Promoted to
Full Sergeant on 27 Sep 1861. Deserted from Company A, 3rd
Infantry Regiment Virginia on 10 May 1862. (#21)√ |
Roland H. Culpepper, Occupation: Clerk, enlisted at
Portsmouth, Virginia as a Private on 20 April 1861 at the age of 18
in Company G, 9th Infantry Regiment Virginia. (#27)√ |
W. C. Culpeper, enlisted (date
and place unknown) as a Private in Company U, 8th Cavalry Regiment
Virginia. |
William A. Culpepper, Occupation: Carpenter, enlisted at
Portsmouth Naval Hospital, Virginia as a Private on 27 April 1861 at
the age of 20 in Company D, 9th Infantry Regiment Virginia.
(#7)√ |
Zachariah Culpepper, enlisted
(date and place unknown) as a Corporal in Company D, 4th Bn Loc Def
Infantry Regiment Virginia. (Naval Battalion) (Navy Department
Battalion) |

US Census
Transcribed from Census Records by Shannon O'Connor
Deep Creek,
Norfolk Co., VA
Page 1, Family 8,
Deep Creek, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Rebecca Culpepper, 53, F, Wh, Keeping House, RE=$0, PE=$100,
VA (#190)√
Mary S. Culpepper, 25, F, Wh, At home, VA, Idiot |
Page 1, Family 9,
Deep Creek, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Richard T. Culpepper, 19, M, Wh, Farmer, RE=$500, PE=$0, VA
Elvira Culpepper, 23, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA
Willis Wallace, 79, M, Wh, Living with daughter (sic), VA
William R. Culpepper, 8/12, M, Wh, At home, VA |
Page 4, Family 33,
Deep Creek, Norfolk Co., Virginia
George Culpepper, 40, M, Wh, Miller, RE=$500, PE=$300, VA
Silah A. Culpepper, 32, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA
Harvey T. Culpepper, 13, M, Wh, At home, VA
James F. Culpepper, 10, M, Wh, At home, VA
George W. Culpepper, 7, M, Wh, At home, VA |
Pages 7-8, Family 48,
Deep Creek, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Jennett Culpepper, 54, F, Wh, Keeping house, RE=$2000, PE=$0,
VA (#116)√
Laura A. Culpepper, 26, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA
Thos. C. Culpepper, 24, M, Wh, Farmer, VA
Nathl D. Culpepper, 22, Wh, Farmer, VA
Jennings T. Culpepper, 15, M, Wh, Attending school, VA
Levi Daley, 18, M, Wh, Laborer, VA
M.C. McGeorge, 22, M, Wh, Laborer, VA |
Page 9, Family 73,
Deep Creek, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Thomas R. Walker, 34, M, Wh, Laborer, RE=$0, PE=$0, VA (#216)√
Caroline Walker, 32, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA
Rebecca M. Walker, 11, F, Wh, At home, VA
William R. Walker, 5, M, Wh, At home, VA
Mary L. Walker, 3, F, Wh, At home, VA
Ella E. Culpepper, 15, F, Wh, Domestic servant, VA
Laura V. Culpepper, 13, F, Wh, Living with aunt, VA |
Page 10, Family 81,
Deep Creek, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Sarah A. Hodges, 34, F, Wh, Keeping house, RE=$300, PE=$0, VA
Columbus Hodges, 13, M, Wh, At home, VA
Leroy N. Culpepper, 22, M, Wh, Laborer, VA (#197)√
George Corprew, 64, M, Black, Farmer, RE=$900, PE=$220, VA
Grace Corprew, 58, F, Black, Keeping house, VA
Martha Corprew, 19, F, Black, At home, VA
James O. Corprew, 14, M, Black, At home, VA |
Page 10-11, Family
84, Deep Creek, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Robert Culpepper, 46, M, Wh, Laborer, RE=$0, PE=$0, VA,
Married in March (#209)√
Mary S. Culpepper, 24, M, Wh, Keeping house, VA
