Lake Co
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California Culpepper Archives
Lake County

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At the northern edge of the California Wine Country, and home to Clear Lake, the largest freshwater lake in the state, Lake County was formed in 1861 from the northern part of Napa County. Its county seat, Lake Port, is about 100 miles north of San Francisco. Lake is bordered by the counties of Glenn, Colusa, Yolo, Solano, Napa, Sonoma and Mendocino.

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Any names below in red have not been matched with a person in the Culpepper family tree. If you can identify any of them, please let us know.

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Census Records

Lake Co., CA - 1930 Census


No Culpeppers found.

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Death Records

CA Death Index Format
Name, Sex, Birth Date, Birth State, Death Date, Age, Mother Maiden, Father Last

SSDI Format
Name, Last Residence, Birth Date - Death Date, Where SSN Issued


Marilyn Louise Culpepper, F, 16 Jul 1923, Illinois, 17 Apr 1996, 72Yrs, Dewhurst, Bouseman
[According to Jack K. Bouseman: "Marilyn Louise Culpepper was the daughter of Albert W. Bouseman M.D. and Nellie Dewhurst. She was born in Fountain Green, Illinois on 16 July 1923 and was one of five children of Dr. and Mrs. Bouseman. She was an aunt of the well-know historian of science Dr. David Hull, a son of Marilyn's sister Alberta. The Bouseman's (Albert and Nellie) are buried at Carthage, Illinois. Dr. Bouseman was a brother of my grandfather, Elmer Bouseman, and as a child, I was acquainted with him and his wife."
Jack did not mention the name of Marilyn's husband. Perhaps she was married to Robert Allen Culpepper, below, as he is the only other Culpepper known in Lake County.]


Robert Allen Culpepper, M, 19 Apr 1929, California, 20 Jul 1996, 67Yrs, Taylor,
Robert A. Culpepper, Clearlake Oaks, Lake Co., CA  95423, 19 Apr 1929 - 20 Jul 1996, Issued in CA bef. 1951

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Last Revised: 02 Jan 2015

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