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Focus of the Culpepper Family Tree

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It is our policy to limit the names we publish within our family tree to the following:


Surnames. All known Culpeppers, Culpepers and Colepepers, worldwide.


Spouses, their parents, etc. Spouses of the above, the parents of those spouses, and occasionally additional direct ancestors of early Culpepper spouses (or references to other researchers and web sites on those lines).


Notables. Ancestors, siblings or descendants of a Culpepper or Culpepper spouse that connect one or more Culpeppers to a noteworthy person.


Intermarried Lines. In families that intermarried two or more times with Culpeppers, additional spousal family members may be included in order to show the relationship of the non-Culpepper surnamed spouses.


Principal's Ancestors. Ancestors of one of the Culpepper Connections' principals: Lew Griffin or Warren Culpepper.


Descendants of Culpepper Daughters. All known descendants of Culpepper daughters are currently included, not just those of active contributors. A separate website was formerly maintained by Lew Griffin: Culpepper Daughters. This site included descendants of the daughters and granddaughters of John and Nancy (Gillespie) Culpepper of Randolph County, Alabama; of Benjamin Culpepper of South Carolina, and of Sheriff Joseph Culpepper of Pike County, Georgia, as well as non-Culpepper ancestors of many of these folks. This site is no longer updated. More current information on these folks is now at the Culpepper website.

Last Revised: 23 Mar 2019

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