Anna L. Culpepper, 14, F, Wh, At home, VA
James H. Culpepper, 11, M, Wh, Living with uncle, VA (#212)
Joseph M. Culpepper, 6, M, Wh, Living with uncle, VA
Judah Culpepper, 66, F, Wh, Living with Son, VA |
Page 12, Family 95,
Deep Creek, Norfolk Co., Virginia
William Culpepper, 49, M, Wh, Farmer, RE=$1500, PE=$200, VA
Antnet Culpepper, 44, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA
Luther F. Culpepper, 19, M, Wh, Laborer, VA
Sophronea E.Culpepper, 16, F, Wh, At home, VA
Augustine E. Culpepper, 15, F, Wh, At home, VA
Lycurgus M. Culpepper, 10, M, Wh, At home, VA
Annetta J. Culpepper, 8, F, Wh, At home, VA
Serena A. Culpepper, 5, F, Wh, At home, VA
William O. Culpepper, 2, M, Wh, At home, VA |
Page 12, Family 99,
Deep Creek, Norfolk Co., Virginia
James E. Culpepper, 42, M, Wh, Farmer, RE=$0, PE=$0, VA
Julia A. Culpepper, 28, F, Wh, Keeping house, NC
James H. Culpepper, 10, M, Wh, At home, VA
George B. M. Culpepper, 8, M, Wh, At home, VA
Joseph N. Culpepper, 6, M, Wh, At home, VA
Lovey A. V. Culpepper, 4, F, Wh, At home, VA
John B. Culpepper, 1, M, Wh, At home, VA
Ann E. Hall, 23, F, Wh, Domestic servant, VA |
Page 13, Family 110, Deep Creek, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Ann Culpepper, 42, F, Wh, Keeping house, RE=$950, PE=$0, VA
Lydia Culpepper, 46, F, Wh, Farming, RE=$600, PE=$0, VA
Daniel Culpepper, 6, M, Wh, At home, VA |
Page 23, Family 188,
Deep Creek, Norfolk Co., Virginia
John Culpepper, 55, M, Wh, Farmer, RE=$230, PE=$0, VA (#790)√
Elizabeth Culpepper, 60, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA |
Page 23, Family 189,
Deep Creek, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Josiah Culpepper, 47, M, Wh, Cooper, RE=$450, PE=$0, VA
Priscilla Culpepper, 62, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA
Elvira Culpepper, 60, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA
William James, 55, M, Wh, Laborer, RE=$500, PE=$0VA |
Page 23, Family 192,
Deep Creek, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Sarah A. Culpepper, 60, F, Wh, Keeping house, RE=$0, PE=$0,
VA (#242)√
Franklin J. Culpepper, 27, M, Wh, Farmer, VA |
Page 23, Family 193,
Deep Creek, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Henry Garnes, 32, M, Wh, Laborer, RE=$0, PE=$0, VA
Emma J. Garnes, 29, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA
James E. Garnes, 4/12, M, Wh, At home, born Feb., VA
Janet Culpepper, 23, F, Wh, At home, VA
Missouri Culpepper, 19, F, Wh, At home, VA |
Grove, Norfolk Co., VA
Page 26, Family 193,
Pleasant Grove, Norfolk Co., Virginia
S.D. Culpepper, 52, M, Wh, Farmer, RE=$900, PE=$150, NC
Susan Culpepper, 45, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA
Dolly Culpepper, 12, F, Wh, NC
John R. Culpepper, 8, M, Wh, NC
Polly Culpepper, 78, F, Wh, At home, NC, [Blind]
Martin Culpepper, 19, M, Wh, Laborer, NC |
Page 29, Family 215,
Pleasant Grove, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Edward Culpepper, 64, M, wh, Farmer, RE=$800, PE=$150, NC
Mary Culpepper, 48, F, Wh, Keeping house, NC
Edward D. Culpepper, 25, M, Wh, Farmer, VA
Sarah A. Culpepper, 19, F, Wh, At home, VA
Fannie C. Waller, 33, F, Wh, At home, VA
Mary A. B. Waller, 7, F, Wh, VA |
Page 29, Family 219,
