From Frederick C. 'Fred' Hart Jr., CG, FASG, Guilford,
Connecticut, 19 Aug 2011:
"Donald L. Jacobus studied these two sisters and reported
his results in The American Genealogist, 33(1957): 63-4. DLJ was
Connecticut's most skilled and most respected genealogist and lived in New
Haven. As he stated in this short article, he had searched the Branford
records "many times, including a page-by-page inspection of the first two
volumes of combined town, land and vital records...." He was completely
unable to connect these (probable) sisters to any other Culpepper family. I
really don't think there's anything I can do now to improve on what he said
at that time..."
For a copy of the Jacobus article and other commentary about
the Culpeper sisters, see the page for
Susanna Culpeper of Connecticut
in the Culpepper Family Tree.

Mystic Seaport (CT), The Museum of America and the Sea
On 19 Aug 2011, Warren Culpepper wrote an inquiry to
the Mystic museum:
"Do you have records for the 1600s of ship names, crew
lists, cargo manifests, etc.? Do you know other sources in Connecticut for
such information?"
Maribeth Bielinski of Mystic responded:
"...Unfortunately we do not have many records from that
early time period. You may have success contacting the National Archives in
Washington, DC. The information we used to compile our online crew list
database also came from National Archives.
"We do have New London, CT Custom Records on microfilm but
the earliest date I could locate is 1792. The Connecticut Historical Society
has great repository for materials dating back to the 1600s. If you are
looking for other material (besides crew lists) you may have some luck.
However, they may refer you back to us if you mention your maritime
"I would also consider contacting the Connecticut State
Library. Their History and Genealogy Department is very helpful..."