Arapahoe Co
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Kansas Culpepper Archives
Arapahoe County (Defunct)

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In 1860, Arapahoe County was part of the Kansas territory but consisted of what is today recognized as the central part of Colorado, up to the Continental Divide. Only a small fraction of this land makes up modern-day Arapahoe County, Colorado, where Denver is located, and none of the old Arapahoe County falls within the current State of Kansas. The only Culpepper ever found in Arapahoe appears in the 1860 FCI Census index. Unfortunately, the actual page and detailed entry has not yet been found via the index, and as of April 1, 2004, no other online indices were available. If you can locate the actual image, or identify who this Culpepper is, please let us know.

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Arapahoe Co., KS - 1860 Census, FCI Index


R. Culpepper, Page 019, South Park, Arapahoe Co., KS
(Most people in this area in 1860 were single men, working as miners.)

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Last Revised: 02 Jan 2015

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