Florida Culpepper Archives
Alachua County

In the North
Central/Suwannee River Region of
Alachua County was formed in 1824 from
Duval and
Saint Johns Counties. In 1925, the western third of
Alachua was split off to form Gilchrist County.
Alachua's county seat,
Gainesville, is on
I-75 about 110 miles north of Tampa and 65 miles southwest of Jacksonville. Alachua is bordered by the
counties of Columbia, Union,
Bradford, Putnam,
Marion, Levy and
Newspaper: The Gainesville Sun

Any names
below in red have not been matched
with a person in the Culpepper family tree. If you can identify any of
please let us know.

Census Records
No Culpeppers
found in any Alachua County censuses prior to 1860.
1860 US Census
Images 3-4, Family 22, Waldo PO, 17th Division, Alachua Co., FL
M. W. Brown, 45,
M, Farmer, $1,000/$21,500, SC
S. C. Brown, 38, F, SC
M. C. A. Culpepper, 17, F, Teacher, SC (#47809)
David W. Culpepper, 16, M, SC
George W. Culpepper, 14, M, SC
Foster A. F. Culpepper, 12, M, SC
Preston M. L. Culpepper, 10, M, SC |
No Culpeppers
were found in Alachua County in the 1870 - 1910 censuses.
1920 US Census
Page: 30A, ED: 30, Image: 684
(18 Nov 1920) Gainesville, Alachua Co., FL
Minie B. Culpepper, HH, F, W, 28, Wd,
FL/US/US (#45728)√
John G. Culpepper, x, M, W, 8, S, FL/US/US |
1930 US Census
1-17, Sheet 5-B, Lines 60-61, Florida Farm Labor Camp, Alachua Co., FL
Reuben Thornton Culpepper, Head, M, 34, md@33, GA/GA/GA,
Ruby Loomis Culpepper, Wife, F, 31, md@30, FL/FL/FL, Laundress |
ED 1-9, Sheet 5-B, Lines 75-76, Gainesville, Alachua
Co., FL
Owns Home=$6000, Fadio=Y, Farm=N
Minnie Williams, Head, F, 42, Div, md@20, FL/FL/AL, Keeps
Rooming House (#
John Culpepper, Son, M, 19, Sng, FL/FL/FL, Deliveryman/Bakery |

No records have been found of Culpepper
births in Alachua County. |

No records have been found of Culpepper
deeds in Alachua County. |

Military Records
No records have been found of military
service by Culpeppers from Alachua County. |

Alachua County Marriages, 1837-1973
Online Database, published by the Alachua County Clerk of the Court.
Carrie Lou Culpepper married Arthur Benjamin Moyd
on 9 Mar 1944 in Gainesville, Alachua Co., FL, Book U-227 (#50395)√ |
John Barco Culpepper married Charlotte Rose
McElwain on 6 Jul 1964 in Gainesville, Alachua Co., FL Book EE-356
(#45729)√ |
John Henry Culpepper
(Black) married Martha Leonard on 6 Jun 1931 in Gainesville, Alachua
Co., FL, Book N-256 (Also in FL Death Index) |
Mamy F. Culpepper married Zachary M. Price on
12 Dec 1889 in Gainesville, Alachua Co., FL, Book C-269 (#51882)√ |
Mavie C. Culpepper married Benjamin A. Weil on
17 Jun 1941 in Gainesville, Alachua Co., FL, Book S-069 (#51884)√ |
Minnie B. Culpepper (32) married Malcolm R.
Williams (34) on 11 Jul 1921 in Gainesville, Alachua Co., FL, Book K-038
(#45728)√ |

Alachua County Deeds, 1826-1914
Online Database, published by the Alachua County Clerk of the Court.
At time of this search on 22 Jan 2005, only a partial index had been
created, containing 115,644 entries.
8 Jan 1894. George W. and Ann E. (wife) Oglesby of
Whitfield Co., GA to S. G. Culpepper of Boston, Thomas Co., GA
for $7,500, 150/2000 interest in 2,000 acres of undivided lands in
Townships 8 and 9 in Ranges 16E and 17E (very complex description of
land provided in deed) in Alachua County, Florida, previously owned by
B. T. Boyd Bachelor. Alachua Co., FL Deed Book 41-468, Recorded 16 July
1894. (#9542)√ |
4 Jul
1894. Sterling G. and Clara B. (wife) Culpepper of Thomas
Co., GA to Imperial Phosphate Company, a Florida Corporation, for
$7,500, 150/2000 interest in 2,000 acres of undivided lands in Townships
8 and 9 in Ranges 16E and 17E (very complex description of land provided
in deed) in Alachua County, Florida. Witnesses for Clara included C. L.
Simms and James M. Jones. Witnesses for Sterling were A. T. Green and R.
M. McCarthy. Alachua Co., FL Deed Book 40-426. Recorded 16 Jul 1894.
(This is the final of three deeds involved in the sale, and this one
appears to be a summary of the earlier two, in which the second
corrected an error in the first. The first was dated 8 Feb 1894, only
one month after the date that Sterling had purchased the land) (#
9542, 9583, 44441)√ |

Florida Death Index, 1936-1998
Ancestry.com Online Database.
Florida Death Index, 1936-1998. [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original data: State of Florida. Florida Death Index,1877-1998. Florida: Florida Health Department, Office of Vital Records,1998.
Frank Culpepper,
Alachua Co., FL, Female, White, Vol 931, Cert 2742, died 1941
(#51569)√ |
John B Culpepper,
Cert 11057, Alachua Co., FL, White, ?? 1910 - 18 Jan 1994
(#45729)√ |
John Henry Culpepper,
Alachua Co., FL, Black, Male, died Apr 1965
(Also in marriages, above) |
Mable Marion
Maxwel Culpepper, Cert 77828, Alachua Co., FL, White, 20 Mar 1918 -
01 Jul 1994 (#51570)√ |
Martha Culpepper,
Alachua Co., FL, Female, Black, Vol 1554, Cert 25075, died 1952
(Also in marriages, above) |
Mildred Daugh
Culpepper, Cert 10852, Alachua Co., FL, White, 28 Feb 1914 - 09 Feb
(#5658)√ |
Reuben Thornton
Culpepper, Alachua Co., FL, White, Male, died Apr 1964
(#4612)√ |
Ruby Lee Culpepper,
Cert 38799, Alachua Co., FL, White, 18 Sep 1898 - 11 May 1980
(#50193)√ |
Samuel Cecil Culpepper,
Alachua Co., FL, White, 18 Nov 1910 - 22 Mar 1979
(#50977)√ |
W. F. Culpepper,
Alachua Co., FL, Female, White, Vol 1099, Cert ??, died 1944
(#51571)√ |
William Ebenezer
Culpepper, Alachua Co., FL, White, Male, died Apr 1965
(#3728)√ |

Security Death Index
All records of deaths on or before 31 Oct 2004 in which
the final benefit was paid or final residence was in Alachua county.
J. C. Culpepper,
15 Mar 1925-14 Oct 2000, Gainesville, Alachua Co., FL; SSN 267-16-3573
issued in Florida before 1951 (#50175)√ |
John B. Culpepper,
21 Nov 1910-18 Jan 1994, Gainesville, Alachua Co., FL; SSN 261-03-8573
issued in Florida before 1951
(#45729)√ |

No records have
been found of Culpepper
graves in Alachua County. |

If you have a photograph or more information on any of these, please send it to us! In
particular, we'd like to know which Culpepper a place may have been named for.
No records of any
places named Culpepper
have been
found in Alachua County |

Last Revised:
02 Jan 2015