Culpepers of Colonial Virginia
Excluding the Eastern Shore,
Norfolk County and the
Northern Neck

Charles City County
Whereas Phillip Cowper Dec’d left a
small estate and several debts, the creditors to meet at Flowedeau Hundred
on 20 Jan. The estate to be sold at outcry. Tho. Drewe and Mr. John
Culpeper to be in charge. (Source: Beverly
Fleet, Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol. XIII, "Charles City County
Court Orders 1664 – 1665, Fragments 1650 – 1696", 1961, Page 273 of
abstract, Fragment, Court Orders, 1650) |
Surry County
To the
Commissioners of Surry County, April 29, 1673: Gent. There is a despute
between my Bro: (John) Culpeper and Coll. Swann of the damage my
Brother Culpeper may sustaine by the Lease was Lett by Capt. Graves to Geo.
Domingoe. I therefore desire that for the friendly ending of itt there may
be a Jury Impanelled to give theire Judgments what the damages may be by a
Just estimation. Your friend and sarvt: William Berkeley Recd: 9th
May 1673 (Transcribed by Lew Griffin from LDS Microfilm 034098: Surry
County Records 1671 – 1684, page 23) |

Last Revised:
02 Jan 2015