Danville, VA
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Virginia Culpepper Archives
Danville (City) and Pittsylvania County

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Census Records

1920 US Census

Transcribed from Ancestry.com Census Records by Shannon O'Connor


ED 30, Sheet 1B, Family 14, 691 Berryman Ave., Ward 1, Danville, Pittsylvania County, VA
Chas C. Culpepper, Head, M, Wh, 38, Md, AL/GA/GA, (#1589)

Gertrude Culpepper, Wife, F, Wh, 38, Md, AL/AL/AL, None
Hoffman Culpepper, Son, M, Wh, 13, S, AL/AL/AL, None
Winifred Culpepper, Daughter, F, Wh, 11, S, AL/AL/AL, None
Edith Culpepper, Daughter, F, Wh, 2 2/12, S, VA/VA/VA, None
Virginia Culpepper, Daughter, F, Wh, 6/12, VA/VA/VA, None

1930 US Census


ED 30, Sheet 1B, Family 14, 691 Berryman Ave., Ward 1, Danville, Pittsylvania County, VA (10 Apr 1930)
Charles H. Culpepper, Head, M, Wh, 48, md@22, AL/GA/GA, Foreman/Knitting Mill (#1589)

Nancie G. Culpepper, Wife, F, Wh, 43, md@16, AL/AL/AL
Winifred Culpepper, Daughter, F, Wh, 21, S, AL/AL/AL, Stenographer/Insurance Office
Edith Culpepper, Daughter, F, Wh, 12, S, VA/AL/AL
Virginia Culpepper, Daughter, F, Wh, 10, VA/AL/AL

1940 US Census

bulletDanville, Pittsylvania County, VA, Ward 4, ED 106-13, web page 9 (6 Apr 1940)
Lines 37-40, 162 College Avenue (#11204)
Hoffman Culpepper, Head, M, Wh, 31, md, AL, 1935 in Conover, Catawba Co., NC, Owner/Knitting Mill
Mary Culpepper, Wife, F, Wh, 31, md, VA, 1935 in Conover, Catawba Co., NC, Bookkeeper/Knitting Mill
Nancy Mae Culpepper, Daughter, F, Wh, 9, sng, VA, 1935 in Conover, Catawba Co., NC
Mary Ellen Culpepper, Daughter, F, Wh, 6, sng, VA, 1935 in Conover, Catawba Co., NC

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Military Records

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918

Source: National Archives and Records Administration. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-18 (database online) Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2002. National Archives and Records Administration. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. M1509, 4,277 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration


Charles Henry Culpepper, 500 Berryman, Danville, Pittsylvania Co, VA, age 37, born 17 Apr 1881, White, Supt for Danville Knitting Mills in Danville, Pittsylvania Co, VA; Nearest relative: Nancy G. Culpepper (wife), 500 Berryman, Danville, Pittsylvania Co, VA, Medium Height, Slender Build, Blue eyes, Brown hair, no physical disqualifications; registered 12 Sep 1918 at Danville, Pittsylvania Co, VA (#1589)

U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 ("Old Man's" Registration)

Source: Ancestry.com. U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2010. Original data: United States, Selective Service System. Selective Service Registration Cards, World War II: Fourth Registration. National Archives and Records Administration Branch locations: National Archives and Records Administration Region Branches.

Description: This database is an indexed collection of the draft cards from the Fourth Registration, the only registration currently available to the public (the other registrations are not available due to privacy laws). The Fourth Registration, often referred to as the "old man's registration", was conducted on 27 April 1942. The records include name of registrant, age, birth date, birthplace, residence, employer information, and physical description


Charles Henry Culpepper, White, born 17 Apr 1880 in Chilton, Alabama, residing in Pittsylvania, Virginia, registered 27 Apr 1942 (#1589)

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Social Security Death Index (SSDI)

Source: Social Security Administration. Social Security Death Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2010. Original data: Social Security Administration. Social Security Death Index, Master File. Social Security Administration. All records of deaths on or before 30 Jun 2012 in which this jurisdiction was the place of final residence or where the final benefit was paid.


Charles Culpepper, 2 May 1906 - Nov 1975, SSN 224-07-2610 issued in Virginia in 1936-1950; Last Residence: Danville (city), Virginia 24541 (#11204)


Mary F. Culpepper, 29 Jul 1907 - Mar 1996, SSN 230-07-8330 issued in Virginia in 1936-1950; Last Residence: Danville (city), Virginia 24541 (#45763)


Nancy Culpepper, 22 Apr 1886 - Sep 1981, SSN 231-52-9909 issued in Virginia in 1958; Last Residence: Danville (city), Virginia 24541 (#1594)

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Highland Burial Park
Danville (city), Virginia
Source: Find A Grave, searched 26 Oct 2012
The 8 digit number following the name is the Find-a-Grave Memorial Number


Charles Henry Culpepper, 94564395, Apr. 17, 1880 - Dec. 10, 1942 (#1589)
Nancy Gertrude Culpepper
, "Gertie" Callaway 94564571, Apr. 22, 1886 - Sep., 1981


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Last Revised: 02 Jan 2015


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