Pleasant Grove, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Henry F. Culpepper, 37, M, Wh, Farmer, RE=$210, PE=$100, VA
Mary F. Culpepper, 28, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA
Henrietta A. Culpepper, 9, F, Wh, VA
Ted E. Culpepper, 1, M, Wh, VA
Lydia F. Culpepper, 6, F, Wh, VA |
Page 41, Family 313,
Pleasant Grove, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Willoughby Lynch, 43, M, Wh, Farmer, RE=$900, PE=$150, VA
Mary A. Lynch, 52, F, wh, Keeping house, VA
James C. Lynch, 26, M, Wh, Farmer, VA
Susannah Lynch, 18, F, Wh, At home, VA
Mary E. Lynch, 15, F, Wh, At home, VA
Willoughby Lynch, 13, M, Wh, Attending school, VA
Carrie V. Lynch, 7, F, Wh, VA
Lucy J. Culpepper, 29, F, Wh, At home, VA
Wm. W. Culpepper, 5, M, Wh, VA
Benj F. Culpepper, 3, M, Wh, VA |
Creek, Norfolk Co., VA
Page, 15-16 Family
149, Tanners Creek, Norfolk Co., Virginia
Joshua Peyton, 60, M, Wh, Farmer, RE=$2500, PE=$500, VA (#99)√
Dorcas Peyton, 50, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA
Joseph Peyton, 30, M, Wh, Farm Laborer, VA
Mary Peyton, 24, F, Wh, At home, VA
Henry Peyton, 21, M, Wh, At home, VA
Elizabeth Peyton, 18, F, Wh, At home, VA
Mary Culpepper, 60, F, Wh, At home, VA |
Branch, Norfolk Co., VA
Page 15-16, Family
124, Western Branch, Norfolk Co., Virginia Thomas Owens, 55, M, Wh, Farmer, RE=$8000, PE=$200, VA
(#50223)√ Mary Owens, 50, F, Wh, Keeping house, Mass
Virginia Owens, 19, F, Wh, At home, VA William Owens, 18, M, Wh, Apprenticed to a Machinist, VA
Emma Owens, 16, F, Wh, At home, VA Anna Owens, 12, F, Wh, At home, VA
Charles Owens, 11, M, Wh, At home, VA Sarah Cotton, 6, F, Wh, VA
John Culpepper, 21, M, Wh, Coppersmith, VA Sarah Culpepper, 22, F, Wh, Keeping House, VA |
Page 19, Family 154,
Western Branch, Norfolk Co., Virginia William C. Rogers, 30, M, Wh, Oysterman, RE=$500, PE=$0, NY
(#10931)√ Crissie Rogers, 27, F, Wh, Keeping house, NC
William Rogers, 2, M, Wh, VA John F. Culpepper, 3, M, Wh, VA |
Page 19, Family 155,
Western Branch, Norfolk Co., Virginia Benjamin Culpepper, 62, M, Wh, Farmer, RE=$1800, PE=$750, VA
(#93)√ Ann Culpepper, 60, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA
Eugene Owens, 13, M, Wh, At home, VA James L. Owens, 11, M, Wh, At home, VA
Joseph Owens, 6, M, Wh, VA |
Page 19, Family 156,
Western Branch, Norfolk Co., Virginia John G. Culpeper, 24, M, Wh, Oysterman, RE=$0, PE=$0, VA
(#108)√ Anna A. Culpepper, 23, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA |
Page 19, Family 158,
Western Branch, Norfolk Co., Virginia Benjamin Culpepper, 26, M, Wh, Oysterman, RE=$0, PE=$0, VA
(#107)√ Adeline Culpepper, 22, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA
Sarah E. Culpepper, 2, F, Wh, VA
Page 19, Family 161,
Western Branch, Norfolk Co., Virginia Elizabeth Culpepper, 35, F, Wh, Seamstress, RE=$0, PE=$0, VA
(#249)√ Samuel Culpepper, 11, M, Wh, At home, VA |
Page 21-22, Family
177, Western Branch, Norfolk Co., Virginia John Culpepper, 48, M, Wh, Farmer, RE=$300, PE=$100, VA
(#95)√ Elizabeth Culpepper, 36, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA
William Culpepper, 18, M, Wh, At home, VA Sarah Culpepper, 15, F, Wh, At home, VA
James Culpepper, 13, M, Wh, At home, VA Thomas F. Culpepper, 8, M, Wh, VA
Joshua Culpepper, 4, M, Wh, VA |
Page 22, Family 178,
Western Branch, Norfolk Co., Virginia Benjamin Culpepper, 25, M, Wh, Oysterman, RE=$0, PE-$0, VA
(#113)√ Oakie Culpepper, 20, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA |
Page 21, Family 270,
Western Branch, Norfolk Co., Virginia David Culpepper, 45, M, Wh, Oysterman, RE=$350, PE=$0, VA
(#91)√ Sarah Culpepper, 41, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA
George T. Culpepper, 19, M, Wh, Oysterman, VA Mary E. Culpepper, 17, F, Wh, At home, VA
Alexander Culpepper, 15, M, Wh, At home, VA Ann V. Culpepper, 12, F, Wh, At home, VA David A. Culpepper, 10, M, Wh, At home, VA |
Page 36, Family 310,
Western Branch, Norfolk Co., Virginia Robert Ripley, 39, M, Wh, Laborer, RE=$500, PE=$0, VA
Mary A. Ripley, 41, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA Sarah E. Ripley, 12, F, Wh, At home, VA
William Culpepper, 33, M, Wh, Sawyer, VA (#42857)√ |
Page 90, Family 790,
Western Branch, Norfolk Co., Virginia Augustus Culpepper, 24, M, Wh, Laborer, RE=$0, PE=$0, VA
(#245)√ Elizabeth Culpepper, 22, F, Wh, Keeping house, NC
Emma J. Culpepper, 4, F, Wh, VA Georgiana Culpepper, 4/12, F, Wh, born Jan., VA |
(city), VA
Page 33, Family 333,
Norfolk Ward 1, Norfolk (City), VA Jesse W. Culpeper, 63, M, Wh, Keeping Boarding House,
RE=$5400, PE=$1550, VA (#14)√ Edith Culpeper, 50, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA |
Page 48, Family 431,
Norfolk Ward 1, Norfolk (City), VA Simon Cragg, 26, M, Bl, Laborer, RE=$0, PE=$0, VA
Harriet Cragg, 25, F, Bl, Domestic servant, VA Hester Culpepper, 16, F, Mulatto, Domestic servant, VA |
Portsmouth (city),
Page 11, Family 133,
Portsmouth Jackson Ward, Portsmouth (City), VA Living with John and Josephine Ross
Dorcas Culpeper, 32, F, Wh, Domestic servant, VA (#88)√ |
Page 13, Family 109,
Portsmouth Jackson Ward, Portsmouth (City), VA David Culpepper, 44, M, Wh, Laborer, RE=$550, PE=$0, VA
Nancy Culpepper, 39, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA Thomas H. Culpepper, 17, M, Wh, At home, VA
Eleanor S. Culpepper, 15, F, Wh, At home, VA Joseph E. Culpepper, 13, M, Wh, At home, VA
Mariana Culpepper, 11, F, Wh, At home, VA David R. Culpepper, 9, M, Wh, VA
Isabel L. Culpepper, 6, F, Wh, VA |
Page 36-37, Family
315, Portsmouth Jackson Ward, Portsmouth (City), VA Henry E. Culpepper, 43, M, Wh, Builder, RE=$1600, PE=$100, VA
Martha Culpepper, 29, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA Richard C. Culpepper, 17, M, Wh, Clerk in lumber yard, VA
Henry E. Culpepper, 15, M, Wh, Clerk in store, VA Bernard C. Culpepper, 14, M, Wh, At home, VA
Claude E. Culpepper, 11, M, Wh, At home, VA Charles L. Culpepper, 7, M, Wh, VA
Martha Culpepper, 2, F, Wh, VA Ruth Culpepper, 2/12, F, Wh, VA, born March |
Page 39, Family 335,
Portsmouth Jackson Ward, Portsmouth (City), VA Alexander T. Culpepper, 42, M, Wh, Ret. Dry Goods Merchant,
RE=$0, PE=$300, VA (#17)√ Laura Culpepper, 37, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA
Marcus Culpepper, 18, M, Wh, Ship’s Writer U.S.N., VA Catharine Culpepper, 16, F, Wh, At home, VA
Willis Culpepper, 9, M, Wh, VA Shands Culpepper, 5, M, Wh, VA |
Page 55, Family 466,
Portsmouth Jackson Ward, Portsmouth (City), VA Edward C. Godwin, 35, M, Wh, Tinner, RE=$0, PE=$0, VA
Margaret F. Godwin, 30, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA Maggie L. Godwin, 3, F, Wh, VA
Ashby Godwin, 1, M, Wh, VA Joseph Culpepper, 27, M, Wh, Steamboat office clerk
Fanny W. Culpepper, 24, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA Joseph F. Culpepper, 1, M, Wh, VA
Nannie C. Culpepper, less than 1/12, F, Wh, VA, born May
Octavia M. Wills, 28, F, Wh, Lives with her sister, VA Mills F. Wills, 23, M, Wh, Clerk in steamboat office, VA |
Page 70, Family 599,
Portsmouth Jackson Ward, Portsmouth (City), VA Joseph S. Culpeper, 55, M, Wh, Blacksmith, RE=0, PE=$0, VA
Adeline Culpeper, 53, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA Rosa Culpeper, 19, F, Wh, At home, VA
John B. Culpeper, 17, M, Wh, Clerk in R.R. Office, VA Addie Culpeper, 14, F, Wh, At home, VA
Nellie Culpeper, 12, F, Wh, At home, VA Nettie Culpeper, 10, F, Wh, At home, VA |
Page 98-99, Family
808, Portsmouth Jackson Ward, Portsmouth (City), VA William B. Tennis, 30, M, Wh, Captain of Ship, RE=$2000,
PE=$1200, VA (#42941)√ Margaret M. Tennis, 24, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA
Charles B. Tennis, 8, M, Wh, VA Arthur L. Tennis, 2, M, Wh, VA
Blanche Tennis, 1/12, F, Wh, VA, born April Sarah Culpeper, 30, F, Wh, Lives with Brother-in-law, VA
Margaret Johnson, 18, F, Black, Domestic servant, VA |
Page 117, Family 997,
Portsmouth Jackson Ward, Portsmouth (City), VA Zachariah Culpepper, 54, M, Wh, Ship Carpenter, RE=$0, PE=$0,
VA (#5)√ Mary Culpepper, 43, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA Mary Culpepper, 15, F, Wh, At home, VA
Alexander Culpepper, 13, M, Wh, At home, VA Zachariah Culpepper, 11, M, Wh, At home, VA
Eva Culpepper, 2, F, Wh, VA |
Page 117, Family 998,
Portsmouth Jackson Ward, Portsmouth (City), VA William Culpepper, 29, M, Wh, Carpenter, RE=$0, PE=$0, VA
Susan Culpepper, 25, F, Wh, Keeping house, VA William Culpepper, 2, M, Wh, VA
Walter Culpepper, 1, M, Wh, VA |
U.S. Federal Census
Mortality Schedules, 1870
Source: U.S.
Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1885 [database on-line].
Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.
1870 Census Mortality Schedule, Western Branch, Norfolk
Co., Virginia
(Family 156, John G. Culpepper, #108)
Ida D Culpepper, White, Female, died of pneumonia in Dec 1869 at age 6
Months (#63448)√ |
1870 Census Mortality Schedule, Western Branch, Norfolk
Co., Virginia
(Family 154,
William C. Rogers, #10931)
Joseph Culpepper, White, Male, Married, Oysterman, died of
consumption in Feb 1870 at age 31 (#41133)√ |
1870 Census Mortality Schedule, Western Branch, Norfolk
Co., Virginia
(Family 177,
John Culpepper, #95)
Joseph Culpepper, White, Male, died in Dec 1869 at age 7
Months (#50216)√ |
1870 Census Mortality Schedule, Deep Creek, Norfolk
Co., Virginia
(Family 95,
William Culpepper, #269)
Nancy Culpepper, White, Female, House Keeper, died of
consumption in May 1870 at age
83 (#786)√ |
1870 Census Mortality Schedule, Deep Creek, Norfolk
Co., Virginia
(Family 33,
George Culpepper, #192)
William Culpepper, White, Male, died of congestion of brain in
Sep 1869 at age 4 (#63449)√ |

1850-1874 Norfolk County, VA Marriages (All White)
Source: Transcribed from microfilm and various source
documents by Lew Griffin, Dick Culpepper, and Susan Wilson.
Alexander G. Culpepper
and Laura Whitehead married in Norfolk Co., VA, on 17 Mar 1851 (#17)√ |
Augustus G. Culpepper
(21) and Mary Elizabeth Bateman (22) married in Norfolk Co., VA, on
24 Jan 1867, Augustus, son of Reuben T. & Sarah A. Culpepper, and
Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Mary Bateman of Tyrrell Co., NC
(#245)√ |
Daniel M. Culpepper
(27) and Lucy J. Lynch (19) married in Norfolk Co., VA, on 20 Feb
1862 (#3)√ |
David Culpepper
and Nancy Cherry married in Norfolk Co., VA, on 24 Oct 1850, Nancy’s
guardian, Peter Cherry, consents, surety Peter Cherry (#68)√ |
Elizabeth Culpepper
(16) and James W. Owens (21) married in Norfolk Co., VA, on 12 Oct
1853 (#112)√ |
Emma Frances Culpepper
and Francis Williams married in Norfolk Co., VA, on 2 Apr 1862
(#109)√ |
Emma Jane Culpepper
and Henry Garnes married in Norfolk Co., VA, on 25 Apr 1867,
daughter of Reubin T. & Sarah Culpepper (#243)√ |
Fanny Culpepper
and Isaiah Foreman married in Norfolk Co., VA, on 8 Jan 1857 (#213)√ |
George Culpepper
(24) and Celia Ann Deal (17) married in Norfolk Co., VA, on 15 May
1856, George was the son of George & Sarah Culpepper, and Celia was
the daughter of Jeremiah and Susan Deal (#192)√ |
George Culpepper
and Rebecca Wallace married in Norfolk Co., VA, on 7 Mar 1850,
daughter of Willis Wallace (#183)√ |
Henry E. Culpepper
and Martha H. Grant married in Norfolk Co., VA, on 27 Jun 1850,
Martha’s mother, Sarah Grant, consents, surety Charles C. Robinson
(#229)√ |
James Culpepper
and Julia Jones married in Norfolk Co., VA, on 30 Aug 1859 (#278)√ |
John G. Culpepper
(22) and Annie Amelia Carter (21) married in Norfolk Co., VA, on 12
Aug 1868, John was the son of John & S. A. Culpepper, and Annie was
the daughter of Jesse and Elizabeth Carter of Nansemond Co., VA
(#108)√ |
Joseph S. Culpepper
(24) and Fanny S. Wills (22), married in Isle of Wight Co., VA, on
25 Jan 1867 (#26)√ |
Joshua Culpepper
and Elizabeth Rollins married in Norfolk Co., VA, on 8 Aug 1855
(#110)√ |
Kate Culpepper
and Francis M. Moore, Portsmouth married in Norfolk Co., VA, on 25
Oct 1869 (#29)√ |
Maggie Culpepper
and Edward C. Godwin, Portsmouth married in Norfolk Co., VA, on 28
Oct 1865 (#25)√ |
Maggie Culpepper
and John P. Hall, Portsmouth married in Norfolk Co., VA, on 22 Aug
1866 (#8)√ |
Margaret S. Culpepper
and Calvin Savage married in Norfolk Co., VA, on 20 Sep 1866 (#235)√ |
Martha Culpepper
and William C. Rogers married in Norfolk Co., VA, on 4 Mar 1861
(#234)√ |
Richard Culpepper
and Elvira Culpepper married in Norfolk Co., VA, Aug 5,
1868 (#1159)√ |
Robert Culpepper
(44, widow) and Mary Susan Taylor (23) married in Norfolk Co., VA,
on 19 Mar 1870, Robert was the son of William & Julia Culpepper, and
Mary Susan was the daughter of John and Martha Taylor (#209)√ |
Seaynor Culpepper
and Henry Curtis married in Norfolk Co., VA, on 4 Aug 1854,
Seaynor’s mother was Catherine Matthews (#37975)√ |
William A. Culpepper
(25) and Susan Simcoe (21), married in Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., VA,
on 23 Jan 1866 (#7)√ |
William Culpepper
and Antoinette Cherry married in Norfolk Co., VA, on 19 Jul 1850,
daughter of Silas Cherry (#269)√ |
William Culpepper
and Missouri Walter married in Norfolk Co., VA, on 12 Mar 1874,
William was the son of John & Elizabeth Culpepper, and Missouri was
the daughter of Richard and E. Walter (#237)√ |
Zacharias Culpepper
and Mary Simcoe married in Norfolk Co., VA., on 8 Sep 1853 (#5)√ |

Last Revised:
02 Jan 2015